University of West Florida Hospitality, Recreation and Resort Management LEI 3301 TRAVEL & TOURISM (3 credit hours) Spring Term - 2011 On-line class Instructor: Email: D2L address: Personal Web: Office Information: Online Office Hours: Dr. Andy Holdnak Ft. Walton Beach Combs Campus, Room 3006 FWB Office Hours Thurs 10:30 – 11:30 Thurs 1:30 – 2:30 Pensacola Building 72, Room 256 Pensacola Office Hours Tues 12:45 – 1:45 Tues 4:30 – 5:30 10:00 – 11:00 Mon - Thurs Email for appointments at other times PREREQUISITES OR CO-REQUISITES: None COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course takes a cross-disciplinary approach to examine the many facets of tourism. The social science perspective provides students with the kind of practical knowledge that can effectively be applied to a broad range of industries. This course will be able to provide local examples of issues and trends important in the tourism industry. This class is taught as an online class so students do not have to regularly attend class. However, it is not a “learn at your own pace” class. Each week there are tasks to accomplish in order to keep up with the class. If a quiz time has passed, students may not take the quiz late. INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVES: 1. Students will be able to discuss the origins and historical trends that have influenced the tourism industry. 2. Students will understand and explain the behavioral dimensions of tourism. 3. Students will be able to explain the impacts on tourism on social, environmental, and economic systems. 4. Students will be able to discuss tourism from a systems perspective. 4. Students will be able to discuss tourism planning and development. 5. Students will be able to discuss tourism policy development at all levels. 6. Students will be able to discuss trends in the tourism industry and the implications they may have for current university graduates. TOPICS TO BE COVERED IN THE CLASS: Introduction: An Overview of Tourism - Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow Florida Tourism Travel: About Tourism and The Characteristics of Travel Demand: The Factors Influencing the Market Destination: Planning, Developing, and Controlling Tourism Marketing: Strategy, Planning, Promotion, and Distribution REQUIRED TEXT: The Tourism System: An Introductory Text , Edition 6 Author: Robert C Mill, Alastair M Morrison © 2009 Kendall Hunt ISBN: 978-0-7575-6201-3 COURSE EVALUATIONS: There will be weekly online quizzes plus a mid term exam and a final exam. Quizzes and exams will cover the text and other readings. (Quizzes are open book, EXAMS are NOT!) One field trip with 2 page write up will also be required. The class participation grade will cover all aspects of the class – online class discussions, downloading posted slides and readings etc. EVALUATION PLAN: Weekly Quizzes (14) Midterm Exam Final Exam Field Trip Report 1 (Attraction) Class participation % 45 % 20 % 25 % 5% 5% 100.0% Grading Scale % Grade 92-100 A 90-91 A88-89 B+ 82-87 B 80-81 B- % 78-80 70-77 60-69 <60 Grade C+ C D F HOW THE COURSE WILL BE MANAGED (COURSE POLICIES): SPECIAL TECHNOLOGY UTILIZED BY STUDENTS: This class is taught 100% online. A course web page using “Desire to Learn” is used to communicate the information in this class. All slides and notes, quizzes and exams, class assignments etc . will be handled on line. The Web Address is: CLASS EMAIL: All UWF students are given a UWF email address. ( This is your official email address and my main means of personal communication with you. I suggest that if you use other email addresses you forward your UWF mail to that address. I also suggest that you keep your UWF email mailbox up to date. If you fail to get emails because your mailbox is full or you don’t check your UWF address, it is your problem. COMMUNICATING WITH ME: Face to Face: My main office is at the Combs Campus in Fort Walton Beach and I am generally there on Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays. I am always in Pensacola on Tuesdays. I try to keep Friday’s open for research and meetings. Since I move around a lot, it would be best to email me to let me know you are coming for a visit. Electronically: The best way to communicate with me is via email or the D2L class discussion board. Ask general questions (that others might be interested in) on the discussion board and save the personal questions for email. When I am available to respond to you: My work week is usually Monday to Friday. Here is my weekly schedule: I usually work on this class in the mornings. I try to respond to emails within 24 hours during the work week. Please note: if you send me a message after noon on Friday, I might or might not see it until the next Monday morning. CLASS READINGS/DISCUSSIONS /CLASS PARTICIPATION While this is an online class and specific attendance in a classroom is not necessary, your active participation in the class is expected. At the beginning of each week, I will post a discussion questions for the group – you will be expected to respond in an intelligent and reasoned manner to these questions –No flaming! Your participation grade includes 3 things: the number of comments you make, the number of comments you read and the quality of your comments. I expect you to complete the assigned readings and respond to the weekly discussion questions and take the weekly quiz no later than 10pm Monday of the following week. (See the class calendar.) Using D2L, I am able to see how often you log onto the class web page, what content you open and review, what comments you read and make etc. All of this information will be used to determine your class participation grade. EXTRA CREDIT OPPORTUNITIES – “Nuggets” Students sometimes ask for extra credit to improve their greades at the end of the term. I don’t do this! However, from time to time I will post some small opportunities in the weekly slides. This will be things like looking up a somebody or watching a TV show and writing a report. These “nuggets” are there to be “mined” by students who are keeping up to date and reading the slides. They are time limited and will only be mentioned in the slides. LOOK for the nuggets! ONLINE CLASS QUIZZES AND EXAMS Quizzes and exams will be posted on-line. Generally, the weekly quizzes will be timed at 3 hours and open book. However, once you have opened your quiz, you must finish the quiz. If you attempt to leave the quiz and come back later – it will not work. Quizzes will be available each week from Thursday morning (9:00am) through the next Monday evening (10:00pm). Midterm and Final exams –will be timed exams available one day only. Each week, I suggest that you make sure you read the book, all the slides and posted materials as well as the discussion questions/comments (especially comments I make) before you take the quiz. Important: the quizzes are open book, open note… however – they are to be your work. Do not work with others on the weekly quizzes or the midterms or finals. The Midterm and Final exams are not open book open note. If I catch or even suspect you - I AM REQUIRED TO TURN YOU IN TO BE INVESTIGATED FOR CHEATING. FIELD TRIPS – PERSONAL VISITATIONS All students will be expected make one personal visits/field trip to a tourist attraction during the semester. I will make suggests of places to visit but it is up to students to make the trip and do the write up on their own. There will be a specific report sheet to be completed for each field trip. Field Trip papers will be due by 10pm on the date assigned. Papers turned in after that are considered LATE! Papers turned in late are penalized 10% per each 24-hour day that they are late. Field Trip reports should be submitted in Microsoft Word and must be placed in the class D2L dropbox in order to count. E-mailing or dropping off hard copy of field trip reports WILL NOT count. Please note: I consider submitting a falsified field trip report for a trip that you did not attend to be academic misconduct. GENERAL ACADEMIC CONDUCT Academic Conduct Expectations In 2007, UWF adopted new Academic Misconduct Regulations – The new rules are posted at . Among other things, there is a requirement that faculty forward all cases of academic dishonesty to the Dean of Students. We can’t handle things in the department anymore. If you mess up – it goes forward – even if it is a weekly quiz – and it goes on your record. For complete information regarding Academic Misconduct, refer to the UWF Student Handbook or contact Student Affairs in Building 21, 474-2384. Student Handbook: If you have any questions about the University and its policies, please refer to the student handbook ASSISTANCE: Students with special needs who require specific examination-related or other course-related accommodations should contact Barbara Fitzpatrick, Director of Disabled Student Services (DSS),, (850) 474-2387. DSS will provide the student with a letter for the instructor that will specify any recommended accommodations. Tentative Course Schedule for LEI 3301 Travel & Tourism Wk 1 Dates 1/51/9 Topic Introduction to Class Introduction to Tourism (NOTE short week!!!) Parts of the tourism industry Readings from the book Text – Intro Section An Overview of the Tourism System Yesterday, Today & Tomorrow Chapter 1- Destination Mix 2 1/101/16 3 1/171/23 Tourism Impacts 4 1/241/30 Forces shaping tourism Chapter 2 - Tourism Impacts on the Economy, Society, Culture, and Environment Chapter 10 - The External Environment for Tourism 5 1/312/6 Needs, Wants & Motivations Chapter 11 - Why Do People Take Vacations? Online quiz by 10:00 pm on: 2/7 6 2/72/13 The importance of image Chapter 12 - Selecting a Travel Destination Online quiz by 10:00 pm on: 2/14 7 2/142/20 Online quiz by 10:00 on: 2/16 8 2/212/27 Choosing a vacation destination Chapter 13 - Travel Purchase ( Note Short Week) Quiz Wed – Midterm Friday Midterm Exam Why people travel Chapter 14 - Purposes of Travel 9 2/28 3/6 Travel flow/Modes of travel Chapter 15 - The Geography of Travel Chapter 16 – Modes of Travel Online quiz by 10:00 pm on: 3/7 10 3/7 3/13 Government involvement and tourism Chapter 3 - Tourism Policy and Organizations Online quiz by 10:00 pm on: 3/14 (Take it early – Spring Break) Spring Break Online quiz by 10:00 pm on: 3/28 11 3/14-3/18 Spring Break 3/21 Controlling tourism 3/27 3/28 Field Trip Report is due Spring Break Chapter 4 - Tourism Regulation Field Trip Report is due Tasks Online quiz by 10:00 pm on: 1/10 (NOTE short week!!!) Online quiz by 10:00 pm on: 1/18 (Note: extra day for MLK day) Online quiz by 10:00 pm on: 1/24 Online quiz by 10:00 pm on: 1/31 Friday 2/18 Online quiz by 10:00 pm on: 2/28 Report is due by 10:00 pm 12 3/284/3 Selecting alternatives for the future of tourism Chapter 5 - Tourism Planning Online quiz by 10:00 pm on: 4/4 13 4/44/10 Building a sustainable future Chapter 6 - Tourism Development Online quiz by 10:00 pm on: 4/11 14 4/114/17 Overview of Marketing Chapter 7 - Tourism Marketing Chapter 9 – The Distribution Mix Online quiz by 10:00 pm on: 4/18 4/184/24 Review for final Final Study Guide Posted Dead Week – no quizzes 4/25 Final Exam Week Final Exam – Monday/Tuesday 15 Final Exam