Lecture#20 - Gene Interactions and Epistasis



BIOLOGY 207 - Dr. Locke

Lecture#20 - Gene Interactions and Epistasis

Required readings and problems:

Reading: Open Genetics, Chapter 6.2

Problems: Chapter 6


Griffiths (2008) 9 th Ed. Readings: pp 239-248

Problems: 9 th Ed. Ch. 16: 26-48, 54-66

Campbell (2008) 8 th Ed. Readings: Concept 14.3


How do alleles at different gene loci interact in diploids?

1. Phenotypic expression of some alleles varies due to "genetic background" or other causes (penetrance, epistasis, genetic suppression).

2. The interaction of genes can modify the typical Mendelian ratios of phenotypic classes of the progeny.

3. Penetrance and expressivity measure frequency and intensity (respectively) of phenotypic expression of a particular genotype.

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Genetic Background

The phenotypic expression (mutant phenotype) of a mutant allele can be modified by different alleles at other gene loci.

Why do some characters vary in their expression?


Biological systems are complex

-> slight differences in the expression of one or more genes in the system

-> variation in mutant phenotype


Background effects can be due to one, a few, or due to many genes.


Phenotypic expression that depend upon the combined effect of a large number of genes is called the genetic background

-> additive effect of all the allelic differences in the remainder of the genome.

Example of one gene:

The case of recessive epistasis .

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Phenomenon of Recessive Epistasis

Recessive epistasis occurs when the phenotypic expression of genotypes at one locus depends on the alleles at another locus.

Recessive epistasis can alter phenotypic ratios.

E.g. - not 9:3:3:1 (F2 cross) or not 1:1:1:1 (test cross).

Example of recessive epistasis: “C” gene in mouse coat colour

There are many loci that affect coat colour in mice.

B/b locus B = Black pigment b = brown pigment

C dominant = permits coat colour expression (of other gene affecting coat colour) c recessive = prevents coat colour expression cc, homozygous recessive lack any coat pigmentation - called albinos - white hair

Because they have hair with no pigment, cc prevents (precludes) the expression of any other hair colour loci

Labrador retrievers coat colour

B/b locus B = Black pigment b = brown pigment

E/e locus E = permit deposition e = prevent deposition

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Example Crosses:

Mice: Interaction between the

B locus and C locus in

(albino) (brown)

BBcc x bbCC P1

BbCc (Black) F1

Cross F1 x F1

F2:ratios modified ratio

B_C_ black 9 bbC_ brown 3

B_cc albino-white bbcc albino-white 4


The cc homozygote is said to be epistatic to the other coat colour genes

The albino phenotype prevents one from "seeing" the phenotype from the other loci

Opposite of epistatic is


Bb locus is hypostatic to the cc alleles.

Dogs: Interaction between the

B locus and E locus in

(yellow) (brown)

BBee x bbEE P1

BbEe (Black) F1

Cross F1 x F1

F2:ratios modified ratio

B_E_ black 9 bbE_ chocolate 3

B_ee yellow bbee yellow 4


The ee homozygote is said to be epistatic to the other coat colour genes

The yellow phenotype prevents one from

"seeing" the phenotype from the other loci

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Modified Phenotypic Ratios produced by 2 gene interactions.

Ratio: 9 3 3 1

Type genotype:


A-B- A-bb aaB- aabb Ratio





3 aB

1 ab


Recessive epistasis of aa acting on B and b alleles

Dominant epistasis of A acting on B and b alleles

Duplicate genes





3 b



3 aB

4 a

1 ab

1 a




Complementary genes

Recessive suppression by aa acting on bb

Dominant suppression by A acting on bb





3 b



7 a



1 b




Shading represents combined classes.

See extra page on modified Mendelian ratios: http://www.biology.ualberta.ca/courses.hp/bio207.hp/locke/modified_ratios.htm

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Genetic suppression

Suppressor mutation has the effect of suppressing (reducing) the phenotypic expression of a mutation -> results in a more wild type (less mutant) phenotype.

Can be:

- intra-genic (same allele) - similar to a revertant

- extra-genic (different gene locus)

Dominant Suppression

Example: white-mottled allele (w m ) gives mosaic expression of white w m / w m = white mottled phenotype w m / w


= w m / w



Dominant Suppressors of w m : w m / w m ; Su- / + or w m / w m ; Su- / Su- = w+ phenotype

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Cross: w+/w+; Su-/Su- X w m /w m ; Su+/ Su+ P1

w+/w m ; Su/Su+ F1 w+ / _ ; Su- / _ w m / w m ; Su- / _


3 red red


F2 w+ / _ ; Su+ / Su+ 3 red w m / w m ; Su+ / Su+ 1 mottled 1

Note: similar ratios to gene duplication (also 15:1 ratio)

Enhancer mutations

Opposite of suppressors

-> they make the phenotype more mutant (enhance the mutant phenotype).

Many Genes -> genetic background

A gene acts in conjunction with other genes and with the environment.

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Penetrance & Expressivity

Penetrance - Is it there or not?

Penetrance - The percentage of individuals with a given genotype in a population who exhibit the phenotype associated with that genotype

Note: It may be that not all individuals with genetype a/a exhibit the a phenotype because of suppressors, epistatic genes etc., environment

Example: In my lab -> a strain that shows incomplete penetrance of an eye "bleb" phenotype

Expressivity - It's there, but how strong is it?

Expressivity - the variation in the extent to which a given genotype is expressed phenotypically in a individual or population

From my lab: Drosophila wing mutant has a variably expressive phenotype

- interruption of a vein in the Drosophila wing

- variable loss of the vein

There is fly-to-fly variation in the extent to which this character is expressed

A range of expression in the population. complete partial little no loss

20% 40% 30% 10%

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Wild type mutant incomplete penetrance complete penetrance

Variable expressivity constant expressivity

Variable penetrance and expressivity.

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