BULLETIN INSERT - Capital City Ringers

Fall 2012
The Capital City Ringers, Inc., under the direction of Jane C. Wright, will be in concert at
[insert your church’s name, address, date and time]. The Capital City Ringers (CCR) is a
community handbell ensemble from the Lansing and mid-Michigan area. Their Fall 2012
program is entitled “The CCR Christmas Letter.” Come and celebrate Christmas as
presented by CCR through their magical music and contemplations, along with the beautiful
sights and sounds coming from their creative use of handbells. This family fun program
allows you to use your imagination as you see more than handbells, hear more than music
notes, and experience an entertaining and enjoyable journey through the time which only
music can offer.
What makes this group distinctive is their exquisite, musical performance of any style
imaginable and their creative blending of more than 145 handbells, handchimes and
instruments, topping it off with good humor and fun. Combining technical skill with a high
standard of musicality brings out the best that handbells can offer and creates joy for
audiences everywhere. With handbells ranging from 1 inch across to a breadth of 24
inches, these 15 ringers become one instrument as they offer a unique experience of sight
and sound. The comment most often heard by those who hear CCR is: “I never knew bells
could do that!” Some have asked, “Where is the organ sound coming from?”
Jane C. Wright is the conductor and artistic director of CCR, and also serves as the director
of Fine Art Ministries at Westwood United Methodist Church in Kalamazoo, Michigan. She
holds a Bachelor of Music degree in instrumental and choral music from Central Michigan
University and a Masters degree in conducting from Michigan State University. She has
served on the Area V board of the American Guild of English Handbell Ringers and
continues to assist that organization through committee work and as a clinician. She also
serves on the West Michigan board for the Fellowship of United Methodists in Music and
Worship Arts. She founded CCR in 1984 to challenge handbell ringers to perform music
that incorporates the finest and most varied repertoire written or arranged for handbells.
The result has been one that touches lives and makes a difference, both for the ringers and
their audiences.
The fifteen volunteer ringers and their director have toured extensively in Michigan and
surrounding states, as well as in the eastern United States and at Disney World, Florida.
CCR has been invited to perform multiple times with the Lansing Symphony Orchestra and
at AGEHR events, also with many other instrumental and choral ensembles from the midMichigan area. A demand for recordings has inspired CCR to produce four recordings,
available at concerts and on the CCR website. For additional information, recordings,
membership, photos, concert dates, and full repertoire list, be sure to visit their awardwinning website at www.capitalcityringers.com
A freewill donation will be taken. For more concert information, call [insert your church’s
telephone number].
Fall 2012
The Capital City Ringers, under the direction of Jane C. Wright, will be in concert at [insert
your church’s name, address, date and time]. CCR’s Fall 2012 program is entitled “The
CCR Christmas Letter.” Hear and see the music of Christmas as presented by CCR through
their magical music and contemplations, along with the beautiful sights and sounds coming
from their creative use of handbells. Your imagination will be incorporated and enable you
to see more than handbells, hear more than music notes, and experience an entertaining
journey through the time and space of musical performance. CCR’s scripted 75-minute
program has something for everyone. In addition to more than 145 Malmark handbells and
handchimes, CCR’s family-oriented concert includes a variety of other instruments. Come
and enjoy the opportunity to hear, watch, feel and experience music the CCR way. A
freewill offering will be taken. See www.capitalcityringers.com for more details or call
[your church’s name and phone number].