It is often said that proverbs and sayings reflect a deep wisdom of the Russian way of life
and folk literature. Therefore it is only fitting that a section of the vocabulary be devoted
to proverbs and idiomatic sayings, which play such an important role in the Russian
language. I hope to include some of the most well known and used Russian adages. They
will be transliterated and translated literally, which often makes little or no sense but can
be quite humourous, and matched with a similar or equivalent English saying.
One of my favourite Russian sayings appears on my web page, and can be very loosely
translated as “no pain – no gain.” Following are three more that every Russian is
familiar with:
Russian saying Ти́ше е́дешь - да́льше бу́дешь
Transliteration Tishe edesh’ - dal’she budesh’
Literal translation The quieter you go, the further you will be
English equivalent Haste makes waste
Russian saying В тихом омуте черти водятся
Transliteration V tikhom omute cherti vodiatsia
Literal translation In a quiet eddy devils thrive
English equivalent Still waters run deep
Russian saying Катись колбасой
Transliteration Katis’ kolbasoi
Literal translation Roll as a sausage
English equivalent Beat it / Get the hell out