Which of the following best describes Steven Siegal level of management at the CPA
firm of Lipschultz, Levin & Gray?
a. first-line manager
b. middle manager
c. top manager (easy)
d. supervisor
The major challenge facing Steven Siegel at the CPA firm of Lipschultz, Levin & Gray
is ______________.
a. increasing sales and avoiding bankruptcy
b. keeping professionals excited about work that can be routine and
standardized (difficult)
c. increasing the customer loyalty and retention
d. reducing embezzlement of the company’s funds
Which of the following best describes Steven Siegal’s role at the CPA firm of
Lipschultz, Levin & Gray?
a. leader (moderate)
b. liaison
c. monitor
d. figurehead
e. spokesperson
According to the company profile in “A Manager’s Dilemma,” which of the following
skills are most important to Steven Siegal?
a. technical skills
b. accounting skills
c. conceptual skills (moderate)
d. supervisory skills
_____________ are organizational members who integrate and coordinate the work of
a. Managers (easy)
b. Team leaders
c. Subordinates
d. Operatives
e. Agents
Which of the following is the lowest level of management?
a. team leaders
b. middle managers
c. first-line managers (easy)
d. top managers
e. subordinates
Supervisor is another name for whom?
a. team leaders
b. middle managers
c. first-line managers (moderate)
d. top managers
e. subordinates
All levels of management between the supervisory level and the top level of the
organization are termed _____________.
a. middle managers. (easy)
b. first-line managers.
c. supervisors.
d. foremen.
e. coaches.
"Agency head" or "plant manager" is most likely associated with which of the
a. team leaders
b. middle managers (moderate)
c. first-line managers
d. top managers
e. subordinates
Of the following, which is the best example of a middle manager in a university work
a. assistant professor
b. Dean of Students (moderate)
c. full professor
d. president
e. part-time instructor
"Division manager" is associated with which of the following levels of management?
a. team leaders
b. middle managers (moderate)
c. first-line managers
d. top managers
e. subordinates
Typically, in organizations it is the _____________ who are responsible for making
organizational decisions and setting policies and strategies that affect all aspects of the
a. team leaders
b. middle managers
c. first-line managers
d. top managers (easy)
e. subordinates
"Executive vice president, president, managing director, chief operating officer, chief
executive officer, or chairman of the board” are positions associated with which of the
following levels of management?
a. team leaders
b. middle managers
c. first-line managers
d. top managers (easy)
e. subordinates
_____________ is the process of getting activities completed efficiently and effectively
with and through other people.
a. Leading
Management (easy)
_____________ distinguishes a managerial position from a nonmanagerial one.
a. Manipulating others
b. Concern for the law
c. Increasing efficiency
d. Coordinating and integrating others' work (moderate)
e. Defining market share
Management is concerned that activities should be completed _____________.
a. effectively.
b. efficiently.
c. efficiently and effectively. (easy)
d. by the lowest-level employee who can accomplish the task.
e. at the lowest possible cost.
Efficiency refers to _____________.
a. the relationship between inputs and outputs. (moderate)
b. the additive relationship between cost and benefits.
c. the exponential nature of cost and outputs.
d. increasing outputs regardless of cost.
e. lowering cost to save money and lowering outputs.
The goal of _____________ is to minimize resource costs.
a. efficiency (moderate)
b. effectiveness
c. budgeting
d. planning
e. coordinating
An automobile manufacturer that increased the total number of cars produced at the
same cost, but with many defects, would be _____________.
a. efficient and effective.
b. increasing efficiency. (difficult)
c. increasing effectiveness.
d. concerned with inputs.
e. concerned with outputs.
Effectiveness is synonymous with _____________.
a. cost minimization.
b. resource control.
c. goal attainment. (difficult)
d. efficiency.
e. leading.
Whereas _____________ is concerned with the means of getting things done,
_____________ is concerned with the ends, or attainment of organizational goals.
a. effectiveness; efficiency
b. efficiency; effectiveness (difficult)
c. effectiveness; goal attainment
d. goal attainment; efficiency
_____________ was a French industrialist who identified basic management functions.
a. Weber
b. Taylor
c. Herzberg
d. Fayol (moderate)
e. Koontz
Writing an organizational strategic plan is an example of which of the management
a. leading
b. coordinating
c. planning (difficult)
d. organizing
e. controlling
Organizing includes _____________.
a. defining organizational goals.
b. hiring organizational members.
c. motivating organizational members.
d. monitoring organizational member behavior.
e. determining who does what tasks. (moderate)
A manager resolving conflict among organizational members is performing what
a. controlling
b. commanding
c. directing
d. leading (difficult)
e. coordinating
Mentoring is primarily associated with the management function of _____________.
a. planning.
b. organizing.
c. leading. (difficult)
d. controlling.
e. systems analysis.
The process of monitoring, comparing, and correcting is called _____________.
a. controlling. (moderate)
b. coordinating.
c. leading.
d. organizing.
e. directing.
The _____________ is the set of ongoing decisions and work activities in which
managers engage as they plan, organize, lead, and control.
a. management process (moderate)
b. environmental process
c. cultural process
d. segmentation process
Mintzberg's ten management roles can be grouped into _____________.
a. interpersonal relationships, information transfer, and decision-making.
b. interpersonal relationships, leadership, and decision-making.
c. leadership, decision-making, and planning.
d. information transfer, decision-making, and resource allocation.
e. resource allocation, leadership, and planning.
According to Mintzberg’s management roles, the _____________ are roles that involve
people and other duties that are ceremonial and symbolic in nature.
a. informational
b. interpersonal (easy)
c. technical
d. decisional
Which of the following is NOT an example of an interpersonal role according to
a. figurehead
b. leader
c. liaison
d. spokesperson (difficult)
According to Mintzberg’s management roles, the ______________ involve receiving,
collecting, and disseminating information.
a. informational (moderate)
b. interpersonal
c. technical
d. decisional
All of the following are examples of informational roles according to Mintzberg
a. liaison (difficult)
b. monitor
c. disseminator
d. spokesperson
Which of the following is NOT an example of a decisional role according to
a. spokesperson (moderate)
b. entrepreneur
c. disturbance handler
d. resource allocator
e. negotiator
A human resource manager attending a local Society for Human Resource
Management meeting would be functioning in which role?
a. informational
b. leader
c. liaison (moderate)
d. disseminator
e. associational
A finance manager who reads The Wall Street Journal on a regular basis would be
performing which role?
monitor (moderate)
Which of the following best describes a manager performing in the negotiator role?
a. allocating human resources
b. taking corrective action to unforeseen problems
c. hiring and motivating employees
d. transmitting information to organizational members
e. participating in union contract negotiations (moderate)
The emphasis that managers give to various roles seems to be based on their
a. organizational level. (easy)
b. tenure with the organization.
c. experience in their field.
d. personality.
e. interpersonal skill level.
According to the text, all of the following are managerial roles more important at the
higher levels of the organization EXCEPT:
a. leader (difficult)
b. disseminator
c. figurehead
d. negotiator
e. liaison
The _____________ role is more important for lower-level managers than it is for
either middle- or top-level managers.
a. leader (difficult)
b. entrepreneur
c. spokesperson
d. disseminator
e. negotiator
Many of Mintzberg's roles align with the basic functions of management. For example,
the _____________ role is a part of planning.
a. figurehead
b. leader
c. liaison
d. resource allocation (moderate)
e. spokesperson
Many of Mintzberg's roles align with the basic functions of management. For example,
all three interpersonal roles are part of the _____________ function.
a. leading (moderate)
b. planning
c. organizing
d. controlling
e. commanding
The three essential managerial skills put forth by Katz include _____________.
a. technical, human, and empirical.
human, empirical, and conceptual.
technical, interpersonal, and controlling.
technical, human, and conceptual. (moderate)
interpersonal, technical, and functional.
According to the text, _____________ include knowledge of and proficiency in a
certain specialized field, such as engineering, computers, accounting, or manufacturing.
a. technical skills (easy)
b. human skills
c. conceptual skills
d. empirical skills
Which of the following skills are more important at lower levels of management since
these managers are dealing directly with employees doing the organization’s work?
a. human skills
b. technical skills (easy)
c. conceptual skills
d. empirical skills
Understanding building codes would be considered a _____________ skill for a
building contractor.
a. human
b. technical (easy)
c. conceptual
d. empirical
e. functional
Which of the following is true concerning technical and managerial skills?
a. Human skills and technical skills remain equally important as managers move to
higher levels.
b. Technical-skill needs remain necessary and human skills decrease as managers
move to higher levels.
c. Human skills remain necessary and technical-skill needs decrease as managers
move to higher levels.
d. Both human-skill and technical-skill needs decrease as managers move to higher
e. Both human-skill and technical-skill needs increase as managers move to higher
According to the text, _____________ involve the ability to work well with other
people both individually and in a group.
a. human (easy)
b. technical
c. conceptual
d. empirical
Which of the following skills are mentioned in the text as being equally important at all
levels of management?
a. human (easy)
b. technical
c. conceptual
d. empirical
Which of the following types of skills is described with terms such as abstract
situations and visualization?
a. interpersonal
b. human
c. technical
d. strategic
e. conceptual (difficult)
Which of the following phrases is best associated with managerial conceptual skills?
a. decision-making (easy)
b. communicating with customers
c. motivating subordinates
d. product knowledge
e. technical skills
As managers move up in organizations, they tend to need more _____________.
a. conceptual skills. (moderate)
b. technical skills.
c. human skills.
d. supervision.
e. budgeting skills.
A(n) _____________ is a set of interrelated and interdependent parts arranged in a
manner that produces a unified whole.
a. concept
b. system (moderate)
c. skill
d. organization
e. team
According to the text, _____________ are not influenced by and do not interact with
their environment.
a. open systems
b. closed systems (easy)
c. flextime systems
d. reverse systems
e. forward systems
Which of the following best describes an open systems approach?
a. A set of unrelated parts that individually interact with the environment.
b. Interdependent parts that do not interact with the environment.
c. Related parts in a static relationship with the environment.
d. Interdependent parts in a dynamic relationship with the environment.
e. Interrelated and interdependent parts that maintain equilibrium.
In the systems approach, an example of inputs would be which of the following?
a. information (easy)
b. technology
c. management activities
d. employee job satisfaction
e. profits
The job of a manager in the systems approach is _____________.
a. to control the environment.
b. to ensure that the parts of an organization work together. (moderate)
c. to constantly interact with the environment.
d. to effectively control the transformation process.
e. to limit inputs and enhance outputs.
The _____________ view of a manager's job implies that decisions and actions taken
in one organizational area will impact other areas.
a. systems (moderate)
b. contingency
c. conceptual
d. functional
e. environmental
The contingency approach may also be termed the _____________ approach.
a. systems
b. situational (easy)
c. universal
d. traditional
e. functional
Which of the following would be suggested based on the contingency approach?
a. Solve problems by adhering to a consistent, singular approach.
b. Select the management philosophy that best fits your organization, and apply it
consistently to all
c. The best management approach depends on top-management preference.
d. Change your management approach depending on the issue at hand.
e. Always have one primary and one secondary management approach.
The primary value of the _____________ approach is that it stresses that there are no
simplistic or universal rules for managers to follow in doing their jobs.
a. systems
b. traditional
c. contingency (moderate)
d. functional
e. command-and-control
An organization is _____________.
a. the physical location where people work.
b. a collection of individuals working for the same company.
c. a deliberate arrangement of people to accomplish some specific purpose.
d. a group of individuals focused on profit-making for their shareholders.
e. different from a "company" because of legal definitions.
Which of the following is not a characteristic of an organization?
a. setting a goal or goals
b. being composed of people
c. having a distinct purpose
d. encouraging employee free-time activities (moderate)
e. developing a deliberate structure
One of the common characteristics of all organizations, _____________ , is typically
expressed in terms of its goals.
a. its people
b. its goals
c. its systematic structure
d. its purpose (moderate)
e. norms
One of the common characteristics of all organizations, _____________ , clarifies
members' work relationships.
a. its people
b. its goals
c. its deliberate structure (moderate)
d. its purpose
e. norms
Which of the following is not a characteristic of contemporary organizations?
a. clearly identifiable work units (difficult)
b. flexible work arrangements
c. employee work teams
d. open communication
e. supplier alliances
Which of the following best describes the concept that management is needed in all
types and sizes of organizations, at all organizational levels and in all organizational
work areas, and in all organizations, no matter what country they’re located in?
a. the partiality of management
b. the segmentation of management
c. the universality of management (moderate)
d. the cultures of management
According to the boxed profile, “Managing Your Career,” the U.S. Bureau of Labor
Statistics estimates ______________ growth in all executive, administrative, and
managerial jobs through the year 2008.
a. 1% to 9%
b. 10% to 20% (difficult)
c. 25% to 35%
d. 45% to 65%
e. more than 70%
According to the boxed profile, “Managing Your Career,” which of the following fields
is it expected that growth in executive, administrative, and managerial jobs will occur?
a. manufacturing
b. large organizations
c. health care services (moderate)
d. law enforcement
100. All of the following are mentioned in the boxed profile, “Managing Your Career,” as
areas in which the demand for managers will be high EXCEPT:
a. small-sized organizations
b. traditional manufacturing (moderate)
c. medium-sized organizations
d. health care services
Scenarios and Questions
Managerial Basic Training (Scenario)
Imagine that your marketing company has just merged with a manufacturing organization.
You have been asked to help provide some "basic" managerial training to the engineers in the
research and development unit of the new sister company. Your boss has asked to see an
overview of materials that you will be providing the engineers to make sure you are covering
the necessary materials.
101. Now that both companies are merged and are a systematic arrangement of people set to
accomplish a specific purpose they could be described as a(n) _____________.
a. business unit.
b. multinational company.
c. organization. (easy)
d. holding company.
e. cross-functional work group.
102. People in the newly merged company who work on direct tasks but do not supervise
people are referred to as _____________.
a. operatives. (moderate)
b. first-line supervisors.
c. managers.
d. entrepreneurs.
e. project-oriented employees.
103. One of the first things the engineers need to learn is that _____________ are the people
who direct the activities of others in an organization.
a. directors
b. managers (moderate)
c. subordinates
d. line workers
e. staff
104. Another fact about managing that engineers need to learn is that supervisors may
frequently be referred to as _____________.
a. middle manager.
b. top manager.
c. project leader.
d. first-line manager. (moderate)
e. unit chief.
105. Finally, the engineers need to learn that department head, project leader, and plant
manager, are all potential titles for _____________.
a. division managers.
b. deans.
c. agency heads.
d. CEOs.
e. middle managers. (moderate)
The Perfect Manager (Scenario)
Brenda Kelly has proven herself to be an able manager. Her section has a high project
completion rate with the highest quality product and the lowest defects in her division. In
addition, she does it with fewer full-time people than other managers. Some say that the secret
of her success is in her ability to delegate responsibility and her understanding of the basic
"management functions."
106. Brenda's ability to get activities completed efficiently and effectively with and through
other people is known as _____________.
a. management. (moderate)
b. supervision.
c. coercion.
d. delegation.
e. top-down communication.
107. Brenda's ability to get the same amount of product completed with fewer people is a
reflection of her _____________.
a. effectiveness.
b. process skills.
c. leadership.
d. management.
e. efficiency. (moderate)
108. Getting her projects completed is an indication of Brenda's _____________ as a
a. leadership
b. effectiveness (moderate)
c. efficiency
d. attention to detail
e. total quality management style
109. If Brenda accomplished her project on time with high-quality results, but she took more
time than other managers to complete it, you could say that as a manager she was
a. efficient, but not effective.
b. a leader, but not a top manager.
c. project oriented, but not effective.
d. effective, but not efficient. (moderate)
e. profitable, but not quality driven.
110. The "management functions" exemplified by Brenda include all but which of the
a. planning
b. controlling
c. organizing
d. leading
e. delegating (moderate)
The Busy Day (Scenario)
Don Eskew, plant manager at Control Systems, Inc., sighed as he sipped his first cup of
coffee at 5 a.m. and read his agenda for the day. He is giving two company tours in the
morning; the first to a newspaper reporter who is writing a story on the new plant expansion
and has several questions, and the second to a group of Control Systems, Inc., managers from
the east coast. He then has a meeting with unit manager, Phil Johnson, to discuss Phil's recent
drop in performance (a task he always hates). Next, he is spending a couple of hours
reviewing the trade journals he receives from his high-tech association and writing up a brief
synopsis for his presentation next week to the Division President. Finally, in late afternoon, he
will be reviewing the new equipment malfunction and deciding whether to bring in extra
people to get the equipment running as soon as possible. Whew! Just another day in the
glamorous life of a manager.
111. Together, all of these behaviors performed by Don during his busy day correspond to
the management roles discovered in the late 1960s by which of the following
management scientists?
a. Herzberg
b. Skinner
c. Mintzberg (easy)
d. Fayol
e. Maslow
112. When Don was conducting the tour for the east coast managers, he was operating in
which of the management roles?
a. leader
b. liaison
c. monitor
d. figurehead (difficult)
e. evaluator
113. When Don was meeting with Phil to discuss his performance concerns, he was
operating in which management role?
a. leader (difficult)
b. figurehead
c. monitor
d. disturbance handler
e. spokesperson
114. What role was Don performing when he gave the plant tour to the newspaper reporter?
a. monitor
b. figurehead
c. disseminator
d. spokesperson (difficult)
e. resource allocator
115. When Don was reviewing the new equipment malfunction, what management role was
he playing when deciding whether to bring in extra people?
a. monitor
b. disseminator
c. resource allocator (moderate)
d. disturbance handler
e. figurehead
A Trucking Dilemma (Scenario)
Natalie Hunter, Vice President of New Product Development for Mainline Trucking, has
some decisions to make. The company, which manufactures long-haul trucking platforms and
accessories, is trying to decide if it should proceed in designing a new accessory which
increases the efficiency of truck loading and unloading. She knows the new accessory fits
well with the corporate strategy, will position them competitively within the industry, and she
feels she has done a good job of selling it to other management. With her engineering training
and experience she also knows the product is reasonably easy to lay out and probably cost
effective. However, a major problem lies with the line workers, who are Teamsters. The new
product will reduce manpower needs and is unpopular. She has always had a good
relationship with her workers, but she knows they are highly suspicious. She also knows the
new project will not work without their cooperation. She gazed out her window and struggled
with how to best handle this situation.
116. Based on Katz's managerial skills, when Natalie knew that the new product fit within
their corporate strategy she was utilizing what type of skill?
a. leadership
b. technical
c. conceptual (moderate)
d. planning
e. human
117. Natalie's reliance on her engineering background to estimate the project's potential
refers to what type of managerial skill?
a. planning
b. technical (easy)
c. human
d. leadership
e. conceptual
118. If Natalie were a first-line supervisor, instead of a vice president, which of the skills
would she probably be using to deal with this situation?
a. planning
b. conceptual
c. leadership (difficult)
d. technical
e. human
119. If Natalie decides to hold forums and talk with the Teamsters to try and lower their
resistance to the project, she would be using what skill?
a. technical
b. leadership
c. conceptual
d. human (easy)
e. planning
120. Natalie's ability to sell the project to other managers was a function of which of her
managerial skills?
a. conceptual
b. planning
c. leadership
d. technical
e. human (easy)