Princess Anne Middle School - pams-privette

Princess Anne Middle School
2014-2015 Class Expectations
Teacher______ Mr. Privette ______________
Class__________Band 8_________________
School Telephone Number: 648-4950,
(Voice mail- ext-59051)
Assignment Information .
Email address:
Best to reach me by Email / or 10:10-10:50
Band web site -more information at- -
Course Description: A year long course focused on the continuation of music fundamentals, technical achievement,
and acquisition of performance and rehearsal skills through exposure to a variety of literature. Participation in District II
Band Assessment, after school assessment practices, Winter Concert, Spring Concert, and Solo/Ensemble are required.
Marching Band and Jazz Band are activities that they will enjoy participating in (optional).
Course Objectives: The students will master the enabling objectives and coorelating SOLs for Beginning and
Intermediate Band through a sequential process designed to promote the development of lifelong learning skills,
achievement and success.
Course Scope and Sequence: Introductory fundamentals as outlined by the curriculum and music SOLs. Develop
performance skills through daily practice and guidance. Understanding and application of key signatures, rhythms,
articulations, dynamics, vocabulary and appropriate style will be stressed throughout the course.
Texts and Materials: Enhanced Standard Of Excellence Method book, Book 3. Students are responsible for
getting a Tuner/Metronome (find this online at metronome online for free, or free apps), reeds-5, cork grease, valve &
slide oil and any other items required to maintain their instrument. Percussion students must obtain the Snare/Bell, ex.
SD1 Generals for snare, Bell Mallets for xylophone. Students must have instruments, music and other required materials
each day. All instrument cases must have a name tag provided by the student. Though care will be taken to
maintain security of the band room and storage rooms, Virginia Beach City Public Schools and the band director assume
no liability for items left on the premises. If the student gets a band locker he may purchase a combination lock for it.
Just give Mr. Privette the combination so if the student forgets it sometime.
Assessment Measures: Mastery will be assessed via performance based through Concerts, playing tests, and written
tests, as well as guided practice in class and practice logs. Performance on the instrument (Ex. Concert or playing test)
will generally evaluate correct posture, proper characteristic instrument sound, correct fingers, rhythms, articulations,
interpretation of style and any other pertinent factors relating to the music. Class work will involve worksheets and other
relevant activities pertaining to the subject of study. Practice at home is required because playing only during class will
only get you third a way there. Private lessons with your private lesson (teacher verification), any sessions with Mr.
Privette before/after school will count towards practice. Wiki space will be used to administer many written assignments
and tests. The use of Wiki is a requirement of the course. Students will have access to computer labs in the homework
center before or after school if computer access at home is a concern.
Concerts are mandatory and are worth 30% of their grade. I make no differentiation between excused and unexcused
absences. All absences will be required to complete an alternative assignment to receive a makeup grade.
Concert Attire:
Informal Concerts:
PAMS Band T-shirt/ Band Polo Shirt.
The shirt order may be submitted to the Band Boosters at the September 8th meeting in PAMS Auditorium.
Formal Concerts:
Black pants/Long Skirt
Black shoes
Black socks
White dress shirt/White Tux Shirt. Students must wear a long sleeved button down with a collar. They will be
wearing vests/tie provided by the band.
P. A. Middle- a school where every child achieves
Grading Procedures and Policies: Grades will be put in Parent Portal seven school days after the
assignment. Grades will be put in a week of the assignment.
Students will be graded on a daily performance, theory worksheets, and performances- concerts/tests, practice
logs, music projects, quizzes and written tests.
The Virginia Beach Schools Grading Scale will be used:
All-Students will be issued a progress report at the mid-point of the 9 weeks.
Any assignment not completed will be entered in the grade book with a 50. Once the missing
assignment has been completed and turned in, the assignment grade will then be entered into the
grade book.
Performance Concerts-30%
Playing and Written Tests-30%
93 - 100
Music Projects/Theory Book/Worksheets- 15%
90 - 92
87 - 89
Class Participation -10%
Homework and Practice Records-5%
83 - 86
(30 minutes, four times a week, minimum. B-)
80 - 82
77 - 79
73 - 76
70 - 72
67- 69
64 - 66
Below 64
Princess Anne Middle School is implementing an academic detention program for teachers to utilize with
students who fail to complete assigned work. Teachers will issue academic detention to students who fail to complete
classwork, homework, or other assignments for the Wednesday following the week in which the work was due.
Wednesday detentions will be held from 4:00-5:30 PM, and parents will be notified of the detention via an AlertNow
email. The purpose of the academic detention is to notify parents of missing assignments and to ensure students
complete and return work considered important to the learning process. Therefore, students will have until the day of the
assigned detention to submit work owed. Those who do will not have to serve the detention. Students who must serve
detention will be required to complete the work owed during that time frame. Keep in mind these academic detentions
will not become part of a student’s disciplinary record.
Help Sessions:
All rehearsal help sessions and sectionals will be listed on the monthly calendar, which is posted on the Band
website and the wiki space. If a student needs any help you may contact Mr. Privette for a morning/afternoon slot.
If a student is absent from class for any reason, it is his/her responsibility to ask teacher for any make-up work on
the day he/she returns to school.
Students will be given three days to complete missing work due to absences, but should see the teacher to make
arrangements in making up this work. Failure to do this may result in a zero for that assignment.
Procedures for conferences, parental contacts: 1. Please contact me with any concerns via e-mail.
2. Leave a message with my voice mail.
Citizenship Expectations: The students are expected to respect each other, the teacher and the materials required to
participate in Band such as instruments, music, and furniture. No playing of instruments will occur until directed by the
director. When class is over, all materials will be put away in the appropriate storage areas. Students are encouraged to
display behaviors that are conducive to learning in the classroom.
P. A. Middle- a school where every child achieves
BAND 8th Grade
Class Expectations – Mr. Privette
I have reviewed the course objectives outlined and will support the teacher in the delivery of instruction.
Student’s Name: _____________________________
Student’s Signature: _____________________________
Parent or Guardian’s Name: ____________________________ Signature: _______________________________
Home Phone: _________________
Work Phone: __________________
Home Email Address: ______________________________
Cell Phone: __________________
Please return this form by: Sept 12 2014
Work E-mail Address:_________________________
Parent Communication Log
Contact Person
P. A. Middle- a school where every child achieves
Type of