Section 4.15.4, Page 1 UTHSCSA School of Nursing Faculty/Staff Handbook Chapter 4: Faculty Information Section 4.15. Office of Nursing Research and Scholarship (ONRS) Section 4.15.4 Funding Opportunities Page/s 1 Effective: Revised/Reviewed: Aug 2010 Responsibility: Associate Dean for Research Funding Opportunities 1. UT Health Science Center Funding CTRC Request for Applications CTRC Development of Multi-Investigator Initiatives – Pilot program A pilot grant program to develop Multi-Investigator Initiatives such as P01 and CPRIT multi-investigator programs. The purpose of these awards is to support pilot projects or feasibility studies preparatory to the development of an application for multi-investigator peer-reviewed support. CTRC Translational Science Research- Pilot program A pilot project program aimed at translational science. The purpose of these awards is to support pilot projects or feasibility studies preparatory to the development of an application for independent peerreviewed support. Barshop Institute Pilot Grant Proposals The Barshop Institute provides funds for proposals in gerontology from UTHSCSA, UTSA, and SFBR faculty. Funds are available for research on basic biological gerontology through The Nathan Shock Center of Excellence in Basic Biology of Aging. Preferential consideration will be given to: Junior faculty in the beginning of their research careers Established investigators who are new to gerontology/geriatrics IIMS Translational Technology Resources Program The Institute for Integration of Medicine and Science (IIMS) supports applications for Translational Technology Resource (TTR) Supplements. The primary goal of this program is to provide additional funding for translational research projects requiring the use of technologies in shared resources. The proposed research must have relevance to clinical and/or translational science. Funding of a TTR supplement will specifically be used to offset the cost to the researcher of resource usage (in-full or cost-shared) and will be dispersed to the resource directly upon completion of services. Applicants must be faculty or mentored trainees of the University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio (UTHSCSA) or one of its CTSA partner institutions(CHRISTUS Santa Rosa Children’s Hospital, San Antonio Metropolitan Health District, San Antonio Military Medical Center, South Texas Veterans Health Care System, Southwest Foundation for Biomedical Research, University Health System, University of Texas San Antonio, University of Texas Pan American, University of Texas Brownsville, University of Texas School of Public Health – San Antonio Regional Campus, University of Texas College of Pharmacy – San Antonio Program). Applicant must have an IACUC or IRB-approved project and include the approval number on the application. San Antonio Life Sciences Institute (SALSI) Authorized by the 77th Texas Legislature in 2003, the University of Texas System, the University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio (UTHSCSA) and the University of Texas at San Antonio (UTSA) formed the San Antonio Life Sciences Institute (SALSI) to promote greater scientific collaboration between the two institutions and to increase both the UTHSCSA's and UTSA's research-funding base with cross campus collaborative programs. This program aims to encourage interaction between investigators in support of the acquisition of established extramural, peer-reviewed research funding. Scholarship of Teaching Grants: Previously listed as ITG The Innovative Teaching Grants (ITG) Program provides start-up grants to support faculty efforts to develop, implement and evaluate innovative educational techniques for their students. To obtain a STG application or obtain additional information about this program, please contact Mr. Ray Howard at campus phone 7-2813 or by e-mail at . Section 4.15.4, Page 2 University Research Council Grants Program The URC Grants Program provides funds for new investigators, pilot projects, and faculty enrichment. It is modeled after the former Institutional HHMI grants program. The former Institutional Research Grant program has become a part of this grants program. 2. School of Nursing Funding Nursing Dean’s Scholarship Awards for Research, Teaching and Practice Nursing Advisory Council Awards Sigma Theta Tau Delta Alpha Chapter The Cols. Philip & Jean Piccione Award for Excellence in Research Rosemary Kerr McKevitt Memorial Research Award Nursing Science Mentorship Award for Doctoral Students and Mentors Mechanisms for Enhancing Scholarly Achievements (MESA-1R01GM088781) will fund pilot projects that address health disparities. Highest consideration will be given to projects that show promise to advance the research trajectory of all members of an interprofessional research team. Only faculty who are serving as mentors to students who are participating in the MESA study are eligible to compete for this award UTHSCSA funding will be announced to all faculty. For most current Health Science Center funding go to