
Invitation for contributions to a themed issue of
Werkwinkel: Journal of Low Countries and South African Studies
Literary non-fiction
In social sciences and the humanities, as well as literary studies, there has been growing interest in literary nonfiction, both as label or concept, and as genre. As implied by the term, books that are considered part of this
category fall in the boundary region between fiction and non-fiction prose, and therefore do not sit
comfortably within traditional boundaries and genre divisions. Writers as well as critics consistently distinguish
between fiction and non-fiction, although books from both categories are, for example, often nominated for
the same literary prizes. This brings about various questions. Where does the division between the two lie?
What are the origins of the genre and what place does it take within the literary system and within the totality
of non-fictional textual types? The concept non-fiction has long been associated with the American New
Journalism – in an attempt to inject new life into journalism by means of literary artifice. What differences are
there between Dutch and, in particular, American literary non-fiction? Is Dutch non-fiction a new New
Journalism wave or does the concept have a different meaning in the Netherlands, in South Africa and Poland?
In 2007, Meer dan fictie: Gesprekken met auteurs van literaire non-fictie appeared under the editorship of Han
Ceelen and Jeroen Bergelijk – an attempt to explore the field of literary non-fiction via conversations with
writers themselves. However, the theoretical foundation for this genre presents an as yet untapped field for
literary studies. Therefore we would like to contribute to the exploration of this new terrain, and come to new
insights regarding the boundary region between literature and journalism, with a themed issue of Werkwinkel.
We would welcome contributions on various aspects of literary non-fiction.
Relevant topics are:
genological characteristics of literary non-fiction
the history of the genre
the distinction between fiction and non-fiction [also with regard to older texts]
the literary travel report as non-fictional text
the distinctions between non-fiction and journalism [the so-called literary reportage]
representation and truth in literary non-fiction and texts in older literature
Particulars of and interpretation problems in the reading of literary non-fiction
Autobiographical writing can be seen as a specific form of literary non-ficion. Contributions relating to this topic
are also welcome. Here one could consider
- the pacte autobiographique as basis for the autobiographical text
- the relationship between fact and fiction in autobiographical writing
- types of autobiographical texts: autobiography, memoir, the personal essay etc.
- representation in autobiographical texts
Suggestions for contributions can be sent to Ewa Dynarowicz, associate editor and
editorial secretary of Werkwinkel before the 30th of October 2010
Deadline for submission of contributions is 10 January 2011