Brevard College Checklist 2003-2004 Bachelor of Arts – Major Requirements History I. II. B.A. CORE REQUIREMENTS Core requirements must include: ___ HIS 102 History of Western Civilization Since 1648 ___ HIS 104 U.S. History Since 1865 ___ HIS 110 Global History 46 Semester Hours MAJOR REQUIREMENTS A. United States History Area 35 Semester Hours Select one: ___ HIS 220 ___ HIS 221 ___ HIS 222 ___ HIS 223 ___ HIS 224 ___ HIS 302 ___ HIS 353 ___ HIS 420 3 Semester Hours 9 Semester Hours U.S. Legal and Constitutional History History of U.S. Foreign Relations Industrialization of America, 1877-1920 History of Southeastern Native Americans United States Since 1945 Environmental History Social/Cultural History of the U.S. Special Topics in American History B. European History Area Select one: ___ HIS 210 ___ HIS 215 ___ HIS 250 ___ HIS 251 ___ HIS 301 ___ HIS 311 ___ HIS 312 ___ HIS 430 III. 3 Semester Hours European Renaissance and Reformation History History of 18th and 19th Century Europe History of Ancient Greece History of Ancient Rome History of Modern Science Social and Political History of 20th Century Europe 20th Century European Cultural and Intellectual History Special Topics in European History RESTRICTED ELECTIVES 15 Semester Hours Select five courses: Only one 100 level course and one independent study course can be used as History Major electives. At least 3 of the courses must be HIS courses ___ AH 201 Art History I ___ AH 202 Art History II ___ Any AH course, 200 level or above ____________________ ___ HIS 101 Western Civilization to 1648 ___ HIS 103 U.S. History I to 1865 ___ Any HIS course, 200-level or above _____________________ ___ MUS 201J Jazz History ___ MUS 301 Music History I ___ MUS 302 Music History II ___ REL 221 The Rise of Western Christendom ___ REL 241 American Church History ___ REL 253 World Religions ___ REL 301 History of Israel ___ REL 325 The Age of Reform: 1250-1550 IV. RELATED STUDY 6 Semester Hours Select two courses with the same academic prefix at the 200-level or above: _________________________ _________________________ V. SEMINAR ___ HIS 401 3 Semester Hours Historiography and Methodology Seminar VI. SENIOR PROJECT REQUIREMENT ___ HIS 340 Senior Project I ___ HIS 440 Senior Project II VII. UNRESTRICTED ELECTIVES 2 Semester Hours to complete 124 Semester Hour REQUIREMENTS FOR OPTIONAL EMPHASES ___ ___ 12 or 15 Semester Hours ART HISTORY AND ARCHAEOLOGY EMPHASIS 15 Semester Hours Required: ___ AH 201 ___ AH 202 Select three: ___ AH 350 ___ AH 321 ___ AH 322 ___ AH 323 ___ AH 324 ___ ARCH 201 ___ AH 289/389/489 ___ AH 290/390/490 ___ AH 325 ___ AH 353/ART 306 ___ AH 290/390/490 ___ HIS 211 6 Semester Hours Art History I Art History II 3 Semester Hours Survey of Modern Art Art and Archaeology of Ancient Egypt Art and Archaeology of the Greek Bronze Age Art and Archaeology of Ancient Greece Art and Archaeology of Ancient Italy and the Roman Empire Principles of Archaeology Independent Study in Art History Special Topics in Art History Seminar in Ancient Art and Archaeology Seminar in Modern Art Special Topics in Art Man and the Environment in Antiquity ENVIRONMENTAL HISTORY EMPHASIS 12 Semester Hours Required: ___ HIS 301 ___ HIS 302 Select two: ___ ENG 217 ___ ENV 301 ___ ENV 330 ___ ENV 380 ___ PSY or SWK 307 6 Semester Hours History of Modern Science Environmental History 6 Semester Hours Studies in Environmental Literature Environmental Policy Environment and Spirituality Environmental Seminar Community and the Environment ___ ___ MODERN AMERICAN HISTORY EMPHASIS 15 Semester Hours Required: ___ HIS 222 ___ HIS 224 Select three: ___ ENG 206 ___ HIS 220 ___ HIS 221 ___ HIS 223 ___ HIS 302 ___ HIS 353 ___ PLSC 210 ___ PLSC 310 ___ PLSC 320 6 Semester Hours Industrialization of America, 1877-1920 U.S. History since 1945 9 Semester Hours American Literature U.S. Legal and Constitutional History History of U.S. Foreign Relations History of Southeastern Native Americans Environmental History Social/Cultural History of the U.S. American Government American Foreign Policy Contemporary Social Movements MODERN EUROPEAN HISTORY EMPHASIS Select three: ___ HIS 210 ___ HIS 215 ___ HIS 301 ___ HIS 311 ___ HIS 312 Select one: ___ AH 350 ___ ENG 208 ___ ENG 330 12 Semester Hours 9 Semester Hours Renaissance and Reformation Europe History of 18th and 19th Century Europe History of Modern Science Social and Political History of 20th Century Europe 20th Century Europe, Cultural and Intellectual History 3 Semester Hours Survey of Modern Art World Literature Advanced Studies in Literature Additional Recommendations: to participate in a semester abroad program to take the 200-level sequence in French, Spanish, or German Office of the Registrar Brevard College Checklist 2003-2004 Rev. 06/03