Minutes of 1st DG Meeting


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Date: Fridya, July 01, 2011

Time: 2:00-5:00 PM

Venue: Cambodian Federation of Emplyers and Business Associations Office (CAMFEBA)

#44A, St. 320, Sangkat Boeung Keng Kang III, Khan Chamkar Morn, Phnom Penh.



1Ms. Sou Moniveark, Board Member

2Mr. Som Chamnan, Executive Manager

3Mr. Kaing Monika, Business Development Manager, GMAC

4Mr. Lun Yeng, Excecutive Director of Federation of Association for Small & Medium Enterprise of

Cambodia (FASMEC)

5Mr. Theng Chhovirith, Programme officer of ILO

6Ms. Sok Dalis, Project Coordinator on Child Labour Project of CAMFEBA

7Ms. Koung Channaline, Project Assistant on Child Labour Project of CAMFEBA



1Mr. Van Sou Ieng, President of CAMFEBA

2Ms. Sandra D’amico, Vice President of CAMFEBA

3Mr. Teh Sing, Secretary General of CAMFEBA

4Ms. Van Porlim, Women’s Association of Small & Medium Business (WASMB)

5Ms. Van Porphin, P.P.S. Ltd.

6Mr. Ke Bin Soreasmey, Cambodian-French Chamber of Commerce (CCFC)

7Mr. Keo Sotha, AZ Group of Companies

8Mr. MP Joseph, Chief Technical Advisor of ILO IPEC



1Introduction of representative of CAMFEBA

The meeting started with a brief opening speech by Ms. Sou Moniveak.

2Introduction of Time Bound Programme (TBP) Phrase II of the ILO:

Mr. Theng Chhovirith, Programme officer of ILO presented about TBP Phase II - the Strategies,

Relevant Outputs and Activities with Employers’ Organization:


TBP Ph II Framework


TBP Ph II Development Objective and Immediate Objectives


Strategies Adopted under the TBP Ph II


Target Provinces and Target Children/Families under the TBP Ph II


Strategies and framework for Action Programme Supported the capacity development of employers’ organizations to combat the WFCL, focusing also on safe migration for decent work for youth of working age.


Modalities, Structures of CAMFEBA under the TBP Ph II.


Budget, Time Frame and IA

Cambodian Federation of Employers and Business Association (CAMFEBA)

Physical Address: No. 44A, St. 320, Sangkat Boeung Keng Kang III, Khan Chamkar Morn, Phnom Penh

Tel/Fax: +855 (23) 222 186 Email: camfeba@camfeba.com

Website: www.camfeba.com

Together End Child Labou

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Action Plan to Be Taken

3Discussion on the challenges and gaps between phrase I and phrase II of CAMFEBA to recontextualize it within the RGC twin goals

(Please find it in the attachment of the draft of CAMFEBA action plan)

4Discussion on expectation on the sensitization pacage to be developed in order to be desiminated to the employer communities, espcially to the garment factory owner:

Mr. Som Chamnan showed a set of 3 guide books which he brought here from ILO Genever and these guides talks about: guide 1 “Introducing to the issue of child labour”, guide 2 “How employers can eliminate child labour”, and guide 3 “The role of employers’ organizations in combating child labour” – which you can find it in the ISBN: 9789221198208 (to search for these guides in the webside). He then said : if we translete these guides for publishing and distributing to the employers it would be good as many important issues related to child labour have been mentioned in the guide but in doing so it would cost a lot of money.

Ms. Sou Moniveark added that we should select only the special parts of this booklets and combine them into one guide for printing so that would fit with the Cambodia Child Labour context. She continued that or we should develop as a short inspiering video clip about 3 to 5 minutes only talking about Child Labour in Cambodia and show at the begining or at the end any workshops or any important events in order to sensitize and encourage the employers’ initiative to get involved in combating child labour in their places or else where.

Mr. Theng Chhorvirith said it is a very good and creative idea, this would also cut down the cost of expenditure as well. However, more fund was still needed to support this activities.

5Discuss on the Action Plan on the next meeting:

Due to the shortage of members in today meeting, Mr. Som Chamnan suggested to discuss about the development of the CAMFEBA Action Plan of the Child Labour Eliminaton Project Phrase II on next meeting since some members has no longer be a member of this DG. He then asked Ms. Sok Dalis,

Project Coordinator on Child Labour Project of CAMFEBA to re-informe to DG to make sure that they still want to be the DG of CAMFEBA and should also invite CAMFEBA members who voluntee to be the DG to fullfil the place.

6Conclusion on this meeting:

Mr. Theng Chhorvirith concluded what have mentioned before and made some guidelines to be prepare for the next meeting:

Develope the Minutes of the meeting on 01-July-2011 as the reference

Note down the challenges and gaps to be filled in within CAMFEBA that have discovered in the meeting for more discussion and comment in the next meeting

Action Plan and other respond should be prepared for more discussion and comment in the next meeting

Matrix and Time Frame should be prepared for more discussion and comment in the next meeting


The meeting was finally adjourned at 4:10 PM.
