Inventory of Eleanor Hill of Highleadon, Gloucestershire, 1670 (Gloucestershire Archives reference 1670/32) [first part unreadable due to damage] Her wearing apparell and money in purse In the chamber over the Day house one bed two bolsters one paire of blankets two healings one bedd steade and taff and corde one chest one coffer and nine [ ] and all other things there Twelve dishes of pewter of all sorts one flaggon four counterfeit dishes five pewter candlesticks one firing stick four pewter salts two can potts 2-10-6 2-6-8 1-5-0 In the chamber over the hall one Gardner one cheese coule one churne three plales two forks and all other things there 0-13-4 In the parlour one bedd one bolster two pillows one blankett one rugg one coverlett one bed stead matt and cord two coffers one side board and all other things there 4-0-0 Eight pairs of sheets of all sorts there pillow cases three table clothes and three napkins 1-10-0 In the chamber over the stable one bed two blanketts one coverlett one bed stead matt and cord and all other things there 1-8-0 In the chamber over the cider house one bed one pillow two bedsteads one boorde one form and all other lumber there 0-10-0 In the cyder house one hogghead full of cider and empty casks of all sorts 2-0-0 Two brass pott one brass pott two [ ]five timber one brass morter [ ] basting ladels with all [ ] all brass 1-6-8 [unreadable due to damage] Two pair of wheels one pair of harrows and dung cribb and vills and beast cart five harrows four pair of horse gears with [ ] with all other implements belonging to the same One must mill and cast Six keyne Two Yearlings 7-0-0 0-12-0 22-0-0 2-10-0 Three yewes and lambs All sorts of corne growing Two mares and one horse 1-4-0 15-0-0 11-0-0 Six store piggs Gander geese and hens 1-0-0 0-6-8 All manner of household [seales] one [sout bill] and all manner of things whatever not before appraised valued at 0-12-0 £81-8-10 Richard Bridges { Gyles [ ]} John Iron} [ ] } Appraisers