EG105 - SharePoint

A. Unit Code and Suggested Course Title:
EG105 Pharmacology
B. Curriculum/Program:
Emergency Medical Technology-South Campus
Curriculum Code 0983, Hegis 5299
C. Catalog Description:
This didactic course is designed to introduce the paramedic student to the categories of
pharmacological agents and the application of pharmacological concepts to clinical paramedic
practice. Emphasis will be placed on understanding physiologic drug actions. Topics include
pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics, drug interaction and classifications, venous access and
medication administration.
Prerequisites: EG 103, EG 104, Basic EMT, math (AARLV2) and english (AWRLV3 &
ARELV3) pretest codes or higher.
Corequisites: EG 106, EG 110
F (S)
Students seeking entrance into this course must be currently certified as a basic EMT and be
admitted to the paramedic curriculum to register for this course.
D. Duration of Instructional Period:
This course is offered in the Fall semester as part of the Paramedic curriculum and meets for (6) five hour
E. Academic Credit Hours:
F. Suggested Text/Course Materials:
Nancy Caroline’s Emergency in the Streets, 6th edition, and workbook
G. Course Outcomes:
Recall the various names and classifications of drugs.
Discuss considerations in drug treatment for special populations of patients.
Describe the specific anatomy and physiology pertinent to pharmacology.
List and describe the phases of drug activity to include pharmaceutical, pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic.
Describe how to safely and precisely access the venous circulation and administer medication.
Integrate pathophysiological principles of pharmacology and assessment findings, to formulate a field impression
and implement a pharmacologic management plan.
Develop proficiency in arithmetic and algebraic equation calculation.
Application of scientific data in relation to the action of drugs.
Develop well reasoned arguments.
Locate, evaluate and synthesize information from a variety of sources.
H. Program Competencies:
Basic EMT
 Perform proper Body Substance Isolation.
Properly conduct a patient history, physical examination and vital signs of a medical and trauma patient.
Properly manage medical and trauma patients according to national standard protocols.
Demonstrate manual airway maneuvers.
Administer oxygen therapy utilizing the Nasal Cannula and Non-rebreather mask.
Apply the proper airway management adjuncts to include: Oral and Nasal Airways, Suctioning.
Perform positive pressure ventilation using Bag Valve Mask (BVM) ventilation.
Demonstrate CPR and Choking maneuvers and the proper use of an Automatic External Defibrillator (AED) and
attain American Heart Association CPR credential at Healthcare Provider level.
Assist with self administration of Nitroglycerine, Aspirin
Perform with medical direction the administration of Nebulized Albuterol.
Properly manage central nervous system injuries to include: spinal immobilization techniques utilizing cervical
collars, KED, short and long spine boards and helmet removal techniques.
Properly manage orthopedic emergencies utilizing: Padded board splints, traction splints, air and vacuum splint
and cravats.
Properly manage soft tissue injuries and treatment of shock, demonstrating bleeding control and bandaging
techniques and the application of MAST pants.
Demonstrate techniques for assisting with normal and abnormal obstetrical emergencies.
Demonstrate techniques for managing psychiatric emergencies and the application of patient restraints.
Demonstrate proper lifting and moving techniques utilizing a stretcher, stair chair and manual lifts.
Demonstrate proper radio communication techniques.
Provide accurate written documentation in a Patient Care Report (PCR).
Explain the role of medical direction and performing as a team member
EMT Intermediate: Must perform all the competencies of a Basic EMT and all the following:
 Perform peripheral vascular access demonstrating proper utilization of an angiocatheter, vacutainer, leuer adapter,
saline trap, Intraosseous needle and fluid administration.
 Perform advanced airway maneuvers to include but not limited to: Endotracheal Inbubation, EOA/EGTA, King
Airway, Combitube, Bougee and chest decompression.
 Demonstrate proper application of the Magill forceps during airway management.
 Demonstrate patient assessment skills adapted for the geriatric and special needs patients.
 Attain Pediatric Life Support and International Trauma Life Support (ITLS) credential.
EMT Paramedic: Must perform all the competencies of a Basic and Intermediate EMT and all the following:
 Perform the expanded scope patient assessment to include the utilization of the Otoscope and Opthalmoscope.
 Perform advanced airway techniques to include but not limited to: Laryngeal Mask Airway (LMA), Quicktrac,
needle cricothyrotomy and jet ventilation, CPAP/BiPAP, Waveform capnography,
 Perform proper electrocardiogram (EKG) monitoring utilizing both the 3 lead and 12 lead techniques.
 Properly interpret a 12 lead EKG and initiate proper treatment protocols.
 Perform manual defibrillaton, synchronized cardioversion and external cardiac paceing.
 Attain American Heart Association Advance Cardiac Life Support (ACLS) certification.
 Attain American Heart Association Pediatric Advanced Life Support (PALS) certification.
 Calculate drug dosages utilizing the metric system.
 Demonstrate proper medication administration techniques to include: IM, SQ, I.V bolus and infusion, ET, SL,
Buccal, transdermal.
 Contact the EMT department for the medication list under the paramedic scope of practice.
SUNY General Education Ten Knowledge Areas:
This section is not applicable.
ECC Graduate Learning Outcomes (GLO):
1. Communicate effectively.
2. Read and think critically.
3. Apply appropriate mathematical procedures and quantitative methods.
K. Assessment of Student Learning:
Four written examinations weighed evenly to constitute a final grade. Students must achieve a grade of C or better
to progress to any course requiring this course as a prerequisite.
L. Library Resources:
Each of the three ECC campuses has a library staffed with professional librarians and modern resources such as
off site access to database searches and access to books and electronic journals. Students may borrow books and
other materials for up to 4 weeks with the use of their student ID. Each libraries resources vary to meet the needs
of the specific campus. Interlibrary loan is available.
The college also loans laptops for use in the library at no additional fee to students.
For additional information, visit the Library Resource Center at
In addition, the EMT Department at North and South Campus maintains of a small collection of EMS journals
students may reference, but may not take from the department.
M. Topical Outline:
Exam: # 5
Techniques of Medication Administration
BSI, Medial Direction, asepsis, sharp disposal, routes of administration
Metric and Apothecary System conversions
Fluids & Electrolytes, IV Therapy
Cell physiology, blood components and collection, Demonstration of IV and Blood
collection techniques.
Drug Dose Calculations
Drug Test: Dopamine (Pg 138/143)
Cannulation Techniques
Deomonstration of skills (4:30 – 7:00pm)
BSI, IV insertion, Blood draws & leurs, saline traps, sharp disposal
Metric System, Drug Dose Calculations(Bolus), Calculating IV drip rates
8.27- 8.31
Pg 45-63
Pg 86-117
Pg 513-516
8.27 – 8.31
Pg 64-85
7:30 - 10:30
Drug Test: Dextrose (Pg 250/276)
Pharmokinetics and Pharmodynamics
General Pharmacology Information
Hx, drug sources, information sources, investigational drugs
Terminology and abbreviations, medical oversight, legal regulations and standards
Drug names, profiles, forms
Exam: Session 29
Skill Evaluation:Live Stick for IV insertion and blood draw
Calculations for IV drip rates and Drug dosing, Weight based dosing.
Alternative Vascular Access
External Jugular, Intraosseous, Umbilical vein
Naso/Orogastric tube insertion / Nebulized medications
Pg. 1-44
Pg. 376-391
Pg 522-529
LAB All Day
Exam: Pharmokenetics & Pharmodynamics
CNS Drugs: Part 1
Analgesics & Antagonists, Anesthetics, Anti-anxiety & Sedative-hypnotic, Anti-seizure,
CNS stimulants.
Psychotherapeutics, Parkinson’s drugs
CNS Drugs: Part 2
Autonomic nervous System Medications: Parasympathetic & Sympathetic Medications
Cardiovascular Drugs: Part 1
Antidysrhythmics,Hemostatic agents, Antihyperlipidemic, Alkalinizing agents
Pg 283-300
Pg 353-367
Pg 376-391
Drug Test: Epinephrine(1:1,000) (Pg 375/427)
Sterile technique for medication administration
Preparation & administration of enteral medications
Preparation, dose calculation and administration of parenteral meds.
IM & SQ administration, Bolus dose calculation, medication preparation, EJ, NG/OG
Med Admin.
Pharmacology midterm exam
Cardiovascular Pharmacology: Part 2
Respiratory Pharmacology :Gases, Beta Agonists, Xanthines, Anticholinergics, corticosteroids, Mag.
Midterm Skill Exam: Live stick for IM & SQ injections and bolus medication administration. IV
bolus & drip calculations, weight based medication administration, EJ, NG/OG, Nebulized
Drug Test: Diltiazem (Pg 164/171)
Drugs used for treatment of:
Gastorintestinal Emergencies, Metabolic/Endocrine
Eye, Ear
Obstetrical/Gynecological, Cancer
Skin, Diet supplements/Vitamins/Minerals
Infectious Diseases, Poisonings & Overdoses
Pharmacological adjuncts
1. Sedation
2. Neuromuscular blockade
3. Special patient considerations
Comprehensive Review
Case based drug review for:
CNS, Cardiovascular, Respiratory, Metabolic Disorders, Neurologic
Comprehensive Review
Case based drug review for:
Ob/Gyn, Toxicological, GI
Infectious, Cancer Disorders
Pg 507-511
Pg 518-522
Pg 196-264
Review All
LAB All Day
7.29 – 7.39
Pg 301-352
Pg 368-375
Pg 392-407
LAB All Day
Pg 118-300
LAB All Day
Pg 301-402
LAB All Day
Final Written & Skills Exam
Case based evaluation
Drug techniques of administration
N. Proposal Prepared By: EMT Department Faculty
LAB All Day