Activity Rock Layers and Index Fossils

Activity Relative Age, Rock Layers, and Index Fossils
Problem: How do we date rock layers and how do index fossils help?
1. Go to Science websites and select “Relative Age” or go to the website and enter the code cfp-2042.
2. Read introduction by using scroll knob.
Part One: Choose “Rock Layer Formation” and use the play button and read.
1. Age A: What is Relative Age?
2. Age B: What is the law of superposition?
3. Age C: What are Index Fossils?
4. Age D: What is the geologic record?
Part Two: Choose “Identify Rock Layers” and Read.
5. Index fossils are fossils that are _______________________________________
And represent a type of organism that existed ___________________________ .
6. Each index fossil occurs in only one layer and in more than one location. Which
two are index fossils? ____________________________________________ .
7. Click on Age and match rock layers. Which layers show unconformities?
8. Which geologic process caused some of the layers to disappear?
Part Three: Take the Self Test
9. According to the law of superposition, in horizontal sedimentary rock layers, the
oldest rock layers are __________________________________________.
10. In the picture above, which rock layer is the oldest? _________________ .
11. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of index fossils?