Option #1 How has the culture changed over time? Questions to Consider when researching: What part of (the culture you chose) has influenced other cultures? Did your culture trade with other cultures? What influence did this have? Ex: The Silk Road Did your culture have any big ideas that influenced other cultures? Ex: The wheel Did the leader of your culture influence any other cultures? Ex: Alexander The Great Did your culture create any art or literature that influenced other cultures? Ex: Roman architecture Did your culture have any technology that influenced other cultures? Ex: The calendar Project Ideas: 1) Choose one culture you studied this year 2) Circle the three topics below you want to research about your culture (remember you need to prove how that topic changed over time): Trade, Sharing ideas, Leadership, Transportation, Art, Literature, Religion and Technology 3) Create a chart using technology to collect your research. (Make sure to compare and contrast classical and modern day in your chart) 4) Show evidence of how that topic was during the classical time and how that topic is now. Ex: The Leadership of China: The Shang Dynasty (Classical China), Communist China (modern day China) 5) Pick a program in the technology menu to present all the information you learn. Option #2 How has the geography of a culture impacted the culture sharing ideas, goods and services with other cultures over time? Questions to Consider While Researching: What does it mean for a culture to share ideas, goods and services? How does (did) the location of the culture impact the sharing of ideas, goods and services over time? How does (did) the different regions of the culture impact the sharing of ideas, goods and services over time? How does (did) the way humans interacted with the environment impact the sharing of ideas, goods and services over time? How does (did) the geography impact the movement of people throughout the culture? How did the geographic features of the region help the culture? How did the geographic features of the region hold back the culture? Project Ideas: 1) Research the geography and geographic features of the culture 2) Find a good, clear picture of your culture (you may use more than one picture) 3) Label the following parts of the picture to prove that geography has affected the culture: The geographic features that impacted trade The geographic features that impacted sharing ideas Option 3 What can you learn about cultures by comparing and contrasting art forms? Visual Arts Two-dimensional (painting, calligraphy, textiles or murals) Three-dimensional (architecture, masks, crafts, pottery) Performing Arts Music (vocal or instrumental) Dance Theatre The art form I am going to research is _______________ The three cultures I am going to research are: ____________ ______________ __________________ Questions to Consider While Researching: (Use the graphic organizer for help when researching) What are some similarities you noticed in the art form between the three cultures? What are some differences you noticed in the art form between the cultures? What information about the cultures did you learn from looking at the art? Project Ideas: 1) Create a venn diagram using your research which compares and contrasts the art form throughout the three cultures you researched. 2) Select one or more programs from the technology menu to share the information you learned. Option #4 Pick one culture that we learned about this year. For each culture, compare the leaders they had during the classical era to the leaders they have today. Questions to Consider While Researching: What are some of the traits of the leaders? How did (does) the leader effect the culture? How did (does) the leader make connections between their culture and other cultures? How does (did) religion play a role in the leadership of the culture? Project Ideas: 1) Use the project sheet with an outline of a body. Write all around the body traits that you think a good leader should have. 2) Choose one leader from a classical culture. Research that leader. 3) On a second project sheet with an outline of a body write down the traits you learned about the leader of the culture you are researching. 4) Find out who the leader of that culture (country) is today. Research that leader 5) Use a final project sheet with an outline of a body and record the traits you learned about the modern leader. 6) Write down at least 8 interview questions that you would ask the classical leader, and 8 interview questions you would ask the modern leader. Include the answers to your questions that you think each leader would say when asked. 7) Share the interview you created by videoing a role play of the interview and share it using a program from the technology menu. Option 5 Examine three cultures and explain if they have benefited from interdependence (cultures depending on each other) with other cultures. Questions to Consider While Researching: Did interdependence benefit the exchange of ideas? Did interdependence benefit the exchange of goods? Did interdependence benefit the exchange of services? Project Ideas: 1) Research each culture and find evidence proving if being interdependence benefited that culture and why. 2) Using technology show the evidence that two or more cultures depended on each other and helped each other grow either through the exchange of ideas, goods and/or services. Option 6 Why do we have governments? How were governments different in different cultures? How has government changed over time? Questions to Consider While Researching: What kind of government did the culture have? Ex: Monarchy Was there a social structure (ex: The Caste System) that would have helped govern the culture? Did religion play a role in the government? How was the leader of the government choosen? Did the government help the culture share ideas and goods with other cultures? Or, did the government prevent the culture from sharing ideas and goods. Project Ideas: 1) Using your research about government, you need to answer the following question: Do you think a culture could be successful without a government? Why/why not? 2) Use your research as evidence (pretend you are a lawyer and government is at trial) present a case proving government is needed or is not needed to make a culture successful. 3) While putting together your evidence keep the following things in mind: Would there be laws? Are laws necessary? Would there be schools? Are schools necessary? Would there be an army? Is an army necessary? What other aspects of a culture would be different without a government 4) Present your case using technology Option 7 How does “literature” demonstrate the similarities and differences of cultures? Compare literature from three or more cultures. Questions to Consider While Researching: What were the folktales, legends, myths and oral histories of the culture? What influence on the culture did literature have? What did you learn about the culture from the literature? Did the literature from your classical culture influence literature from another classical culture? Did the literature from your classical culture influence the literature from any modern cultures? Did you read three or more pieces from each culture? How is the literature within a culture similar? Different? Compare the three cultures, how is their literature similar and/or different? Project Ideas: 1) Create a chart about the literature you read. Include what genre of literature, what you learned about the culture. 2) Compare and contrast the literature within a culture 3) Compare and contrast literature between cultures 4) Use your research to make an educated guess as to why the similarities and differences exist. 5) Share your findings through technology Option 8 How has math and/or science achievements of classical cultures affected your life? Questions to Consider While Researching: What mathematical contributions did your culture discover? What scientific contributions did your culture discover? What mathematical/scientific contributions did your culture improve upon? How do you use these contributions in your everyday life? What would life be like without these contributions? Which contribution do you think had the greatest impact on the world today? Project Ideas: 1) Choose one contribution that you think had the biggest impact on your life and explain why 2) Back up your opinion with research (prove your point using evidence) 3) Show images of how that contribution has changed over time 4) Explain how the world would be without that contribution 5) How did you decide what was the most important contribution?