Mar 15 - Village of Golf

Village of Golf
March 9, 2015
Village Board Meeting
Call to order
Village President Williams called the meeting to order at 7:12 p.m.
Roll Call
Upon roll call the following trustees were present:
Pam Maga, Public Buildings and Grounds Department
Bob Walker, Streets and Sanitation Department
Bill Peck, Utilities (Trustee Peck arrived at 7:16pm)
Bob Carson, Finance Department
Jim Dominik, Emergency Services Department
Ted Kapica, Building Department
Also Present
Village Administrator, Julianne Nukk
Village Attorney, Bruce Huvard
Village Clerk, Julie Tillman
Police Chief, Mike Volling
Village Permit Administrator, Bob Der Avedisian
Andreas Hogue of 2 Elm Circle
Police Report
Chief Volling presented the monthly report. A copy of the report can be found at the village hall.
Chief Volling reported that he has purchased a tint meter after noticing many cars on the road with very
dark tinted windows. As a result, he is able to measure the percentage of tint and is issuing a number of
tickets for offenders of this law.
Review Action Items and Key Topics
A. Update on Building Inspection Services Firm: Village Permit Administrator, Bob Der Avedisian
updated the board on the transition to TPI. He reported that TPI is picking up building plans at
Village Hall and replying to the village electronically. TPI continues to be very attentive and is
easy to work with.
Bob Hammer has been handling our zoning questions. Village Permit Administrator, Bob Der
Avedisian introduced the topic of paying Bob Hammer a nominal monthly fee so that he is
covered on the village’s insurance policy. Village Permit Administrator, Bob Der Avedisian will
propose an appropriate pay level at next month’s meeting.
President Williams acknowledged and thanked Bob Der Avedisian for the tremendous amount
of work taken to manage this transition.
B. Incorporating Auditor’s Suggestions: President Williams had no update.
WGA Parking Lot Expansion: Attorney Huvard and Trustee Walker reported that the Glenview
Park District met with the WGA and collectively discussed changes to the parking lot plan which
reverses the flow of traffic. A review letter from Gewalt Hamilton on the new plan is expected
before the next board meeting. All three parties are very close to agreeing on a final plan.
D. Golf Road Safety: President Williams had nothing new on this topic.
E. 2015-2016 Budget: President Williams reported the state tax income to the village is expected
to be cut in half with a new bill which has been proposed. The impact would be approximately
$25K per year and the timing of this change is unknown.
President Williams questioned whether a second proposed bill which caps property taxes would
impact the village. Attorney Huvard stated that as a home rule community that Golf would not
likely be affected.
F. Increased Amtrak Service: President Williams reported that Amtrak has announced that it
wants to add three additional high speed roundtrip routes to Milwaukee per day from the
current level of seven. Glenview is fighting this change and President Williams has sent a letter
to Glenview’s President indicating our support of Glenview’s efforts.
Treasurer’s Report
Prior to the meeting, Trustee Carson emailed out the monthly reports to the board. A detailed
treasurer’s report can be found at the village hall and online.
President Williams commented that the funds still haven’t been updated to reflect proper levels which
he will discuss to Trustee Carson.
Legislative Matters
Attorney Huvard stated that as part of our efforts to change over to electronic records, we should
review how we are storing these records. Understanding our procedures, we can ensure that our
policies are implemented.
Approval of Bills
Trustee Walker requested that an invoice totaling $9900 from Premier for snowplowing $9900 be
withheld from payment for this month while more detail is requested. With that change, Trustee
Walker moved to approve the bills. Trustee Maga seconded the motion. The motion was approved by
roll call vote as follows:
Ayes: Pam Maga, Bill Peck, Bob Walker, Dan Williams (4)
Nays: (0)
Absent: Bob Carson, Jim Dominik, Ted Kapica (3)
Emergency Services Department
No report in Trustee Dominik’s absence.
Building and Zoning Department
In Trustee Kapica’s absence, Village Permit Administrator Bob Der Avedisian stated that TPI will be
starting to handle all inspections for in process jobs.
Village Permit Administrator Bob Der Avedisian left the meeting at 8 pm.
Public Buildings and Grounds Department
Trustee Maga stated that she has quoted alternative sources for our fire monitoring system at the
police/train station and found much lower cost options. Before moving forward, Attorney Huvard
recommended that Trustee Maga request in writing a confirmation from Glenview’s Fire Department
that the alternate sources are up to code and an acceptable option.
Another cost benefit from changing fire monitoring systems could be eliminating a dedicated phone line
for the alarm and another line used exclusively for faxes.
Care of Trees will be trimming the two large elm trees in front of Village Hall this week.
Finance and Administration Department
No report in Trustee Carson’s absence.
Streets and Sanitation Department
Trustee Walker stated that Glenview is currently bidding out their street paving jobs for this year.
President Williams understanding that residents of private drive, Elm Circle were interested in repaving
this road, sent a letter to one of the residents asking their interest in utilizing Glenview’s awarded
contractor to take advantage of favorable pricing. Andreas Hogue, who was representing the Elm
Circle residents, expressed interest and will serve as the contact person for Elm Circle.
Utilities Department
Trustee Peck reported that the water meter readings for February are not finished due to the weather.
As a follow up to last month’s report of chlorine smell in the water at 19 Park Lane, Morton Grove has
flushed their line several times and the smell is gone. Trustee Peck raised a question of whether all
hydrants should be regularly checked and flushed and how often. He is awaiting information from our
contact from Morton Grove, Andy DeMonte on what recommended maintenance should be planned
Andreas Hogue of 2 Elm Circle stated that he attended the board meeting to learn more about our
community and would like to become involved in whatever way he can.
President’s Report
President Williams had no report at this time.
Trustee Maga moved to adjourn. Trustee Peck seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:27 p.m.
Respectively submitted,
Julie Tillman,
Village Clerk