Annex B to PFA Paper Dated 21 May 2007 ACCIDENTS TO UK REGISTERED SINGLE-ENGINE EX-MILITARY AEROPLANES AND MICROLIGHTS (1976 TO 2006) INVOLVING STRUCTURAL FAILURE IN-FLIGHT AND SUBSEQUENT LOSS OF CONTROL Data Source: UK CAA Mandatory Occurrence Reporting Scheme (MORS) database (for accidents) and G-INFO (for C of A / Permit to Fly details) Notes: 1. Ex-Mil: aircraft designed specifically for military use before being registered onto the UK civil register have been included, but aircraft built for civil use and subsequently used by the military have not been included. Aircraft meet CAP 632 criteria. 2. Microlights: inclusion based on how aircraft is categorised on G-INFO. 3. Structural Failure: only includes accidents that involved an actual failure (crashes resulting from incorrect rigging, for example, have been excluded). Microlights Occurrence Number Date Aircraft Aircraft Type Registration Location Nature of Phase of Flight Flight 198104247 29/07/1981 Unknown Microlight GSlinfold UNKNOWN Training Descent 198201875 27/06/1982 Scorpion G-MMMM Buckland Private Initial Climb 198202241 07/08/1982 Scorpion G-MBLI Kitchenham Private Cruise Summary Description WING FAILED IN ATTEMPT TO RESTART DIVE. PILOT ENGINE. KILLED. AIRFRAME VIOLENT MANOEUVRES IN FAILURE PITCH OCCURRED AND THE SHORTLY LEFT WING WAS SEEN TO AFTER TAKE- FLEX. EXAMINATION OFF. SHOWED STRUCTURAL FAILURE OF TAIL PLANE AND LEFT WING INNER REAR SPAR, AND NUMEROUS OTHER FAULTS WERE NOTED. SCORPION GROUNDED WEF 24-AUG-82. (AIB BULLETIN 7/82) WINGS FOLDED STRUCTURAL FAILURE OF IN FLIGHT. LEFT WING IN LEVEL FLIGHT PILOT AFTER FLYING OVER A LOCAL SERIOUSLY FAIR AT 200 FT THE INJURED. AIRCRAFT MADE A GENTLE TURN AND HEADED BACK Fatal C of A / Structural Permit to Failure Fly Type 1 Unknown Unknown 1 Exemption? Mechanical? 0 Exemption? Mechanical? -1- Occurrence Number Date Aircraft Aircraft Type Registration 198202432 23/08/1982 Scorpion G-MBUN Location Headcorn Nature of Phase of Flight Flight Training Cruise Summary AIRFRAME FAILURE IN FLIGHT. 2 KILLED. Description TOWARDS THE GATHERING. A SHARP CRACK WAS HEARD AND THE A/C'S WINGS APPEARED TO FOLD VERTICALLY ABOVE ITS CENTRAL POINT. THE A/C FELL INTO A CORNFIELD, 200 METRES FROM THE FAIR. NO MAJOR COMPONENTS HAD SEPARATED. ALL FOUR FLYING WIRES UNDER THE RIGHT WING HAD FAILED. EXAMINATION FAILED TO REVEAL THE PRIMARY CAUSE OF THE IN-FLIGHT BREAK UP. CAA HAS WITHDRAWN EXEMPTION FOR THE SCORPION MICROLIGHT A/C. (AIB BULLETIN 11/82) THE MICROLIGHT TOOK OFF WITH INSTR AND STUDENT IN CONTRAVENTION OF BRIEF WHICH WAS FOR LOW HOPS ALONG R/W. AFTER A LEVEL TURN THERE WAS A LOUD CRACK, ENG NOISE STOPPED, AND A STEEP GLIDE ENSUED. THE WINGS FOLDED AND A/C FELL TO GROUND. THERE WAS STRUCTURAL FAILURE OF ONE OR BOTH MAIN PLANES IN UNACCELERATED FLIGHT. EXAMINATION DID NOT ESTABLISH THE PRIMARY CAUSE OF THE STRUCTURAL FAILURE. EXAMINATION OF AN INTACT SCORPION REVEALED A LACK OF TORSIONAL STIFFNESS IN Fatal C of A / Permit to Fly Structural Failure Type 2 Exemption? Mechanical? -2- Occurrence Number Date Aircraft Aircraft Type Registration Location Nature of Phase of Flight Flight 198301321 30/05/1983 Quicksilver G-MJSW MXII Swansea Dock Private Cruise 198302103 21/07/1983 Pathfinder G-MJUG Mk1 Near St Girons, France Private Cruise Summary Description THE MAIN STRUCTURAL COMPONENTS AND THE POSSIBILITY OF AEROELASTIC EFFECTS CAUSING FAILURE(S) WITHIN THE STRUCTURE COULD NOT BE DISMISSED. (AIB BULLETIN 11/82) A/C DIVED INTO A/C SEEN FLYING AT ABOUT MARINA AFTER 300 FT OVER WELSH BOAT TAIL SECTION SHOW AT SWANSEA DOCK. TWISTED. AFTER LEVELLING WINGS PILOT KILLED. FROM A TURN, TAIL SECTION SEEN TO TWIST & A/C DIVED STEEPLY INTO NEW MARINA. A/C SANK BUT WAS BROUGHT UP AFTER ABOUT 10 MINS. EXAMINATION OF WRECKAGE BY AIB FOUND ONE OF RH TAIL BOOM ATTACHMENT PIP PINS MISSING WITH FRETTING DAMAGE AT THAT LOCATION BUT NOT ON OPPOSITE SIDE WHERE PIP PIN STILL FITTED. ALSO KING POST FOUND AT SHORTEST ADJUSTMENT. EXTENSION OF KING POST BY ROTATION TENSIONS RIGGING WIRES FOR BOTH MAINPLANE & TAIL ASSY. PHOTOGRAPHS SHOW RIGGING SLACK ON A/C ON PREVIOUS DAY & AT TIME OF ACCIDENT SHOW TAIL BOOM BEGINNING TO SEPARATE IN FLIGHT. (AIB BULLETIN 10/83) WING FAILED IN 2 FATAL ACCIDENTS TO SEVERE LOCAL PATHFINDER MICROLIGHT TURBULENCE A/C ON 21-JULY-83 DURING NEAR ST GIRONS TO Fatal C of A / Permit to Fly Structural Failure Type 1 Unknown Mechanical? 1 Unknown Turbulence induced? -3- Occurrence Number Date Aircraft Aircraft Type Registration Location Nature of Phase of Flight Flight Summary PYRENEES. 198400639 14/03/1984 Flexiform G-MMWW Sky Sails Dual Striker Near Leigh Private Cruise AIRCRAFT CRASHED IN FIELD. TWO KILLED. STRUCTURE FAILURE. Description CARCASSONNE STAGE OF A RALLY. FIRST ACCIDENT TO G-MJUG, 2ND TO FRENCH OWNED A/C. BOTH SEEN TO BREAK UP IN FLIGHT IN SEVERE TURBULENCE. PRELIMINARY INSPECTION ON SITE INDICATED FAILURE MAY HAVE ORIGINATED IN TRAILING EDGE TUBE OF LEFT WING AT RIGHT ANGLES TO END OF AILERON. FURTHER INFO AUG 84 ACCIDENT IN FRANCE 22-JUL84 AND ANOTHER IN ZIMBABWE 17-JUN-84 HAVE RESULTED IN CAA GROUNDING A/C TYPE. THE GEMINI STRIKER IS A COMBINATION FORMED OF A FLEXIFORM SKY SAILS, DUAL STRIKER WING AND A MAINAIR SPORTS GEMINI TRICYCLE, CONTROLLED BY WEIGHT- SHIFT. DURING STATIC LOAD TESTS IT WAS NOTED THAT CERTAIN RIGGING WIRES FROM THE BOWSPRIT TO THE A FRAME WENT SLACK. FLEXIFORM DETERMINED THAT THESE WIRES WERE INEFFECTIVE AND MODIFIED THE RIGGING ON SOME AIRCRAFT. DURING A DEMONSTRATION FLIGHT BY A FLEXIFORM REPRESENTATIVE ACCOMPANIED BY A CUSTOMER, THE WINGS FOLDED AND THE AIRCRAFT Fatal C of A / Permit to Fly 2 Unknown Structural Failure Type Mechanical? -4- Occurrence Number Date Aircraft Aircraft Type Registration Location Nature of Phase of Flight Flight 198501327 04/05/1985 Flexiform Sky Sails Striker G-MBNR Ornezan, France Unknown Cruise 198502788 17/08/1985 Puma Sprint G-MNDN Near Derby Cruise Private Summary Description FELL TO THE GROUND IN A STEEP NOSE DOWN ATTITUDE. THE AIRCRAFT WAS DESTROYED AND BOTH OCCUPANTS KILLED. EXAMINATION OF THE WRECKAGE REVEALED AN INFLIGHT STRUCTURAL FAILURE. THE BOWSPRIT SLIDER HAD FRACTURED DUE TO UP LOAD AT THE BOWSPRIT/KEEL JUNCTION. THE RIGGING MODIFICATION AFFECTED 6 AIRCRAFT WHOSE OWNERS WERE ADVISED. (AIB BULLETIN NO 6/84) LH WING INFORMATION AVAILABLE TO FOLDED IN CAA INDICATES PILOT MAY FLIGHT. A/C HAVE EXCEED A/C LIMITS BY CRASHED. FLYING WING-OVER PILOT KILLED. MANOEUVRES. A/C CRASHED THE AIRCRAFT HAD CLIMBED AFTER TRIKE & TO APPROXIMATELY 300 WING FEET AGL AND WAS HEADING SEPARATED. 2 IN A WESTERLY DIRECTION PERSONS WHEN THE TRIKE UNIT KILLED. SEPARATED FROM THE WING AND FELL ALMOST VERTICALLY TO THE GROUND. BOTH OCCUPANTS WERE KILLED. IT APPEARS THAT THE 'AIRCRAFT MAY HAVE SUFFERED A WHIPSTALL AND DURING THE SUBSEQUENT PULL OUT MANOEUVRE THE TRIKE SEPARATED. THE RECOVERY FROM A WHIPSTALL INVOLVES SEVERE NEGATIVE Fatal C of A / Permit to Fly Structural Failure Type 1 Unknown Pilot induced 2 Unknown Pilot induced -5- Occurrence Number Date Aircraft Aircraft Type Registration 198503697 22/10/1985 Gemini Flash G-MNEJ Location Middleton Nature of Phase of Flight Flight Private Flight Summary Description "G" FORCES BOTH DYNAMIC AND AERODYNAMIC FOR WHICH THE AIRCRAFT IS NOT DESIGNED NOR STRESSED TO COPE WITH. (AIB BULLETIN 1/86) CRASHED THE TRIKE SEPARATED FROM FROM HEIGHT. THE WING DURING FLIGHT 1 FATALITY. AND FELL TO THE GROUND, LANDING INVERTED. THE PILOT DIED ON IMPACT. DAMAGE TO THE AIRCRAFT STRUCTURE WAS FOUND TO BE CONSISTENT WITH INITIAL FAILURE OF THE FRONT STRUT, A PRIMARY STRUCTURAL MEMBER, DUE TO IMPACT BY THE LEFT HAND END OF THE CONTROL BAR, FOLLOWED BY FAILURE OF THE MAST, WHICH WAS UNABLE TO SUSTAIN THE SUBSEQUENT HIGH BENDING LOADS. IT IS KNOWN THAT ON THE AFTERNOON OF THE DAY OF THE ACCIDENT, THE PILOT HAD INTENDED TO CARRY OUT A PRACTICE FLIGHT OF THE MANOEUVRES REQUIRED TO BE DEMONSTRATED DURING THE QUALIFYING FLIGHT TEST FOR THE ISSUE OF A PPL (GROUP D). THIS INCLUDES DEMONSTRATION OF THE ABILITY TO RECOVER FROM A STALL, BOTH IN LEVEL FLIGHT AND WITH UP TO 30 DEG OF BANK IN A TURN. (AIB BULLETIN 4/86) Fatal C of A / Permit to Fly 1 Permit to Fly Structural Failure Type Pilot induced -6- Occurrence Number Date Aircraft Aircraft Type Registration 198601876 18/06/1986 Lightning G-MMCH Phase II/Tri-Pacer 330 Location Martin Nature of Phase of Flight Flight Private Cruise Summary Description A/C CRASHED THE AIRCRAFT WAS IN A LEFT FOLLOWING TURN OR HAD JUST ROLLED APPARENT OUT OF A TURN WHEN A FAILURE OF A WIRE WAS SEEN TO DETACH WING SUPPORT FROM THE RIGHT WING WIRE. 1 AREA. THE RIGHT WING KILLED. FOLDED UPWARDS FOLLOWED BY THE LEFT. THE AIRCRAFT STRUCK THE GROUND AT LOW FORWARD SPEED & THE PILOT WAS KILLED INSTANTLY. EXAMINATION OF THE WRECKAGE SHOWED THAT BOTH FLYING WIRES HAD FAILED DUE TO INCORRECT SWAGING WHICH HAD WEAKENED THE STRENGTH OF THE CABLES. METALLURGICAL INVSTN SHOWED THAT NEARLY 90 PER CENT OF CABLE STRANDS HAD FAILED OR PARTIALLY FAILED IN SHEAR IE THE SWAGE FORMING PROCESS HAD SEVERELY DEGRADED CABLE STRENGTH BEFORE CABLE WAS INSTALLED ON A/C. INITIAL REPORTS ALSO INDICATE THAT AT THE TIME OF THE ACCIDENT: 1. THE PILOT WAS UNLICENSED (EXPIRED 10/83), 2. THE A/C WAS NOT CERTIFICATED (NO RECORD OF ISSUE OF PERMIT TO FLY/TEST OR EXEMPTION FOR G-MMCH) and 3. THE A/C HAD NOT BEEN MAINTAINED ADEQUATELY. Fatal C of A / Structural Permit to Failure Fly Type 1 None Mechanical -7- Occurrence Number Date Aircraft Aircraft Type Registration Location 198602783 27/08/1986 Gemini Flash II G-MNNF Ashleworth 198603099 13/09/1986 Pegasus Flash II G-MNYY Wombleton Nature of Phase of Flight Flight Summary Description A/C TYPE - SOUTHDOWN LIGHTNING PHASE 2 WING WITH ULTRASPORT TRIPACER TRIKE. Unknown Cruise APPARENT A/C CRASHED FROM 800-1000 WING FT WHILE PRACTISING COLLAPSE IN STALLS & CO-ORDINATED FLIGHT. A/C TURNS. WITNESS HEARD A CRASHED TO LOUD 'BANG' AFTER WHICH GROUND. A/C SPIRALLED TO GROUND COMPLETING SEVERAL ROTATIONS BEFORE IMPACT. PRELIM INVSTN FOUND STRUCTURAL DAMAGE CONSISTENT WITH TRIKE UNIT FALLING ONTO RH WING IN FLT. A/C MFTR INVESTIGATING. (SEE ALSO MAINAIR SPORTS ACCIDENT REPORT 01SEP86). SEE ALSO OCC 86/03099X - SIMILAR ACCIDENT TO PEGASUS FLASH 2 (COMMON WING TYPE). Test Flight Aerobatics WINGS FOLDED INITIAL WITNESS REPORTS IN FLIGHT & A/C INDICATE THAT A/C WAS SPIRALLED TO SEEN IN A STEEP BANK (90 GROUND. DEG), THEN INVERTED PILOT INJURED. SHORTLY BEFORE BOTH WINGS APPEARED TO FOLD UPWARDS. THE A/C DROPPED APPROX 200 FT THEN BEGAN TO ROTATE, COMPLETING APPROX 10 ROTATIONS IN A RELATIVELY SLOW DESCENT BEFORE IMPACT. SEE ALSO OCC 86/02783B - SIMILAR ACCIDENT TO GEMINI FLASH 2 (COMMON WING TYPE). Fatal C of A / Permit to Fly Structural Failure Type 0 Permit to Fly Pilot induced 0 Unknown Pilot induced -8- Occurrence Number Date Aircraft Aircraft Type Registration Location Nature of Phase of Flight Flight 198701990 08/08/1987 Gemini Flash IIA G-MTIA N Waltham Private Flight 198801751 19/06/1988 Gemini Flash G-MMUF Harlington Private Cruise Summary IN-FLIGHT STRUCTURAL FAILURE DURING STEEP TURNS. PILOT KILLED. Description THE AIRCRAFT WAS SEEN TO BE FLYING AT A HEIGHT OF ABOUT 700 FEET PERFORMING A TURN THROUGH 360 DEGREES AT OVER 60 DEGREES OF BANK AND THEN BANKING STEEPLY IN THE OPPOSITE DIRECTION. THE OUTER END OF THE LOWER WING FOLDED OVER AND THE AIRCRAFT SPIRALLED DOWN AND CRASHED INTO THE GROUND. THE PILOT WAS KILLED BY THE IMPACT. EXAMINATION SHOWED THAT BOTH OUTER WING POLES HAD FAILED IN DOWNLOAD AND THAT MULTIPLE AIRFRAME FAILURE HAD RESULTED FROM NEGATIVE LOADING. IT WAS NOT POSSIBLE TO DETERMINE THE PRECISE FAILURE SEQUENCE DUE TO SEVERAL CONTACTS BETWEEN THE SAIL UNIT AND THE NACELLE. TRIKE THE A/C WAS CRUISING AT SEPARATED 1,000 FT AGL WHEN IT MADE FROM WING AT A GENTLE TURN TO AVOID AN APPROX 1,000 ONCOMING MICROLIGHT. FT. BOTH DURING THIS TURN THE OCCUPANTS TRIKE & WING SEPARATED KILLED. WITH A LOUD BANG. BOTH OCCUPANTS WERE KILLED BY IMPACT WITH THE GROUND. INVESTIGATION BY AAIB REVEALED THAT AN UNAUTHORISED MODIFICATION TO THE Fatal C of A / Structural Permit to Failure Fly Type 1 Permit to Pilot induced Fly 2 Permit to Fly Mechanical -9- Occurrence Number Date Aircraft Aircraft Type Registration Location Nature of Phase of Flight Flight 198901303 24/04/1989 Gemini Flash IIA G-MTYZ Balne Test Flight Flight 198901451 07/05/1989 Gemini Flash IIA G-MTUW Huddersfield Test Flight Flight Summary Description FRONT STRUT BOTTOM SECTION ALTERED THE LOAD PATHS WITHIN THE STRUT & LED TO FAILURE OF AN ALUMINIUM RIVET, SEPARATION OF THE LOWER STRUT & SECONDARY OVERSTRESSING FAILURE OF THE MAIN MONOPOLE MEMBER. THE A/C MANUFACTURER HAS ISSUED SERVICE BULLETIN NR.29 DATED 27 JUN 1988 TO ALL OWNERS DRAWING THEIR ATTENTION TO THE CORRECT PROCEDURES & THE REQUIREMENT THAT STRUCTURAL MODS OR REPAIRS ARE CHECKED BY APPROVED INSPECTORS. IN-FLIGHT THE A/C CRASHED DUE TO INSTRUCTURAL FLIGHT STRUCTURAL FAILURE. A/C FAILURE WHICH WAS CRASHED & INDUCED BY DYNAMIC DESTROYED. 2 OVERLOADING OF THE WING FATALITIES. IN DOWNLOAD. NOT ESTABLISHED WHETHER THE OVERLOADING WAS THE RESULT OF AN INTENTIONAL MANOEUVRE OR A LESSER ONE WHICH WAS UNCONTROLLABLE. IN-FLIGHT THE A/C CRASHED DUE TO STRUCTURAL LOSS OF CONTROL FAILURE AFTER FOLLOWING A POWER LOSS WHIP STALL. PROBABLY CAUSED BY FUEL PILOT KILLED. STARVATION AT THE VERY HIGH ANGLE OF CLIMB BEING FLOWN. DURING THE ATTEMPTED RECOVERY IT Fatal C of A / Permit to Fly Structural Failure Type 2 Permit to Fly Pilot induced? 1 Unknown Pilot induced - 10 - Occurrence Number Date Aircraft Aircraft Type Registration Location Nature of Phase of Flight Flight 198901972 07/06/1989 Mainair Razor G-MVMS Rochdale Test Flight Flight 198902681 19/07/1989 Chaser S G-MVLV Hayling Island Training Flight Summary Description SEEMS THE A/C EXPERIENCED LOW OR NEGATIVE 'G' WITH A RESULTING FAILURE OF THE WING STRUCTURE. THE CONTROL LOADS AT ONE STAGE WERE PROBABLY IN EXCESS OF THE PHYSICAL CAPABILITY OF THE PILOT. A/C CRASHED THIS FLIGHT WAS A TEST FROM FLIGHT TO ASSESS THE CONSIDERABLE STABILITY & HEIGHT. PILOT MANOEUVRABILITY OF A KILLED. PROTOTYPE WING. AFTER T/O IT CLIMBED TO APPROX 2,000 TO 2,500 FT AGL. AFTER A LEFT TURN A SHARP CRACK WAS HEARD, THE WINGS WERE SEEN TO FOLD & THE A/C DESCENDED "LIKE A SYCAMORE LEAF" UNTIL IT CRASHED. THE A/C SUFFERED A STRUCTURAL FAILURE IN FLIGHT BUT THE AAIB WERE UNABLE TO ESTABLISH THE EXACT SEQUENCE NOR THE CAUSE. THE DESIGN HAD NOT BEEN FINALISED NOR CAA TYPE APPROVAL GAINED. THE PROJECT HAS BEEN DISCONTINUED. A/C WAS SEEN DURING SOLO GENERAL TO CRASH INTO HANDLING EXERCISE, A/C THE SEA FROM WAS SEEN TO ROCK, ENTER APPROX 1,000 A SPIRAL DIVE & THEN THE FT. PILOT ENGINE NOISE STOPPED. KILLED. ONE WING FOLDED & THE A/C CRASHED INTO THE SEA. INVESTIGATION REVEALED Fatal C of A / Permit to Fly Structural Failure Type 1 Unknown Unknown 1 Permit to Fly Mechanical - 11 - Occurrence Number Date Aircraft Aircraft Type Registration 199201477 04/05/1992 Pegasus XL-Q G-MVCU Location Sunken Island Nature of Phase of Flight Flight Private Cruise Summary Description STRUCTURAL FAILURE TO THE WINGS CAUSED BY OVERLOAD DURING UNCONTROLLED FLIGHT OR IMPACT. THERE WAS EVIDENCE OF HEAVY ENGINE VIBRATION & WING FABRIC TEARS PRIOR TO IMPACT. THESE WERE CONSISTENT WITH BREAK-UP OF THE PROPELLER IN FLIGHT. THE CAUSE OF PROPELLER FAILURE HAS NOT BEEN ESTABLISHED. SEE AAIB BULLETIN 12/89, REF: EW/C1127. DESIGN REQUIREMENTS (BCAR-S PARA S905) AMENDED TO REQUIRE CONSIDERATION OF PROPELLER FAILURE EFFECTS ON ADJACENT STRUCTURE. APPROPRIATE PUBLICITY GIVEN BY BMAA ON THE LOOSE ARTICLE HAZARD TO PUSHER PROPELLERS. A/C OBSERVED EYE-WITNESSES IN WEST IN PITCHING MERSEA OBSERVED A/C MANOEUVRE, OVER LAND CARRYING OUT THEN TIGHT TURNS, STEEP CLIMB CRASHED MANOEUVRES & APPARENT KILLING 2 POB. WHIPSTALLS. AFTER WING FOUND CROSSING OVER THE SHORE SOME LINE & HEADING TOWARDS DISTANCE ESTUARY, THE WING FROM REST OF SEPARATED FROM THE WRECKAGE. STRUCTURE & THE TRIKE, WITH PILOT & PAX HELD INTO IT BY THEIR RESTRAINING HARNESSES, FELL ALMOST Fatal C of A / Permit to Fly 2 Permit to Fly Structural Failure Type Pilot induced - 12 - Occurrence Number Date Aircraft Aircraft Type Registration Location Nature of Phase of Flight Flight 199501583 28/04/1995 Midland G-MNFC Ultralights Sirocco 377GB Near Bromyard Private Climb 199503731 31/08/1995 Mainair Mercury Near Sandtoft Training Cruise G-MYGG Summary Description VERTICALLY TO THE GROUND FROM A HEIGHT OF SEVERAL HUNDRED FEET. BOTH OCCUPANTS DIED INSTANTANEOUSLY. AAIB INVSTGN ATTRIBUTES CAUSE OF ACCIDENT TO RELATIVELY INEXPERIENCED MICROLIGHT PILOT WHO APPEARS TO HAVE EXCEEDED THE RECOMMENDED FLIGHT LIMITATIONS & THEREBY PRECIPITATED A CATASTROPHIC IN-FLIGHT STRUCTURAL FAILURE. APPROPRIATE PUBLICITY GIVEN BY BOTH THE CAA & BMAA ON DANGERS OF EXCEEDING AIRCRAFT LIMITATIONS. SEE AAIB BULLETIN 08/92, REF: EW/C92/5/1. A/c crashed Loss of tailplane in flight probably following due to effect of repair and/or structural failure modification to tailplane axle of tailplane. 1 ends & locating rib. See AAIB fatality. Bulletin 09/95, ref: EW/C95/4/3. A modification to the design of the stabilator & mountings has been produced & approved by the BMAA under MAAN 1336. CAA MPD 1999-005 requires that this modification, or an approved alternative, be embodied before further flight. Loss of control Student pilot, 32 hours total time, led to airframe was briefed to carry out solo failure in flight. practice engine failure Student pilot procedures in local flying area. killed. A/c airborne for just over one Fatal C of A / Permit to Fly Structural Failure Type 1 Permit to Fly Mechanical 1 Permit to Fly Pilot induced - 13 - Occurrence Number Date Aircraft Aircraft Type Registration 199602965 17/07/1996 Gemini Flash IIA G-MTLA Location Near Rhyl Nature of Phase of Flight Flight Test Flight Flight Summary Description hour. No witnesses to final manoeuvre, but had been observed previously pitching down hard to 45 deg nose down, followed rapidly by pitch up to about 10 deg nose up, then continued normally, one km from accident location. A/c was close to minimum operating weight, with empty fuel can positioned in rear seat as backrest, instead of usual approved ballast bag. The can may have been improperly secured & come loose during manoeuvring, causing distraction & loss of control which exceeded a/c limitations. Both wing tips failed in downward bending (negative loading). Wing pitched up hard causing front strut & 'A' frame contact & failures. Propeller blades then struck rear keel. Monopole failed in rearward bending. Trike unit separated from wing & fell vertically from about 500 ft agl. Wing spiralled down & landed nearby. Fuel can/backrest ejected during break-up sequence. See AAIB Bulletin 12/95. Wings folded on The pilot had recently fitted a test flight & a/c new propeller to his flex wing fell from approx microlight, but had failed to 400 ft. 1 fatality. complete the necessary paperwork or have the aircraft officially checked before the next flight. He made a solo flight and the take off was observed as normal. Later, as he flew back towards the airfield, he was seen Fatal C of A / Permit to Fly 1 Permit to Fly Structural Failure Type Pilot induced? - 14 - Occurrence Number Date Aircraft Aircraft Type Registration Location Nature of Phase of Flight Flight 199606099 07/08/1996 Chaser S 508 G-MZBJ Near Durban, South Africa Competition Flight 199705598 27/10/1997 Gemini G-MVEP Roydon Training Circuit Summary Description to enter a tight turn which he continued for approximately 540 deg. Towards the end of this turn, witnesses heard a bang, saw the left wing fold upwards and saw the aircraft enter a steep uncontrolled spiral which continued until impact with the ground. Towards the end of the descent, the right wing was also seen to fold upwards. The aircraft manual includes a warning not to fly into your own wake. The propeller appeared to operate correctly throughout the flight. See AAIB Bulletin 01/97, Ref: EW/C96/7/8. A/c encountered During the World Microlight severe Championships, the pilot turbulence & experienced severe turbulence broke-up in flight. whilst taking part in a thermalling 1 fatality. (soaring) task & as a result the a/c suffered an in-flight break-up, due to the extreme forces applied to the airframe structure. The investigation report noted that the washout adjustment tube on the RH wingtip had been loose prior to the accident & that this may have affected stability & control of the a/c in such adverse weather conditions. The report recommends that the a/c manufacturer investigates the reinforcing of the main spar & down bars on the A-frame with an inner tube. (South African Dept of Transport AAR J10/2/6585). A/c spiralled into Student pilot was conducting a Fatal C of A / Permit to Fly Structural Failure Type 1 Permit to Fly Turbulence induced 1 Permit to Turbulence - 15 - Occurrence Number Date Aircraft Aircraft Type Registration Location Nature of Phase of Flight Flight Flash IIA 200400499 27/01/2004 Midland G-MNDW Ultralights Sirocco 377GB Summary field after wings folded in flight. 1 POB fatal. A/c destroyed. Ashby de la Zouch Private Flight Description qualifying solo cross-country flight for the award of a PPL. Approximately 25 mins after take off the a/c was observed by witnesses who reported hearing a sharp 'crack' & seeing the left wing move up to an almost vertical position. Shortly afterwards the right wing did the same & the a/c spiralled to the ground with the wings folded together. The pilot survived the impact but died shortly afterwards from his injuries. The subsequent investigation was inconclusive as to the cause of the accident but it was noted that there were heavy indentations on the lower left hand side of the keel, suggesting that a propeller strike had occurred. Further testing showed that the wing, rigged as it was for the accident flight, had characteristics that could cause it to become divergent in nose down pitch through the actions of a vertical gust of only 15kt. The onset of this divergence would be sufficiently rapid so as to preclude any significant pilot recovery response before the manoeuvre became catastrophic. See AAIB Bulletins 2/1998 and 5/2000. Sirocco 377GB AAIB Bulletin 11/2004, ref: microlight EW/C2004/01/04 - Summary: crashed and was The aircraft experienced an indestroyed flight structural failure of the following an in- tailplane, which rendered it Fatal C of A / Structural Permit to Failure Fly Type Fly induced? 1 Permit to Fly Mechanical - 16 - Occurrence Number Date Aircraft Aircraft Type Registration Location Nature of Phase of Flight Flight Summary Description C of A / Permit to Fly Structural Failure Type flight structural failure of the tailplane. 1 POB fatal. 200405798 21/08/2004 Pegasus Quik G-STYX Eastchurch Private Flight uncontrollable. This is the second such occurrence within the United Kingdom. Following a previous fatal accident in 1995 (occurrence 199501583), UK Sirocco aircraft were modified to address concerns over the design of the tailplane and its attachments. Although these modifications had been accomplished on G-MNDW, the tailplane failed in flight through loss of structural integrity and in a similar manner. The investigation identified shortcomings in the method of accomplishment of the modifications and raised further concerns over the design and construction of the tailplane and its mountings. One Safety Recommendation (2004-76) was made to the British Microlight Aircraft Association (BMAA). Pegasus Quik AAIB Aircraft Accident Report microlight 2/2005 - Summary: The Pegasus suffered Quik microlight, with an instructor structural failure and passenger on board, in-flight, leading departed Rochester Airfield for a to loss of control trial lesson. Thirty five minutes and trike into the flight, as it was flying at separation. 2 500ft along the north coast of the POB fatal. Isle of Sheppey, it pitched up steeply to the near vertical and entered a series of tumbling manoeuvres. As the microlight tumbled, the trike unit, containing the two occupants, separated from the wing and descended vertically to the ground. Neither Fatal 2 Permit to Fly Mechanical - 17 - Occurrence Number Date Aircraft Aircraft Type Registration Location Nature of Phase of Flight Flight Summary Description Fatal C of A / Permit to Fly Structural Failure Type the pilot nor his passenger survived the impact. The initiation of the pitching moment and subsequent entry into the tumbling sequence was brought about by the failure of the right upright upper fitting, which caused full nose-up trim to be suddenly applied. Some time previously the microlight's uprights upper fittings had been modified to comply with Service Bulletin 116 requiring the fitting of additional rivets. The additional rivets were not only fitted incorrectly, and without reference to the Service Bulletin, but two of them did not match the specification of those rivets supplied by the manufacturer in the modification kit. Additionally, no duplicate independent inspection was carried out on the correct embodiment of the modification. The investigation identified the following causal factors: 1) Failure of the right upright upper fitting caused the microlight to enter a tumble manoeuvre from which it was not possible to recover; 2) Service Bulletin 116, which introduced additional rivets in the upper fitting, was not correctly embodied. Eleven Safety Recommendations (2004-080, 081 and 2005-082 to -090) have been made as a result of the investigation. - 18 - Ex-Military Aeroplanes No such occurrences involving ex-military aeroplanes. - 19 -