Course Level Assessment Schedule 1. Create a list of all your active courses using a table like the example below. This is a hypothetical list of English courses 2. Since we need to have all our course-level SLOs completed and assessed by 2012, divide the number of courses that have yet to be assessed by 4. In this case, ENGL 250 has already been assessed so this course is omitted. In our example, this leaves 19 courses to be assessed, divided by 4 is 4.75, or 5 for 3 years and 4 one year. 3. Identify who will be responsible for refining the outcomes, collecting the data, and reporting the data for the following Fall. 4. Complete the data collection and reporting. Example: English course-level assessment schedule Course Year assessed Who’s In charge SLOs* Jones Garcia Chang Jones Garcia Ribisi Garcia Chang Jones Ribisi Garcia Ribisi Jones Chang Ribisi Who’s In charge Assessing* Jones Garcia Chang Jones Garcia Ribisi Garcia Chang Jones Ribisi Garcia Ribisi Jones Chang Ribisi 1. ENGL 1A 08/09 2. ENGL 1B 08/09 3. ENGL 1C 08/09 4. ENGL 2C 08/09 5. ENGL 2E 09/10 6. ENGL 5A 09/10 7. ENGL 9A 09/10 8. ENGL 9B 09/10 9. ENGL 9C 09/10 10. ENGL 10 10/11 11. ENGL 12A 10/11 12. ENGL 12B 10/11 13. ENGL 12C 10/11 14. ENGL 12D 10/11 15. ENGL 23 11/12 ENGL 250 07/08 16. ENGL 260 11/12 Ribisi Ribisi 17. ENGL 420 11/12 Chang Chang 18. ENGL 439 11/12 Garcia Garcia 19. ENGL 440 11/12 Ribisi Ribisi * These are fictitious instructors and don’t expect them to actually do it. Who’s In charge Reporting* Jones Garcia Chang Jones Garcia Ribisi Garcia Chang Jones Ribisi Garcia Ribisi Jones Chang Ribisi Ribisi Chang Garcia Ribisi