11/26/14 X DATE REQUIRED COURSE ELECTIVE COURSE Agriculture X DIVISION NEW COURSE REVISION LAKE LAND COLLEGE Course Information Form COURSE NUMBER AGR 206 SEM CR HRS 4 LT HRS COURSE PCS # TITLE Introduction to Animal Science 3 LAB HRS 2 SOE HRS ECH 4.5 (Assigned by Administration) PREREQUISITES: Catalog Description (40 Word Limit): Focuses on a study of beef, swine, sheep, poultry, and horses; and the scientific factors affecting nutrition, selection and genetics, products, environment, and physiology. CONTENT LECTURE LAB OUTLINE HOURS HOURS Introduction 3 Breeds, Selection, and Genetics 10 4 Anatomy and Physiology 10 4 Animal Nutrition 7 4 Growth 2 2 Animal Environment 3 4 Livestock Products 5 4 Grading, Classification, and Marketing 2 2 Animal Health 6 4 EVALUATION: Quizzes X Lab Work Textbook: Title X Exams Projects X Oral Pres. Comp. Final Scientific Farm Animal Production Author Publisher Robert E. Taylor Prentice Hall Volume/Edition 10th Edition Copyright Date 2011 SEE REVERSE FOR CONTENT DETAIL Papers Other AGR 206 – Page 2 Major Course Segment Introduction Hours 3/0 Learning Outcomes Review the history, growth and development of the animal industries. Breeds, Selection, and Genetics 10/4 Analyze and compare the various breeds within species and review the principles of genetics, selection and mating systems and programs for improvement. Anatomy and Physiology 10/4 Analyze and describe endocrine, respiratory, circulatory, skeletal and muscular systems. Animal Nutrition 7/4 Evaluate various feedstuffs, animal requirements, nutrients and formulating balanced rations. Growth 2/2 Discuss and demonstrate an understanding of measurements and factors affecting growth. Animal Environment 3/4 Describe and evaluate the animal’s need for proper space, temperature, humidity and ventilation. Livestock Products 5/4 Demonstrate an understanding of the major livestock producers of meat, milk and wool. Grading, Classification, and Marketing 2/2 Illustrate the steps for grading of meat products derived from livestock. Animal Health 6/4 Describe the importance of sanitation, identify livestock diseases and their recommended control and list potential antibiotics. Course Outcomes: At the successful completion of this course, students will be able to: Describe the endocrine, respiratory, circulatory, skeletal, and muscular systems. Identify various feedstuffs, animal requirements, and nutrient and ration formulation. Evaluate live animals for carcass merit and grade meat products derived from livestock. Explain sanitation, and identify livestock diseases and their recommended control and treatments. Analyze animal genetics, livestock selection, mating systems, and livestock programs of improvement.