PIRSA Fisheries & Aquaculture Fisheries Policy and Management Unit Services Delivered 2014-15 – Marine Scalefish Fishery Key Deliverables Development and implementation of management plans for commercial and recreational fisheries, including harvest strategy development and ESD risk assessment Key Activities Development and implementation of Aboriginal traditional fishing management plans, in accordance with Indigenous Land Use Agreements Updating/republishing of the Marine Scalefish Fishery Operator User Guide Further consultation on the rules review proposals with the Marine Fishers Association (MFA) and other fisheries with access to the Marine Scalefish Fishery, meeting in September 2014 Preparation of proposals to implement category A changes for the rules review project and other minor amendments Development of Garfish fishing closures (management arrangements to meet harvest strategy targets for recovery) through Garfish Working Group - Spencer Gulf 12 June to 30 August 2015 and Gulf St Vincent on 2 June to 7 September 2015 and 2 July to 10 August 2015 Consideration of the commercial fisheries with Marine Scalefish Fishery access, including annual catches against share allocations in the Management Plan (no allocation triggers breached) – with consultation through the Marine Scalefish Fishery Management Advisory Group (MSFMAG) Investigation on stamp duty issues with the transfer of MSF licences for leasing - including liaison with Revenue SA Not applicable for 2014/15 Day-to-day preparation of necessary legislative instruments and/or advice required for the management of fisheries (regulations, closure notices, licence conditions, Ministerial exemptions etc). Day-to-day provision of advice to the Minister or his/her delegate on setting total allowable commercial catch and effort levels Review and implementation of Snapper spawning spatial closures and commercial daily catch limits for 2014/15 o Meeting with EconSearch and SARDI regarding assessment of the spatial closures - July 2014 o Meeting with Key Local Government, Charter, Recreational, Commercial, SA Tourism Commission stakeholders - October 2014 o Preparation of section 79 notices for Snapper spawning spatial closures, annual state-wide Snapper closure, commercial daily catch limiits o Relevant communications material developed and delivered Implementation of increase to commercial size limit for Garfish from 23 cm to 25 cm, increase to the haul net pocket mesh size to 3.5 cm, and fishing closures (preparation of advice and section 79 notices) Exemption for Germain Bay closure - Fish Netting Boundaries Commenced development of King George Whiting Options Paper Commenced review of spatial management of the fishery. Meeting held with MFA representatives in June 2015. Provided input into development of an expression of interest for FRDC research project on Garfish Prepared for, participated in and followed up on actions related to the cost recovery process for the MSF Provided advice to the Chief Executive, Group Executive Director and Director and responded to correspondence on issues related to the MSF Consideration of 2013/14 MSF status report- including consultation through the MSFMAG Consideration of stock assessment report for King George Whiting, including consultation through the MSFMAG and implications for harvest strategy triggers Preparation of other policies to support fisheries management Preparation of submissions to enable regular assessment of commercial fisheries under the EPBC Act Preparation of annual report to the Australian Government on EPBC Act requirements for all SA fisheries Preparation of regular fisheries status reports Delivery of Fisheries Council projects Provided input on the co-management arrangements of MSF to the review of comanagement of South Australian commercial fisheries Supported the development of policies that are relevant to the fishery, including harvest strategy, bycatch and release of aquatic resources Liaison with DoTE representatives on the EPBC assessment, implementation of approval recommendations and conditions of the fishery July 2014 Discussion with MSFMAG and development of management options for large mesh nets to meet conditions of EPBC assessment Provided update on the MSF for the Department of the Environment (DotE) annual report Assisted in the finalising relevant species chapters for the South Australian status report and review of the national Status of Key Australian Fish Stocks Report Review/consideration of King George Whiting Stock Assessment Report, and discussion of of the report findings with the MSFMAG Reviewed draft SARDI Threatened, Endangered or Protected Species (TEPS) report and provide TEPS report for consideration by MSFMAG Review of the draft Economic Indicators Report for the South Australian Marine Scalefish Fishery for 2012/13 Review of all website material for updated website - publicly available information on the MSF and its management Establishment, support/preparation and participation in the Fisheries Council SubCommittee - Marine Scalefish Fishery Strategic Review Committee. Three meetings held in 2014/15 - July 2014, February 2015 and June 2015. Meetings and input/feedback on project proposal with MFA, EconSearch and University of Adelaide on Fisheries Research and Development Corporation (FRDC) project proposal Day-to-day development and maintenance of productive working relationships and outcomes through cooperative management and collaboration with stakeholders for industry survey on identifying long term objectives and direction for the fishery Participated in MSFMAG meetings – July 2014, December 2014, February 2015 and April 2015 Participated in Garfish Working Group meetings - September 2014 and April 2015 Monthly meetings with Industry MFA Executive Officer (EO) Quarterly meeting with Industry MFA EO, Compliance, licensing, SARDI and Policy Updated draft communication protocol with MFA EO and MSFMAG Meetings with MFA EO, Chair and executive members from time to time on issues in the fishery Participation at the National Snapper Steering Group Meeting- September 2014 Meeting with AFMA representatives - July 2014 - on OCS issues (SESSF fishing and MSF fishing) Meeting with WA Fisheries representatives regarding Australian Herring Responded to enquiries from industry and other stakeholders on issues related to the MSF