Office for Research Protections __________________________________ The 330 Building, Suite 205 University Park, PA 16802 (814) 865-1775 Fax: (814) 863-8699 Request to add a New Strain to Animal Care and Use Protocol ****** ALL RESPONSES MUST BE TYPED ****** Once completed, this form can be sent via email to Note: Emailed applications must be sent from the Principal Investigator (PI) directly, or the PI must be copied on the email. Principal Investigator: Project Title: IACUC #: 1. What is the source of the breeding animals? 2. Please provide the following information for each line. 2a. Provide the name or nomenclature used to identify each line. (Example: C.B17 – SCID) as well as the strains phenotype. Strain Name or Nomenclature Phenotype (i.e. SCID Mouse = Severe Combined Immuodeficient, T&B cell deficient) 2b. Is the phenotype of the breeders or offspring associated with physical abnormalities, increased susceptibility to disease or a shortened lifespan. NO Affected Strain YES, describe the problem and how the animals will be handled below; Problem due to phenotype How will the strain be handled? 2c. Do these animals require any special husbandry procedures? NO YES, please explain in the table below: Strain requiring special husbandry procedures Husbandry procedures required 3. Is the new strain being added to a breeding colony? YES, please complete the table below Species NO, go to Q5 No. of offspring to be Weaned Animals (estimate) No. of Breeders Strain 4. Should your previous (i.e. already approved) estimate of total animals needed for this breeding colony be increased by the number of breeders and offspring listed above (if you already have enough animals approved for this colony, respond no): YES NO 5. Will samples be collected from the animals for genotyping? ** NO, go to Q6 YES, and will adhere to the IACUC approved procedures described below (*). YES, but will deviate from the IACUC approved procedures described below (*), please describe the procedures you will use. * The sample should be as small as possible (1/2 cm or less should be adequate for most). * Tail tips may be collected from mice that are less than 3 ½ weeks of age without anesthesia. * Animals older than 3 ½ weeks of age will be anesthetized with isoflurane for tail tip amputation. * As an alternative to tail snips, ear punches or an ear snip (2-3 mm snipped from the tip of the ear) may be collected from any age mouse without anesthesia. **Please refer to IACUC Guideline II, Genotyping: Tail Clipping, Ear Punch, Ear Snip 6. Is the new strain being added to a research protocol? YES, please complete the table below Species Strain NO Number of additional (i.e. not already approved) animals needed (if no additional animals are needed, list zero): 7. If additional animals are needed to complete the research, please explain why the additional animals are needed: Click Here to Email This Application to Note: Emailed applications must be sent from the Principal Investigator (PI) directly, or the PI must be copied on the email.