Autistic syndromes and diet : a reasonable connection Author: Dr

Autistic syndromes and diet : a reasonable connection
Dr Karl Reichelt - University of Oslo, Norway
Dr Karl Reichelt, long-time professor at the University of Oslo, Norway, is a world authority on
gluten and casein intolerance in autism. He has published many papers, including research
showing evidence of abnormal peptides in the urine of people with autism. In 2004, he was
visiting professor at the University of Newcastle, Australia
By KL Reichelt
Institute of Paediatric Research, University of Oslo, Rikshospitalet /Radiumhospitalet, N -0027
The casein- and glute- free dietary intervention in autism is based on peptide increases and
opioid activity, some of which are exogenous. Furthermore, opioids can explain many of the
symptoms discovered, and dietary intervention has been found to be effective by several groups.
The physiology involved in the demand for diet makes sense. Phenylketonuria is a reasonable
model, where reducing the load of phenylalanine or pre-lesion of deficient enzyme prevents the
genetic defect from becoming manifest. Many of the symptoms found in autism can be explained
by the effects of the peptides. The diet has been proven safe when supplements such as calcium
and vitamins and cod liver oil are taken.
Full Paper:
Since a genetic disposition to autism has been established with very high heritability (Bailey et
al., 1995; Lathe 2006) in the autistic syndromes, there must be chemical changes. However, the
probable large increase in rates of autism over recent years indicates environmental factors, too.
This is not surprising, because a genetic disposition must often be exposed to environmental
/endocrine inputs or overload to become manifest.
A clearly genetic disorder like phenylketonuria can be treated by decreasing the metabolic load
presented by phenylalanine. Also, the polymorphic nature of most enzymes makes it possible to
increase low activity enzymes by cofactor supplementation(Ames et al., 2002).
Increase in opioids in autism was measured as opioid binding activity increase (Gillberg et al.,
1985) or antibody binding activity (Le Boyer et al., 1994). More specific demonstrations of
exorphins in urine from autistic children have been described (Reichelt et al., 1990; Cade et al.,
2000; Shanahan et al., 2000) as part of a more general peptide increase ( Shattock et al., 1990;
Cade et al., 2000; Reichelt and Knivsberg, 2003 ).
High-functioning patients with autism and Asperger's syndrome do not always show peptide
increase, which is not surprising because urine overflow of peptides depends on peptide
levels high enough to bypass reuptake mechanisms in the kidneys.(Sponheim et al., 2006).
That the urinary peptides are active in the central nervous system affecting behaviour and
morphology has been extensively published (Hole et al., 1979; Drysdale et al., 1982; Idet et al.,
1982; Sun et al., 1999; Sun and Cade 1999)
In recent years, release of inflammatory cytokines by casein and gliadin has been found
( Jyonuchi et al., 2005; Ashwood et al., 2004), causing pan-enteric inflammation, and therefore
increasing the uptake from the gut. Increased gut permeability has been found in autism
(D’Eufemia et al., 1996). A general inflammatory activation has also been reported (
Croonenberghs et al., 2002).
How is this possible?
The normal gut takes up peptides (Chabance et al., 1998: Gardner 1994) and peptide uptake is
increased by preventing breakdown by peptidases, even without increased permeability (Mahe et
al., 1989). Normally, intact proteins are also taken up( Paganelli and Levinsky, 1980; Kilshaw and
Cant, 1984; Husby et al., 1984; Axelsson et al., 1986; Troncone et al., 1987;) and inflammation of
the gut wall, as seen in cpeliac disease, is expected to increase both peptide uptake and urine
excretion (Reichelt et al., 1998). Protein uptake expressed as increased IgA antibodies against
food proteins in serum is also increased in coeliac disease and is also found in autistic children
(Reichelt et al., 1990 and 1991; Lucarelli et al., 1995; Cade et al., 2000) In fact, intact
proteins from the food can be found in mothers' milk (Axelsson et al., 1986; Kilshaw and Cant
,1984; Stuart et al., 1984; Troncone et al., 1987 )
Rett syndrome, as part of CPDD (childhood onset pervasive developmental disorder) also shows
peptide increases in more than 80 % of cases (Solaas et al., 1999) as well as IgA antibody
increases (Reichelt and Skjeldal, 2006).
The exorphins are furthermore taken up through the blood-brain barrier (Ermisch et al., 1983;
Nyberg et al., 1989) and these have behavioural and trophic effects (Reichelt and Knivsberg
The gut to brain relationship has been considerably strengthened by the effect of food in chronic
bowel inflammation (Geissler et al., 1995; Hart et al., 1998). In these papers, food intake resulted
in white matter perivascular oedmea seen on NMR (almost hives-like). EEG changes in ADHD
(hyperkinetic) kids with food intolerance has likewise been found on exposure to mostly casein
and gluten(Uhlig et al., 1997). Also, in coeliac disease, long-standing EEG changes in children
could be induced by provocation caused exposure to gluten/gliadin (Paul et al., 1985).
Behavioural and neurological effects of untreated celiac disease (Pynnönen et al 2002;
Hadjivassiliou et al 1998; Paul et al 1985; Gobbi et al 1992; Hallert et al 1982; Chapmann et
al 1978 ).
These effects range from epilepsies to severe mental symptoms and developmental delays, and
cerebellar lesions. Likewise, irritable bowel syndrome or inflammation can cause psychiatric
disorders such as depression (Svedlund et al., 1985; Masandet al., 1995; Pynnünen et al., 2005;
Hauget al., 2002) This is also the case for animal models (Welch et al., 2005), where brain
areas involved in the autistic state are influenced by chronic gut irritation. It may reasonably be
concluded that what happens in the gut affects the brain(Murch 2005)
Dietary evidence
Because of the dietary origin of some of the peptides, dietary intervention has been tried (Reichelt
et al., 1990, Reichelt et al., 1991, Lucarelli et al., 1995, Knivsberg et al., 1995, Whiteley et al.,
1999, Cade et al., 2000; Kniker et al., 2002, Knivsberg et al., 2002). The intervention by diet in
small series has p values on the promille level of significance after one year, and decrease in
peptides confirms the dietary origin of this peptide increase. The diet must be strict, as one
molecule of glutenin has 16 opioid residues. Especially older autistic children tend actively to
seek gluten/casein-containing foods from almost any source (addiction).
An Internet survey of a large number of autistic children on the diet (Klavness and Bigam, 2002)
demonstrates that the individual improvements ranged from very fast to excruciatingly slow rates,
and a trend for younger children to respond faster.
A 2002 paired and randomly assigned controlled, single blind paper (Knivsberg et al., 2002) has
received a Cochrane rating. A relationship f gluten to behavioural problems has been described
earlier (Daynes 1956)
Based on the laws of mass action (Guldberg and Waage), supplying cofactors (trace minerals
and vitamins) in excess of usual intake but below toxic levels can force polymorphically
insufficient enzymes to higher activity (Ames et al., 2002). This has been demonstrated for
Other elements which ought to be critical
Learning programmes: Man is a learning 'animal' and therefore correcting the physiology must be
followed by a planned training programme. ABA or instrumental learning initiated by Lovaas
in Los Angeles has, by using repetition and reward systematically as well as little input signalling,
shown improvements (Sallows and Graupner, 2005). It makes sense that combining biomedical
treatment with a systematic training would be a useful type of intervention.
Nutritional inputs: Omega 3 and 6 unsaturated fatty acids easily obtained through cod liver
oil produce more flexible membranes and permit greater flexibility of membrane-bound proteins
like receptors, increasing their efficiency (Heron et al., 1980). Vitamins and trace minerals with or
without chelation, depending on heavy metal contamination (Nataf et al., 2006) would likewise
have a reasonable place and could increase desired enzyme activities (Ames et al., 2002).
Hypothesis: Is that there is a genetic disposition in several loci.?
Enzyme polymorphism ranging from inactive to slightly active
With low-activity variants of enzymes by exposure to various factors such as mercury, gut
inflammation leads to increased peptide /protein uptake because of decreased peptide
breakdown. Pan-enteric gut inflammatory states (Ashwood et al., 2004 ) would further increase
uptake and also increase gut irritation, because digestive enzymes would be hypofunctional due
to the inflammation. Damage to the blood-brain barrier could, even with normal peptide levels,
produce behavioural effects by gaining access to the central nervous system. The peptide effects
may be direct, such as those seen for opioids, or indirect by peptide inhibition of peptide
breakdown (La Bella et al.,1985). Depending on the constitution, different sub-syndromes are
seen, just as a dammed river can form many different shapes of lake upriver from the dam.
Can the peptides explain some of the symptoms of autism?
Social Isolation/indifference
Opioids inhibit social bonding (Panksepp et al., 1978) and abrogate the separation distress calls
of new-born animals (Panksepp et al.,1984). Because oxytocin (formed by peptidases like
convertase) apparently has a social bonding effect (Kirsch et al., 2005), it may be low in autism. A
combined effect would indeed be deadly to social bonding.
Slow habituation
The palmar conductance measured in autistic children shows exaggerated response to auditory
stimulation and poor habituation (Bernal and Miller, 1971). Increased sensory arousal and
insufficient reactive inhibtion (lack of habituation) would cause avoidance of new inputs
and produce a preference for the status quo and rituals (Mednick et al., 1974). A peptide
candidate for this is the serotonin uptake stimulator, pyroglu-trp-glyNH2 (Pedersen et al., 1999). It
is well established that low serotonin in the synaptic cleft causes sensory - especially auditiory hypersensitivity, poor habituation and sleep problems, as seen in carcinoid tumours where
tryptophan is sequestered into the carinoid tumour, thus reducing the precursor available for
the brain.
Language problems
Social indifference would, by itself, cause language problems, but with poor habituation, the
necessary cortical inhibition of one word to the next to enable sentence formation would not be
expected to be present. As one treated autistic girl explained: 'All the words came tumbling mixed
up like Irish stew.'
Sleep problems
Many, not all, CPDD children show a peculiar sleep disturbance. They go to sleep and, after a
short while, wake up apparently completely rested. Decreased serotonin in the synaptic cleft, as
seen in carcinoid tumours, causes a similar sleep pattern. The peptide Pyroglu-trp-glyNH2 was
found to be increased in many autistic children and increases serotonin uptake into platelets and
synaptosomes (Pedersen et al., 1999) and could explain such a state.
Decreased pain sensitivity
Analgaesia would be explained by the increase in opioids, as would the fluctuating analgaesia by
exorphins from the digestion (Hole et al., 1978; Cade et al 2000).
Trophic changes in the brain
Opiods affect brain maturation as growth factors (Hauser et al., 1989) and Fos antigen is induced
in key nuclei of the brain (Sun et al., 1999), as would be expected in autism and schizophrenia.
Such nuclei as nucleus accumbens and amygdala etc showed highly significant statistical
In the first five years, a tendency to macrocrania and excess brain growth had been found in
children with autism (Courchesne et al., 2004) and growth factors (Nelson et al., 2002) which
would be expected from inhibition of breakdown by accumulating peptides (La Bella et al., 1985).
For details, see Reichelt and Knivsberg 2003.
Increased rate of epilepsy with age is found in autism (Deykin and MacMahon 1979). In coeliac
disease, increased rates of epilepsy have been reported (Chapman et al., 1978; Gobbi et al.,
1992). Opioids have a biphasic (hormetic dose) response and, at certain concentrations, are
quite epileptogenic in the limbic brain (Siggins et al., 1986). We have seen substantial decrease
in seizures in autistic children while on diet, which fits this background.
Since some of the peptides found to be increased are of dietary origin, and can explain the
symptoms of CPDD, this should be a fruitful lead to follow (Murch 2005). The many reported
positive effects of diet likewise reinforce this view. However, as with most syndromes, other
subgroups than those already known are likely to surface. Fragile X and tuberous sclerosis, which
can cause autistic syndromes, do not show peptide increase.
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