CHAPTER 7: Ancient Rome Key Works Atrium and peristyle, House of the Silver Wedding, Pompeii, early 1st century A.D. Insula, Ostia, reconstruction, 2nd century View from the west of the ruins of Timgad, Algeria, early 2nd century Piranesi, The Great Baths, Hadrian’s Villa, Tivoli, from Views of Rome, 1770 Canopus, Hadrian’s Villa, Tivoli, A.D. 123–135 Reconstruction of the forums, Rome, c. A.D. 46–117 Reconstruction cross section of the interior of the Basilica Ulpia The remains of Trajan’s markets as seen from the west Aerial view of the ruins of the Baths of Caracalla, Rome, A.D. c. 211–217 The Colosseum, Rome, A.D. 72–80 Pont du Gard, near Nîmes, France, late 1st century B.C. Temple of Portunus, Rome, late 2nd century B.C. Temple of the Sibyl, Tivoli, early 1st century B.C. Exterior view of the Pantheon, Rome, A.D. 117–125 Giovanni Paolo Panini, The Interior of the Pantheon, c. 1740 West side of the Ara Pacis (Altar of Peace), Rome, 13–9 B.C. South side of the Ara Pacis, showing a detail of an imperial procession Ara Pacis, detail of a child tugging at an adult’s toga Trajan’s Column, Trajan’s Forum, Rome, dedicated A.D. 113 The five lowest bands of Trajan’s Column Dacian vase in the shape of a human head, 4th century Dacian helmet, 4th century Arch of Titus, Rome, A.D. 81 Relief from the Arch of Titus, detail showing the spoils of the temple of Jerusalem carried in a triumphal procession Arch of Constantine, Rome, c. A.D. 313 Medallions (Hadrianic A.D. 117–138) and frieze (Constantinian, early 4th century) from the Arch of Constantine, Rome Bacchus and the Four Seasons (the so-called Badminton Sarcophagus), c. A.D. 220 Bust of Julius Caesar, Tusculum, mid-1st century B.C. Bust of Trajan, 1st half of 2nd century A.D. Patrician with Two Ancestor Busts, A.D. c. 13 Portrait of a young Flavian lady, A.D. c. 90 Portrait of an older Flavian lady, A.D. c. 90 Augustus of Prima Porta, early 1st century A.D. F Tetrarchs, c. 300, Porphyry, Saint Mark’s, Venice Equestrian statue of Marcus Aurelius, A.D. 164–166 Monumental head of Constantine, Basilica of Constantine, Rome, A.D. 313 Caracalla, first half of the 3rd century Unknown Barbarian (Parthian?), Augustan period View of the frescoes at the Villa of the Mysteries, near Pompeii, c. 65–50 B.C. IM – 7 | 1 First style mosaic, Period of the Republic, Villa of Cicero, Pompeii Fresco from the Villa of the Mysteries, south wall Dancing Satyr, fresco from the Villa of the Mysteries Odysseus Being Attacked by the Laestrygonians, Esquiline Hill, Rome, c. 50–40 B.C. Young Woman with a Stylus, Pompeii, 1st century A.D. Columns and pediment with pavilion, villa at Boscotrecase, near Pompeii, 11 B.C. Perspectival view of a villa, House of Marcus Lucretius, Pompeii Still Life of Silver Objects, from the tomb of Vestorius Priscus, Pompeii, A.D. 75–76 Hercules Strangling the Serpents, House of the Vettii, Pompeii, A.D. 63–79 View of Hercules Strangling the Serpents in situ, House of the Vettii, Pompeii, A.D. 63–79 Mummy case of Artemidoros, Faiyum, A.D. 100 – 200 Aeneas Fleeing Troy, altar relief from Byrsa Hill, Carthage, Tunisia, early 1st century A.D. View of the Tophet, Carthage Neo-Punic stele with inscription and sign of Tanit, Teboursouk, Tunisia, 1st century B.C.–1st century A.D. “Baby bottle,” vessel from a Punic tomb, 4th–3rd century B.C. Mausoleum, Dougga, Tunisia, 2nd century B.C. Maps, Diagrams, and Projections Map of the Roman Empire, A.D. 14–284 Arches, domes, and vaults Plan of the House of the Faun, Pompeii, 2nd century B.C. Plan of Hadrian’s Villa, Tivoli, A.D. 118–138 Plan of the Roman and Imperial forums, Rome Apollodorus of Damascus, plan of the Basilica Ulpia, Forum of Trajan, A.D. 98–117 Isometric drawing of the remains of Trajan’s markets Plan of the Baths of Caracalla, Rome, A.D. 211–217 Restoration drawing of the Baths of Caracalla Reconstructed cutaway section of the Colosseum, Rome Plan of the circus at Leptis Magna, Libya, early 3rd century Plan of the Temple of Portunus Plan of the Temple of the Sibyl Plan and section of the Pantheon Reconstruction of the Pantheon with a cutaway of the dome Key Terms aisle amphitheater annular or ring vault apse aqueduct arcade arena atrium attic axis basilica barrel vault, tunnel vault IM – 7 | 2 bust buttress castrum, castra cella centering circus coffer, coffering concrete dome dressed stone forum groin vault, cross-vault highlight insula keystone nave oculus peripteral pier podium portico rotunda rustication Serapaeum spandrel spolia springing stylus tessera, tesserae tondo tracery travertine vault, vaulting villa voussoir Window on the World The Indus Valley Civilization and Developments in South Asia to the 3rd century A.D. Key Works Square stamp seal showing a zebu, Mohenjo Daro, Indus Valley, c. 2300–1750 B.C. Square stamp seal showing a yogi, Indus Valley civilization, c. 2500–1500 B.C. Bearded Man, Mohenjo Daro, Indus Valley, c. 2000 B.C. (three views) Dancing Girl, Mohenjo Daro, Indus Valley Civilization, c. 2300–1750 B.C. (front and back) Nude Male Torso, Harappa, Indus Valley, c. 2000 B.C. (three views) Birth of the Buddha, Gandhara, India, 2nd–3rd century Dream of Queen Maya, Madhya Pradesh, India, Shunga period, 2nd century B.C. Lion capital, Ashokan pillar, Sarnath, Uttar Pradesh, India, Maurya period, mid-3rd century B.C. Bull capital, Ashokan pillar from Rampurva, Bihar, India, Maurya period, 3rd century B.C. Great Stupa at Sanchi, Madhya Pradesh, India, Shunga and Andhra periods, 3rd century B.C. North torana at Sanchi, Shunga and early Andhra periods, 1st century B.C. Yakshī, from the east torana at Sanchi, Sunga and early Andhra periods, 1st century B.C. Standing Buddha, Gandhara, Afghanistan or Pakistan, Kushan period, 2nd–3rd century Seated Buddha, Gandhara, Afghanistan or Pakistan, Kushan period, 2nd century Model of stupa from Loriyan Tangai, Gandhara, Afghanistan or Pakistan, Kushan period, 2nd century Seated Buddha, from the Katra Mound, Mathura, Uttar Pradesh, India, Kushan period, early 2nd century Maps, Diagrams, and Projections Map of South Asia Map of the Buddhist world Plan and elevation of the Great Stupa at Sanchi IM – 7 | 3 Key Terms abacus abhaya anda aniconic bodhisattva chattra chaurī dhyāna harmikā mudrā prana stupas torana tribhanga ushnīsha vedikā Videos Journey Through Ancient Pompeii 31 min., FFHS History Through Art: Ancient Rome 40 min., Clearvue Imperial Rome, Ostia and Portus: Ancient Architecture and Technology 59 min., FFHS Myth, Man & Metal: Bronze Sculpture of Ancient Greece & Rome 31 min., MFA Secrets of Lost Empires 2: Roman Bath 60 min., PBS Rome: Art and Architecture – Part 1 31 min., 1995, VM Rome: Art and Architecture – Part 2 39 min., 1995, VM CD-ROMs History Through Art: Ancient Rome Mac/Windows, Clearvue, MFA IM – 7 | 4