-83Title: White whales, Alaskan waters Delphinapterus Proposal Number: MM-SC-8 Subject Area: Living Marine Resources Implementing Institute: Duration: Cost of project: Organization or leucas, in Alaska Department of fish and game Total time 3 years (consultant time 2 ½ years $315,000* 7. Objectives: (a) Identify and estimate abundance of the stocks of white whales in U.S. eastern Bering Sea, eastern Chukchi sea, Beaufort sea and North Pacific coast of Alaska. . (b) Determine habitat use patterns, site fidelity and interspecific relationships between identified stocks occurring coastally in Alaska in summer. 8.Background: White whales in Alaskian waters are currently harvested by Alaskian Eskimos in coastal villages of the Bering, Chukchi and Beaufort Seas. In these areas, as well as in the north of Gulf of Alaska, white whales are currently subjected to increased coastal development, including fisheries (potential by-catches of whales as well as interference’s with fishing gear), vessel traffic, and future outercontinental-shelf oil and gas development. No definitive information on stock identify or temporal and spatial segregation, nor estimations of abundance are available for white whales in Alaskian waters. The status of this stock(s) has never been fully assessed, yet most stock(s) are currently being harvested or occur in areas expecting impact from fisheries or industrial development. No acceptable management strategy can be developed without first-order information on the size, identity and habitat use of the various groups (or stocks) which inhabit the b or 7 )locations along the coast of Alaska. 9.Activities:(a) Collect and analyze morphological and craniometric and other data from white whales taken by coastal Alaskan subsistence hunters, from stranding and from whales caught incidentally in fishing nets or other operations. Some biological data may be collected to help determine the discreteness of these groups. (b) Mark animals with visual or telemetric tags to investigate short-term behavior, (e.g. group interactions & local movements etc.), movements between seasons or during migration and, if feasible, between years. Na.84-S820 -84- (c) Conduct aerial surveys on the summer feeding grounds to identify usage of whales by location (thus helping to identify the discreteness of the groups in these areas) and to collect data toward an estimation of abundance. 10. Output: A report describing the movements and possible site-fidelity of individual groups or stocks, their abundance, and relationship to human activities (subsistence harvest and industrial pressures). " 11. Use of Output: Development of a management plan for white whales in Alaskian waters. This plan might be directly applicable to other areas of the world where similar problems exist (e.g., eastern Canada and northern and eastern USSR). 12.Potential Donor: U.S. government and state of Alaska * Budget details. Personnel Consultant/biologist) (30 months) ...................................... $90.000 Technician (40 months) ....................................................... .80.000 Equipment supp1ies. ................................................................... 20.000 Travel and subsistence................................................................. 25.000 Aircraft hire ............................................................................ 100 .000 TOTAL $315,600 -85 – Title: Identification of stocks of the harbour porpoise, Phocoena Phocoena, in the North Atlantic and North Pacific MM-SC-9 Proposal Number: Living Marine Resources Subject Area: Implementing Organization or Institute: Guelph University, in collaboration with other appropriate institutions Duration: Total time 2 years (consultant time 1 year) Cost of Project: $75,000* 7.Objectives: To define populations, so that they can be separately assessed and managed. 8.Background: The harbour porpoise is widely distributed in the coastal area of the northern temperate and arctic waters. Little is known about the range, size and movements of the populations. However, there is general agreement on the existence of numerous undocumented small sub-popu1ations throughout its range. The catch is composed of large-scale directed catches (500 to 7,600/ year) in limited geographical areas such as Western Greenland and the Black Sea, and limited incidental catches (up to 300/year) in various parts of the range. Although the reported incidental takes are limited, they have to be considered as under-estimates because of the nature of the incidental catch. Thus there exists a possibility of heavy depletion of small local harbour-porpoise populations by recently expanding coastal gillnet fisheries. There is urgent need to identify those populations that are heavily exploited and for the establishment of management procedures for the species. 9.Activities: (a) Analyze morphological data and materials preserved in various museums and institutes. (b) Collect biological data and materials from directed and incidental catches. (c) Preliminary analyses of usefulness for stock assessment through studies of morphology, bio chemistry, cytology and parasitology. Output: Report on identification of the populations and on necessary collection of biological materials and other information in the future. Na.84-5821 -86- 11.Use of Output: future research. Development of management program and design of 12.Potential Donors: No specific suggestion. *Budget details Personnel Consultant/biologist (1 year) ............................................................ $36,000 Technician (1 year) ............................................................................. 24,000 Equipment and supplies ............................................................................... 10,000 Travel and subsistence ................................................................................... 5,000 " TOTAL $75,000 -87Status of the harbour porpoise, Phocoena Phocoena, in the North Sea English Channel and Baltic Sea Title: MM-SC -10 Proposal Number: Living Marine Resources Subject Area: Implementing Organization or Institute Institute of Physiology, Odense University, Denmark, in collaboration with Danish fishery agency, Sea Mammal Research Unit (UK), and Centre National d'Etudes des Mammiferes Marins (France). Other national fishery agencies or institutes may wish to participate (USSR, Poland, DDR, Fed. Rep. Germany. Finland, Sweden, Norway, Netherlands, Belgium. Spain, Portugal, Ireland) Duration: Total time 2 years (consultant time 1-1/2 years) Cost of Project: $103,000* 7.Objectives: (a) (b) Determine if population(s) of harbour porpoise have dec1ined . If decline(s) have occurred, carry out research (or design research) to identify cause(s) and possible solutions. 8.Background: Recent data presented to the IWC Scientific Committee on size and composition of previously undocumented by-catches in several fisheries and historical data on migration, stranding and directed catches indicate that significant population decline(s) may have occurred in the Baltic Sea, North Sea and English Channel. The causes may be overfishing, by-catches in Synthetic-fibre nets pollution disease or some combination of these. The decline(s) may be continuing. Urgent action is needed to assess the status of the populations and to explore possible solutions. Because of the high degree of economic development of the region and its political complexity, a multi-national effort is called for. 9. Activities: (a) {b) (c) Na.84-5822 Vessel-based census surveys to estimate current abundance in a selected sub-area. Expansion of salvage networks to estimate frequency of stranding and to recover all stranded porpoise for study. Historica1 research to extract adrlitiona1 catch -88and effort data useful for assessment of trends. (d) Increased sapling of fisheries to improve estimates of by-catch and recover animals for study. (e) Continuation of research on levels and effects of contaminants and occurrence of other disease. (f) Integration of data from (a), (b), (c), and (d) into assessment of status of stock(s). 10.Output: (a) (b) 11.Use of Output: Technical reports on by catches, effects of contaminants and disease, and on status of stock(s). Advice to national governments and international bodies, e.g., the EEC, on needed research and actions towards solution of problems. Basis for research planning and formulation of management policy by governments and international bodies. 12.Potential Donors: Swedish government and European Economic Community. *8udget detail s Personnel Consultants/biologists (3 for 6 months) ..................................................... S54,000 Technicians (3 for 6 months) ....................................................................... 36,000 Travel and subsistence…………………………………………………….3,000 Equipment and supplies…………………………………………………….3,000 Analysis of samples…………………………………………………………2,000 Pub1ication…………………………………………………………………5,000 TOTAL $103,000 -89 – Title: Status of the harbour porpoise, Phocoena phocoena, off Greenland MM-SC -11 Proposal Number: Living Marine Resources Subject Area: Implementing Organization or Institute: Gronlands Fiskeriundersogelser (Copenhagen) Duration: Total time 2 years (consultant time 1 year) Cost of Project: $58,000* 7.Objectives: Determine the status of the population of porpoises that is exploited in a directed fishery along the west coast of Greenland. 8.Background: Annual takes in recent years have been up to 2,500. There is scientific disagreement about the-status of the stock. Some specialists believe that the long history of stable catches is evidence that the population has not declined, but because harbour porpoise is a coastal species, the catch must be considered substantial for such a restricted area. The IWC Scientific Committee have agreed that the data necessary for a stock assessment (abundance, fishing effort, catch composition and vital rates) are not available, and that research should be undertaken to collect data that will eventually allow assessment. 9.Activities:(a) Collect comprehensive catch and effort data. (b) Collect data, age and reproductive condition of a representative sample of animal s in the catch. (c) Develop plan for ship-based census surveys. 10.Output: (a) Catch and effort data. (b) (c) Report on vital rates. Plan for census surveys. 11.Use of Output: Basis for research planning and possible manage by Denmark/Greenland government. 12.Potential Donors: Na.84-5823 Danish government. -90- *Budget details Personnel Consultant/biologist (1 year). ............................................... $36,000 Technician (1 yea r) .......................................................................... 12,000 Travel and subsistence (Denmark/Greenland fieldwork)…………………………..6,000 Equipment and supplies…………………………………………3,000 Miscellaneous…………………………………………………….1,000 TOTAL $58,000 -91- Distribution and status of the cochito, Phocoena Sinus, in the Gulf of Mexico Title: MM-SC-12 Proposed Number: Living Marine Resources Subject Area: or Institute: Departmento de Biologia, Universidad Nacional Autonama de Mexico and Inst. Invest. Pesqueria, La Paz, Mexico Duration: Total time 2 years (consultant time 1 year) Cost of Project: $55,000* Implementing Organization " 7.Objectives: (a) (b) (c) To make a qualitative assessment of the distribu tion and abundance of the cochito. To survey net fisheries in order to identify those that are the major causes of man-induced mortality throughout the range. To identify areas where conservation programs could best be applied. 8.Background: This small phocoenid related to the harbour porpoise is restricted to the upper Gulf of California, Mexico. It has been taken incidental to various fisheries over the last 30 or 40 years. During the early 1970's annual catches may have been in the tens to possibly low hundreds of porpoises in the main fishing areas for totoaba (Sciaenidae) in the Upper Gulf of California. The commercial totoaba fishery was suspended in 1975. However, other fisheries that catch these porpoise exist throughout the range of this porpoise, and the totoaba fishery could start up again. A series of recommendations for research on this species were made at the FAO meeting in 1976 at Bergen, Norway, but little action has resulted other than two short-term surveys. Only four sightings were made and none of these were confirmed. In fact, the cochito is known from only 26 specimens. 9.Activities: " Na.84-5824 a) Visit the potential habitat of the cochito and liaise with government officials, international and local conservation organizations and local people in order to select areas to be surveyed, determine the optimum season for the survey, and make logistical arrangements (1 month). -92 - (b) Conduct a boat survey of selected areas with the collaboration of local counterparts, obtain information from local people by interview (4 months) , and undertake a survey of fisheries in the upper Gulf of California to see if the porpoise is still being taken incidentally (4 months) . (c) Produce a report detailing results and suggesting management programs (3 months). 10. Output: A status report for the cochito in the areas surveyed, plus suggestions for management and additional research require 11. Use of Output: Potential basis for cochito management and research. 12. Potential Donors: No specific suggestion. *Budget details Personnel Consultant/biologist (1 year) .......................................... $36,000 Travel and subsistence ............................................................ 9,000 Equipment and supplies .......................................................... 5,000 Boat hire.................................................................................. 5,000 TOTAL $55,000 " -93Title: Distribution and status of the Burmeister's porpoise, Phocoena spinipinnis, in Peru and Chi1e MM-SC-13 Proposal Number: Living Marine Resources Subject Area: Implementing Organization or Institute: Duration: Unknown Cost of Project: $61,000* Total time two years (consultant time 1 year) 7.Objectives(a) To make a qualitative assessment of the distribution and abundance of the Burmeister's porpoise in selected regions. (b) To collection biological samples from porpoise taken in the fisheries and estimate the annual catch levels. (C) To train loca1 personne1 in survey and conservation techniques. 8.Background: The Bunneister's porpoise is an abundant coastal small cetacean in the coastal waters of Peru and Chile, but there is little information about its status or biology.. Large by-catches are taken each year in Peru and Chile in various net fisheries. Exact catch statistics are not available, but estimates of around 2,000 porpoise per year have been made for this species in Peru during the late 1960's and early 1970's. No catch statistics or estimates are for Chile. There is concern about this species because it is found only in coastal waters and because relatively large by-catches have been reported. The two factors could cause heavy depletion of the population(s) in the near future. 9.Activities: (a)Visit the potential fishing areas in Peru and Chile where this porpoise is caught and liaise with government officials, international and conservation organizations and local people in order to select areas to be surveyed, determine the optimum season for the surveys, and make logistical arrangements (2 months) (b) Conduct a boat survey of selected areas with the help of local personnel and obtain information from local people by interview (4 months). Na.84-5825 -94(c) Sample porpoise taken in fisheries to collect biological data and catch statistics with the help of local personnel (4 months). (d) Produce a report detailing results and management suggestions (2 months). 10. Output: A report on the distribution, abundance and exploitation of Burme1ster's porpoise in the areas surveyed, plus suggestions for possible management and additional research. 11. Use of Output: Potential basis for future management and research in Peru and Chile. 12. Potential Donors: No specific suggestion. *Budget details Personnel Consultant/biologist (1 year) ................................................. $36,000 Travel and subsistence. ........................................................... 10,000 Equipment and supplies (including vehicle)…………………………….. 10,000 Boat hire. ................................................................................... 5,000 TOTAL $61,000 -95- Title: Distribution of the finless porpoise, Neophocaena phocaenoides, and the occurrence of by-catches in Asian fisheries MM-SC-14 Proposal Number: Living Marine Resources Subject Area: Implementing Organization or Institute: National Science Museum, Tokyo, Japan Duration: Total time 2 years (consultant time 3 months) Cost of Project: 7. Objectives: $ 20,500* (a) To determine geographical distribution of the species. (b) To survey local fisheries in which by-catches may may exist. (c) To estimate the impact of the fisheries on finless porpoise stocks. 8.Background: The finless porpoise is found in the coastal waters of Asia from Pakistan to Japan, but little is known about the distribution of the species in tropical Asia. The species is known to be taken incidentally by several fisheries in China and Japan. Because of the coastal or riverine nature of the habitat and because large portions of the range are rarely visited by cetacean bio1ogists, there is concern about the possible occurrence of unreported by-catches that may threaten undescribed local stocks. 9.Activities: Two trips (in different seasons) by a biologist to collect required information in .the target area. It will not be necessary to visit Japan, because its reporting system for by-catches is being improved. 10.Output: Report on distribution and annual catch of finless porpoise. 11.Use of Output: Porpoise Development of a management program for finless porpoise. 12. Potential Donors: No specific suggestion. Na.84-S826 -96- *Budget details Personnel Consultant/biologist (3 months) ........................................ $ 9,000 Technician (3 months) .......................................................... 1,500 Equipment and supplies ............................................................ 1.000 Travel and subsistence ............................................................ 12,000 TOTAL $23,500 -97Trophic ecology and population history of history finned pilot whales, Globicephala melaena, exploited at the Faroe Islands MM-SC-15 Tit1e: Proposal Number: Living Marine Resources Subject Area: Implementing Organization or Institute: Centre National d'Etudes de Mammiferes Marins, France; Foroya Natturugripasavn (Mus. of Nat. Hist.), Torshavn Faeroes; and Fi ski rannsoknarstovan,Torshavn Duration: Total time 2 years (consultant time 1 year) Cost of Project: 7.Objectives: (a) (b) (c) $68,000* Determine feeding habits of the pilot whales exploited in the fishery. Determine through historical research the trends and/or cycles in effort and in catch-per-effort. Relate long-term cycles in catches to likely changes in prey availability, to some other environmental variation and/or to exploitation. 8.Background: The Faroese pilot-whale fishery has existed since at least the 16th Century. Detailed catch data are avail able for the period 1709-present and exhibit pronounced long-term cycles with a period of approximately 100 years and with variation in annual catch (amplitude) from 0 to over 3,000 whales. The fishery is presently on the descending side of the cycle, with recent annual catches on the order of 500-1,000 whales. A crucial question is whether the current decline is related to long-term change in some environmental factor, e.g. availability of prey, or to over exploitation. 9.Activities: (a) Sample stomach contents of whales 1anded at fishing villages, and analyze for species cOt1position by weight, volume and occurrence of hard parts. (b) Survey literature on habitat and distribution of the prey species and relations to varying env1romental parameters such as sea-surface temperature and ocean-current patterns. (c) Through research in historical records, examine long-term variation in catching effort. Na.84-S827 -98 (d) Integrate (a), (b), and (c) to address the question of the likely cause(s) of the long-term fluctuations in catch. 10. Output: Technical papers on the history of the fishery and on the causes and import of the long-term cycles. 11.Use of Output: Basis for formulation of management policy. 12. Potential Donors: No specific suggestion. *Budget details Personnel Consultant/biologists (3 for 4 months)...$36,000 Technicians (2 for 4 months) .......................................... 16,000 Travel and subsistence ........................................................ 14,000 Equipment and supplies .....................................................1,000 Miscellaneous……… .................................................................... 1.,000 TOTAL $68,000 -99Title: Population status and exploitation of the Commerson's dolphin, Cephalorhynchus commersonii, in the southern South Atlantic MM-SC-16 Proposal Number: Living Marine Resources Subject Area: Implementing Organization or Institute: National Committee for Scientific and Technological Research (CONICET)Program "Cetaceos Australes", Argentina Duration: Cost of Project: Total time 2 years (consultant time 1 year) $55,000* 7.Objectives: To examine the effect of incidental mortality on the population(s). 8.Backg round: Although this species is known to occur in southern South America from Buenos Aires province to Cape Horn and the west coast of the Strait of Magellan, no population studies have been carried out and very 1ittle is known about its biology and general behavior. These studies are necessary because of large by-catches in fishing nets and the recent attempts at live capture for exhibit in oceanaria. Studies on incidental take and stranding of Commerson's dolphin in Tierra del Fuego have been underway since 1976. However, other areas of the species distribution need to be covered. 9.Activities: (a) (b) (c) (d) Extension of study area to Santa Cruz, Chubut and the Chilean coast of the Strait of Magellan. Distribution and population studies by means of aerial surveys in coastal areas. Shore-based observations in areas of higher concentration of specimens. Implementation of a sighting program from commercial and fishing vessels. . 10.Output: It is expected to obtain a better knowledge of the Species distribution, abundance, habitat, behavior, feeding habits and general biology and to determine the number of and their effect on the population. Na.84-5828 -100 11.Use of Output: To determine whether the population can withstand continuing by-catches and live capture for exhibit 12.Potential Donors: No specific suggestion. *Budget details Personnel Consultant/biologist (1 year) ......................................... $36,OOO Travel and subsistence .................................. ...................... 9,000 Equipment and supplies .................................................. 5,000 Aircraft /boat hire. ........................................................... 5,000 TOTAL $55,000 -101Title: Distribution and status of the black dolphin, Cephalorhynchus eutropia, in Chile. Proposal Number: MM-SC-17 Living Marine Resources Implementing Organization or Institute: Instituto de Zoologia. Universidad Austral de Chile Duration: Cost of project: Total time 2 years(consultant time 1 year) $65,000* 7.Objectives: (a) To make a qualitative assessment of the distribution and abundance of the black dolphin in selected areas along the coast of Chile. (b) To identify the major areas there this species is taken and examine the annual catch levels and then effects on the population {s). 8. Background: This small dolphin is only found in the coastal- waters of Chile between 370 Sand 550 S. and almost nothing is Known about it's biology. Its population status is completely unknown. The black dolphin has been directly or incidentally exploited at various sites along the coast of Chile, but the magnitudes of the catches have not been estimated. There is concern that any large catches could deplete the species because of its limited and coastal distribution. . 9.Activities: (a) (b) © (d) Visit the potential habitat of this species and liaise with government officials, international and local conservation organizations and local people in order to select areas to be surveyed, determine the optimum season for the survey, and make logistical arrangements (1 month). Conduct a boat survey of selected areas with the collaboration of local counterparts and obtain information from local people by interview (4 months). . Collect biological samples from dolphins taken in the fisheries (5 months). Integrate and analyze the data (2 months). 10: Output: A status report for this species in the areas surveyed. plus suggestions for management and additional research. Na.84-5829 --102 11. Use of Output: Potential basis for future management and research on this species. 12. Potential Donors: No specific suggestion. *Budget details Personnel Consultant/biologist (1 year) ............................................ $36,000 Travel and subsistence ........................................................ 14,000 Equipment and supplies .......................................................... 10,000 Boat hire.................................................................................... 5,000 " TOTAL $65,000 " -103- Title: Distribution and status of the Hector's dolphin, Cephalorhynchus hectori, in New Zealand coastal waters MM-SC-18 Proposal Number: Living Marine Resources Subject Area: Implementing Organization or Institute: National Museum of New Zealand, Wellington Duration: Total time 2 years (consultant time 1 year) Cost of Project: $50,000* 7.Objectives:(a) (b) (c) To make a qualitative assessment of the distribution and abundance in t he coastal waters of New Zealand. To identify the major causes of man-induced mortality throughout the range. To identify areas where conservation programs could best be applied. 8.Background: Knowledge of the status of Hector's dolphin is uncertain; the species is only found in the coastal waters of New Zealand. It has been reported to be relatively common around South Island, occurring mainly between Westport and Kaikoura, with the largest numbers in Cook Strait. Sane workers have suggested that the abundance and range of the species has declined drastically in the past twenty-five years. However, other workers do not believe this is the case. The species is taken very occasionally as a by-catch in trawl fisheries. 9.Activities; (a) (b) (c) Na.84-5830 Visit the potential habitat of the Hector's dolphin and liaise with government officials, international and local conservation organizations and local people in order to select areas to be surveyed, determine the optimum season for the survey, and make 1ogistical arrangements (1 month). Conduct a boat survey of selected areas and obtain information from local people by interview to gain a better understanding of the past and present abundance and distribution (4 months). (c)Examine stranded dolphins and any specimens taken incidentally in fishing operations for the presence of cont5ninants such as pesticides and heavy metals (5 months). -104( d) Integrate/analyze the data (2 months) and produce a report detailing results and suggesting management programs (2 months). 10.Output: A status report for the Hector's dolphin in the areas surveyed, plus suggestions for management and additional research. 11.Use of Output: Potential basis for future management and research. 12.Potenti al Donors: No specific suggestion. *Budget details Personnel Consultant/biologist (1 year). $36,OOO Travel and subsistence ...................................... 4,000 Equipment and supplies ........................................ 5,000 Boat hire......................................................... 5,000 TOTAL $50,000 " -105- Title: Proposal Number: Subject Area: Implementing Organization or Institute: Workshop to review populations of small cetaceans in the tropical Atlantic MM-SC-19 Living Marine Resources International Whaling Commission, in Cooperation with national agencies and research entities in Brazil (Divisao de Mamiferos Aquaticos, INPA), France (Mus. Nat. d'Histoire Naturelle and Centre Nat. d'etude des Mammiferes Marins), Japan (Far Seas Fisheries Research Lab.), Mauretania (Centre Nat. de Recherches Oceanogr et des Peches de Nouadhibou), Mexico (Centro de Invest. Pesquera and Univ. Auton de Mexico), Netherlands (Univ. Amsterdam), Uruguay (Mus. Nac. de His. Natural), U.S. (Smithsonian Inst., Southeast and Southwest Fisheries Centers, Hubbs Res. Inst., Univ. Miami, Univ. Washington, Univ. Puerto Rico) and Venezuela (Estacion de Invest. Marinas de Marqarita). Other nations and territories border the tropical Atlantic and may wish to participate. Coverage in the above list is especially lacking for western Africa south of Senegal and for Central America Duration: Total time 1 year (one-week workshop meeting in 1985 or 1986) Cost of Project: 7.Objective: $40,000 (15-20 participants) (a) To review and summarize available information relevant to scientific assessment and management of the populations, including species present; population identity, distribution, size, and status; catches in directed fisheries; and incidental mortality in other fisheries. (b) To identify information gaps. (c) To recommend programs of research necessary to the conservation, management and utilization of the populations. Na.84-5831 -1068.Background: Knowledge of cetaceans of the tropical Atlantic has lagged behind that of other regions. The species-level taxonomy is only now beginning to be adequately resolved (some problems of species identity still remain), and no effort has been made to define geographical subunits or stocks, this despite a growing body of information that subsistence fisheries exist in some areas (e.g., Lesser Antilles and West Africa) and that considerable incidental mortality may also be occurring, mainly as by-catches in surface trawls and purse seines. One serious problem has been the lack of marine mammal expertise and research programs in most of the nations involved. A coflunction of interest and concern on both sides of the Atlantic has 1ed to the concept of this shop and to support in principle by the IWC Scientific Committee. Successful completion of the workshop should set the stage for advance of the necessary science on a broad front. 9 9. Activities: A one-week workshop meeting in Miami, Puerto Rico, or Mauretania, in mid-1985 or 1986. Participants contribute working papers on assigned topics. Editing of the report of the workshop will be completed within 2 months of the meeting. Revision and editing of the contributed papers for publication would require six months. 10. Output: (a) Report of the workshop. (b) Contributed papers. 11. Use of Output: (a) Basis for design of research programs by national agencies. (b) Possible basis for national management recommendations or actions (c). Research direction for individual scientists, including those who have not previously worked on cetacean problems. 12.Potential Donors: No specific suggestions. -107- Title: Status of Black Sea dolphins and porpoises. Proposal Number: MM-SC-20 Living Marine Resources Subject Area: Implementing Organization or institute: University of Ankara and Turkish fisheries agency. Duration: Cost of project: Total time 2 years(consultant time 2 years) $ 221,000* 7.Objectives: To establish the basis for a scientific programme to assess effects of the past, intensive and unregulated fishery on little known populations of common Dolphins, bottlenose dolphins and harbor porpoises. 8.Background: A fishery for the three species has existed in the lack Sea and the Azov Sea since 1870. Four countries have been involved (Turkey, Romania, Bulgaria and the USSR), with all but Turkey halting the fishery in 1966 following an apparent collapse of the populations. The collapse was reportedly indicated by changes in the age, sex, species composition and size of the catch in 1964-65. The average annual Turkish catch over the period 1976-1981 was approximately 40,000 and the species composition has reportedly changed radically, with a shift in catches from the formerly more abundant common dolphin to the harbor porpoise. The Turkish government has issued decree banning dolphin and porpoise hunting in the Black Sea starting in mid-April, 1983 for at least one year. The IWC Scientific Committee has recommended (l982 and l983) that the situation receive urgent attention, including establishment of a Turkish research function to estimate abundance and species, sex and age composition of the populations and of the historical catches. 9.Activities: (a) Consultation between Turkish scientists and government officials and dolphin-research programmes, IWC scientific Committee, Sea Mammal Research Unit, U.S. National Marine Fisheries Services) to obtain advice for design of a research programme. (b) Historical research in records and by interview to document size and composition of the catches, methods of the fisheries and the socio-economic context of the fishery. (c) Aerial/and or ship-based surveys to estimate abundance. Assumes no cost for survey aircraft/ships Na.84-S832 -108(d) 10. Output: Stock-assessment analyses to estimate status of the populations and sustainable yields. (a) Technical reports on history of fishery. abundance. and population status. (b) Management recommendations to the Turkish government. 11. Use of Output: (a) Design of research programme for the short term (b) Formulation of management policy by Turkey and other nations bordering the Black Sea. (c) Recommendations and proposals for continued research beyond the 2-year period. 12. Potential donors: IUCN/WWF *Budget details Personnel. Consultant/biologist (2 years) .................................. $72.000 Technician {2 for 2 years) ......................................... 40.000 Travel & subsistence ................................................................... 4.000 Equipment & supplies ........................................................ 5.000 Vessel and aircraft hire ................................................... 100.000 TOTAL $201,000 -109 – Title: Proposal Number: Subject Area: Implementing Organization or Institute: Review of by-catch of small cetaceans in gill net fisheries MM-SC-21 Living Marine Resources International Whaling Commission or Far Seas Fisheries Research Laboratory (Japan), in collaboration with FAO, U.S. Nat. Mar. Fish. Serv. Sea Mammal Res. Unit (U.K.) and fishery agencies of other governments Duration: Total time 1 year (consultant time 1 year) Cost of project: $67,000* 7.Objectives: To determine the magnitude and implications of the gillnet problem and to identify courses of action for its solution. 8.Background: The IWC Scientific Committee in recent years has become increasingly concerned about the growing and substantial incidental takes of dolphins and porpoises as by-catches in large new or rapidly expanding fisheries employing monofilament gillnets, e.g. the shark and halibut fisheries along the west coast of North America and the new squid fishery in the midNorth Pacific. The porpoises (primarily Dall's porpoise, harbour porpoise, Burmeister's porpoise and the cochito) seen most affected, but dolphins and large and small whales are also subject to the hazard. The problem is worldwide and international scientific consultation and collaboration is urgently needed to identify common factors and to seek solutions. 9.Activities: (a) Coordinator to organize the review, and prepare background documents; to arrange participation in the review, assign regions or fisheries to participants for production of working documents, and carry out additional necessary background research. (b)Two-week workshop meeting in U.K. or Japan, to review and summarize data and to recommend courses of action (research, management, technological approaches). (c) Coordinator to edit reports and contributed working papers for publication. (d) Coordinator to organize appropriate summarization and dissemination of findings (see Use of Output below). Na.84-5833 -110- 10.Output: (a) (b) (c) Report of review Contributed papers Executive summary of finding for lay consumption. 11.Out of Output: Coordinator to organize dissemination of findings to governmental fishery agencies, international fishery agencies and commissions, fishing companies and cooperatives, manufacturers of fishing gear, technological-research institutions (governmental, University, private), and other potential users of the information for managerial decision making, research planning or management action. 12.Potential Donors: No specific suggestion. *Budget details Personnel Consultant/biologist (one year) ......................................................... $36,000 Travel and subsistence (10-15 participants)... 25,000 Production of report and contributed papers ............................................. 5,000 Miscellaneous ............................................................................................ 1,000 TOTAL $67,000 -111Title: Estimation of incidental Kill of Dolphins 1n the Mex1can tuna purse-seine fishery in the eastern tropical Pacific. Proposal Number: MM-SC-22 Subject Area: Living Marine Resources Implementing_Organization or Institute: Depertmento de Pesca, Mexico Duration: Total time 2 years (consultant time 2 years) Cost of Project: 7.Objectives: $207,000* Expand the research programmes on Dolphin-fishery interactions in Mexico Estimate annual incidental take of Dolphins by the Mexican tuna fleet; Determine composition of take by sex, age and reproductive condition. Background: Assessment of the impact of incidental mortality on dolphin populations in the eastern tropical Pacific has been severely hampered by a lack of data for the large Mexican fleet of tuna seiners, which soon may comprise nearly half of the tuna-fishing capacity working in the region. Mexico is not a member of the Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission (IATTC) and is not currently participating in the data collection and assessment programme of the Commission. This has led to estimates of mortality and impact of very low reliability. Establishment of an expanded tuna/Dolphin research programme in Mexico would allow this problem to be solved, either through Mexican participation in the IATTC effort or through independent estimation of the Mexican take and 1ts impacts. 9.Activities: (a) Train and field 5 technicians to observe and sample incidental take on 20 vessel-trips during each of the two years (b) Process specimens and data in the laboratory. (c) Compile computerized files of mortality data and biological data. (d) Analyze data and produce estimates composition of kill and its impact. 10. Output: Report(s) to pexican government on size composition and significance of incidental take. Na.84-5834 -112- 11.Use of Output: Basis for Mexican management policy and actions. 12. Potential Donors: No specific suggestions. *Budget details Personnel Consultant/biologist (2 years) ............................................. $72.000' Technicians (5 for 2 years) ..................................................100,000 Travel & subsistence ....................................................................10,000 Equipment & supplies. .................................................................20,000 Misce1laneous. ...............................................................................5,000 TOTAL $207,000 -113- Title: Investigation of cetaceans taken as by-catches in the salmon gill-net fishery in the Sea of Japan MM-SC-2 3 Proposal Number: Living Marine Resources Subject Area: Implementing Organization or Institute: Far Seas Fisheries Research Laboratory, Shimizu, Japan Duration: Total time 6 months (consultant time 3 months) Cost of Project: $44,000* 7.Objectives: (a) (b) To identify cetacean species involved in the fishery. To estimate the annua1 catch of these species. 8.Background: The salmon gillnet fishery by over 100 Japanese land-based fishing vessels operates in the Sea of Japan. Although the possibility of taking small cetaceans in the fishery was indicated in the FAO/ACMRR meeting in Bergen, no biological data or catch statistics have been collected. A similar fishery in the U.S. Fishery Management Zone (FMZ) has been shown to take several thousands of Dall’s porpoises annually. 9.Activities: Collection by on-board technicians of data on catch and fishing operations from several vessels. 10.Output: Report on the cetaceans killed in the fishery. 11.Use of Output: For development of a comprehensive research plan. 12.Potential Donor: No specific suggestion. *Budget details Personnel Consultant/biologist (3 months)............................................. $ 9,000 Technicians (10 person months) ............................................. 20,000 Equipment and supplies ................................................................ 5,000 Travel and subsistence ................................................................ 10,000 TOTAL $44,000 Na.84-5835 -114 –