Minutes - Fort Lewis College

Minutes – Faculty Senate Meeting
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Noble 130
2:30 – 3:30 pm
Senators Present: Brad Benz, Chad Colby, John Condie, Jim Cross, Byron Dare, Betty
Dorr, Janine Fitzgerald, Ryan Haaland, Brian Hanks, Larry Hartsfield, Bridget Irish,
Michelle Malach, Michael Martin, Peter McCormick, Dugald Owen, Ellen Paul, Paul
Petersen, Chuck Riggs, Minna Sellers, Pam Smith, Gene Taylor, Chuck Yoos
Senators Absent: Doug Lyon, Stephanie Owings, Mary Kay Stewart
Others in attendance: Marta Bergen, Shere Byrd, Beverly Chew, Kathy Fine-Dare,
Monte Helm, Ginny Hutchins, Kurt Lancaster, Paul McGurr, John Ninnemann, Steve
Roderick, Carol Smith, Terry Tannehill
Announcement: Byron Dare, Senate President
The next Senate meeting is October 17; this extra meeting is needed to accommodate the
heavy curricular flow.
Approval of Senate Minutes September 12. Condie moved, was seconded, and
New Business:
Proposal from Advising Committee
Carol Smith and Terry Tannehill addressed this new proposal. We have to manage our
continuing student base carefully, and need a much better system to figure out who has
been advised, registered, can’t register, etc. Dr. Smith took her proposal to the Advising
Committee and the Deans’ Council; both helped her streamline the proposal. After the
two-week advising period is over, faculty need to check off students who have been 1)
advised, 2) not advised, along with a reason, and 3) not advised at all. This will give
Smith a better idea for the budget, and should help increase retention. The procedure
needs to be fine-tuned. It should not impose on advisors or departments. She is asking
faculty to please help her. Peter McCormick asked if there will be boxes in WebOpus to
check off; Smith responded that she will take the request to I.T. Jim Cross motioned to
approve, was seconded, and approved.
Curricular Items: Action
Gen Ed courses:
As a block, Brad Benz motioned to approve, was seconded, and approved.
CHEM 125
Environmental Chemistry
Gen Ed
GEOG 120
GEOG 320
GEOG 235
GEOG 335
SOC 210
GEOL 105
The North American Landscape
The North American Landscape
Weather and Climate
Weather and Climate
Ethnography and Writing
Earth and the Environment
Gen Ed New Course
New Course Gen Ed
Gen Ed
New Course Gen Ed
Proposed changes in the Chemistry curriculum (below) were the subject of lengthy and
heated discussion.
Chemistry-Health Professions Option
Chemistry-Business Professions Option
Chemistry for Secondary Teachers Option
BS Degree-Chemistry for Secondary Teachers Option
Chemistry Option
Biochemistry Option
Chemistry Minor
CHEM 300 At the Forefront of Chem Research
CHEM 356 Phys Chem I: Quantum Mechanics
CHEM 357 Phys Chem II: Thermodynamics
CHEM 360 Physical Measurements
CHEM 411 Advanced Biochemistry Lab
BA Degree (New Major)
BA Degree (New Major)
BA Degree (New Major)
Deletion of option within a
Change to option within a
Change to option within a
Change to minor
Catalog description/Credits
Credits/ Catalog description
Title/Catalog Description
Dare mentioned that, to his knowledge, these proposed changes are unprecedented at Fort
Lewis. The Chemistry Department is proposing to offer BA degrees in chemistry.
Monte Helm discussed the proposal. He believes it would make the major broader, with
more electives. A straight BS involves more science. This is typical across Colorado, at
universities such as CU Boulder. If students are not going to graduate school, a BA is
more marketable. Included are a BA in chemistry with a business option and one with a
pre-health option. There would be a core set of chemistry classes, but beyond that the
students would take different pathways. The straight chemistry option is more sciencebased. Health and business options would earn a BA, with more Gen. Ed. options.
Several senators asked Helm about details of the “arts” component in the BA degree.
Shere Byrd, Chair of the Biology Department, and some senators noted that the Biology
Department and the Pre-Health Committee were not consulted before submittal of this
proposal. Byrd said that Pre-Health is not a degree, just a set of courses, and the label of
“pre-health option” may seem confusing to students. The standard differences between a
BA and a BS were questioned.
John Condie motioned to table the proposal until the departments have consulted
with each other. Motion was seconded. More discussion followed.
Betty Dorr encouraged everybody to read the proposal in detail; it is available to all
faculty. Kathy Fine-Dare, from the Curriculum Committee, supported her suggestion.
Condie called the question. Motion to table.
Dare stressed that the departments need to work out any problems before bringing this
proposal back to Senate.
Beverly Chew discussed changes to the Psychology curriculum. The proposed changes
are intended to loosen up the structure of required components. The major currently asks
for a core set of courses; that isn’t changing. Distribution of content is what is changing.
Students will be required to take classes from science, applied psychology, and 5
additional courses from a longer list. This change will benefit students going on to grad
school. Also, the 8 original foundational courses would be hard to staff. Credit
requirement increases from 43 to 44, including a slight increase in upper-division credits
to 28. Some are “cleanup” courses. 401 and 402 and new, and deal with new topics.
Dugald Owen motioned to accept the package, was seconded, and approved.
Psyc 200
Psyc 218
Psyc 265
Psyc 296
Psyc 301
Psyc 327
Psyc 354
Psyc 372
Psyc 401
Pscy 402
Psyc 420
Psychology Sophomore Seminar
Psyc Foundation of Education
Global Community Psychology
Psychological Research Methods
Psychological Research Methods
Physiological Psychology
Child Psychology
Language, Mind and Brain
Psychological Science: Topics
Psychological Practice: Topics
Counseling Skills
Psychology Minor
Psyc 110
Human Relations
New Course
New Course
Catalog Description/Prereq
Title/Catalog Description
New Course
New Course
Catalog Description/Prereq
Change to option within a
Change to minor
Michael Martin discussed proposed changes in the Honors Program. A minor would
consist of 4 core classes (250-451) plus 5 electives, 3 themed and 2 others. Martin
explained that 400-level courses require more leadership roles than 200-level ones.
Martin is aiming for better, more solid Honors theses, and wants to meet with students
more regularly to help them achieve this. Chad Colby asked about staffing. Martin
replied that he would be teaching 450 and 451, and that he has put in a request for
additional funding.
Brad Benz motioned to accept the package, was seconded, and approved.
JF Reed Honors Program/Rhetoric of Inquiry Minor
HON 220
Honors Forum
HON 420
Honors Forum
HON 221
Innovative Thinkers
HON 421
Innovative Thinkers
HON 222
Intellectual Foundations
New Minor
New Course
New Course
New Course
HON 422
HON 223
HON 423
HON 250
HON 350
HON 450
HON 451
Intellectual Foundations
Multidisciplinary Perspectives
Multidisciplinary Perspectives
Community of Scholars
Structure of Knowledge
Honors Thesis I
Honors Thesis II
New Course
New Course
New Course
New Course
New Course
New Course
New Course
Ryan Haaland addressed changes in the Physics program. Change to physics option
increases credit hours from 69 to 72. PHYS 262 offers material that students aren’t
getting. 262 is broader and serves students much better, especially those bound for grad
school. Engr 2xx is aimed at Pre-Engineers Without Borders; it is open to anybody, but
designed for EWB participants and includes engineering, economics, and planning for the
upcoming summer. Not all students in this course are engineers.
Condie moved to accept, was seconded, and approved.
Physics Option
Physical Science for Secondary Teachers
Engr 2xx
PHYS 262
Technology & the Developing World
Physics - Science & Engr II
Meeting adjourned at 3:25 pm.
Change to option within a
Change to option within a
New Course