Clouds & Particles More Unit 2: Particles Aerosol particles have both natural and human (anthropogenic) sources. They can be emitted directly into the air as primary aerosols or formed in the atmosphere as secondary aerosols. Different aerosols have different chemical and physical properties, some play a key role in the formation and behaviour of clouds and on the climate system and others have an impact on human health. Properties of particles Transformation and removal Particles and health Part 1: Properties of particles Atmospheric aerosol particles have many different sources. Once in the air they undergo lots of different reactions which change their properties. This means that aerosols have a wide range of chemical and physical characteristics and these control how they behave in the atmosphere. One of the reasons why aerosols are so important is because they are essential for the formation of clouds. The chemical composition of aerosols The chemical composition of particulate matter is strongly related to its origin. The major chemical components of aerosols are sea-salt, sulphate, nitrate, ammonium, organic material, crustal species, trace metals and water. The largest aerosols (which have a diameter greater than 1 µm) are known as coarse mode aerosols. These particles consist of chemicals found in the Earth's crust (such as silicon, aluminium, iron and calcium), those found in seaspray (primarily sodium and chloride), biological elements (pollen, spores, insect debris) and coal fly ash. Particles with diameters smaller than 1 µm are known as fine mode aerosols. These generally form either as a result of secondary reactions in the atmosphere such as gas to particle conversion (for example, nitrate, sulphate and some organic carbon compounds) or are emitted during high temperature combustion processes (such as lead, zinc and nickel and elemental carbon). Chemical mixing ESPERE Climate Encyclopaedia – - Clouds and Particles More - page 1 English offline version supported by the International Max Planck Research School on Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics As the atmosphere is continuously moving and changing, the chemical composition of a particle often alters during its atmospheric residence time, which is typically a few days. Two mixing states occur: internal and external mixtures. In an external mixture, particles from In an internal mixture, the various different sources remain separated, i.e. chemical components are mixed within not attached to each other. a single particle. The older the air mass is, the greater the degree of internal mixing. 1. TEM image of mineral dust collected from the marine troposphere. Copyright © 1999, The National Academy of Sciences Cloud Condensation Nuclei Aerosols are essential for the formation of clouds, providing a site for water vapour to condense onto. However, not all aerosols can serve as a nucleus for water drop formation. Those which can are called Cloud Condensation Nuclei (CCN). This ability depends on size, chemical composition and supersaturation (see formation processes). About half the aerosol particles over the oceans can act as CCN, whereas only 1% of the aerosols in polluted environments can. However, the total concentration of aerosol particles in polluted areas is much higher than over the oceans. CCN concentrations of around 100 per cm3 are typically found in marine air masses whereas concentrations of many thousands of CCN per cm3 are found in polluted air. To act as a CCN, particles must be hygroscopic, i.e. they must contain sufficient amounts of water-soluble material. This is why the chemical composition of aerosols affects cloud droplet formation. For example, soil dust particles are not very soluble and can't act as CCN, whereas sea-salt particles are efficient CCN (on humid days, it can be difficult to pour salt from a salt shaker because water vapor has condensed on the salt crystals, sticking them together). ESPERE Climate Encyclopaedia – - Clouds and Particles More - page 2 English offline version supported by the International Max Planck Research School on Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 2. Ship tracks: particles emitted from the exhausts of large ships act as CCN and form the clouds which are shown in this image. France is on the right and Spain at the bottom. As the ships move about the East Atlantic, these clouds form and leave a visible record of where the ships have recently been. Ship tracks can last for hours and give clues to the relative speed of the ships. The faster the ship, the narrower and longer the ship track will be. Slower ships leave shorter and wider ship tracks. Source: NASA. Effects of aerosols on clouds Aerosol particles are necessary for cloud formation and the size and number of particles changes the characteristics of the clouds. In fact, aerosols are essential players in the cloud system; they change the microphysics of the cloud (the number and size of the water droplets). One of the fundamental observations is that increasing the number of particles in the atmosphere on which cloud droplets can form, leads to clouds with more, but smaller, droplets. The number and size of droplets is important in governing the rain potential of the cloud and its optical properties. In climate, the influence of aerosols on clouds is called the indirect effect. Therefore, as anthropogenic activities are an important source of particulate matter, humans modify the number and characteristics of clouds. The photograph on the left shows condensation trails (also called "contrails") over the Rhône Valley in France. These artificial clouds are formed as a result of aeroplane exhausts and are made of ice crystals. It is estimated that these “artificial clouds” cover 0.1% of the planet's surface. 3. Condensation trails over the Rhône Valley Source: NASA. ESPERE Climate Encyclopaedia – - Clouds and Particles More - page 3 English offline version supported by the International Max Planck Research School on Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 4. a+b) Contrails are often seen in the sky on sunny days. 4. b) Authors: C. Gourbeyre, J. Gourdeau. Part 2: Transformation and removal Aerosol particles typically stay one week or less in the troposphere. Sooner or later these particles are lost from the air and there are two ultimate exits: dry and wet deposition. However, before particles return naturally to the Earth's surface, their size, concentration, and chemical composition may change. Evolution of particles in the atmosphere 1. Coagulation processes. Author: J Gourdeau. Several mechanisms can change the physical and chemical characteristics of a particle. As they are continuously moving, particles may collide with other particles. Sometimes collisions make particles stick together to form new larger particles. This process is known as coagulation and leads to a continual removal of small particles replaced by larger ones. Water vapour can condense on particles and thus the particles grow as agglomeration proceeds. The cloud: a big laboratory Aerosols play an important role in the formation of clouds. Clouds form when water vapour condenses onto certain types of aerosols known as cloud condensation nuclei (CCN). So during cloud formation some aerosols become cloud water droplets. In a water droplet, aqueous chemical reactions can take place, in the same way as in a test tube during your chemistry experiments. ESPERE Climate Encyclopaedia – - Clouds and Particles More - page 4 English offline version supported by the International Max Planck Research School on Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 2. The particle inside the droplet may change during the condensation (1) and evaporation (2) processes. Author: J. Gourdeau. Only a very few clouds lead to rain. Most cloud droplets simply evaporate rather than grow into raindrops. The aerosol particle left after the water has evaporated is often rather different from the original aerosol, both chemically and physically (its size may have changed). A single aerosol particle undergoes many condensationevaporation cycles before it is removed from the air either in rain or through dry deposition. Transformation of aerosols in clouds is known as cloud processing. Deposition - how particles are removed from the atmosphere When particles fall out of the atmosphere onto surfaces and the process doesn't involve water, the removal mechanism is called dry deposition. When the particles are scavenged by atmospheric water (like rain or snow), the removal process is called wet deposition. The simplest dry deposition mechanism is sedimentation and here the particles fall under the influence of gravity. The heaviest particles are removed from the atmosphere by sedimentation and, because they are heavy, they are found close to their source. In a dry still atmosphere, sedimentation processes control how big the largest particles in the atmosphere are. Dry deposition is, however, strongly related to atmospheric movements, like wind. Wind can keep large particles in the air and can carry them long distances away from their source. 3. Dust storm Source: NOAA Library ESPERE Climate Encyclopaedia – - Clouds and Particles More - page 5 English offline version supported by the International Max Planck Research School on Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Wet deposition occurs when there is water in the air, either in the clouds themselves or in the air below the clouds. 4. It's raining.... Source: In the clouds a fraction of the aerosols act as CCN. Water vapour condenses on these particles to form cloud droplets. When droplets get so large that the air cannot hold them, the droplets fall as rain and the aerosols within the droplets are deposited to the surface. In addition, droplets in the cloud can “scavenge or catch” the other particles in the surrounding air. These particles are then also removed from the air in the falling rain. Aerosol particles below the cloud can also be scavenged by the falling raindrops or snowflakes and removed from the atmosphere. Wet deposition is very efficient at cleaning the atmosphere: look at car windscreens after rain, they often have a layer of dust on them and the air we breathe often feels cleaner after a big rain storm. Part 3: Particles and respiratory tract Particles are dangerous for our health. The toxicity of particles depends on their chemical composition and their size: the finer the particle is, the deeper it penetrates into our lungs. Scientists classify particles into two different size ranges which are known as PM10 and PM2.5. The respiratory system Look at the diagram of our respiratory tract and the penetration of particles according to their size. 1: Pharynx 2: Larynx 3: Trachea 4: Bronchus 5: Bronchioles 6: Pulmonary Alveoli 1. Respiratory tract. You can see that the coarsest particles (from 3 to 10 micrometers in diameter) tend to be deposited in the upper parts of the respiratory system. These particles can generally be expelled back into the throat. PM2.5 are responsible for causing the greatest harm to human health because they are so small. These fine particles can be inhaled deep into the lungs, reaching the 600 million pulmonary alveoli. They can cause breathing and respiratory problems, irritation, inflammation and cancer. ESPERE Climate Encyclopaedia – - Clouds and Particles More - page 6 English offline version supported by the International Max Planck Research School on Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Smallest particles Scientists are becoming more and more concerned about the impact of the smallest particles, those which are around just 100 nanometers in size. These particles can get into the deepest parts of the lung and can even enter our blood circulation, leading to cardio-vascular disease. 2. Red corpuscles. Source: Chemical composition The chemical composition of a particle strongly governs its toxicity. The composition determines either how the respiratory tract reacts of how the body responds. Toxic air pollutants attach themselves to airbourne particulate matter. This particulate matter is then breathed into the lungs and the toxic species are absorbed into our blood and body tissues. 3. Aerosols are sampled by pumping air through a filter onto which the particles deposit. On the left is a new filter. On the right is a filter on which particles have been collected. Look at the colour difference! Source: I. Cousteix. Pollution is a strong source of particles, especially the very small ones which pose the greatest hazard to health. A very important source of very fine particles in the urban atmosphere is diesel vehicles as these produce much finer particles than petrol cars. Work is underway to try and reduce particulate emissions from diesel engines by, for example, adding pipe filters. ESPERE Climate Encyclopaedia – - Clouds and Particles More - page 7 English offline version supported by the International Max Planck Research School on Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics