B.1.- Scientific and technological objectives and State of the Art Introduction.Knowledge modelling globally considered are related disciplines that support a varied range of knowledge management applications. However the applications in the market are normally partial adaptations of real problems over tools or even existing systems. That is, rarely these applications have a model either for the knowledge representation (static knowledge representation) or the knowledge reasoning/processing) (dynamic representation). After the evolution and expansion of web applications, models lack delaying the real expansion of complex web applications. These models are also lacking because none contemplates the complete bi-directional information flow, that is, from the knowledge sources to the information requester and viceversa. This flow apparently solved in many cases breaks completely when we want to take into account some issues as multimodality, multilinguality and multiplatform. These “components” once combined define a new framework where to provide advanced information extraction techniques able to capture information from a varied range of formats (video, voice, pictures, graphics, text) and store them in a knowledge base in a unique support able to represent facts, concepts, data, complex concepts (according the different types of information) and their relations. This ontological approach that could be called “Common conceptual Representation” (CCR) must be also expressed in a way compatible with the existing standards for representing knowledge in a structures form, as XML and others. This support could be shown metaphorically speaking as a “3D extension” of the existing mark-up languages. This CCR can be considered as the formal support of the future “knowledge repositories” and must be independent of the input information mode, must support complex operations as knowledge discovery, data mining, decision support and others. For that we will define the reasoning model based on a set of primitives that are in charge of accessing and manipulating the knowledge represented in the CCR and predefined complex functions for the more standard operations of data mining, text mining video streaming, picture searching and graphics interpretation and so on and of course new functions defined by the users. For that we will define a set of intelligent fuzzy agents that assure that the required information is found and accurate and it is processed according the requester needs. This system must support requests in any mode, language and platform for the defined scenarios. No devices are contemplated but specifications of the accessing systems able to request information or information operations over the knowledge systems. These specifications should be the standards for complex communication devices or systems of the immediate future. For that we will develop the key “user side” system that is, the MMMM System (Multimodal, Multiplatform, Multilingual Management System). The end-user and content provider of our consortium is almost ideal because the environment will permit to test the system and the real usefulness of the approach followed. A museum is also representative of new ways of information exploitation like virtual museums (supported by these systems) and all kind of added value services for physical or virtual visitors. Objectives.The core of the proposal is the definition and implementation of a formal and computational support of heterogeneous knowledge where the information could be represented in a unique way format independent (multimedia), language independent (multilingual) and integrating the existing mark up languages. This ontological approach will contemplate both the storing of information as data, pictures, sounds, texts, video, (static information) and also the reasoning/processing models (dynamic models) to manage this information in an effective way according the needs of users and information exploiters(1)The conjunction of static and dynamic models give the information the capacity to talk not about information but Knowledge. This approach will be the base of the new storing approach called “Knowledge repositories” instead of “information repositories”. The very scientific challenge of this proposal is the definition of this computational support for information from many formats and contents and the reasoning mechanism associated. This is the real concept of Knowledge base, only when it is independent of the external state of this knowledge. In fact we can say that the knowledge is the “knowledge repository”. Out of the system could take as name “information”. For doing it, we will define the Knowledge representation mechanisms under the name of “Common Conceptual Representation” (CCR) (2) This CCR must be able to support discrete and continuous knowledge, precise or imprecise data, that is, it must incorporate capacity to represent fuzzy information sets and all kind of general reasoning models and also user needs reasoning models. However this approach is not complete at computational level if we don’t create the mechanisms for accessing the CCR. This CCR must support the maintenance of the system, the automatic access from different sources and the automated knowledge extraction according also to the different standards of external representation. The reality of this system will be shown through the use of a set of primitives that will define in fact a standard for accessing knowledge repositories. We are in fact following the classic models of Knowledge Based systems, where the Knowledge is in the Knowledge Base, and the procedures are external. However we are adapting for representing knowledge in forms that never were considered before. We cannot forget the two mechanisms actuating over a Knowledge Base. The knowledge acquisition process (extraction of information from sources) and the knowledge extraction process (extraction of information by the user). This terminology has been confused the last years but we will define a better terminological approach also to avoid the classical same thing with different names. The characterisation of the information sources is the heterogeneity mainly represented by information in different formats (text, video, etc..) and in different languages. Our approach is to represent knowledge, not exactly information and in this sense we cannot do it depending of these formats or languages. This supposes that we will design the mechanisms for the automatic knowledge acquisition process from different types of sources. We cannot think that these in the future big knowledge bases can be built in a manual way. Information exploiters have their criteria that can be supported by intelligent agents for searching the required information and also for processing it (data mining, and in general the Knowledge discovery associated technologies) (3) We will define the models mechanisms, technologies and components (among them the agents) able to find information and to download it into the CCR. This means that we should also define the standards for automatic knowledge acquisition from “Knowledge repositories”. Finally, we must go to the other side, the user side, the information requester. We find again the user side where we can deal probably with the multilingual barrier. The Knowledge repository have the language independent approach but the accessing systems must at least to go beyond these limits. It is not the scope of the proposal to define and built the perfect access device, but we must reflects the user needs also in different formats (menus, voice, written, touch screens…) or types of entries like natural spoken language, commands, etc, that is their combination. We must define different mechanism because they define by themselves different approaches for the CCR. Our approach is to define the specifications of the devices able in the future to make almost intelligent questions to the knowledge repositories, the automatic profiling systems, that is agents able to define criteria for accessing and delivering information according predefined profiles able to adapt them to the specific users. Adaptive agents mechanisms based on machine learning technologies . We want to be realistic, our idea is to define the specifications of the future devices, to make a good visualization of them building a complete mock up of the devices’ functionalities and tests the user guaranteeing the user centered approach for this work. (1) Jesús Cardeñosa ; Luis Iraola ; Edmundo Tovar; (2001) “An intelligent system for automatic data extraction in E-Commerce applications”. Pacific Asian Conference on Intelligent Systems. Seoul (2) J. Cardeñosa. (1995). “Valid: An environment for Validation of KBS”. Expert Systems with Applications. Vol. 8, nº 3, pp. 323-331. (3) Jesús Cardeñosa: Luis Iraola; Edmundo Tovar; (2002) “Methods for Intelligent Information Access. A real experience” Ninth International Conference on Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge Based-Systems IPMU2002. Annecy (France). Vol. : II ; Pag: 1187-1193: ISBN: 2-9516453-2-5