Attachment B - Validation Pull Tab Ticket Specifications

Attachment B
SUPPLIES – Request for Bid RD0950203
Graphics - As a classic impulse item, tickets must possess high impact graphics, which
strongly communicate the selling points of the ticket. A graphic designer will be required to
work at the direction of the Lottery in the development and styling of the ticket so as to create
a graphic synergy for the end product.
Graphic printing must be done with inks that do not smear from perspiration, water or other
normal environmental conditions. Because game play instructions are inherently small on the
ticket, lettering must be clean and crisp allowing for ease of reading by the consumer.
Pickout - It must be impossible to detect or “pick out” winning tickets from variations in size,
appearance of a cut edge, color, or other aspects of ticket printing. Neither winning tickets nor
non-winning tickets shall be recognizable from any characteristic of the ticket other than by
the symbols or the retailer validation code concealed under the tabs or under the rub-off or
latex material.
The game must be designed, constructed, and assembled in such a manner as to prevent
the determination of a winning ticket without removing the tabs, if applicable, or otherwise
uncovering the numbers or symbols as intended.
Physical Features - The appearance of winning tickets may not vary from non-winning
tickets in regard to general ticket appearance including, but not limited to, the following:
a) paper stock
b) perforation
c) cut
d) any exposed number
e) barcode
f) fold
g) packaging
h) color, thickness of texture of rub-off material (if applicable)
i) overprint (if applicable)
j) protective coating
k) printing registration or misregistration
l) ticket number (if applicable)
Protection Against Invasive Techniques: While it is recognized that the risk of ticket or
game compromise cannot be eliminated entirely, the Contractor shall be required to make a
continuous and best effort to assure that the risk of compromise is minimized.
Attachment B
Barcoding - Each ticket must include both a validation barcode and a UPC barcode.
Contractor must print tickets compliant with ANSI standards and provide an acceptable read
rate percentage.
UPC Coding - Each ticket must include a UPC barcode. The UPC barcode must include the
actual numbers next to the UPC barcode to facilitate manual entry. It must be printed so it
does not smear or distort during normal product usage. The UPC barcode must meet ANSI
barcode quality specifications.
Validation Barcode 7.7.1 The validation barcode must be printed in a standard interleaved 2 of 5 code
symbology utilizing standard start and stop characters. The current contents of the
barcode and three (3) digit security code taken together are listed below. These
twenty-five (25) digits are formatted into a twenty-two (22) digit barcode and a
separate three (3) digit security code that is part of the validation number. The code
contents are as follows:
a) three (3) digit game identifier
b) six (6) digit pack number
c) nine (9) digit validation number
d) two (2) digit prize code number
e) two (2) digit check code number
three (3) digit ticket number
The validation barcode must be printed so that the barcode will not smear or distort
during normal product usage.
The validation barcode must also include the actual numbers next to the barcode to
facilitate manual entry.
Shelf Life - Delivered tickets must be durable and have a reasonable shelf life. Vendor must
provide information on the length of time their tickets may be stored without a negative
impact on product performance. Tickets must maintain their original crisp appearance
regardless of environment encountered in normal handling and usage. If during the stated
shelf life, tickets are no longer easily scratched or do not meet the specifics of the vendors
response, the Lottery, at its sole discretion, may request a) replacement of the tickets, b) a
refund check or c) a credit on future orders to cover Lottery’s cost.
Quality - Tickets must be printed in register with inks that are uniform throughout in density
and color. Colors must be as specified in the Working Papers. Any ticket with the following
characteristics will not be considered acceptable by the Lottery and may result in the rejection
of the entire pack of tickets in which such ticket is found:
a) Tears in the paper stock
b) Offsetting of inks on latex coverings from one ticket to another
c) Latex coverings that are off-register
d) Overprint designs that are off-register
Attachment B
e) Images that are off-register or missing
f) Play symbols that “peek out” from under the latex covering
g) Play symbols that smear with slight moisture in normal handling
h) Tickets that are not trimmed straight
i) Display print designs that are not clearly and crisply printed
j) Scratches across the latex coverings on any tickets which expose portions of hidden play
symbols or may tend to make the consumer believe that the ticket has been tampered
with even if no portion of the play symbols has been exposed
k) Rough, uneven latex coverings that do not readily depict attempts to compromise the
tickets by “pin-pricking” or “microsurgery” techniques
l) Latex coverings that have holes which expose portions of hidden play symbols or may
tend to make the player believe that the ticket has been tampered with even if no portion
of the play symbols has been exposed
m) Latex coverings that “drip” onto the display
n) Latex coverings that smear or fail to come off when rubbed, or rub off with difficulty, or are
too easily damaged
o) Overprint designs that are not clear and printed crisply
p) Perforations between tickets that are not appropriate for normal handling; that is either so
“weak” as to cause tickets to fall out of the packs while handling (or tear off too easily), or
“too tight” and in turn cause tickets to tear when dispensing.
q) Tickets out of order within a pack
r) A miscounted number of tickets within a pack
s) Lottery play symbols that are “clipped” or cut off
t) Ticket play areas that do not match programming parameters as determined by the
u) Any characteristic that the Lottery deems as potentially perceived in a negative manner by
the players
Representative Ticket Samples
7.10.1 Official Ticket Samples: Vendors must submit validation pull tab tickets they have
printed. Tickets should be representative of the type of ticket being bid for the
Lottery. Vendors must submit with their bid the following official ticket samples, in the
approximate size and quantity listed:
at least 1200 tickets approximately 4” x 4” (in packs of 200)
at least 1200 tickets approximately 3-7/8” x 1-7/8” (in packs of 300)
Attachment B
Official ticket sample packs should be consecutively numbered by pack number
whenever possible. Each ticket in the pack must also be consecutively numbered by
the ticket number.
The purpose of this ticket submission is to allow the Lottery to examine the
consistency of quality of a reasonably long consecutive group of tickets and to submit
some of the tickets to a testing laboratory to assure compliance with the Lottery’s
security requirements. The official ticket samples submitted will also aid the Lottery in
providing confidence that the vendor has the ability to consistently produce the
product with the quality necessary for a state-operated lottery program. Accordingly,
the vendor’s official ticket samples must be produced on the type of equipment that
would be used to manufacture Wisconsin tickets and cannot be hand-made samples
or contrived samples.
Stock - Ticket stock must be 10 point or heavier recycled or virgin. The ticket stock must be
secure and of a quality appropriate (as determined by the Lottery) for the printing of lottery
tickets. The vendor must list the features of the proposed ticket stock, including weight,
quality, coatings and any other features the vendor deems important in the manufacturing of
quality lottery tickets. The vendor must include whether the stock is recycled or virgin and if
the stock is recyclable.
All tickets shall be compatible with the ticket dispensing systems (in-counter, on-counter and
vending machines) as utilized by the Lottery. Ticket stock requirements may be modified,
within reason, at the Lottery’s discretion during the Life of the Contract.
The vendor shall keep the Lottery informed of the ticket stocks available for printing. The
Lottery may utilize any or all of the vendor’s available ticket stocks during the Life of the
Contract. Requirements for ticket stock may vary by game and shall be specified in the
executed Working Papers for each game.