Supplementary Table S3 Abouchami et al. F-test statistics of the Loa and Kea regression trends. df SS MS F df LOA trend Regression 1 0.96061 0.96061 Residual 67 0.20784 0.00310 KEA trend Regression 1 1.03775 1.03775 Residual 135 0.29179 0.00216 1.44 67, 135 Total 202 0.49963 0.00247 Pooled 204 0.61175 0.00300 LOA-KEA Difference between slopes 1 0.11212 0.11212 45.3 1, 204 F5%crit. F1%crit. 1.38 3.89 1.51 6.76 P (%) 3.79 <10-4 Table S3. F-test statistics for the 208Pb/204Pb- 206Pb/204Pb variations, with the Loa and Kea trend volcanoes taken as two populations. Calculations were performed using the Free Statistics Software ( and XLSTAT ( df: degree of freedom; SS: Sum of Squares; MS: residual Mean Square; Fx crit.: critical F value at x significance level; P: probability level of the null hypothesis that the two populations have the same variance about the regressions. Notes: We first note that the subdivision of the dataset into Loa and Kea trend is based upon geographical location of the volcanoes rather than the Pb isotopic compositions of the samples. The aim here is to see whether the Pb isotopic compositions of the samples from the two trends are derived from two statistically distinct populations or not. The F-test is designed to evaluate if the standard deviations of two populations are equal, and is simply the ratio of two population variances44. The F-ratio is always taken such that F is greater or equal to unity. If two populations are different from one another, the confidence level for this conclusion depends on the number of degrees of freedom (samples) and the magnitude of the F-value. The usefulness of this F-test is limited by the fact that two population variances may be different from each other even if their mean values are identical or vice-versa. For multivariate data, such as the 208Pb/204Pb and 206Pb/204Pb of the samples analyzed here, the F-test can also be applied to the variances about the best-fit regression lines through the two populations to see whether the residual variances are statistically different from one another. Here we ask the question: Can the Loa and Kea regression lines be regarded as the same or do they scatter differently about their respective regression lines? One can also compare the residual variances of the individual regression lines of two populations with the variance of a “global” regression line by pooling all the data together. If the variances of the individual regressions are lower than the variance of the global regression of the pooled data, the two populations will be significantly different from each other, even if their individual variances are identical. In this case, we ask: Are the slopes of the Loa and Kea regression lines significantly different from the single Loa-Kea pooled slope? In other words, are the data better considered as two separate regressions lines rather than a single one? Table 3 shows the results of the F-test performed on the Loa and Kea trend volcanoes in 208 Pb/204Pb vs. 206 Pb/204Pb space, as described above. The F value for Loa and Kea regressions is 1.44, that is, larger than the critical F-value at the 5% significance level (1.38). The Loa-Kea F-value corresponds to a null hypothesis probability level of 3.8% (Table 3), indicating that the residual variances from the Loa and Kea regression lines are different at better than 95% confidence. Comparison of the individual regressions with a single pooled regression through all the data results in an F-value of 45. The latter is much greater than the critical F-value at the 1% (F = 6.76) and even 0.1% (F = 11.45) significance levels. The null hypothesis probability for F = 45 is less than 10-4%, demonstrating that there is an overwhelming difference between the Loa and Kea trend volcanoes in 208 Pb/204Pb- 206Pb/204Pb space. In other words, the F-test provides strong confirmation of the visual impression that the Loa and Kea trend volcanoes should be treated as two separate populations rather than a single pooled population. In addition to the various F-tests outlined above, we have calculated regression slopes of the Pb isotope arrays in 208 Pb/204Pb-206Pb/204Pb space for the individual volcanoes of both trends (Supplementary Table 2). These slopes differ widely from one another and are, particularly in the case of negative slopes, interpreted as local mixing lines. The results of these calculations are shown in Supplementary Fig. 1. 44. Snedecor, J. H., Statistical Methods, 8th edn (Iowa State Univ. Press, Ames, 1993).