Bog core analysis, succession and climate change Technical & Teaching Notes Introduction This activity looks at the change in vegetation in a location in Norfolk between c. 12,000 years before present and 2,000 years BP. Students carry out a simulation of a bog core analysis, and use the resulting data to think about either: Climate change (14-16 students) Succession and climate change (post-16 students) Context: bog cores and palynology When plants die, they normally decay. However, in anaerobic conditions, decay is greatly delayed and a peat bog may be formed. Within the bog, layers of peat represent different periods of history: the deeper the peat, the older it is. We can derive a considerable amount of information about previous climates by taking a core sample from a peat bog, and using palynology (the study of pollen) to identify which plants were present at certain times in the past. A core sample may be some 10m deep, representing up to 12000 years of history. To obtain a bog core sample, an auger is needed, as shown in the image (left). One commonly in use is the Livingstone corer. This consists of a hollow 1m metal tube with a piston inside it. When a core is to be taken, the corer is placed vertically over the area to be studied. As the corer is pushed down, soil is forced into the tube, pushing up the piston. When it is withdrawn, it is laid horizontally next to a 1m length of aluminium foil, placed over a 1m piece of guttering. Science & Plants for Schools: Bog core analysis, succession and climate change: p. 1 This document may be photocopied for educational use in any institution taking part in the SAPS programme. It may not be photocopied for any other purpose. Revised 2012. The piston is then pushed, forcing the cylinder of core sample out onto the foil (shown above). Once out, the foil is wrapped around the sample to protect it and allow it to be kept whole for transport back to the laboratory in the guttering. For the next metre of sample, the method is repeated, except that a further section of 1m tube is attached to the corer, allowing it to be inserted to a depth of 2m. This is then repeated until perhaps 10m of depth has been removed, i.e. 10 cylinders of core. In the laboratory, strong corrosive chemicals (such as hydrofluoric acid) are used to dissolve away all the organic matter and minerals, except for the pollen. The outer exine of pollen is composed of sporopollenin. This is thought to be a randomly crosslinked macromolecule, composed of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen, and including fatty, aromatic and carboxylic acids. It is resistant to enzymatic and chemical treatments, hence the longevity of pollen in bog cores. School laboratories will be unable to do such practical work: even in research laboratories, the most stringent safety procedures are necessary. Therefore to undertake any form of experimental work, a simulation is required. Science & Plants for Schools: Bog core analysis, succession and climate change: p. 2 This document may be photocopied for educational use in any institution taking part in the SAPS programme. It may not be photocopied for any other purpose. Revised 2012. Activity This resource is based on an original teaching activity created by the University Corporation for Atmospheric Research at Boulder, Colorado. The data used here comes from bog core samples taken at Hockham Mere, Norfolk, taken by researchers at the University of Cambridge. A simulation of a bog core can be achieved by putting different mixes of peat, soil, sand, gravel and powdered chalk in a series of layers in a transparent plastic tube. By adding ‘pollen samples’ (represented by e.g. coloured paper shapes), students can carry out a simulated bog core analysis. The data on plant species over time can then be used as an unusual way of looking at either succession or climate change. Preparing the ‘bog core’ - optional 1. Before the lesson, prepare an example of the ‘bog core’ to show to students how the layers vary. The ‘core’ illustrated here is a Perspex cylinder 50cm x 6cm diameter: it is sealed at each end with a small square of glass glued to the Perspex. Creating the ‘bog core’ is not crucial to this practical, but it does help the students to understand the concepts behind it. Science & Plants for Schools: Bog core analysis, succession and climate change: p. 3 This document may be photocopied for educational use in any institution taking part in the SAPS programme. It may not be photocopied for any other purpose. Revised 2012. 2. Sticky labels should be applied to show the age of the various layers. Preparing the other materials 1. Each group of students will need a ‘bog core sample’ representing a layer of the ‘bog core’. This is a plastic bag of soil, with small coloured shapes representing the different tree pollen found at that layer. These are mixed in the correct proportions (see the table ‘Relative frequency of pollen at different time periods’, below). There are 11 different time periods represented in the table. You may wish to have students working in pairs, and have more than one ‘bog core samples’ representing a given time period. Science & Plants for Schools: Bog core analysis, succession and climate change: p. 4 This document may be photocopied for educational use in any institution taking part in the SAPS programme. It may not be photocopied for any other purpose. Revised 2012. 2. You will also need to complete the ‘tree identification sheet’ given below to indicate which of your coloured shapes represents which pollen. Instructions 1. Give each group of students a ‘bog core sample’ from a different layer. 2. Students sift out the different coloured shapes, recording how many of each type there is. This should be done in a tray, to prevent mess and to ensure the ‘samples’ can be reused. 3. Students should then match each shape to a particular species, using the key, and record their results. 4. Students now pool their results as a class, and construct abundance (of each species) against time (years ago) graphs. 5. At GCSE level, students then use the information given in the tree identification key to identify the effect of climate change over the time period. Students should be able to identify the change from a woodland dominated by birch to a woodland dominated by hazel, oak and alder. They will then be able to link the temperature preferences of the different trees to the change in climatic conditions, with birches able to thrive in the cooler conditions of the early period, and familiar English woodland trees taking over with the rise in temperature. 6. At post-16 level, students use the information given to discuss the varying factors influencing the change in vegetation, including both the impact of succession and of climate change. If desired, students can then be given the abstract from the original journal article from which the data was taken, and compare it with their own conclusions. Science & Plants for Schools: Bog core analysis, succession and climate change: p. 5 This document may be photocopied for educational use in any institution taking part in the SAPS programme. It may not be photocopied for any other purpose. Revised 2012. Apparatus For the ‘bog core’ - optional layers for the ‘bog core’, e.g. mixtures of peat, compost, sand, gravel, powdered chalk transparent plastic tube (e.g. 50cm x 6cm diameter), sealed at each end, e.g. with a square of glass glued to each end sticky labels to indicate levels in the plastic tube coloured shapes to represent the different pollens (9 different varieties) For the other materials soil contents for the ‘sample bags’ representing the 11 different time periods sampled, e.g. mixtures of peat, compost, sand, gravel, powdered chalk coloured shapes to represent the different pollens (9 different varieties) plastic bags (e.g. sandwich bags) trays for students to sort the contents of their ‘bog core sample’ Background information Relative frequency of pollen at different time periods This table shows the number of different types of ‘pollen’ to be placed in each ‘bog core sample’, based on the relative frequency of pollen found in Hockham Mere at different time periods. For example, the ‘bog core sample’ representing 2000 B.P. should contain 5 pieces of coloured paper representing birch pollen, 40 pieces of coloured paper representing hazel pollen, 1 piece of coloured paper representing elm pollen, etc. Years before present 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 10,000 11,000 12,000 Birch (approx %age) 5 5 7 10 7 12 5 12 45 50 40 Pine Hazel Elm Oak Lime Alder Ash Willow 0 0 0 0 0 3 10 20 5 3 3 40 65 60 30 50 50 70 60 1 1 1 1 1 2 5 10 10 5 10 0 0 0 15 20 18 25 20 20 10 2 0 0 0 2 5 2 5 3 1 0 0 0 0 0 10 11 12 15 10 2 0 0 0 0 0 3 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 8 8 Science & Plants for Schools: Bog core analysis, succession and climate change: p. 6 This document may be photocopied for educational use in any institution taking part in the SAPS programme. It may not be photocopied for any other purpose. Revised 2012. Science & Plants for Schools: Bog core analysis, succession and climate change: p. 7 This document may be photocopied for educational use in any institution taking part in the SAPS programme. It may not be photocopied for any other purpose. Revised 2012. Further reading: journal abstract The data in this resource is discussed in detail in an article in the New Phytologist journal by Prof K. D. Bennett. We have included the abstract here, both for your own information and for possible use with A-level students. Students may, for example, wish to compare Prof Bennett’s findings with their own, and discuss the differences. They will probably find that, with the limited information at their disposal, their findings were considerably less detailed but still broadly similar in outline. They may wish to discuss what extra information Prof Bennett had access to which allowed him to draw his conclusions. “The sediment and pollen stratigraphy of a radiocarbon-dated sequence from a lake on the eastern margin of Breckland is described. The record extends from 12620 to 1620 B.P. From 12620 to 9560 B.P. the vegetation was an open Betula woodland. Movement of sand by wind was one factor keeping the vegetation open. Between 9560 and 9255 B.P. a denser Betula woodland developed, to be replaced by a closed woodland dominated by Corylus avellana, with Pinus sylvestris, Ulmus and Quercus. During this period, Quercus gradually replaced P. sylvestis on the local sandy soils. Corylus avellana remained the woodland dominant until about 7140 B.P., when it was replaced by Tilia cordata. Alnus glutinosa expanded in response to raised water levels at about 6800 B.P., Fraxinus excelsior became an important component of the local woods, also replacing C. avellana. The elm decline occurred in two phases, at 6000 and 4500 B.P. Substantial forest clearance did not begin until about 2500 B.P. The spread of heath vegetation on the Breckland began at about 2250 B.P.” From ‘Devensian late-glacial and Flandrian vegetational history at Hockham Mere, Norfolk, England’, K.D. Bennett, New Phytologist, 95, 457-487 (1983) Available online at References and acknowledgements ‘Devensian late-glacial and Flandrian vegetational history at Hockham Mere, Norfolk, England’, K.D. Bennett, New Phytologist, 95, 457-487 (1983) Pollen: The Hidden Sexuality of Flowers by Rob Kesseler, Madeline Harley and Alexandra Papadakis This resource is based on an original teaching activity created by the University Corporation for Atmospheric Research at Boulder, Colorado. For full details, see Data from Hockham Mere courtesy of Dr Steve Boreham, Department of Geography, University of Cambridge Science & Plants for Schools: Bog core analysis, succession and climate change: p. 8 This document may be photocopied for educational use in any institution taking part in the SAPS programme. It may not be photocopied for any other purpose. Revised 2012. Tree Identification Sheet – GCSE A Fill in appropriate coloured shape here Birch (Betula) B Pine (Pinus sylvestris) C Hazel (Corylus avellana) Elm (Ulmus) D E Oak (Quercus) F Lime (Tilia cordata) G Alder (Alnus glutinosa) H Ash (Fraxinus excelsior) I Willow (Salix) Birches grow in a wide range of places, both in temperate regions and the extreme north. Young birch trees struggle to grow without plenty of light. The oldest birch fossils date from the Upper Cretaceous period – so dinosaurs might have wandered among birch forests. Pine trees are well adapted to poor soils, as their roots extended by mycorrhizae. The first Europeans to settle on Cape Cod in America cut down the pine forest, expecting to find rich soil for wheat fields. Instead, they found only sand dunes, and nearly starved to death. Pine trees grow well in cold conditions. Young pine trees struggle to grow without plenty of light. Hazel trees are the source of hazelnuts, an excellent source of vitamins and protein. They grow well in temperate regions, neither too hot or too cold. Elm trees used to be common in the UK, but were largely wiped out in the 1970s by Dutch Elm Disease. Elms are generally large, fast-growing trees, able to grow in cold conditions. There are around 450 species in the oak family, which have adapted to many different habitats around the world. Oaks grow mainly in temperate regions, which do not have extremes of either hot or cold. Young oak trees do not need much light in order to germinate and begin growing. Lime trees grow well in England and Wales, but are not usually able to grow in the cooler conditions of Scotland. When found in British woods, lime trees often indicate an ancient woodland – a wood that has existed continuously since 1600 or before. Alders are fast growing trees, able to grow up to 30m in a decade. They do particularly well in water-logged soils, as their roots contain nitrogen fixing bacteria. Alders are found both in temperate regions and the extreme north of Europe. Ash is a deciduous tree with a single trunk growing up to 40 m in height. Ash is common in woods and hedgerows. It prefers temperate climates, without extremes of hot or cold. In the UK, ash is often the last tree to open its leaves in spring, and the first to drop its leaves in autumn. There are about 400 species of willows, growing in many different habitats around the world. Although some willows grow in the tropics, most willows are cold tolerant, and are even found growing next to glaciers. Most willows like the wet soil on the edge of rivers and lakes. Science & Plants for Schools: Bog core analysis, succession and climate change: p. 9 This document may be photocopied for educational use in any institution taking part in the SAPS programme. It may not be photocopied for any other purpose. Revised 2012. Tree Identification Sheet – A-level A Fill in appropriate coloured shape here Birch (Betula) B Pine (Pinus sylvestris) C Hazel (Corylus avellana) D Elm (Ulmus) E Oak (Quercus) F Lime (Tilia cordata) G Alder (Alnus glutinosa) H Ash (Fraxinus excelsior) I Willow (Salix) Birches are a fast-growing family of trees, frequently acting as pioneer species. Juvenile trees are general intolerant of low light intensities. Birches are geographically diverse, found both in temperature regions and the extreme north. They are frequently found in peat lands, on stream banks and lake shores and in damp woods. Birches are wind pollinated. Pines are well adapted to poor soils, as their roots have a symbiotic relationship with mycorrhizae. The first Europeans to settle on Cape Cod in America cut down the pine forest, expecting to find rich soil for wheat fields. Instead, they found only sand dunes, and nearly starved to death. Pine species grow in a remarkable range of climates, from extreme cold to tropical conditions. Juvenile trees are moderately tolerant of low light intensities. The hazel is a small tree or shrub, found in temperate regions. Able to grow in low light levels, hazels are commonly found in woodland or hedges. Hazelnuts are valued for their food value, as they are rich in vitamins and protein. Elm trees used to be common in the UK, but were largely wiped out in the 1970s by Dutch Elm Disease. Elms are generally large, fast-growing trees, tolerant of waterlogged soils, and able to grow in cold conditions. There are around 450 species in the oak family, which have adapted to many different habitats around the world. Oaks grow mainly in temperate regions, which do not have extremes of either hot or cold. Juvenile trees are moderately tolerant of low light intensities. Oaks are a frequent component of climax communities in the UK. Lime trees are found across the centre of Europe, reaching as far up as Durham in the UK. When found in British woods, lime trees often indicate an ancient woodland – a wood that has existed continuously since 1600 or before. Juvenile trees are moderately tolerant of low light intensities, and are able to grow well in dense woodland. Alders do particularly well in water-logged soils, because they contain nitrogen-fixing Frankia bacteria in nodules in their roots. They are a pioneer species, growing rapidly, up to 30m in a decade. Because they fix nitrogen, they are able to improve the soil significantly. Alders are geographically diverse, found both in temperature regions and the extreme north. Ash is a deciduous tree with a single trunk up to 40 m in height. It is found very commonly in woods and hedgerows, especially on lime-rich and heavy soils. Ash is found in temperate climates, and in the UK is often the last to open its leaves in spring, and the first to drop its leaves in autumn. There are about 400 species of willows, growing in many different habitats around the world. Although some willows grow in the tropics, most willows are cold tolerant, and are even found growing next to glaciers. Most willows are to the wet soil on the edge of rivers and lakes. Science & Plants for Schools: Bog core analysis, succession and climate change: p. 10 This document may be photocopied for educational use in any institution taking part in the SAPS programme. It may not be photocopied for any other purpose. Revised 2012. A-level students – Questions and answers 1. In your pair or group, identify key factors that you think may have altered the population of trees growing in the area. Students might suggest some of the following: global changes in temperature, a rise in water levels, increased levels of organic matter in the soil from decay of plant matter, increased nitrogen levels in the soil from nitrogen fixation by the alder trees, succession, changes in light levels at ground level caused by the growth of larger trees and (more recently) forest clearance by people 2. Summarise how the tree population of Hockham Mere has changed over the period under study. You may want to show this as a table, with columns for time period, tree population and environmental factors preferred. The pollen findings should indicate an original woodland comprised mainly of birch, with some willow trees. Around 9,000 B.P., there was a sudden spike in the number of pine trees. At around this point, the birches, pines and willows all gave way to a woodland comprised largely of hazel. To begin with, this hazel woodland was intermixed with elms, which gradually gave way to oaks. At around 7,000 BP both limes and alder trees arrived in the woodland, but although alders became an important component of the natural environment, the limes remained relatively few. Ash trees arrived c. 6,000 BP but also remained relatively few. 3. Using the information on the ‘tree identification sheet’, identify the environmental factors preferred by trees growing at different time periods. Add these details to your table. 4. Using what you know about succession, how do you interpret the changes of species over the years? 5. These pollen samples come from the Holocene period, a period during which the earth’s climate became warmer and wetter (see details on the Powerpoint). How does this contribute to your understanding of the changes of species in Hockham Mere? 6. Are there any features of the data that you cannot explain? Are there any further investigations that you would carry out? It is difficult to know exactly why this sudden change from a predominantly birch forest to a predominantly hazel forest took place. Students may have suggestions for ways to look at this in more detail, for example by comparing the data with that from other bog cores, finding out how well different pollen types survive over very long time periods and researching the tree species in greater detail. Science & Plants for Schools: Bog core analysis, succession and climate change: p. 11 This document may be photocopied for educational use in any institution taking part in the SAPS programme. It may not be photocopied for any other purpose. Revised 2012. GCSE students – Questions and answers 1. What trees grew in the forest between 12,000 and 10,000 years BP? Birches and willows 2. What temperatures do these trees need? Cool temperatures 3. What trees grew in the forest between 5,000 and 2,000 years BP? Oaks, hazels, ash and lime trees. 4. What temperatures do these trees need? Warmer temperatures 5. What trees grew in the forest between 9,000 years and 4,000 years BP? Pines grew in the forest only during this period. Birches were becoming less common. Oaks, hazels, ash and lime trees were becoming more common. 6. What do you think happened to the climate between 12,000 and 2,000 years BP? Between about 11,500 BP and 5,000 BP the climate warmed up, glaciers melted and sea levels rose. After 5,000 BP, the climate in temperate latitudes cooled again. 7. What other factors do you think might have influenced the change in tree species? Other factors might include levels of rainfall, pests and diseases, introduction of new species (by humans and animals, or carried on the wind or water), change in soil nutrient levels, and natural succession. 8. How do you think that birds and animals living in the forest were affected? Old habitats disappeared, and new habitats replaced them. The types of shelter and food available for birds, animals and insects all changed. Science & Plants for Schools: Bog core analysis, succession and climate change: p. 12 This document may be photocopied for educational use in any institution taking part in the SAPS programme. It may not be photocopied for any other purpose. Revised 2012.