______________________________________________________________________________ PART B: THE PHYSICAL ENVIRONMENT 1. THE LITHOSPHERE 1.1 The Solar System Space is made up of a vacuum which is interspersed with collections of planets, planetoids and many other particles, collectively known as a galaxy. The galaxy to which Earth beolngs is the Milky Way, whilst two others are the Alpha Centauri system and the 51 Pegasi system. Each galaxy is made up of a number of solar systems, that is, a collection of planets surrounding a central sun. The Sun and the group of celestial objects gravitationally bound to it (in the case of the Earth’s solar system: nine planets and their 165 moons, as well as asteroids, meteoroids, planetoids, comets, and interplanetary dust) together make a solar system. The principal component of the solar system is the Sun that contains 99.86% of the system's known mass and dominates it gravitationally. It creates the largest gravitational force (a pulling force which causes gravity (the gravitational force is larger for larger objects and thus planetoids like the moon have no gravity because they are relatively light). Because of its large mass, the Sun has an interior density high enough to sustain nuclear fusion, releasing enormous amounts of energy, most of which is radiated into space in the form of electromagnetic radiation, including visible light. The Sun's two largest orbiting bodies, Jupiter and Saturn, together account for more than 90% of the system's remaining mass. The major planets are, in order of distance from the Sun, Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto (Most Volcanoes Erupt Mulberry Jam Strings Under Normal Pressure). All planets but two are in turn orbited by natural satellites (usually termed "moons" after Earth's Moon) and the largest (Jupiter and sturn) are encircled by planetary rings of dust and other particles. The planets (with the exception of Earth) are named after gods and goddesses from Greco-Roman mythology. J. Henwood The Physical Environment- Lithosphere ______________________________________________________________________________ 1.2 Earth Structure The earth is made up of several layers namely the crust, mantle and core. The crust is the thin (30 to 100km at max) solid outer layer and beneath it there is the mantle, (which make sup 70% of the structure), that is the thick shell of rock. Directly beneath is the core. The mantle is made up of three layers that is the asthenosphere, the outer mantle and the inner mantle (30 2900km) , whilst the core is made up of the outer (2900- 4100 km) and inner core (up to 6370km). The asthenosphere extend to 250km and is different from other regions of the mantle since it is a liquid and is affected by seismic waves. Note that the crust and the outer mantle together form the lithosphere, which is a solid. Also in general the crust is thicker where land is present (continental crust; 100km) and less dense, whereas where the sea is present the crust is thinner (oceanic crust; 30km). and more dense (thus heavier). This general structure is also similar in other planets. The mantle differs substantially from the crust in its structure and composition (the chemicals making it up). In fact, the distinction between the crust and mantle is based on chemistry, rock types, and seismic characteristics. Typical mantle rocks have a higher portion of iron and magnesium, and a smaller portion of silicon and aluminium than the crust. In addition, the mantle differs from the core both in a physical and chemical manner. J. Henwood The Physical Environment- Lithosphere ______________________________________________________________________________ In the crust, temperatures are relatively low. This is the coolest part of the earth’s physical structure. On the other hand mantle temperatures range between 100°C at the upper boundary to over 4,000°C at the boundary with the core. Although these temperatures far exceed the melting points of the mantle rocks, these rocks are solid (or semi solid), particularly in deeper ranges. This is since although temperature increases from the outer to the inner mantle, the pressure also increases. Therefore, while temperature should cause the rocks to melt and become a liquid, the pressure will keep them compact and thus they remain a solid. The enormous pressure caused by the overlying thick rocks is called the lithostatic pressure and thus prevents the mantle from melting The core is even hotter than the mantle. Hwoever, lithostatic pressure also causes it to be a solid, as in the case of the mantle. 1.2 Plate Tectonic The earth’s crust is rather thin and divided into several pieces called plates. The diagram below shows the different plates which occur on earth. There are ten major and many minor plates. The red arrows indicate the direction in which these plates move. (Note that a plate is normally made up of both oceanic and continental crust) It is well known that these plates move with time. In fact, the landmass on earth was once a single continent called Pangaea rather than several continents. Pangaea eventually separated over millions of years, as the plates floated on the asthenosphere, to give the present continents. The study of this movement of plates is known as Plate tectonics (from Greek J. Henwood The Physical Environment- Lithosphere ______________________________________________________________________________ tektōn "builder" or "mason"). This is a theory of geology developed to explain the phenomenon of continental drift (movement). Plate tectonics states that the cooler and more solid surface parts of the Earth's rock crust move slowly over time across the hotter, liquid, underlying asthenosphere. In essence, the lithosphere essentially floats on the asthenosphere. This movement occurs due to a temperature difference between the Earth's crust and outer core, which causes a convective circulation in the mantle. Due to the convective circulation, hot material ascends (goes up) from the border with the outer core to the astenosphere since it is light, while cooler (and therefore heavier) material descends (sinks) from the astenosphere downward to the outercore. Due top the convective currents, and the consequent movement of the mantle, the tectonic plates (both continental and oceanic) are caused to move millimetirically over years. The convection currents of the Earth's mantle are a chaotic process, and thus movement of plates is also rather chaotic. 1.2.1 Plate Boundaries Plates move in relation to one another causing continents to change position (continental drift). The movement of two plates at their boundary (called the plate boundary) in relation to each other can occur in one of three ways that is: convergent, divergent, and transform. Earthquakes, volcanic activity, mountain-building, sea bed spreading and oceanic trench formation occur along plate boundaries. J. Henwood The Physical Environment- Lithosphere ______________________________________________________________________________ Divergent (constructive) boundaries At divergent boundaries, two plates move apart from each other and the space that this creates is filled with new crustal material which is formed from molten magma that rises from the asthenosphere below. Divergent boundaries between oceanic plates form rifts such as of the oceanic ridge system, including the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, which underlies Iceland and is widening at a rate of a few centimeters per century. Therefore, these cause sea floor spreading (increase in the sea floor). In the continental lithosphere rift valleys such as the famous East African Great Rift Valley are formed. The Mid-Atlantic Ridge system Divergent boundaries can create massive fault zones in the oceanic ridge system. They can also cause seaquakes with resultant negative effects. Convergent (destructive) boundaries Convergent boundaries occur when two plates move towards each other and collide. The type of convergent boundary depends on the type of lithospheres that are colliding. Where a dense (heavier) oceanic plate collides with a less-dense (lighter) continental plate, the oceanic plate is typically thrust underneath, forming a subduction zone. At the surface, the topography (form of the land) is commonly a deep oceanic trench on the ocean side and a mountain range on the continental side. Long chains of volcanoes form inland from the continental shelf and parallel to it. An example of a continental-oceanic subduction zone is the area along the western coast of South America where the oceanic Nazca Plate is being subducted beneath the continental. The entire Pacific Ocean boundary is surrounded by long stretches of volcanoes and is known collectively as The Ring of Fire. Where two continental plates collide the plates either compress into each other or one plate burrows under or overrides the other. Either action will create extensive mountain ranges. The most dramatic effect seen is where the northern margin of the Indian Plate is being thrust under a portion of the Eurasian plate, lifting it and creating the Himalayas and the Tibetan Plateau beyond. When two plates with oceanic crust converge they typically create an island arc as one plate is subducted below the other. The arc is formed from volcanoes which erupt through the plate. Good examples of this type of plate convergence would be Japan and the Aleutian Islands in Alaska. Transform (conservative) boundaries The left- or right-lateral motion of one plate against another along a long transform faults can cause highly visible surface effects. Because of friction, the plates cannot simply glide past each other. Rather, stress builds up in both plates and when it reaches a certain level level the accumulated potential energy is released as strain, or motion along the fault. The massive J. Henwood The Physical Environment- Lithosphere ______________________________________________________________________________ amounts of energy that are released are the cause of earthquakes, a common phenomenon along transform boundaries. A good example of this type of plate boundary is the San Andreas Fault complex, which is found in the western coast of North America and is one part of a highly complex system of faults in this area. At this location, the Pacific and North American plates move relative to each other such that the Pacific plate is moving northwest with respect to North America. Other examples of transform faults include the Alpine Fault in New Zealand and the North Anatolian Fault in Turkey. J. Henwood The Physical Environment- Lithosphere ______________________________________________________________________________ 1.3 Earthquakes An earthquake is a phenomenon that results from and is powered by the sudden release of stored energy that radiates seismic waves. At the Earth's surface, earthquakes may manifest themselves by a shaking of the ground and sometimes tsunamis, which may lead to loss of life and destruction of property. Earthquakes may occur naturally or as a result of human activities. In its most generic sense, the word earthquake is used to describe any seismic event—whether a natural phenomenon or an event caused by humans—that generates seismic waves 1.3.1 Naturally occurring earthquakes Most naturally occurring earthquakes are related to the tectonic nature of the Earth. Such earthquakes are called tectonic earthquakes. These are caused by the slow but constant motion of the plates, resulting in plate boundaries gliding past each other thus creating frictional stress. The stress builds up and when it exceeds a critical value, called local strength, a sudden failure (yielding) of the crusto occurs. When the failure results in a violent displacement of the Earth's crust, the energy is released suddenly from apoint and seismic waves are radiated to the suface, thus causing an earthquake. It is estimated that only 10 percent or less of an earthquake's total energy is ultimately radiated as seismic energy, while most of the earthquake's energy is eventually converted into heat. The majority of tectonic earthquakes originate at depths not exceeding a few tens of kilometers, that is within the lithosphere. Earthquakes occurring at boundaries of tectonic plates are called interplate earthquakes, while the less frequent events that occur in the interior of the lithospheric plates are called intraplate earthquakes. The energy of an earthquake originates from a particular point beneath the crust. This is the point were apparently all seismic waves are originating and is called the focus. The location on the surface directly above the focus is known as the epicentre, and is tha rea where most damage is likely to occur. The the area below the focus is called the hypocentre. Where the crust is thin the focus would be shallow and thus any earhtquakes would produce more damage than when the focus is at greater depths of hundreds of kilometers (deep focus earthquakes). However, the damage they produce is a direct result of the energy that is built up and released. Earthquakes may also occur in volcanic regions and are caused by the movement of magma in volcanoes. Such quakes can be an early warning of volcanic eruptions. Large earthquakes can cause serious destruction and massive loss of life through a variety of agents of damage, including fault rupture, vibratory ground motion (shaking), inundation (tsunami, seiche, or dam failure), various kinds of permanent ground failure (liquefaction, landslides), and fire or a release of hazardous materials e.g gas leaks or petrol leaks. Most large earthquakes are accompanied by other, smaller ones that can occur either before or after the main shock; these are called foreshocks and aftershocks, respectively. Aftershocks can be J. Henwood The Physical Environment- Lithosphere ______________________________________________________________________________ felt from half way round the world so in England you could feel an aftershock from New Zealand. While almost all earthquakes have aftershocks, foreshocks occur in only about 10% of events. The power of an earthquake is always distributed over a significant area, but in large earthquakes, it can even spread over the entire planet. Earthquakes that occur below sea level and have large vertical displacements can give rise to tsunamis, either as a direct result of the deformation of the sea bed due to the earthquake or as a result of submarine landslides directly or indirectly triggered by the quake. 1.3.2 Severity The severity of an earthquake is described by both magnitude and intensity. These two frequently-confused terms both refer to different, but related, observations. Magnitude, usually expressed as an Arabic numeral, characterizes the size of an earthquake by measuring indirectly the energy released. It is measured using the Richter Magnitude scale which ranges from 1 (low magnitude) to 10 (highmagnitude). By contrast, intensity indicates the local effects and potential for damage produced by an earthquake on the Earth's surface as it affects humans, animals, structures, and natural objects such as bodies of water. Intensities are usually expressed in roman numerals, each representing the severity of the shaking resulting from an earthquake. It is measured using the Mercalli scale. Charles Richter, the creator of the Richter magnitude scale, distinguished intensity and magnitude as follows: "I like to use the analogy with radio transmissions. It applies in seismology because seismographs, or the receivers, record the waves of elastic disturbance, or radio waves, that are radiated from the earthquake source, or the broadcasting station. Magnitude can be compared to the power output in kilowatts of a broadcasting station. Local intensity on the Mercalli scale is then comparable to the signal strength on a receiver at a given locality; in effect, the quality of the signal. Intensity, like signal strength, will generally fall off with distance from the source, although it also depends on the local conditions and the pathway from the source to the point." Therefore, an earthquake may have a large magnitude (such as 7 on the Richter scale) but have a low intensity (since it is deep focus). However, shallow earthquakes which have a large magnitude also have a large intensity. In addition, any given earthquake can be described by only one magnitude, but many intensities since the earthquake effects vary with circumstances such as distance from the epicenter and local soil conditions. J. Henwood The Physical Environment- Lithosphere ______________________________________________________________________________ 1.4 Rocks and Minerals A mineral is a natural compound formed through natural geological processes, made up of one compound or element. For example, diamond and graphite are both minerals of carbon. Other examples are alum, amber, calcite, cobaltite, copper, feldspar, jet, magnetite, opal and quartz. A rock is a naturally occurring mixture of minerals and/ or mineraloids (a mineral-like substance that does not form crystals such as iron and copper). In addition, rocks may encompass organic remains. Rocks are therefore a mixture of different minerals and are classified by the mineral and chemical content. For example, limestone is mainly made up of calcite mineral with iron minerals and silicates. Their main chemical component is Calcium Carbonate (CaCO3). Examples of rocks are coal, granite, basalt, dolomite, flint, marl and sandstone. Rocks can be classified in one of three ways that is igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic. 1.4.1 Igneous Rocks These are formed when molten rock (magma) cools and solidifies, either below the surface of the crust (in this case forming intrusive/plutonic rocks) or on the surface of the crust (forming extrusive/volcanic) rocks. (Note that magma that rises to the surface is called lava). Magma can be derived from melting of pre-existing rocks in either the Earth's mantle or crust, which melting is caused by an increase in temperature, a decrease in pressure, or a change in composition. Over 700 types of igneous rocks have been described, most of them formed beneath the surface of the Earth's crust. Examples of igneous rocks are: granite, basalt, feldspars, quartz, olivines, pyroxenes, amphiboles, and micas 1.4.2 Sedimentary Rocks A type of rock which is and is formed from sediments, that is broken fragments of the three types of rock. These are found to form in four main ways: - by the deposition of the weathered remains of other rocks: weathering causes erosion of rocks, which fragments accumulate in a mass forming sand or a similar formation. This can occur due to numerous processes such as water erosion (through the sea or rivers), wind erosion etc.; - by the accumulation and the consolidation of sediments: the accumulated fragments are solidified by pressure to form sandstone, limestone etc; - by the deposition of the results of biological activity activity (biogenic sedimentation): sediments formed either through the activity of biota (for example erosion by biota or else depostion of remains of biota); and - by precipitation from solution: chemical compounds which precipitate from solution Sedimentary rocks include common types such as chalk, limestone, sandstone, clay and shale. Sedimentary rocks cover 75% of the Earth's surface. Four basic processes are involved in the formation of a clastic sedimentary rock: weathering (erosion), transportation, deposition and compaction. J. Henwood The Physical Environment- Lithosphere ______________________________________________________________________________ 1.4.3 Metamorphic Rocks These are formed by subjecting any rock type (including previously-formed metamorphic rocks) to different temperature and pressure conditions than those in which the original rock was formed. These temperatures and pressures are always higher than those at the Earth’s surface and must be sufficiently high so as to change the original minerals into other types or else into other forms if the same minerals. Metamorphic rocks form a large part of the earth’s crust Examples of metamorphic rocks are slate, phyllite, schist, gneiss; some marbles and quartzite J. Henwood The Physical Environment- Lithosphere ______________________________________________________________________________ 1.5 The Rock Cycle The rock cycle describes the dynamic dtransitions that occur better the three main types of rocks that is sedimentary, metamorphic and igneous rocks. This is best described through a diagram (below). Three main transitions are present: i. Transition to igneous; ii. Transition to metamorphic; and iii. Transition to sedimentary. 1.5.1 Transition to Igneous Any type of rock (igneous, metamorphic and sedimentary) may be pushed deeper under the earth’s surface through subduction and burial by other rocks. When this occurs, the rising temperatures liquefy the rock which forms magma, which is found in the mantle and the core. If the magma rises up to the crust, it may either for intrusive or extrusive igneous rocks by cooling below or above the crust respectively. Extrusive rock results thorugh volcanic activity in the crust. 1.5.2 Transition to metamorphic Any type of rock (igneous, metamorphic and sedimentary) may be subject to high temperatures and pressure when buried. These cause a physical and chemical change to form a different rock than the parent, called the metamorphic rock. 1.5.3 Transition to Sedimentary Any rock exposed to the atmosphere is unstable and subject to weathering and erosion (such as biological erosion). The result is that the original rock is broken down into smaller fragments or J. Henwood The Physical Environment- Lithosphere ______________________________________________________________________________ else are taken up by organisms into their body to form things like shells of molluscs and the hard bodies of corals. In some cases, rocks dissolve in water. From this point on, sedimentary rocks may form in four ways, as mentioned further above: - the sediment formed is deposited in a mass forming sand or a similar formation such as silt from a river; - the accumulated sediment solidifies by pressure to form sandstone, limestone etc; - Biological activity will result in sediment formation, such as formation of the rocks of a coral reef; and - dissolved rocks will precipitation from solution, such as when rock salt is formed. J. Henwood The Physical Environment- Lithosphere ______________________________________________________________________________ 1.6 Maltese Rocks Maltese rocks are entirely sedimentary and are formed through erosion or biological activity. The rock strata (stratigraphic sequence) in the Maltese Islands are as follows: - Quaternary Sediments; - Upper Coralline limestone; - Greensand; - Blue clay; - Globigerina limestone; and - Lower Coralline limestone. All rock layers, except for the quaternary deposits were formed during the tertiary period through biologival activity. Only quaternary deposits formed in the quaternary period (in which we live nowadays. Quaternary deposits/sediments are sedimentary rocks layers found in mouths of valleys and areas where water collects. They do not form solid rock but are fragmentary. Upper Coralline Limestone (UCL): Il-Qawwi ta’ Fuq This is the youngest solid rock formation in the Islands, which reaches a thickness of circa 160 metres in the Bingemma area of Malta. This rock type predominantly outcrops in western Malta and Eatern Gozo where it forms the high ground of the islands. The rock is composed of coralline algae Lithothamnion and Lithophyllum and thus is of biogenic sedimentary origin. This rock was formed around 10million years ago when the Mediterranean Sea was tropical that is warm and rather shallow. In such as environment, coralline algae grow forming large reefs. Eventually the reefs grew very thick. This rock is the most young therefore forming last. When formed, Malta rose from the sea bed around 10million years ago. Since it was the youngest to form, it is relatively soft. Yet it is still used in the building industry. Greensand: Ir-Ramlija, Il-Gebla s-Safra This sediment underlies the Upper Coralline Limestone deposit and consists of glauconite and bioclastic limestones. It is soft and easily eroded and when exposed it gives a green colour. Its thickness has been observed to be up to 11m thick on Gozo, but typically it is 1m or less thick. This rock formed when the Mediterranean was shallow and characterised by numerous currents. The bottom was andy and therefore this formed from compaction of sand. The Greensand has no particular use. In fact, building on it is rather a big risk! Blue Clay: It-Tafal This deposit lies between the overlying Greensand and the underlying Globigerina. It is the most fertile sediment on the islands and is essential to the agricultural well-being of the island. It also acts as an aquifer since it accumulates water on it resulting in many of the springs on the island Blue Clay erodes easily when wet and falls over the underlying hillslopes. J. Henwood The Physical Environment- Lithosphere ______________________________________________________________________________ Blue clay is of biogenic origin. It is a clay mixed with limestone and is thus a type of marl. In fact, it formed from sediments which formed in open muddy water between 150 and 100 meters deep. These sediments were derived from rivers which carried large amounts of silt towards the sea, which silt deposited to form blue clay. In its nature blue clay is impermeable, unlike all other Maltese rocks. It has a very low porosity (few pores) and thus water does not pass through it, forming a perched aquifer. Globigerina Limestone: Il-Franka Globigerina limestone underlies the Blue Clay formation and overlies the Lower Coralline limestone. Most of the low lying north-eastern part of Malta and Gozo is underlain by Globigerina. Globigerina itself is made up of three layers called the upper, middle and lower Globigerina layers. The deposit is made up from planktonic animals called foraminifera. In particular, it is made up of Globigerina, but vertebrate remains have been recovered including those of crocodiles, turtles, sharks and seals. These microscopic foraminifera have shells and float around in open water. When they die, their shells would fall to the bottom of the sea and over the years accumulate into a thick layer, which compacts to become a rock. Globigerina is rather a soft rock and thus easily quarried and cut into blocks and used as building material. Try to get a look at the island from the air as the plane lands, you will see the dramatic extent of quarrying, both legal and illegal on the island. Viewed from the air the extent of this problem is obvious, and large areas appear to have been quarried away. Lower Coralline Limestone (LCL): Il-Qawwi ta’ Taħt, Iz-Zonqor This is the oldest rock on the island and underlies the Globigerina formation. On Malta it is rarely exposed amd found in areas such as Mosta and Gharghur, but on Gozo uplift associated with graben (valleys) and horst activity has thrown up the 140 m high Xlendi cliffs which are entirely composed of Lower Coralline limestone. The sediment is composed primarily of the coralline algae Lithothamnion and Archaeolithothamnion and formed in a similar manner as UCL. This rock can be very hard since it has been subject to a lot of pressure. In fact, the moat at Valletta is not as deep as planned as the Knights were unable to quarry the LCL. It is used in the building industry as material for cement and in road paving. J. Henwood The Physical Environment- Lithosphere ______________________________________________________________________________ J. Henwood The Physical Environment- Lithosphere ______________________________________________________________________________ 1.7 Soil Soil is a complex mixture found on the surface of the lithosphere composed on minerals and organic matter, as well as living organisms, water and air. Living organisms include insects, worm such as the earthworm, fungi, roots of plants and others. Minerals are derived from the rocks making up the parent bedrock, from which the soil was formed. Therefore, in the Maltese Islands, since the rocks are made up of calcium carbonate, the soil is basic and also made up of calcium carbonate. 1.7.1 Soil Structure Soil is made up of distinct horizontal layers called horizons, which is a layer of soil, approximately parallel to the surface, having distinct characteristics. They range from rich, organic upper layers (humus and topsoil) to underlying rocky layers (subsoil, regolith and bedrock) and are split or differentiated by changes of color, texture, roots, structure and rock fragments. In general the top layers are rich in organic matter. The organic matter content decreases on going down since organic matter is produced from plants. However, the opposite is true of minerals and salts. Since these originate from the parent material from which soil forms (called the bedrock or parent rock) from top to bottom mineral content increases. Leaching also causes this process. O Horizon - The top, organic layer of soil, made up mostly of leaf litter and humus (decomposed organic matter). It is made up of 12-18 % organic carbon. A Horizon - The layer called topsoil; it is found below the O horizon and above the E horizon. Seeds germinate and plant roots grow in this dark-colored layer. It is made up of humus (decomposed organic matter) mixed with mineral particles. E Horizon - This eluviation (leaching) layer is light in color; this layer is beneath the A Horizon and above the B Horizon. It is made up mostly of sand and silt, having lost most of its minerals J. Henwood The Physical Environment- Lithosphere ______________________________________________________________________________ and clay as water drips through the soil (in the process of eluviation i.e. water percolation through soil). B Horizon - Also called the subsoil - this layer is beneath the E Horizon and above the C Horizon. It contains clay and mineral deposits (like iron, aluminum oxides, and calcium carbonate) that it receives from layers above it when mineralized percolates from the soil above. C Horizon - Also called regolith: the layer beneath the B Horizon and above the R Horizon. It consists of slightly broken-up bedrock. Plant roots do not penetrate into this layer; very little organic material is found in this layer. R Horizon - The unweathered rock (bedrock) layer that is beneath all the other layers. Note: Often on four soil horizons are described that is O, A, B and C. 1.7.2 What makes up soil? What exactly makes up soil? The following is a brief account… 50% is composed of organic substances (including organism) and inorganic (dead) material. The rest is composed of air and water which fill up the spaces between the particles. The inorganic part is made up of many components such as leterite (clay), vermiculite, smectite, illinite, chlorite, gibbsite and kaolinite (both aluminium compounds), goethite and kaolinite (both iron compounds). The living compounds are either microscopic or else macroscopic (large). Microscopic organisms include algae, protozoa, bacteria and fungi. Large organisms include animals such as insects, millipedes, mites and worms, such as the earthworm and nematodes). Plants also occur or parts thereof such as the roots. The inorganic component is often made up of particles of different sizes. These are classified as given in the diagram below: Very small particles (from 0 to 0.002mm) are called clay. These are responsible for trapping nutrients since they are charged molecules (positive clay particles trap anions such as Nitrate, NO3-, phosphate, PO43- and Sulphate, SO42- whilst negative clay particles trap cations such as potassium, K+, calcium, Ca2+ and Iron, Fe2+). These also trap water and thus clay is an very important component. Silt is larger than clay. It retains less water and nutrients and thus gives good drainage in the soil. Sand is also important. Since it is relatively large in size, it holds less water than clay. Therefore water drains easily from sand and with it nutrients are lost. J. Henwood The Physical Environment- Lithosphere ______________________________________________________________________________ The best soils are thus a mixture of sand, silt and clay since a balance between water logging and drought is given. Also, a balanced nutrient holding capacity is given for mixed soils. According to the composition, soil is given a name. The diagram below helps determine the name of a soil according to the composition of clay, sand and silt. Loam soils contain a mixture of sand, silt and clay and are the best types of soil. Adding a bit more clay gives a clay loam whilst adding a bit more sand or silt gives a sandy or silty loam respectively. 1.7.3 Soil Formation Soil formation (pedogenesis) is the process by which soil is created. Soil formation is a very complex procedure and depends on numerous factors, outlined below: J. Henwood The Physical Environment- Lithosphere ______________________________________________________________________________ All soils initially come from rocks, that are called the ‘parent material’. The parent material may be directly below the soil, or great distances away if wind, water or glaciers (ice) have transported the soil. In addition to the soil parent material, soil formation is also dependent upon other prevailing processes namely climate and the organisms present. Climatic conditions are especially important factors affecting both the form and rate at which soil forms. This is since weather causes erosion of the parent material by physical and chemical weathering of the parent material to form soil. Biological erosion also occurs. There are two main categories of weathering, having different effects: Physical Weathering • Freezing and Thawing – as water freezes it expands and this pushes the soil structures apart. Water expands considerably when frozen and this expansion literally pushes the soil apart, breaking it down. When the ice thaws the soil can slump back again. The overall process is rather like a very slow but can literally grind mountains down over time! • Heating and Cooling - here soils subjected to extremes of temperature are affected as they expand and contract. The effect is less pronounced that that of freezing and thawing but over time this can become significant as is seen in the desert. • Wetting and Drying - soils that are wetted up may be prone to swelling. Clay minerals in particular exhibit this property. The soils that have thus expanded then shrink when the soils dry out. These seasonal effects are termed shrinkage and swelling. • Grinding or Rubbing - most obvious on the beach, grinding of particles against each other leads to particle disintegration. This is why beach pebbles become smooth. Abrasion similarly breaks down the soil particles. •Organisms - the effect of organisms, plants and animals, living in the soil cannot be overstated. Soil is home for a wide range of organisms. If plants can push through concrete soil presents little obstacle! Worms churn their way through soil, mixing and aerating it all through their lives and there can be thousands of worms in a field. J. Henwood The Physical Environment- Lithosphere ______________________________________________________________________________ Chemical Weathering •Solution - certain solid components in the soil can be dissolved in water. In this way underground caverns can form in limestone karst landscapes. •Acid – acids break down certain rocks to give smaller particles. In fact, rocks break down due to carbonic acid, naturally found in rain. Weathering and erosion results in breakdown of the parent material to form small particles. This accumulates in holes and plants (colonizers) may start growing on it. Due to the advent of plants, organic matter is added to the soil. After plants come the animals, which start mixing the soil and introduce air into it. They also carry organic matter deeper into the soil. In fact, animals like the earth worm carry leaves into deep burrows. The more plants grow, the more organic matter is added to the soil, thus rendering it rich. 1.7.4 Other notes on soil Further processes are known to occur in soil. The following is a list: Leaching - leaching is the removal of soluble components of the soil column. As water washes down (percolates) through the soil it can carry away minerals and ions such as calcium and magnesium. Leaching causes the top soil to be poor. Eluviation - soil particles held in suspension, such as clay, are washed away with floods. This results in loss of soil from habitats and fields, a process called soil erosion. However, soil erosion is also a result of wind erosion and not only eluviation. Nutrient content of soil: It is the amounts of nutrients found in soil. Nutrients holding capacity: The ability of soil to store nutrients. It is often low in sandy soils but high in clay soils. Therefore, loam soils are preferred. Water holding capacity: The ability of soil to store water. Soils which are rich in clay normally have a high water holding capacity and often become water-logged. On the other hand soils rich in sand have a very low water holding capacity since water percolates through. The best soils are thuis loam soils (mixture of clay and sand. Irrigation: The process of adding water to soil. This may take many forms such as fdrip irrigation, sprinklers etc. Fertilization: The process of improving the soil’s ability to hold plants i.e. its fertility. This is done by using artificial fertilizers such as NPK (Nitrogen, Phosphorous, Potassium) and Ammonium nitrate or natural fertilizers (manure) J. Henwood The Physical Environment- Lithosphere ______________________________________________________________________________ 1.8 Biogeochemical cycles These depict the movement of nutrients on earth through living organisms and the non living environment. They may be very complex since many processes are involved in many parts of the earth. The following terms may be used: Source: A structure or organism containing a particular nutrient. Sink: A structure or organism which consumes a nutrient. A sink is also, very often, a source. Reservoir: A sink in which the nutrient is stored. 1.8.1 The Carbon Cycle Carbon (C) is the 4th most abundant element in the universe after hydrogen (H), Helium (He) and oxygen (O). It is the building block of life since it forms all substances in organisms such as DNA and also other substances, such as fossil fuels. The movement of carbon, in its many forms, between the biosphere, atmosphere, hydrosphere and lithosphere are described by the carbon cycle, which can be depicted by a simple diagram, as below CO2 Forms of Carbon Carbon is present in many forms in the environment. The main forms are below: J. Henwood The Physical Environment- Lithosphere ______________________________________________________________________________ - - - Carbon Dioxide (CO2): A gas present in the atmosphere at a concentration of 0.04%. It also occurs dissolved in water. The atmosphere is thus a main reservoir of carbon, whilst the oceans are a carbon sink. Organic carbon: Occurs in the form of sugars, fats, proteins, DNA and other molecules in the biosphere. The largest percentage of carbon is found in cellulose, which forms plant cell walls. These are present in all living organisms and decomposing animal and plant matter in the soil. Carbonates: An inorganic form of carbon present in rocks such as limestone and soils, and dissolved in water. Coil, oil and gas: fossil fuels contain complex molecules of carbon derived from living organisms. These are stored in the lithosphere. Processes in the Carbon Cycle The cycle has four main reservoirs that is the atmosphere, biosphere, lithosphere and fossil fuels (within the lithospohere). Several processes carry carbon from one reservoir to another. CO2 (Atmosphere, hydrosphere) Biosphere Several processes change CO2 into another form of carbon: - Photosynthesis: Carbon dioxide in the atmosphere or the hydrosphere (in the form of CO 32-) is converted into the sugar glucose by autotrophs, with the help of light energy. The glucose formed is either stored in the body, used to release energy for work or else used to build the plant body, such as by being converted into cellulose or proteins. Once heteretrophs eat plants, they convert the organic carbon molecules into other molecules. Therefore, photosynthesis introduces C into the biosphere. - The ocean absorbs a large amount if carbon dioxide by dissolution. This is used by phytoplankton and marine algae to perform photosynthesis. Biosphere CO2 (Atmosphere, hydrosphere) Heteretrophs and autotrophs respire to produce energy, in the process liberating carbon dioxide. This gas is released into the atmosphere. Biosphere Fossil fuels Organisms produce waste and die. In the process organic nutrients are released into the environment, which are decomposed by saprotrophs to form CO2. However, some organic material does not decay. In fact, it fossilizes and forms fossil fuels. The process of fossilization is complex and takes a long time to occur. In the process, organic compounds do not decompose but are preserved. However, over time they change in structure, in the end giving a very complex molecule, which is the basis of fossil fuel. Remember that coal is formed from plant remains, whilst oil and natural gas are formed from the remains of phytoplankton and zooplankton. J. Henwood The Physical Environment- Lithosphere ______________________________________________________________________________ Fossil fuels Atmosphere Combustion is the process by which biomass and fossil fuels are burnt in the process releasing heat and CO2. There are two forms of combustion: aerobic and anaerobic, as shown below Aerobic: C (organic matter) + O2 CO2 CH4 + 2O2 CO2 + 2H2O Anaerobic: 2C (organic matter) + O2 2CO 4CH4 + 5O2 2C + 2CO + 8H2O Combustion releases several thousands of tonnes carbon dioxide in the atmosphere annually. Atmosphere Hydrosphere Lithosphere Carbon dioxide in the air dissolves in water to form carbonic acid. Carbonic acid may be used by animals to form carbonates, that make up shells and other hard structures CO2 + H2O H2CO3 H2CO3 2H+ + CO32CO32- + Ca2+ CaCO3 When these organisms dies,their shells and hard body parts sink to the ocean floor where they accumulate in carbonate rich deposits. After a long period of time and the process of lithification they form carbonate rocks, such as limestone, which are rich in calcite, CaCO3. The carbon cycle is rather complex and each otf the mentioned processes is important. Of particular importance is combustion, which is used by humans to generate energy. This releases enormous amounts of CO2 into ht atmosphere and is thus risking imbalancing the Carbon cycle. In fact the CO2 content of the atmosphere has already increased by 0.005%. However, the ocean and autotrophs are good sinks (especially the ocean)taking up a large amount of CO 2 annually. 1.8.2 The Nitrogen Cycle Life requires nitrogen (N) since it makes up proteins and DNA. Proteins are very important molecules since they act as catalysts of body reactions and therefore, N is also important. The cycling of the different forms of N can be represented by a biogeochemical cycle, which is more complex than that of C. It is shown in the diagram further below. Forms of Nitrogen - N is present in many forms in the environment. The main forms are below: Nitrogen gas (N2): The atmosphere contains 79% nitrogen gas and thus is the biggest reservoir; J. Henwood The Physical Environment- Lithosphere ______________________________________________________________________________ - Inorganic nitrogen: Many compounds exist such as nitrates (NO3-, nitrite (NO2-) - ammonia (NH3), ammonium (NH4+) and urea (CO(NH2)2). Organic nitrogen: in amino acids (components of acids) and nucleic acids (components of DNA). J. Henwood The Physical Environment- Lithosphere ______________________________________________________________________________ Processes in the Nitrogen Cycle The cycle has three main reservoirs that is the atmosphere, biosphere and lithosphere. Several processes carry carbon from one reservoir to another. Atmosphere Biosphere Nitrogen from the atmosphere must be taken up by organisms due to its importance. However, ,ost organisms cannot make use of nitrogen gas (N2). Therefore, N2 must be converted into a form that can be taken up by organisms (plants) and distributed into the food web. The process by which N2 is taken up by the biosphere is called Nitrogen fixation. It may occur in three way: -Biological fixation: Specific bacteria absorb N2 and convert it into organic compounds such as proteins. These bacteria may either be free living or else in symbiosis with legumes. - Industrial fixation: N2 in the atmosphere is converted into ammonia, which is often used as a fertilizer. N2 + 6H+ + 6e- 2NH3 - Atmospheric fixation: The enormous energy of lightning breaks N2 and enables the atoms to combine with O2 in air to form nitrates. These dissolve in rain and are carried down to earth. N2 + 3O2 + 2e- 2NO3Biosphere Biosphere Lithosphere The proteins made by plants enter and pass through the food web. At each trophic level organic nitrogen compounds are produced such as proteins. These are released into the environment either through excretion (urea is formed due to excess proteins in the diet), through egesta, or else when the organism dies. In each case, decay in the soil will break down animal and plant molecules containing nitrogen into ammonia. Lithosphere Lithosphere Biosphere: Nitrification Ammonia cannot be taken up directly by plants through their roots. However, the ammonia produced by decay is converted into nitrates. This is accomplished in two steps as shown below: 2NH3 + 5O2 + 2e- 2NO2- + 3H2O 2NO2- + O2 2NO3Nitrifying bacteria present in the soil carry out the process when oxygen is available (the soil is not waterlogged). Due to this activity, the plants can absorb nitrogen from the soil. Lithosphere Atmosphere: Denitrification Nitrogen fixation removes N2 from the atmosphere. If only this were present, the process would not be a cycle. However, a process called Denitrification changes nitrate into N2 as shown below: NO3- + 6H+ + 5e- N2 + 3H2O Bacteria called denitrifying bacteria act as agents. These live deep in the soil and in aquatic sediments where conditions are anaerobic. J. Henwood The Physical Environment- Lithosphere ______________________________________________________________________________ Other processes In the diagram, other processes are mentioned such as: Emissions from fossil fuels: The have nitrogen in them, which on burning are released as NO and NO2, collectively called NOX. These precipitate to earth during rain and are taken up by plants to form proteins. Eutrophication: Excess artificial fertilizers (e.g. NH3NO3, ammonium nitrate) are soluble in water. Therefore these are carried by surface runoff or by leaching into water bodies. They are used by water plants and phytoplankton to grow, thus entering the nitrogen cycle in water, but in excess may cause eutrophication. Final remark: The role of saprotrophs Saprotrophs have a very important role in all cycles, These essentially recycle living organisms and their components, therefore also recycling the nutrients in them through decay. J. Henwood The Physical Environment- Lithosphere