Science Stem Question Grid for Grade 1, Avenues Level B, Volume 1 Prepared by Debbie Barr for Guilford County School System ESL Department, November 2009 Goals Student Page and Stem Question and Foils Objectives Number Correct Answer UNIT 1 Look at the picture. The flower is growing in ____. SEASONS A. snow AND WEATHER B. rain 8 C. soil 2.05 C 3.01 B 3.04 A 1.01 C D. rock Snow is a ___. SEASONS A. liquid AND WEATHER B. solid 9 C. toy D. food Rain is a ____. FALL IS NOT EASY 10 A. liquid B. solid C. soap D. food FALL IS NOT EASY 13 Trees get something they need from the sun. What is it? A. water 1 B. air C. light D. space What would happen if you pushed on the tree in this story? FALL IS NOT EASY 2-33 A. It would fall over. B. The leaves would come off. 4.04 C 1.05 B 1.05 A Goal 1 vocabulary: planned incidental instruction B Goal 1 vocabulary: A C. Nothing would change. D. The leaves would change color. Look at the picture. Which of these is living? DANIEL'S FIRST DAY 16-17 A. bus B. Daniel C. flag D. sidewalk Look at the picture. Which of these is NOT living? DANIEL'S FIRST DAY 24-25 A. globe B. Daniel C. teacher D. children at Daniel's table Snow is cold. Which of the senses tells you this? AROUND A. sight THE SEASONS B. touch 38-41 C. smell D. taste AROUND Snow is white. Which of the senses tells you this? 2 THE A. sight SEASONS 38-41 B. touch planned incidental instruction C. smell D. taste Look at the picture. What makes a kite move? AROUND A. wings THE SEASONS B. paddling 46 4.01 C 4.01 B 4.01 D 4.01 C C. wind D. pedaling Look at the pictures. What makes a canoe move? AROUND THE SEASONS 46-49 A. wings B. paddling C. wind D. pedaling Look at the pictures. What makes a bike move? AROUND THE SEASONS 51-52 A. wings B. paddling C. wind D. pedaling AROUND THE SEASONS 62-53 Look at the pictures. What makes the leaves move? A. wings B. paddling C. wind 3 D. pedaling UNIT 2 What body part do animals and people both have? ANIMAL NAMES AND BODY PARTS 64 A. wing B. tail 1.03 D Goal 1 vocabulary: direct instruction A 2.01 C Goal 1 vocabulary: direct D C. beak D. ear Mama Cat and her kittens are ___. MAMA CAT HAS THREE KITTENS 4-33 A. mammals B. reptiles C. amphibians D. non-living Mama Cat, Fluffy, and Skinny like to dig in the sand. Sand is a type of ___. MAMA CAT HAS THREE KITTENS 22-25 A. toy B. food C. soil D. liquid ARE YOU AN ELEPHANT? Which animal is nocturnal? 4 70-84 A. elephant instruction B. parrot C. monkey D. bat Which animal is a reptile? ARE YOU AN ELEPHANT? 94-105 A. dog B. turtle C. fish Goal 1 vocabulary: direct instruction B Goal 1 vocabulary: planned incidental instruction; 3.04 C Goal 1 vocabulary: direct instruction D D. chicken Which animal lives in a liquid environment? A. dog FEATHERS AND MORE 94-105 B. turtle C. fish D. chicken Which animal is cold-blooded? A. chicken FEATHERS AND MORE 94-105 B. tiger C. dog D. turtle 5 How is a dog like a person? A. Both are mammals. FEATHERS AND MORE 98-99 B. Both have tails. C. Both have fur. 1.03 Goal 1 vocabulary: direct instruction A 1.02 Goal 1 vocabulary: direct instruction D D. Both have four legs. Another name for an animal's home is its ____. MAKE AN ANIMAL HOME 109 A. nest B. den C. hive D. habitat UNIT 3 Goal 1 vocabulary: planned incidental instruction Which has nutrients? TORTILLAS A. dress AND LULLABIES B. girl 6-11 C. doll D D. tortillas Flowers and other plants do NOT need ____ in order to live. TORTILLAS A. air AND LULLABIES B. water 14-16 1.01 C. light D. shelter 6 D Which is NOT part of plants that make flowers? TORTILLAS A. stem AND LULLABIES B. roots 14-16 C. jelly Goal 1 vocabulary: direct instruction C 3.02, 3.03 B 3.03 B 3.04 A D. leaf Look at the pictures. The dishes used for dim sum are ___. DIM SUM A. square FOR EVERYONE! B. round 122-140 C. very big D. deep Dim sum foods are ___ foods. DIM SUM A. liquid FOR EVERYONE! B. solid 122-140 C. pretend D. salty Wonton soup is a ____ food. MAKE A PHOTO BOOK 173 A. liquid B. solid C. pretend D. salty 7