Hunter Expressway, Kurri Kurri to Branxton

To the
Hunter Expressway, Kurri Kurri to Branxton - Construction update February 2013
The $1.7 billion Hunter Expressway is jointly funded, with the Australian Government providing $1.5
billion and the NSW Government contributing up to $200 million. The new four-lane Hunter
Expressway is being constructed under two contracts, with the western section (Kurri Kurri to
Branxton) being built by Abigroup, covering a distance of 27 kilometres. This letter outlines Abigroup’s
construction activity for February 2013.
Construction in the 27 kilometre western section has been divided into the following four zones:
Zone 1 - Kurri Kurri to Old Maitland Road, Sawyers Gully.
Zone 2 - Old Maitland Road, Sawyers Gully to Tuckers Lane, Greta.
Zone 3 - Greta (north of Tuckers Lane) to Branxton.
Zone 4 - Branxton to west of Black Creek, Lower Belford.
The following activities are scheduled for February 2013.
Zone 1 - Kurri Kurri to Old Maitland Road, Sawyers Gully
Construction will continue at the future Kurri Kurri interchange with the bridge to the south of Main
Road being poured in early February. This will involve some out-of-hours work.
Finishing work will continue on the bridge to the north of Main Road with the installation of throw
screens and parapets.
Earthworks will be completed on the embankments and ramps at the Kurri Kurri interchange.
During February there will be intermittent haulage of material across McLeod Road, Loxford. Traffic
control will be in place to safely direct traffic around this activity.
Drainage activities will increase between the Kurri Kurri interchange and Swamp Creek.
Work will near completion at the bridge at McLeod Road, near the Kurri Kurri TAFE with the
installation of throw screens, parapets and construction of the pedestrian footpath.
Service work will continue along McLeod Road at Loxford, with work on the watermain being
completed at the end of February.
Work will continue on the construction of noise walls between the South Maitland Railway bridge
and the Kurri Kurri TAFE. This activity involves intermittent lane closures along TAFE road.
Construction will be completed at the bridge over Swamp Creek, near the South Maitland Railway
bridge at Loxford.
The traffic diversion at Hart Road around the future Loxford interchange will continue to operate
and be in place until early May 2013.
In addition to the Hart Road diversion the temporary road adjacent to Hart Road (south of the
existing road) will remain in place until May 2013 to divert traffic around the Loxford interchange
bridge tie-in work onto McGarva Avenue.
In February the bridge girders will be erected at the Loxford interchange bridge at Hart Road.
Paving activities will start in February between Old Maitland Road towards the Loxford
For further enquiries: Abigroup Hunter Expressway Community Relations Manager, Angela Hazell
1054 Old Maitland Road, Sawyers Gully NSW 2326 I 1800 001 267
Hunter Expressway – Western section construction update – February 2013
Hunter Expressway – Construction activities
Zone 2 - Old Maitland Road, Sawyers Gully to Tuckers Lane, Greta
Material will be hauled out of the western side of Lovedale Road, Allandale and along the
local road network to the location of the future Loxford interchange and the future Kurri Kurri
Work at the future Allandale interchange bridge off Lovedale Road will be completed and
opened to traffic before Easter. Once this traffic switch takes place construction will start on
the removal of the old section of Allandale Road.
Shoulder paving activities will continue on the main alignment of the expressway from
Allandale east to Tuckers Lane, Greta. All paving activities may require out-of-hours
activities including saw-cutting.
The batching facility at Allandale will continue to operate for paving and bridge pour
activities. Between 6am and 7am Monday to Friday the activities may include: starting the
mainline paver and shoulder/kerb paver and moving them into position, warm up of the
batching facility, batching, loading concrete into concrete agitators and paving trucks.
Washing out paving trucks may also take place if required.
Between 6pm and 7.30pm Monday to Friday activities may include: batching, loading
concrete into concrete agitators and paving trucks, the wash down of the paver and batching
facility, washing out paving trucks, concrete curing, the removal of the waste from the paving
machine and walking the paver to the next required location.
Zone 3 - Greta (north of Tuckers Lane) to Branxton
The installation of noise walls will continue to the north and south of Tuckers Lane.
Crushing and haulage of material along the project alignment will continue from north of
Tuckers Lane.
Earthworks will be completed on the batters and embankments at Tuckers Lane.
Bridge work will continue at the future Branxton interchange with the removal of false work
and abutment extensions. In mid-February the second cast insitu bridge pour will occur at
the Branxton interchange.
During February material will be hauled from the location of the future Branxton interchange
up the alignment and across to both the western side of Wine Country Drive and along the
New England Highway to the location of the future heavy vehicle rest areas. There will be an
increase in truck movements in the Branxton area. Material will also be hauled along the
alignment and across the railway bridge to be used as fill for the link road to the New
England Highway.
Deck finishing and asphalting work will be completed on the Wine Country Drive bridge with
the traffic switch expected to take place before Easter.
Construction will continue on the installation of noise walls along the south side of Wine
Country Drive, Branxton and will start on the north side at the beginning of February.
At the twin bridges over the Main Northern Railway north of Wine Country Drive, formwork
will continue, the reinforced earth walls will be completed and work will start on barrier
In February paving activities will continue on the main alignment of the expressway from the
Main Northern Railway bridge through to Black Creek.
During February there will be some out-of-hours bridge work and concrete pours at the
Branxton interchange and the twin bridges over the Main Northern Railway. Concrete will be
transported to site along the project alignment. Affected residents will be notified directly of
this work.
Hunter Expressway – Western section construction update – February 2013
Hunter Expressway – Construction activities
Zone 4 - Branxton to west of Black Creek, Lower Belford
Earthworks will continue from Black Creek to west of Standen Drive, Lower Belford.
Heritage sieving at Black Creek will continue and is expected to be completed before Easter.
This site will continue to be monitored during construction activity at this location.
Work will continue at the twin bridges over Black Creek with deck pours and work on the
approach slabs and abutments. Toward the end of February scaffolding will be removed.
Drainage and culvert work will continue around the location of the new service road from
Standen Drive heading east toward Branxton.
Sub base asphalting will start in late February along the main alignment as part of the paving
operation at this location.
General earthworks
General bulk earthworks, installation of fencing and the relocation of existing utilities such as
electricity, gas and telephone, will continue at various locations along the 27 kilometres of the
western section of the project.
Traffic and access
Short-term traffic restrictions including temporary lane closures, speed limit reductions and minor
traffic diversions will be required to build the Hunter Expressway between Kurri Kurri and Branxton.
When driving in these areas, please follow the signs and directions of traffic controllers, including
reduced speed limits.
Working hours
Normal working hours are between 7am and 6pm, Monday to Friday and between 8am and 1pm
Saturdays. We thank residents and business owners for their patience during the construction of the
Hunter Expressway. Nearby residents will be notified and consulted for any work outside these hours,
as required.
Out-of-hours activity
There will be some out-of-hours activity during 2013. This activity is either already approved under
the project Construction Environment Management Plan or being carried out in locations where the
work is inaudible at nearby properties or where written agreement has been obtained from noise
affected property owners.
Upcoming community information session for February 2013
The Hunter Expressway holds monthly community information sessions at different locations in the
Hunter region. Project information, including maps, artist impressions and a 3D computer model are
displayed and representatives from Roads and Maritime Services (RMS), Abigroup and the Hunter
Expressway Alliance are present to answer your questions.
Details of the upcoming community information session are:
Friday 15 February
9.30am to 12.30pm
Maitland Room
Maitland City Council Building
High Street, Maitland
This construction update was based on the most up-to-date information at the time of printing.
However, the activities are subject to change due to weather or technical issues that may arise. For
Hunter Expressway – Western section construction update – February 2013
Hunter Expressway – Construction activities
enquiries, complaints and further information about the project, please call toll-free 1800 001 267 or
Aerial view of the Newcastle interchange
Above: Cast insitu concrete pour for
the bridge at the future Kurri Kurri
Left: The main alignment of the Hunter
Expressway looking south from the
Allandale interchange.
Below Left: Tuckers Lane overbridge
at Greta that was opened to local traffic
on Tuesday 15 January 2013.
Below Right: Twin bridges over Black
Creek at Lower Belford.