General Project Info Project-id Project-title Project-acronym Project-reference Associated-programme Project-centre name Begin-date End-date Ongoing Location Geographical coverage Area-type Sea-area Descriptions Summary Reference Keywords Data theme Project-website Centre-Information Project centre Role-of-research-centre Other-partners-andcountries Contact Contact post address Contact phone Contact fax Contact email 49-004-001 Seasonal, INterannual and decAdal variabilità of the atmosPhere, oceanS and related marIne ecosystems SINAPSI Italian Ministry for the Environment and Territory Global Ocean Observing System (GOOS) University of Bologna, Environmental Science, Laboratory SINCEM 01/01/97 31/12/03 Yes Adriatic Sea and Ionian Sea (34-46N, 12-22E) Offshore Mediterranean Sea, Adriatic Sea, Ionian Sea The SINAPSI project aims to study the climate system at global and regional scales in order to improve our capability to understand and predict the climate variability at seasonal, interannual and decadal time scales for the atmosphere, ocean and marine ecosystems. The proposed research is based upon both existing observational data sets and modeling work and the collection of new observations and development of new models with two general goals: to increase our capability to predict climate fluctuations in the atmosphere, ocean and marine ecosystems at the relevant time scales; to define key climatic biogeochemical and physical parameters and key marine areas for monitoring the Mediterranean basin fluctuations in terms of the ecosystem response at the seasonal, interannual and decadal time scales. The SINAPSI Progetto Strategico connects with and complements some of the European Union activities in the MAST and ENVIRONMENT and CLIMATE programs (MTP-I, MATER, DICE, Seasonal Predictions, EuroCLIVAR, etc.) and it is in line with the general scope of CLIVAR, GOALS and IGBP (especially PAGES and GLOBEC). Monitoring, climate variability, global ocean-atmosphere interaction COMPUTER MODELS, OCEAN COMPOSITION, PHYSICAL OCEANOGRAPHY, COASTAL STUDIES (e.g. shores, estuaries) University of Bologna, Environmental Science, Laboratory SINCEM Coordinator ARPA-SMR, Bologna; Aquila University; Bologna University, CINECA (Bologna); DINMA (Univ. of Trieste); DISAT (Univ. of Milano); DISTER (Univ. of Milano); ENEA, La Spezia; ENEA, Roma; FISBAT, Bologna; IAN, Genova; IB-CNR, Pisa; IFA, Roma; IGM, Bologna; IMC, Oristano; IMGA, Bologna; IRPEM, Ancona; ISDGM, Venezia; IST, Messina; ITT, Trieste; ITPP, Mazara del Vallo; IUN, Napoli; OGS, Trieste; Padova University; SO, La Spezia; SZ, Napoli Nadia Pinardi University of Bologna, Environmental Science, Laboratory SINCEMNumerical Simulation of Climate and Marine Ecosystems, Piazza J.F.Kennedy 12, Palazzo Rasponi, 48100 Ravenna, Italy +39-0544-481769 +39-0544-481768 Administration Completed by Currency date Revision-date Collating-centre Modify-date A. Giorgetti, OGS, Italy ( 25/09/2003 25/09/2003 OGS, Trieste, Italy 25/09/2003