Name __________________________________Social Studies, Hour ___ Date ______ Inventor Information Sheet RESEARCH TO PREPARE FOR PRESENTATION 1. Who is your inventor? ___________________________________________________ (Put his or her name on your index card) 2. When did the inventor live? Is she or he still alive (if so, when was he/she born?)? (Put this information on your index card) 3. What is (was) the education of your inventor? (Examples of things to find: Where did your inventor go to college?; did he/she go to high school?; If he/she didn’t go to school, why not?; were they too poor to attend school?; were they home-schooled? ________________________________________________________________________ (Once you have this information, start a new index card, and write down the information you discovered) 4. Find any problems the inventor had while she/he was inventing the invention or making a discovery, thinking of the invention/discovery, or possibly, even having problems in her/his personal life. (Examples: Were there financial struggles in his/her home?; Was she/he seriously ill?; Did people discourage him/her or tell her/him the invention would never work?; Was it a woman trying to succeed in a man’s world?; Was it a man trying to invent something for women and that person was harassed because of this?; Was it more difficult due to her/his race or national origin?) ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ (Write down the problems you find on your index card) 5. Describe the invention/discovery. Include: A. What it is B. How it works C. The purpose of the invention D. Something about the cost (what it cost to invent, to advertise, to purchase, etc.) E. How is the invention distributed to the public (is it sold in stores, is it delivered through the United States Post Office or delivery trucks, etc.?) F. How was the public notified? G. What was the public reaction to the invention/discovery?__________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ (Research at least four of these seven areas and write your information on a new index card) 1 6. What is the impact on society of this invention/discovery? (Examples: If it makes life easier for some people, who are those people, and how does it make their lives easier?; If it adds pleasure to someone’s life, who gets pleasure from the invention and how does it add pleasure?; How did this invention/discovery lead to future inventions/discoveries; Does the invention cause the earth to lose some of its resources, if so, how and what resources are lost?; Have others suffered because of this invention? If yes, who has suffered, and why have they suffered?) ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ (Write the impact on society down on a new index card) RESEARCH FOR YOUR COSTUME 7. How will you “dress the part” of your inventor? What is the time period? (Examples: Will you need a tie or a hat or suspenders or gloves or red lipstick or a moustache?) Describe your complete outfit here: On my head or face I will wear? _____________________________________________ because ________________________________________________________________. On my body I will wear? ___________________________________________________ because ________________________________________________________________. On my _______________ (complete only if there is another area to “dress up” Example, “I will wear a telescope around my neck because I am Galileo, and I improved the telescope) I will wear ______________________________________________________ because ________________________________________________________________. RESEARCH FOR YOUR PROP 8. I know I need at least one prop that further explains my invention. Therefore, my prop is going to be a/an ________________________________________________________ because _________________________________________________________________ RESEARCH FOR THE ORAL PART OF YOUR PRESENTATION 9. What will you say or do to “grab” your audiences’ attention? (Examples: Tell a joke that is relevant to your invention or costume, sing a song that is relevant to your invention or costume, do or say something unexpected that has meaning for the inventor) Explain your introduction here. BE SPECIFIC! If you are going to tell a joke, write it down, word for word. Tell why you are telling that joke. If you are going to turn the lights on and off, write that down AND explain WHY you will turn the lights off and on: 2 ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ (Write down your introduction on your first index card as a reminder) 10. What interesting way will you end your presentation? The audience needs to be able to tell that you are finished. Do not leave them “hanging” and wondering if you are done, DO NOT SAY, “THAT’S IT”; or “I’M DONE NOW”. (Examples: Repeat some of the main points in your speech, “In conclusion, remember, every time you use your microwave oven, think about how much work I put into inventing it.”; “Let me turn off the lights now so you can see what life would be like without my invention”; etc.). Write down exactly what you will say when you are ending your presentation below (AGAIN, BE VERY SPECIFIC. WRITE EXACTLY WHAT YOU ARE GOING TO SAY OR/AND DO!) ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ (Write down your ending on your last index card as a reminder) 11. On the lines below, write all the items you will need to bring to school on your assigned presentation day (include each of your costume items) so you have a reminder list: A. _______________________________________________________________ B. _______________________________________________________________ C. _______________________________________________________________ D. _______________________________________________________________ E. _______________________________________________________________ F. _______________________________________________________________ Enjoy learning about your famous, or maybe not so famous, inventor! 3