
October 23-24, 2013
Congress Hall of President Hotel
12, Hospitalna St., Kyiv
We are pleased to invite you to participate in the Third Scientific and Practical Conference
on "Safety and Legal Support of Medicinal Products: from Development to Medical
Use" in memory of Oleksii Viktorov, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, to be held in
Kyiv on October 23-24, 2013.
The first and second scientific and practical conferences on “Medicines Safety: from
Development to Medical Use” held in Kyiv in 2007 and 2009 specified the issues on
safety and use of medicinal products requiring continuous attention, active public
discussion and close national and international cooperation.
Since then significant changes have taken place in the development and circulation of
medicinal products, as well as in regulation of these processes. New regulatory approaches
to pharmacovigilance have appeared, new methods for collecting drug safety information
have been implemented, approaches to rational pharmacotherapy, preparation and
implementation of medical technological documents considering the evidence-based
medicine have been improved worldwide and in Ukraine.
Discussed at the conference will be a series of organizational and methodological issues
pertinent to legal support of medicinal products from their development to medical use,
medicines safety and patient safety, status and prospects of improving pharmacovigilance
system, formulary system, preclinical, clinical, pharmacoepidemiological and
pharmacoeconomic studies, as well as to elucidation of drug safety issues in educational
programs etc.
Legal support of medicinal products throughout their life cycle;
Current approaches to pharmacovigilance;
Pharmacovigilance system;
Risk management system;
Medicines safety: peculiarities of use and choice;
Patient safety in the focus of pharmacovigilance
Formulary system
Drug efficacy and safety studies;
Pharmacoeconomic studies;
Issues of drug safety in educational programs.
The program includes plenary lectures, section sessions, round tables, and lectures.
A pre-conference workshop on “Applicant’s pharmacovigilance system: legal
support and changes in the European legislation” will be held within the conference
framework on October 22, 2013.
The pre-conference workshop is addressed to applicants, applicant representatives,
qualified persons responsible for pharmacovigilance, representatives of regulatory agencies
and expert organizations.
Issues of organizing and conducting pharmacovigilance by applicants will be reviewed, and
legal requirements, as well as approaches to pharmacovigilance realization in Ukraine with
due account of changes to the European legislation will be presented at the pre-conference
The program of the Third Scientific and Practical Conference is available at the website of
PE “The State Expert Center of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine”:
The Tenth National School of Young Pharmacologists named after O.V. Stefanov,
Member NAMS Ukraine, will be held within the framework of the conference on
October 23-24, 2013 under the auspices of State Institution “Institute of Pharmacology and
Toxicology”, Inter-agency (MoH and NAMS Ukraine) Problem Commission "Pharmacology",
the All-Ukrainian Public Organization “Association of Pharmacologists of Ukraine”. The
School organizers – the All-Ukrainian Public Organization “Association of Pharmacologists
of Ukraine”.
Ukrainian, Russian, English
Available at the conference will be multimedia projector, notebook, overhead, microphone
system, simultaneous translation
The Third Scientific and Practical Conference on "Safety and Legal Support of Medicinal
Products: from Development to Medical Use" in memory of Oleksii Viktorov, Doctor of
Medical Sciences, Professor, to be held at the Congress Hall of President Hotel (12,
Hospitalna St., Kyiv) on October 23-24, 2013.
Registration of the Third Scientific and Practical Conference participants will be held at
the Congress Hall of President Hotel at the above address on October 23 from 800 to 900.
Registration of participants of pre-conference workshop will be held at the Conference
Hall of President Hotel (12, Hospitalna St., Kyiv) on October 22 from 830 to 930.
Registration of participants of the Tenth National School of Young Pharmacologists
named after O.V. Stefanov, Member NAMS Ukraine, will be held at the lobby of the
Conference Hall of Rus Hotel (4, Hospitalna St., Kyiv) on October 23 from 700 to 1000
Co-chairs: O.O. Nagorna, R.M. Bogachev, L.V. Konoshevych
Deputy Co-chairs: O.V. Matvieieva, I.O. Logvina, V.P. Yaichenia., O.I. Yevko
Members of Organizing Committee: O.I. Koniaieva, S.M. Drogovoz, V.D. Lukianchuk,
K.A. Posokhova, O.A. Chemet., N.I. Tkachuk, O.Yu. Zaslavskyi, I.V. Kriachok, Yu. B.
Secretariat: A.V. Vekhovska, O.P. Vypovska, O.V. Grebinnyk, I.P. Grygorenko, S.Yu.
Dorichenko, N.M. Yevtushenko, O.V. Kashuba, N.P. Poniatovska, L.O. Pushkar, Yu.S.
Turok, L.O. Fygol, O.L. Khoromska, M.O. Khokhlova, T.I. Bashkatova, V.A. Vasylieva, N.M.
Denysiuk, K.V. Pavlenko, V.M. Saienko, S.Ye. Fomenko
Conference Program
Wednesday, October 23, 2013
8.00 – 9.00
9.00 - 9.30
9.30 - 11.30
11.30 -12.00
12.00 - 13.30
13.30 – 14.30
Congress Hall
14.30 -16.00
16.00 -16.30
16.30 -18.00
Registration of participants
(Congress Hall)
Opening ceremony of the conference
(Congress Hall)
Plenary session
(Congress Hall)
Coffee break
(Congress Hall)
Plenary session
(Congress Hall)
Hall 1
Hall 2
Conference Center
Legal support
of medicinal
Rational drug
therapy: role of
clinical pharmacist
in providing
efficacy and safety
of medicinal
Safety of
Potential of health
care system in
Coffee break
Information field as
an element of
effective and safe
Hall 3
Conference Center
Development of
medicines, pre- and
Development of
medicines, pre- and
Thursday, October 24, 2013
Congres Hall
Hall 2
Conference Center
Ensuring safety of
patients using
medicinal products
current approaches
to therapy from
viewpoint of drug
efficacy and safety
Coffee break
Ensuring safety of
patients using
medicinal products
current approaches
to therapy from
viewpoint of drug
efficacy and safety
Hall 3
Conference Center
risks and their
management in
treatment process
risks and their
management in
treatment process
Hall 1
Conference Center
Round table:
Requirements to
current approaches
in CIS countries:
to therapy in view of
challenges and
drug efficacy and
Coffee break
Round table:
Requirements to
current approaches
in CIS countries:
to therapy in view of
challenges and
drug efficacy and
Adopting the resolution
Closing session
(Congress Hall)
significance of
studies for
ensuring drug
efficacy and safety
significance of
studies for
ensuring drug
efficacy and safety
9.00 – 9.30
9.30 – 11.30
October 23, 2013
Congress Hall
Hall 1
Opening of the conference. Documentary film on O. P. Viktorov, Doctor of
Medical Sciences, Professor
Plenary session. Part I
MOH UKRAINE: R.M. Bogachev
PE "The State Expert Center MoH Ukraine": O.O. Nagorna, O.V. Matvieieva
International organizations: O. Polishchuk, Sten Olsson
O.O. Bogomolets National Medical University, Kyiv, Ukraine: V. Z. Netiazhenko,
1. Safety of medicinal products – a part of the state policy in public health
R.M. Bogachev, MoH Ukraine
2. Pharmacovigilance: yesterday, today, forever
O. Polishchuk, WHO Regional Office for Europe, Copenhagen, Denmark
3. Harmonization of requirements to safety and efficacy monitoring – experience of Ukraine
O.O. Nagorna, PE "The State Expert Center MoH Ukraine", Kyiv, Ukraine
4. Strategies of pharmacovigilance system development in Ukraine
O.V. Matvieieva, PE "The State Expert Center MoH Ukraine", Kyiv, Ukraine
11.30 – 12.00
Coffee break
12.00 – 13.30
Plenary session. Part II
1. Do safe medicines exist?
V. Z. Netiazhenko, O.O. Bogomolets National Medical University, Kyiv, Ukraine
2. The Economic burden of medicine related patient harm
Sten Olsson, Chief, WHO Programme for International Drug Monitoring, Uppsala, Sweden
13.30 – 14.30
October 23, 2013
Congress Hall
Hall 1
14.30 – 16.00
Section 1 Part 1
Pharmacovigilance tools
MODERATORS: Ulf Bergman, T.M. Dumenko, O.V. Matvieieva, O.A. Lebega
1. ATC/DDD in pharmacovigilance
Ulf Bergman, Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, Sweden
2. Use of ATC/DDD methodology for assessing safety of essential medicines
T.M. Dumenko, O.V. Matvieieva, PE "The State Expert Center MoH Ukraine", Kyiv, Ukraine
3. Results of audit of Ukraine's pharmacovigilance system: strengths and weaknesses,
directions needed to be developed
O.A. Lebega, USAID SIAPS Program, Kyiv, Ukraine
16.00 – 16.30
Coffee break
16.30 – 18.00
Section 5
Rational drug therapy: role of clinical pharmacist in ensuring efficacy and safety of medicinal
MODERATORS: Yu. M. Chernov, G.A. Batishcheva, A.B. Zimenkovskyi, O.Yu. Gorodnycha
1. Organization of clinical pharmacology service in health care setting
Yu. M. Chernov, G.A. Batishcheva, N.N. Burdenko Voronezh State Medical Academy, Voronezh,
Russian Federation
2. DRP management, drug therapy process, clinical audit – new opportunities of
A.B. Zimenkovskyi, D. Galytskyi Lviv National Medical University, Lviv, Ukraine
3. New methodological approaches of clinical pharmacist to enhancing safety of drug therapy
O.Yu. Gorodnycha, D. Galytskyi Lviv National Medical University, Lviv, Ukraine
October 23, 2013
Conference Center
Hall 1
14.30 – 16.00
Section 2
Legal support of medicinal products
MODERATORS: I. G. Kudriavtseva, A. V. Stepanenko, M. Władysiuk
1. State registration of medicinal products as a stage in ensuring efficacy, safety and quality of
medicinal products
I. G. Kudriavtseva, PE “The State Expert Center MoH Ukraine", Kyiv, Ukraine
2. Role of medical technological documents in ensuring drug therapy efficacy and safety
A. V. Stepanenko, MoH Ukraine, PE "The State Expert Center MoH Ukraine", Kyiv, Ukraine
3. The importance of safety of medicines in НТА report – example from Poland
M. Władysiuk, CEESTAHC. HTA Consulting, Krakow, Poland
16.00 – 16.30
Coffee break
16.30 – 18.00
Section 6
Safety of medicinal products
MODERATORS: Peter De Veene, L.V. Besh, O.M. Zaliska
1. Approaches to risk management in the application of biosimilars
Peter De Veene, EU QPPV, Roche Group
2. Safety of antibiotic therapy in pediatrics
L.V. Besh, D. Galytskyi Lviv National Medical University, Lviv, Ukraine
3. Pharmacoeconomic assessment of ADRs based on different pharmacological groups
O.M. Zaliska, D. Galytskyi Lviv National Medical University, Lviv, Ukraine
October 23, 2013
Conference Center
Hall 2
14.30 – 16.00
Section 3
Potential of health care system in ensuring rational pharmacotherapy
MODERATORS: O.K. Tolstanov, S.M. Drogovoz, L.S. Savchenkova, O.A. Chemet
1. Using health care system potential in pharmacovigialance
O.K. Tolstanov, MoH Ukraine
2. Methodological provision of medicines safety coverage in curricula
S.M. Drogovoz, National University of Pharmacy, Kharkiv, Ukraine
3. Significance of regulatory documents and compliance as a main element of
pharmacovigilance in Ukraine
V.D. Lukianchuk, L.S. Savchenkova, V.V. Rokotianska, SE “Lugansk State Medical University”
Lugansk, Ukraine, Regional Division in the Lugansk Oblast, PE "The State Expert Center MoH
Ukraine", Lugansk, Ukraine
4. Pharmacovigilance system audit in health care system: need or bureaucracy?
O.A. Chemet, Health Care Administration, Uzhgorod Oblast State Administration, Regional Division in
the Zakarpatiia Oblast, PE "The State Expert Center MoH Ukraine", Uzhgorod, Ukraine
16.00 – 16.30
Coffee break
16.30 – 18.00
Section 7
Information field as an element of effective and safe treatment
MODERATORS: L.Ye. Ziganshyna, N. Olbert-Sinko, Yu. Bagmut, G.V. Guseva
1. Drug promotion – an obstacle on the way towards formation of pharmacovigilance system
HAI/WHO manual on Drug Promotion
L.Ye. Ziganshyna, Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University, Kazan, Russian Federation
2. Content of information field as an element of ensuring effective and safe treatment
N. Olbert-Sinko, Yu. Bagmut, PRP, Kyiv, Ukraine
3. Drug advertising influence on results and safety of treatment
G.V. Guseva, PE "The State Expert Center MoH Ukraine", Kyiv, Ukraine
October 23, 2013
Conference Center
Hall 3
14.30 – 16.00
Section 4 Part 1
Development of medicines, pre- and postregistration studies
MODERATORS: O.P. Baula, M.O. Liapunov, I.S. Chekman
1. Safety of medicinal products: focus on active pharmaceutical ingredients
O.P. Baula, MoH Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine
2. Current requirements to pharmaceutical development – a basis for developing quality,
effective and safe medicines
M.O. Liapunov, PE "The State Scientific Center for Medicinal Products and Health Care Products",
Kharkiv, Ukraine
3. Scientific research in nanopharmacology: state-of-the-art. Nanoproducts safety
I.S. Chekman, O.O. Bogomolets National Medical University, Kyiv, Ukraine
16.00 – 16.30
Coffee break
16.30 – 18.00
Section 4 Part 1
Development of medicines, pre- and postregistration studies
MODERATORS: L.I. Kovtun, S.K. Zyrianov, I.A. Zupanets, V.A. Usenko
1. Significance of clinical trials in studying efficacy and safety of medicines at the preregistration stage
L.I. Kovtun, PE "The State Expert Center MoH Ukraine", Kyiv, Ukraine
2. Postregistration clinical trials as a tool for evaluating safety profile of medicinal products
S.K. Zyrianov, M.I. Pyrogov Russian National Research Medical University, MoH Russian Federation,
Moscow, Russian Federation
3. Bioequivalence study as a key criterion of assessing safety and efficacy of generic medicinal
I.A. Zupanets, National University of Pharmacy, Kharkiv, Ukraine
4. Placebo and nocebo effects – an issue of evidencing efficacy and safety in clinical trials
V.A. Usenko, Dr. Reddy’s Laboratories Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine
I.A. Zupanets, V.Ye. Dobrova, National University of Pharmacy, Kharkiv, Ukraine
October 24, 2013
Congress Hall
Hall 1
9.00 – 10.30
Section 7
Active pharmacovigilance
MODERATORS: J. Nwokike, S.B. Sietkina, O.I. Koniaieva,
1. International experience on Active PV and the prospects for Ukraine
J. Nwokike, USAID SIAPS Program, Washington, USA
2. Implementation of active methods for drug safety monitoring in Republic of Belarus
S.B. Sietkina, UE “Center for Examinations and Tests in Health Service”, Minsk, Republic of Belarus
3. Strategy of control of antimicrobial therapy (SCAT) based on Crimean Republican Institution
“Clinical Territorial Medical Association “University Clinics”
O.I. Koniaieva, O.V. Matvieiev, P.N. Radzyvil, SI “S.I. Georgiievskyi Crimean State Medical University”
MoH Ukraine, Simferopol, Ukraine
10.30 – 11.00
Coffee break
11.00 – 12.30
MODERATORS: N.O. Zhukova, Dr. Marika Pečená
1. Harmonization of Ukraine's regulations with EC requirements. Amendments to Ukraine's
legislation related to bioequivalence. Applied value of BA/BE studies
N.O. Zhukova, PE “The State Expert Center MoH Ukraine”, Kyiv, Ukraine
2. Requirements for proving BE in different regulatory agencies
Dr. Marika Pečená, Zentiva k.s., Czech Republic
12.30 – 13.30
13.30 – 15.00
MODERATORS: Martin Valchář, Miroslav Ryska
1. Requirements for BE studies in EC for EC and Ukrainian manufacturers
Martin Valchář, QUINTA-ANALYTICA, s.r.o., Czech Republic
2. BE studies: milestones of their planning and conducting
Miroslav Ryska, QUINTA-ANALYTICA, s.r.o., Czech Republic
15.00 – 15.30
Coffee break
15.30 – 17.00
MODERATORS: N.O. Zhukova, I.E. Kuznetsov
1. “Biowaiver” procedure. Situation analysis, positive and negative aspects
N.O. Zhukova, PE “The State Expert Center MoH Ukraine”, Kyiv, Ukraine
2. Modified generics: approaches to proving drug efficacy/safety (manufacturers experience)
I.E. Kuznetsov, “Clinical and Diagnostic Center “Farmbiotest” Ltd., Rubizhne, Ukraine
October 24, 2013
Conference Center
Hall 1
9.00 – 10.30
Section 8. Part 1
Ensuring safety of patients using medicinal products
MODERATORS: V.G. Serdiuk, N. Kozhan, Ye. Naishtetyk
1. Informed patient as a health care evolution factor
V.G. Serdiuk, All-Ukrainian Council for Patients Rights and Safety, Kyiv, Ukraine
2. Action plan on patient safety: infection control and rational antibiotіc therapy
N. Kozhan, All-Ukrainian Council for Patients Rights and Safety, Kyiv, Ukraine
3. Patient safety in promoting medical technologies
Ye. Naishtetyk, All-Ukrainian Council for Patients Rights and Safety, Kyiv, Ukraine
10.30 – 11.00
Coffee break
11.00 – 12.30
Section 8. Part 2
Ensuring safety of patients using medicinal products
MODERATORS: P. Gaievskyi, O. Gryntsova, O. Skoryna, O. Menshutkina
1. Evidence-based principles in ensuring patient safety
P. Gaievskyi, Jagiellonian University, “Practical Medicine” Publishers, Krakow, Poland
2. Implementation and monitoring of European norms of ensuring medicines safety
O. Gryntsova, EDQM, London, UK
3. Medicines safety and human rights
O. Skoryna, All-Ukrainian Council for Patients Rights and Safety, Kyiv, Ukraine
4. European program on health education: competence and safety
O. Menshutkina, All-Ukrainian Council for Patients Rights and Safety, Kyiv, Ukraine
12.30 – 13.30
13.30 – 15.00
Round table: Part 1
Requirements to pharmacovigilance in CIS countries: challenges and achievements
1. Features of pharmacovigilance in the CIS region
I. Lapchinska, GlaxoSmithKline, Kyiv, Ukraine
2. Approximation of regulatory approaches to pharmacovigilance in member- states of the
Customs Union
V.V. Kosenko, A.A. Trapkova, S.V. Glagoliev, D.O. Chizhova, Administration for Providing State Quality
Control for Medical Production, Federal Service on Surveillance in Healthcare (Roszdravnadzor)
V.A. Polivanov, Federal State-Financed Enterprise “Information Methodological Center for Healthcare
Product Expert Evaluation, Accounting and Circulation Analysis”, Federal Service on Surveillance in
Healthcare (Roszdravnadzor)
3. Approaches to pharmacovigilance in Republic of Belarus
S.B. Sietkina, UE “Center for Examinations and Tests in Health Service”, Minsk, Republic of Belarus
15.00 – 15.30
Coffee break
15.30 – 17.00
Round table: Part 2
Requirements to pharmacovigilance in CIS countries: challenges and achievements
1. Pharmacovigilance legislation in Kazakhstan
R.S. Kuzdenbaieva, National Center of Medicines, Medical Devices and Medical Equipment Expert
Evaluation,MoH Republic of Kazakhstan, Almaty, Kazakhstan
2. Pharmacovigilance system in the Moldova Republic in connection with harmonization of
national legislation with the European legislation
E. Istrati, Medicines Agency of the Republic Moldova, Kyshynev, Moldova
3. Discussion
October 24, 2013
Conference Center
Hall 2
9.00 – 10.30
Section 9. Part 1
Rational pharmacotherapy: current approaches to therapy from viewpoint of drug efficacy and
MODERATORS: D.A. Sychev, G.S. Anikin, Yu.M. Syrenko, Yu. O. Gamazin, V.A. Vasylieva
1. Current approaches to combating polypharmacy and their significance for improving safety
of pharmacotherapy
D.A. Sychev, G.S. Anikin, I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University , Moscow, Russian
2. Current approaches to rational pharmacotherapy of arterial hypertension
Yu.M. Syrenko, PE NSC "M.D. Strazhesko Institute of Cardiology NAMS Ukraine", Kyiv, Ukraine
3. Approaches to assessing benefit/risk of vaccines in immunization programs
Yu. O. Gamazin, V.A. Vasylieva, PE "The State Expert Center MoH Ukraine", Kyiv, Ukraine
10.30 – 11.00
Coffee break
11.00 – 12.30
Section 9. Part 2
Rational pharmacotherapy: current approaches to therapy from viewpoint of drug efficacy and
MODERATORS: B.M. Mankovskyi, Ye.P. Svishchenko, O.V. Davydovych
1. Approaches to interchangeability of medicinal products
B.M. Mankovskyi, PE "V.P. Komisarenko Institute of Endocrinology and Metabolism NAMS
Ukraine",Kyiv, Ukraine
2. Drug efficacy and safety in current approaches to treatment of essential hypertension
Ye.P. Svishchenko, PE NSC "M.D. Strazhesko Institute of Cardiology NAMS Ukraine", Kyiv, Ukraine
3. Factors influencing efficacy and safety of medicines used for treating cardiovascular
O.V. Davydovych, P.L. Shupyk National Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education
12.30 – 13.30
13.30 – 15.00
Section 9. Part 3
Rational pharmacotherapy: current approaches to therapy from viewpoint of drug efficacy and safety
MODERATORS: O. Duzha, U.M. Tilekieieva, D.A. Arapbaieva, S.M. Antoniak,
1. Constituents of effective and safe TB treatment
O. Duzha, USAID SIAPS Program, Kyiv, Ukraine
2. Adverse effects of TB medicines to organs of sight
U.M. Tilekieieva, D.A. Arapbaieva, I.K. Akhunbaiev Kyrgyz State Medical Academy, Bishkek, Kyrgyz
3. Importance of pharmacovigilance in ARV therapy
S.M. Antoniak, PE “L.V. Gromashevskyi Institute of Epidemiology and Infectious Diseases NAMS
Ukraine”, Kyiv, Ukraine
15.00 – 15.30
Coffee break
15.30 – 17.00
Section 9. Part 4
Rational pharmacotherapy: current approaches to therapy from viewpoint of drug efficacy and safety
MODERATORS: O.O. Yakovleva, V.V. Chopiak, S. Lurye
1. Safety of pharmacotherapy of pulmonary hypertension
O.O. Yakovleva, A.A. Klekot, T.N. Masloied, M.I. Pyrogov Vinnytsa National Medical University,
Vinnytsa, Ukraine
2. International and domestic approaches to diagnosis, prevention and treatment of drug allergy
V.V. Chopiak, D. Galytskyi Lviv National Medical University, Lviv, Ukraine
3. Analysis of prescription of herbal medicines by RxTest method
S. Lurye, Medical Data Management, Center of Medical and Pharmaceutical Information, Kyiv, Ukraine
October 24, 2013
Conference Center
Hall 3
9.00 – 10.30
Section 10. Part 1
Rational pharmacotherapy: risks and their management in treatment process
MODERATORS: Ye. Novichkova, Yu.S. Rudyk, A.O. Zhamba, O.O. Yakovleva
1. Risks and their management in healthcare setting
Ye. Novichkova, O.O. Bogomolets National Medical University, Kyiv, Ukraine
2. Pharmacogenetic factors influencing drug efficacy and safety
Yu.S. Rudyk, PE “L.T. Malaia National Institute of Therapy NAMS Ukraine”, Kharkiv, Ukraine
3. Genetic polymorphism as a predicator of cardiotoxicity of medicines used in bronchial
A.O. Zhamba, O.O. Yakovleva, M.I. Pyrogov Vinnytsa National Medical University, Vinnytsa, Ukraine
10.30 – 11.00
Coffee break
11.00 – 12.30
Section 10. Part 2
Rational pharmacotherapy: risks and their management in treatment process
MODERATORS: P. Finglas, N. Boyko, O.S. Nemchenko, L.V. Tereshchenko
1. Role of EuroFIR network in ensuring wholesome food for healthy life-style
P. Finglas, Institute of Food Research, Norwich, UK
2. Diet and nutrition in Ukraine: quality and safety, analytical approaches, education, legislation,
standardization and personification as a method of prevention and treatment of metabolic
N. Boyko, Uzhgorod National University, Research and Development Center (R&D Center)
3. Appropriate medical prescription as a basis for providing safe and effective pharmaceutical
O.S. Nemchenko, L.V. Tereshchenko, National University of Pharmacy, Kharkiv, Ukraine
12.30 – 13.30
13.30 – 15.00
Section 11. Part 1
Rational pharmacotherapy: significance of studies for ensuring drug efficacy and safety
MODERATORS: K.A. Posokhova, L.V. Yakovleva
1. Current problems of antibacterials use
K.A. Posokhova, PE “I.Ya. Gorbachevskyi Ternopil State Medical University”, Ternopil, Ukraine
2. Antibiotics resistance and investigation of antibacterials use in Ukraine and Europe
L.V. Yakovleva, National University of Pharmacy, Kharkiv, Ukraine
3. State of antimicrobial resistance monitoring in Ukraine
T.G. Glushkevych, Bacteriological laboratory CSES Ministry of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine
15.00 – 15.30
Coffee break
15.30 – 17.00
Section 11. Part 2
Rational pharmacotherapy: significance of studies for ensuring drug efficacy and safety
MODERATORS: V.D. Parii, I.B. Pereginets, T.M. Dumenko, N.V. Bezdetko
1) Significance of АВС/VEN analysis for ensuring efficient and safe use of medicines
V.D. Parii, O.O. Bogomolets National Medical University, Kyiv, Ukraine
2) Availability of essential medicinal products in Ukraine: results of pharmacoepidemiological
study (WHO, HAI and MoH Ukraine Joint Project)
I.B. Pereginets, WHO/Europe Country Office in Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine
T.M. Dumenko, PE “The State Expert Center MoH Ukraine”, Kyiv, Ukraine
3) Use of narcotic analgesics: challenges and solutions
N.V. Bezdetko, National University of Pharmacy, Kharkiv, Ukraine
October 24, 2013
Congress Hall
17.15 – 18.15
Adopting the resolution
Closing session
Post-registration Surveillance Board, The State Expert Center MoH, 40, Ushinsky St.,
03151, Kyiv, Ukraine, tel/fax +38 044 498 4358; e-mail:
Olena Matvieieva (general information), tel: +38 044 498 4358;
Irina Logvina (general information, abstracts), tel: +38 044 498 4358;
Olena Smirnova (hotel reservation), tel: +38 044 247 4719, +38 067 656 2767;
Anastasia Baiazitova (an invoice for registration fee), tel: +38 044 247 4719,
+38 067 801 7708;