Final Reading of CFT-09-025, v.13 Comments from Bob Brown, Gigi Rolandi, Luc Pape New Version : v.15 Not accepted comments of Type A November 5th,2009 Gigi: L10 > Also at this introductory level you could suppress the "In each > chamber, the DTLT generates track segments from the alignment of hits > and assigns the BX". > L45 ( line 43 v.15): Bob: replace the first few sentences of this para with the updated standard text Not done ………is it really necessary ?? Gigi: delete 45-51 and place the TTC definition later in the text replacing > TTC at line 61 with > Trigger and Timing Control system (TTC)[4] We prefer to keep L53,54 Bob iron -> steel (two occurrences) I think that ‘steel’ in correct… L107 ( line 100 v.15) : Bob: time of the tracks - tracks don't have a time. taken for particles to travel I suggest: time we replaced in line 86 V.15 and everywhere "track time", "track timing" etc...replaced by "muon arrival time" Gigi: > Figure 7: the legend (ALL) and the caption (WITHOUT) do not match. The > text matches with the legend. L180 ( line 174 v.15): Bob: allowing for a common displacement....this is an incorrect use of "allowing for", but I am not sure what is intended - possibly: allowing a common....position to be used. “ Assuming a straight line trajectory, the algorithm optimizes the track direction and position, allowing a common displacement of the hits from the wire position.” Bob: Figure 9 caption: replace full stop after "chamber" with a comma and delete "From top to bottom" I have no idea what the last sentence means. Possibly replace with: The correspondence between chambers and sectors is indicated on the x-axis of the top plot? L205( line 200 v.15) Gigi :> 205/215: vertically positioned sectors : the sectors that measure > horizontal tracks > > 208 "horizontally positioned --> that measure almost vertical tracks > > 217 stray magnetic field AFFECTING TEH DRIFT VELOCITY (??? I am not > sure) Comments from Bob Accepted : in the vertical sectors L213( line 209 v.15): Bob: reflects -> demonstrates “Demonstrates” does not sound to mean what we want to say. Could it be to use “is the result of “ L228 ( line 223 v.15): Bob: " Other well." There is RPC trigger …because What does this sentence mean? L267-270 Gigi > 268-270 I am not sure that the statement is correct.... It is just > because of the statistics of > the horizontal muons. > It is not really a problem of statistics: it is due to the systematic error which can be caused in these sectors by using the computation of the mean values of the tTrig in the two r-phi SLs of the chambers. The tracks in these sectors have a large angles and they can be coming or from outside to the IP or viceversa. That make the rising edge of the "timeboxes" of the two SLs very broad and the tTrig mean values in the two SLs sometime not equal within ~ns suffering , in this computation, also of poor statistics. L274…( line 270 v.15): Bob: The final sentence ….Do you plan to combine the results from the two mehods? I expect results equal within ~1 ns . *************************************************************** End of not accepted comments . A.T. Meneguzzo Bob Brown Here are my Type A comments: L16: -> ...and assigns the BX. (delete "it") L22: ...depending on... -> requiring L24: Cosmic muons -> Cosmic ray muons (Here and everywhere else - needs a global search and edit) L27: muons -> muon (singular) L31: DTLTs (no apostrophe - here and everywhere else - needs a global search and edit) L34: cosmic data -> cosmic ray data (here and everywhere else - needs a global edit) L39: at any time -> at random times with respect to the clock L42: at the LHC -> for normal LHC operation L42: Delete the sentence: Section 3 is independent....what message is it supposed to convey? L45: replace the first few sentences of this para with the updated standard text Not done ………is it really necessary ?? L53,54 iron -> steel (two occurrences) I think that ‘iron ‘ is correct word.. L54: beam line -> beam direction L60: match the capitalization of Trigger and Timing control Receiver with TTCrx L70: add comma after MHz L75 : -> quality (HH) is...(add brackets) Figure 2: add CMS in the box L100: left side plot -> left plot (here and elsewhere - needs global edit - also for right side) Figure 3 caption : -> defined by maximising the HH DTLT efficiency. L107: time of the tracks - tracks don't have a time. I suggest: time taken for particles to travel "track time", "track timing" etc...replaced by "muon arrival time" everywhere L113: section heading - Cosmic ray muon (without quotes) L117: cosmic ray events (delete triggered L119: add commas after exercises and events L121: ->without magnetic field L123: continuously -> throughout L127: adjusted -> made commas after have and events L130: synchronization at -> synchronization performed during L135: What does "Indeed" signify? - delete it L137: Run-by-run L138: -> allowing a complete (delete for) L142: comma after stages L143,144: this sentence goes on and on. Delete: when the phase...cycle. (it is not needed) L146: maximum number of entries L160: -> Throughout the CRAFT run, Figure 4: add CMS 2008 Figure 4 caption: delay run -> delay setting Figure 5 caption: ditto Figure 6 caption: this data -> these data, (with the comma) not in the read out -> not read out L162: all data taking -> the data taking L165,166: as large least -> of at least one BX period L167: -> within a range of 1015 ns. L174,175 delete: This measurement.....Section. L175: and it is -> and is L180: allowing for a common displacement....this is an incorrect use of "allowing for", but I am not sure what is intended - possibly: allowing a common....position to be used. L187: due to -> associated with L190: Hereafter, the tsegment folded into the 25 ns interval is referred to as the "Phase". L195: delete: in the BX time interval L202: read out data available in -> data from to be -> to agree L205: vertically positioned -> vertical delete "namely" due to -> because of Figure 7 caption: folded in -> folded into replace colon with full stop after interval Figure 8 caption: example sector -> sector Figure 9 caption: replace full stop after "chamber" with a comma and delete "From top to bottom" I have no idea what the last sentence means. Possibly replace with: The correspondence between chambers and sectors is indicated on the x-axis of the top plot? L206: worse >- poorer L207: referring -> defining L208: horizontally positioned -> oriented close to the horizontal direction delete "namely" L212: delete "almost" L213: reflects -> demonstrates It is not what we want point out ….. L214: alleviate -> reduce L215: vertically positioned -> vertical L216: in the MB1 chambers L219: -> ...degrees, corresponding to the angular interval expected for high transverse... L224,225: -> summing over all trigger qualities... Also change order: above 80% and is independent.... Therefore, at the... L228:" Other well." What does this sentence mean? There is RPC trigger …because L232: it *will* therefore be possible.. L234: given -> fixed L236: delete "just" L241: even with -> with just L244: at the same time -> concurrently L245: comma after Moreover L26: applied on -> applied to L249: *by* requiring pointing... L252: delete "example" at LHC start-up L253: -> their widths L261: -> Cosmic ray events L267: -> because the chambers are of identical design and are operated under the same conditions. L268: alleviate -> reduce L271: "These...available" -> " Since these optimal phases have now been determined," L274,275: The final sentence needs rewriting but I have run out of steam. Do you plan to combine the results from the two mehods? I expect results equal within ~1 ns . -Scanned by iCritical. [ MIME part of type text/html without a name stripped ] Please do you agree ? I am going to do the following updates. Anna Luc Pape wrote: *** Discussion title: Review of CFT-09-025 Dear authors and ARC, Congratulations. This paper is very interesting and demonstrates well the achievable time precision of the DT. I agree with Gigi that it is, however, not so easy to read, although your argumentation is quite well understandable. Below, a few comments. Best wishes, Luc TYPE B ====== - l=54: I propose that you explain here the numbering (from -2 to +2) of the weels. At present, the weel -1 is mentioned for the first time in the caption of Fig.4, where it is not defined. You could also say where sector 1 is located ( important to understand some points later on). Ok - l=226: it was not clear to me where you obtained this efficiency from. It was not mentioned explicitely in Sect.4, where it could have been. Moreover (unless I misunderstand your figure) it does not seem to agree with the plateau value in Fig.8 right which is labelled "efficiency" but is lower than 80%. in this paper as mentioned I hope clearly I consider just the DTLT of HH quality which is expected to be as in Fig. 8 . At line =226 I am talking of the DTLT efficiency of any quality used for generating a L1A from the information of the DT chambers that is the HH+HL+LL+(H+anyTheta) trigger quality ; this efficiency is presented in the CFT-09-022 paper, figure 4 at page 6. It is above 80% everywhere but in a region of ~5ns where it is anyway above ~65% so I reported ~80% TYPE A ====== - l=55: it would be good to define phi in words - l=58: same thing for theta I will introduce at line 51 a footnote like: "CMS uses a right-handed coordinate system, with the origin at the nominal collision point, the x-axis pointing to the centre of the LHC, the y-axis pointing up (perpendicular to the LHC plane), and the z-axis along the anticlockwise-beam direction. The polar angle, theta, is measured from the positive z-axis and the azimuthal angle, phi, is measured in the x-y plane." - caption of Fig.3: could you not merge the last sentence with "The track crossing time..." to shorten the caption? ok - caption of Fig. 4: "wheel -1" is not defined (but see my comment above) ok - Fig. 5: could you add the symbols in the legend box please. As it stands it is not possible to identify the MBs in B/W print. ok - l-204: if defined earlier, it is perhaps not necessary to define again the (1 to 12) and (-2 to +2) Here I want just to remind the order in the plots of the wheels and of the sectors...I would prefer to leave them as they are. Anna *** Discussion title: Review of CFT-09-025 Gigi Rolandi wrote: > *** Discussion title: Review of CFT-09-025 > > Dear Anna et al, > > the paper shows important results that will allow us to > have quickly a well synchronized system at LHC startup. > Congratulations. > > I have no problems with the physics content of the paper, > that I think I was able to understand reasonably well, but > with a superficial reading. > > The paper however reads not so easily and could be > made more fluent by somebody who writes english better > than I do. > > I attach here some comments , all style related. > Dear Gigi, thanks for the comments. If Arc member agree, I do implement in the Final Readind version almost all your suggestions but one of the last. Please find inline the reasons. Best regards, Anna > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Best, Gigi Type A Abstract The barrel muon trigger of the CMS experiment uses self-triggering arrays of drift tubes and performs the identification of the bunch crossing that produced the muon using a rather sophisticated algorithm. Abstract In this paper the synchronization performed DURING AN EXTENDED COSMIC-RAY RUN is described and the results are reported. Line 4 add something like In oder to achieve very high luminosity the bunch crossing frequency > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > of the proton beams is large : 40.08 MHz. and delete the first sentence of the next paragraph, and replace the second by This large BX frequency requires an accurate synchronization of all detector components that trigger the data acquisition identifying the bunch crossing..... In the muon barrel detector line 10 delete measurement Line 10 delete the sentence starting with Since Paragraph starting al line 13 change to: The Drift Tubes Local Trigger (DTLT) electronics generates trigger primitives based on the measurements of the Drift Tubes (DT) detectors of the barrel muon system of CMS . In each chamber, the DTLT generates track segments from the alignment of hits and assigns the BX. A unique identification of the BX, independent of the muon momentum and direction, requires the phase of the sampling clock of the DTLT electronics to be adjusted with a precision of 1 ns. This adjustment can be achieved using a programmable delay (0-25 ns) available in each chamber. This "fine synchronization" is the topic of this paper. Also at this introductory level you could suppress the "In each chamber, the DTLT generates track segments from the alignment of hits and assigns the BX". 36: add : This paper is organized as follows. 39: and cannot be applied to LHC (no parentheses) 42: delete the last sentence delete 45-51 and place the TTC definition later in the text replacing TTC at line 61 with Trigger and Timing Control system (TTC)[4] 63 coming from --> of 72 All possible trigger (remove "the") 73 said to be of --> named 95 delete the last sentence of the paragraph (repetition with previous section). 101 take out the parenthetic statement (repetition) 131 do you need the parenthetic statement ? 135 delete "indeed" 170 explained --> discussed Figure 7: the legend (ALL) and the caption (WITHOUT) do not match. The text matches with the legend. 205/215: vertically positioned sectors : the sectors that measure horizontal tracks 208 "horizontally positioned --> that measure almost vertical tracks > 217 stray magnetic field AFFECTING TEH DRIFT VELOCITY (??? I am not > sure) > > 224 Replace the first sentence: > The study of Ref. [10] shows that the efficiency of DTLT primitives is > independent of the local clock > phase and above 80%. > > 268-270 I am not sure that the statement is correct.... It is just > because of the statistics of > the horizontal muons. > It is not really a problem of statistic on our side: it is due to the systematic error which can be caused in these sectors by using the computation of the mean values of the tTrig in the two r-phi SLs of the chambers. The tracks in these sectors have a large angles and they can be coming or from outside to the IP or viceversa. That make the rising edge of the "timeboxes" of the two SLs very broad and the tTrig mean values in the two SLs sometime not equal within ~ns suffering , in this computation, also of poor statistics.