Harlow Early Learning Center Sight Base Decision Making (SBDM) February 7, 2012 MEMBERS PRESENT MEMBERS ABSENT GUESTS Jennifer Boutin Traci Goodlett Marsha Durr Lolita Short Latricia Smith Mike Barnard Mike Barnard called the meeting to order at 5:35 pm. 1. Approve/Revise Agenda Mr. Barnard requested principal selection information be added to the agenda each month as an attempt to keep all stakeholders updated on the principle selection process for Harlow. Jen Boutin made a motion to approve the agenda. Lolita Short seconded the motion. The motion was approved by consensus. 2. Approve SBDM minutes from January Council reviewed SBDM minutes from January 10,, 2012. There was one correction: The special called meeting was scheduled for January 17th not January 10th as reflected in the minutes. Marsha Durr made a motion to approve the minutes with the correction. Jen Boutin seconded the motion. The motion was approved by consensus. Council reviewed SBDM minutes from the January 17, 2012 special called meeting at 5:00. Lolita Short made a motion to approve the minutes for the 1.17.12 special called 5:00 meeting as presented. Marsha Durr seconded the motion. The motion was approved by consensus. Council reviewed SBDM minutes from January 17, 2012 special called meeting at 5:30. Latricia Smith made a motion to approve the minutes for the 1.17.12 special called 5:30 meeting as presented. Lolita Short seconded the motion. The motion was approved by consensus. 3. Review and approve financial reports from December and January Council reviewed Harlow’s financial reports from December. The Intersession Fund (000113) was closed and the balance ($1,780.64) was transferred to the Miscellaneous Fund (000103). Traci Goodlett made a motion to approve the December financial reports. Latricia Smith seconded the motion. The motion was approved by consensus. Council reviewed Harlow’s financial reports from January. Marsha Durr made a motion to approve the January financial reports. Lolita Short seconded the motion. The motion was approved by consensus. 4. Committee Reports There were no committee reports for Council to review at this time. 5. Interim Principals’ Report Preschool/Kindergarten Registration: Mr. Barnard meets every Wednesday with staff involved in preschool and kindergarten registration and planning is nearly complete at this time. The DIAL-4 has been ordered. It was purchased from SBDM funds. Title I Parent Involvement funds were utilized to purchase Scholastic books with parent involvement extension activities. These books and activities will be shared at registration with families at their exit interview. 1 Harlow will have a lockdown drill before the end of the year. The district testing window will be May 4 – 16th. Make-up tests will be given May 11-16th. Kindergarten Camp: Kindergarten Camp will cost $10 per child and will be open to all students entering kindergarten in August 2012. Kindergarten Camp will be funded through the Miscellaneous Account. It will be held the week after school is out. The exact date will be determined once the threat of winter weather has passed and staff is more certain about the last day of school. Principal Selection Information: The district continues to take applications for principal. Interviews have not been scheduled at this time. Kindergarten Legislation: State government has proposed legislation which requires students to be 5 years old by August 1st in order to be eligible for kindergarten. The legislation also proposes kindergarten testing/registration no more than 15 days before school starts. Mr. Barnard will keep Council up to date with information regarding this legislation. The district has set up a date to perform an audit of technology and finance materials. Harlow’s audit will be February 14th. 6. Enter Executive Session pursuant to KRS 61.810 (f); Discussions which might lead to the appointment, discipline or dismissal of an individual employee. Jen Boutin made a motion to enter Executive Session to discuss personnel. Traci Goodlett seconded the motion. The motion was approved by consensus. Council entered Executive Session at 6:15 to discuss personnel. 7. Exit Executive Session Marsha Durr made a motion to exit Executive Session. Traci Goodlett seconded the motion. The motion was approved by consensus. Mike Brown was hired as Harlow’s custodian. 8. Other Business Mr. Barnard shared KASC membership benefits with Council. Mr. Barnard explained that Harlow has postponed SACS Accreditation until March 2013. 9. Set Date and Agenda for Next SBDM Meeting The next regularly scheduled SBDM Meeting will be March 13, 2012 at 5:30 in Harlow’s Library. The tentative agenda includes but is not limited to the following: 1) Approve agenda, 2) Approve February meeting minutes, 3) Review February financial reports, 4) Interim Principals’ Report, 5) Committee reports, 6) Principle Selection Information, 8)Other business, 9) Set date and agenda for next SBDM meeting, 10) Adjourn. 10. Adjourn Lolita Short made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Latricia Smith seconded the motion. The motion was approved by consensus. 2