Philosophy Education *Introduction The goal of this program is to provide opportunities for pre-service and in-service Philosophy teachers to become qualified professionals through systematic and in-depth study for attaining knowledge and competence. In-service teachers will learn the latest theories of teaching Philosophy based on their field experiences and further learn how to apply them in the field, while pre-service teachers will train to have in-depth knowledge of Philosophy and teaching methods based on their knowledge from undergraduate studies. Therefore, along with the strengths of Hankuk University of Foreign Studies offering high quality education at a global standard, it is expected that this program will not only continue to train professional Philosophy educators to be competent, but also enhance the quality of life in our society. *Course Overview This program provides a distinctive curriculum for in-service teachers and pre-service teachers who wish to obtain a teacher’s license. In-service teachers learn theories that can be applied in the teaching field and focus on practical ways of application within training programs for in-service teachers. Those who wish to be licensed teachers are to study Teaching of Philosophy and its related courses along with learning how to apply them in the teaching field within training programs for pre-service teachers. Therefore, students are to choose programs based on their course track. This course is composed of the following three components: Teaching of Philosophy, the Sub-department of Philosophy, and Philosophy and Critical writing, along with Selected Readings in Classical Philosophy. Courses in Teaching of Philosophy aim to study research methods of education through courses in Teaching of Philosophy, Methods of Teaching Philosophy, Methods of Teaching the Philosophy Curriculum, Logic and Critical Reasoning and Writing, and Philosophical Anthropology. Courses in the sub-department of Philosophy include Logic, Ethics, Epistemology, Metaphysics, and History of Philosophy. Courses in Philosophy and Critical writing, along with Selected Readings in Classical Philosophy deals with theories and issues regarding the philosophical life through the courses in Philosophy and Critical Writing, Logic and Language, Topics in Critical Reading and Writing, Seminar in Critical Reasoning and Writing, Selected Readings in Classical Philosophy, and Selected Readings in Ethical Classics. *Course Content -Curriculum for In-service Teachers Classification No. Course Title Korean 1 철학교과교육론 Major English Teaching Philosophy Seminar on Teaching Methods 2 논리논술교육론 in Logical Reasoning and Writing Methods of Teaching 3 철학교수학습론 Philosophy Methods of Teaching the 4 철학교과지도법연구 Philosophy Curriculum Seminar on Philosophical 5 철학적 인간학연습 Anthropology 6 논리학연구 Studies in Logic 7 논리학개론 Introduction to Logic 8 윤리학연구 Studies in Ethics 9 윤리학사 History of Ethics 10 한국윤리사상 Korean Ethics 11 동양윤리사상 Oriental Ethics 12 인식론연구 Epistemology 13 인식론 Epistemology 14 형이상학연구 Studies in Metaphysics 15 형이상학 Metaphysics 16 동양철학사 History of Oriental Philosophy 17 한국철학연습 Seminar in Korean Philosophy 18 한국철학사 History of Korean Philosophy Seminar in Oriental 19 동양철학연습 Philosophy 20 한국철학연습 Seminar in Korean Philosophy 21 한국철학사 History of Korean Philosophy 22 중국철학사 History of Chinese Philosophy 23 인도철학사 History of Indian Philosophy Hour Credit 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 24 25 26 27 인도윤리사상 동양사상사 서양철학사 서양사상사 28 영미철학연습 29 프랑스철학연습 30 독일철학연습 31 현대철학연습 32 철학과 논술 33 논리와 언어 34 독서와 논술 35 논술교육방법론 36 철학고전선독 37 철학고전강독 38 윤리고전선독 39 윤리고전강독 Indian Ethics History of Oriental Thought History of Western Philosophy History of Western Thought Seminar in American English Philosophy Seminar in French Philosophy Seminar in German Philosophy Seminar on Contemporary Philosophy Philosophy and Critical writing Logic and Language Topics in Critical Reading and Writing Seminar on Critical Reasoning and Writing Selected Readings in Classical Philosophy Readings in Classical Philosophy Selected Readings in Ethical Classics 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Readings in Ethical Classics 2 2 - Curriculum for Pre-service Teachers Classification No. Major Course Title Hour Credit 1 철학교과교육론 Teaching of Philosophy 2 2 Seminar on Teaching 2 논리논술교육론 Methods in Logical Reasoning and Writing 2 2 Korean English 3 철학교수학습론 Methods on Teaching Philosophy 2 2 4 철학교과지도법 Methods on Teaching of Philosophy 2 2 5 철학적 인간학 Philosophical Anthropology 2 2 6 논리학연구 Studies in Logic 2 2 7 논리학개론 Introduction to Logic 2 2 8 윤리학연구 Studies in Ethics 2 2 9 윤리학사 History of Ethics 2 2 10 한국윤리사상 Korean Ethics 2 2 11 동양윤리사상 Oriental Ethics 2 2 12 인식론연구 Studies in Epistemology 2 2 13 인식론 Epistemology 2 2 14 형이상학연구 Studies in Metaphysics 2 2 15 형이상학 Metaphysics 2 2 16 동양철학사 History of Oriental Philosophy 2 2 17 한국철학연습 Seminar on Korean Philosophy 2 2 18 한국철학사 History of Korean Philosophy 2 2 2 2 19 동양철학연습 Seminar on Oriental Philosophy 20 한국철학연습 Seminar on Korean Philosophy 2 2 21 한국철학사 History of Korean Philosophy 2 2 22 중국철학사 History of Chinese Philosophy 2 2 23 인도철학사 History of Indian Philosophy 2 2 24 인도윤리사상 Indian Ethics 2 2 25 동양사상사 History of Oriental Thought 2 2 26 서양철학사 History of Western Philosophy 2 2 27 서양사상사 History of Western Thought 2 2 2 2 2 2 28 영미철학연습 Seminar on American and English Philosophy 29 프랑스철학연습 Seminar on French Philosophy 30 독일철학연습 Seminar on German Philosophy 2 2 31 현대철학 Contemporary Philosophy 2 2 32 현대철학연습 Seminar on Contemporary Philosophy 2 2 33 철학과 논술 Philosophy and Critical writing 2 2 34 논리와 언어 Logic and Language 2 2 35 논술지도총론 Seminar on Teaching Methods in Critical Reasoning and Writing 2 2 36 철학고전선독 Selected Readings in Classical Philosophy 2 2 37 철학고전강독 Readings in Classical Philosophy 2 2 38 윤리고전선독 Selected Readings in Classical Ethics 2 2 39 윤리고전강독 Readings in Classical Ethics 2 2 Education Service Activity Separate regulation P/F Professional 40 교육봉사활동 Teaching *Course Description 1) Common Courses Teaching of Philosophy Philosophy does not necessarily differentiate between theory and practice; however, this course mainly studies the inter-relationship between ‘philosophy in theory’ and ‘philosophy in practice.’ The course further aims to re-examine the necessity and importance of the teaching of philosophy as a sub-department of academics. Seminar on Teaching Methods in Logical Reasoning and Writing This course aims to understand the theories of logical thinking and critical reasoning and systematically deals with practical methods of teaching logical thinking based on the theories of goal, content, and method. Studies in Logic This course deals with the natural issues of logic instead of development and change according to time. One of the major achievements in contemporary logic being modal logic, it has already been actively discussed and further developed within Megarian schools and the Stoic schools. The course deals with issues of propositions and imperatives, meaning and significance, the limitations of formal logic, the definition of the Maxim of truthfulness, the structure of paradox and solution, the justification of induction, identity, inevitability, and contingency. Studies in Ethics This course examines the academic characteristic and tasks, and further focuses on the theoretical background and issues of major ethics, which in turn, aims to set theoretical foundations to approach ethics practice, applied ethics, and ethics education. History of Ethics This course aims to examine the history of ethics and focuses on major ethics philosophies by period or figure that continues to have impact. Epistemology This course studies how humans can perceive knowledge and further examines various philosophical viewpoints of the East and West. Metaphysics This course deals with universal existence and the existence that makes such possible. History of Oriental Philosophy This course focuses on the history and issues of Oriental philosophy of China and India, from origin and background to understanding major prominent schools of thought and philosophers. Moreover, through this understanding, the course aims to succeed in developing oriental philosophy in the modern world. History of Korean Philosophy This course explores how Korean philosophies of Confucianism, Buddhism, and Taoism are understood and expressed through major schools of thought or the work of major Philosophers. Moreover, the course aims to discover and find ways to set foundations of these moral assets that have formed in Koreans. Seminar on Korean Philosophy This seminar course aims to examine how Confucianism, Buddhism, and Taoism is understood and expressed in Korean thought through major schools of thought or the work of major thinkers. Moreover, the course aims to discover and find ways to set foundations of these moral assets that have formed in Koreans. History of Korean Philosophy This course explores how Korean philosophies of Confucianism, Buddhism, and Taoism are understood and expressed through major schools of thought or the work of major philosophers. Moreover, the course aims to discover and find ways to set foundations of these moral assets that have formed in Koreans. History of Chinese Philosophy This course aims to attain comprehensive knowledge upon the issues of Chinese philosophy through investigating the origin and cultural conditions of development of Chinese ideologies along with an overview of Confucianism, Buddhism, and Taoism. History of Indian Philosophy Indian Ethics History of Oriental Thought This course focuses on the history and issues in the Oriental thought of China and India, from origin and background to understanding major prominent schools of thought and ideology. Moreover, through this understanding, the course aims to succeed in developing Oriental thought in the modern world. History of Western Philosophy This course examines the cultural conditions of philosophy in Western philosophy in ancient, medieval and modern periods, and aims to attain overall knowledge of general philosophical problems. History of Western Thought This course historically examines the major ideology of Western thought and the developmental process. Philosophy and Critical writing This course examines the philosophical methodology for logical writing and further explores and fosters writing skills through the works of major philosophers. Logic and Language This course examines the interactive relationship between logic and language. 2) Courses for In-service Teachers Methods of Teaching Philosophy This course systematically deals with the concepts, goals, content, and teaching methods of philosophy. Methods of Teaching Philosophy This course aims to develop and examine effective methods of teaching Philosophy using textbooks in connection to the curriculum, textbook, and curriculum proposals. Seminar on Philosophical Anthropology This course aims to carry out a wide study of philosophical anthropology which covers interpretations drawn from one’s own prior experience and the nature of elective affinity of humans. Korean Ethics This course aims to attempt better understanding of Korean ethics through exploring basic ethical ideologies based on Korean life and further developed theories. Seminar on Korean Philosophy This seminar course examines how Korean Confucianism, Buddhism, and Taoism is understood and expressed through major schools of thought or the work of major philosophers. Moreover, the course aims to discover and find ways to set foundations of these moral assets that have formed in Koreans. Studies in Metaphysics Metaphysics explore the fundamental nature of being and the world. Therefore, this course takes a critical look at the traditions of metaphysics in the history of philosophy and attempts to understand existence and existentialism through examining the theoretical backgrounds and issues of major ideologies. Studies in Epistemology This course deals with the major issues and theories in epistemology. Also, this course examines contemporary issues of justification along with the conditions of knowledge, theory of knowledge, memory, induction, and the possibility of prior knowledge. To study theories of justification the course aims to focus on the two theories of Foundationalism and Coherentism. Along with that, the course will also deal with Empiricism, Holism, Atomism, the importance of Skepticism, and the indeterminacy of radical translation. Topics in Critical Reading and Writing This course aims to teach methods of critical reading and logic writing. Seminar on Critical Reasoning and Writing This course aims to understand the theories of logical thinking and critical reasoning and systematically deals with practical methods of teaching logical thinking based on the theories of goal, content, and method. Seminar on Contemporary Philosophy This seminar course makes an in-depth study of issues in contemporary philosophy. Selected Readings in Classical Philosophy Selected Readings in Classical Ethics 3) Course for Pre-service Teachers Methods of Teaching Philosophy This course aims to develop and examine effective methods of teaching Philosophy using a textbook with connection to the curriculum, textbook, and curriculum proposals. Philosophical Anthropology Philosophical Anthropology deals with human centered interpretations/viewpoints drawn from one’s own prior experience through an anthropological analysis. Therefore, this course studies human nature from a universal perspective. If folklore and anthropology deal with human experience through relative specificity, philosophical anthropology deals with interpretations, prior experience and the nature of elective affinity of humans drawn from the priori. Introduction to Logic This course introduces basic concepts and systems of logic and aims to understand the essence of reasonable thinking through research of issues in logic. Seminar on English American Philosophy This course deals with English American philosophy in the 20th century, which originated from the reformation of Hegel and further lead by Russell and Moore. The main components of the course will deal with James and Peirce’s Pragmatism, Wittgenstein and the Vienna Circle, Carnap’s Semantics, Ryle’s Concept of the Mind, Brode and Armstrong, Davidson’s Physics, Hartman’s Stratification Theory, Kim Jaekwon’s Supervenience Theory, the relation between Philosophy of Mind and Cognitive Science, and Kripke’s Naming and Necessity. Seminar on French Philosophy This course cultivates in-depth understanding of the unique thoughts and critical aspects of important French philosophers through the study of their works. This course will especially deal with theories and the contributions of Bergson, Deleuze, and Michel Foucault in Western Philosophy. Seminar on German Philosophy This course develops an understanding of the theoretical background, critical aspects, and significance of German philosophy by examining the major ideologies of important philosophers, especially, Hegel, Kant, and Heidegger. Oriental Ethics This course aims to attempt better understanding of Oriental ethics through exploring basic ethical ideologies based on Oriental life and further developed theories. Seminar on Oriental Philosophy This course examines how the understanding of existence in Oriental philosophy is expressed through Confucianism, Buddhism, and Taoism and how it is understood through major schools of thought or the work of major philosophers. Moreover, the course aims to discover and find ways to set foundations in understanding existence formed in Asians. Contemporary Philosophy This course takes a critical approach to major issues in contemporary philosophy. Seminar on Teaching Methods in Critical Reasoning and Writing This course aims to understand the theories of logical thinking and critical reasoning and systematically deals with practical methods of teaching critical reasoning and writing. Readings in Classical Philosophy Readings in Classical Ethics