RESULTS/FTA Electronic Submission Framework Technical Design Document Prepared for: Ministry of Forests Information Management Branch Document Revision 1.5 Prepared by: Ministry of Forests Electronic Submission Framework Technical Design Document Change Control REVISION NUMBER DATE OF ISSUE AUTHOR(S) BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF CHANGE 1.0 1.1 Jan 30, 2003 Feb 19, 2003 Vivid Solutions Inc. Vivid Solutions Inc. 1.2 Aug 05, 2003 Vivid Solutions Inc. 1.3 Sep 14, 2004 Vivid Solutions Inc. 1.4 Feb 10, 2005 Vivid Solutions Inc. 1.5 April 10, 2006 Vivid Solutions Inc. Document Creation Added a fourth role (Queue Administrator) to the security section of the document Update to reflect final delivery of code. Changes to code samples and update to “Transaction” section. Added section for WebService. Added new Audit types and new Notification type. Added section for Agent Management. Added section for ESF Map Visualization Tools (TMS Integration). Added Support role information. Updated ESF Message class diagram. Added section for Attachments Updated Web Service specification for attachments. Updated ESF Messages specification. Updated ESF Agent to support attachments. Updated Security section to specify use of GUIDS. Document Sign-Off The undersigned have read and agree with the content of this document. Project Manager VIVID Solutions Inc. Project Manager - MOF Ministry of Forests, Information Management Branch Table of Contents Page 2 Ministry of Forests Client Company 1. SCOPE ................................................................................................................. 6 1.1 2. REFERENCES ................................................................................................... 6 OVERVIEW ............................................................................................................. 7 2.1 2.2 2.3 3. ENSURED DELIVERY ............................................................................................ 7 HIDDEN DELIVERY METHOD .................................................................................... 7 AUTOMATED ACKNOWLEDGEMENT/TRACKING.................................................................. 8 STORAGE DESIGN ...................................................................................................... 9 3.1 3.2 3.3 APPLICATION DATABASE ....................................................................................... 9 MESSAGING QUEUES ........................................................................................... 9 FILE STORE .................................................................................................... 9 3.3.1File Store ................................................................................................... 9 3.3.2 4. SCRATCH DIRECTORY ......................................................................................... 10 QUEUING ............................................................................................................. 11 4.1 5. Electronic Submission Framework Infrastructure Design QUEUE MANAGEMENT......................................................................................... 11 MESSAGES ............................................................................................................ 14 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 TEXT MESSAGE ............................................................................................... 15 PING MESSAGE ............................................................................................... 15 STATUS MESSAGE ............................................................................................. 16 FILE MESSAGE ................................................................................................ 17 5.4.1Submission Message ...................................................................................... 17 5.4.2Attachment Message..................................................................................... 18 5.5 5.6 6. OBJECT MESSAGE............................................................................................. 18 AUDIT MESSAGE .............................................................................................. 18 QUEUE AGENTS....................................................................................................... 20 6.1 6.2 PAYLOAD ..................................................................................................... 20 TRANSPORT IMPLEMENTATION ................................................................................ 20 6.2.1Queue Polling ............................................................................................. 20 6.2.2Exception Queues ........................................................................................ 21 6.3 AUTOMATED AUDITING ....................................................................................... 21 6.3.1Audit Events ............................................................................................... 21 6.4 6.5 6.6 AGENT INITIALIZATION ........................................................................................ 22 TRANSACTIONS ............................................................................................... 22 AGENT MANAGEMENT ......................................................................................... 24 Page 3 Ministry of Forests Client Company Electronic Submission Framework Infrastructure Design 6.6.1JMX as a Management Framework .................................................................... 25 6.6.2Remote Management .................................................................................... 25 6.6.3Scheduling of Tasks ...................................................................................... 26 6.6.4Authentication and Authorization ..................................................................... 26 6.6.5Custom Business Agent Integration ................................................................... 27 7. SUBMISSION BROKER .................................................................................................. 28 8. STATUS AGENT ....................................................................................................... 30 9. SIMPLE BUSINESS AGENT.............................................................................................. 31 10. ESF AGENT........................................................................................................... 32 10.1 10.2 10.3 11. SECURITY ............................................................................................................. 34 11.1 11.2 11.3 11.4 11.5 11.6 11.7 11.8 12. RECEIVING A STATUS MESSAGE ............................................................................... 32 RECEIVING AN AUDIT MESSAGE ............................................................................... 33 RECEIVING A PING MESSAGE .................................................................................. 33 AUTHENTICATION ............................................................................................. 34 AUTHORIZATION .............................................................................................. 34 DEFINED ROLES ............................................................................................... 34 SUBMISSION QUERY RESTRICTIONS ............................................................................ 35 SUBMISSION DETAIL RESTRICTIONS ............................................................................ 35 ADMINISTRATION RESTRICTIONS............................................................................... 35 ENCRYPTION .................................................................................................. 35 TRACKING USER AND ORGANIZATION OWNERSHIP............................................................. 35 SUBMISSIONS WEB SERVICE ........................................................................................... 36 12.1 INTERFACE DESIGN ........................................................................................... 36 12.1.1addAttachment ......................................................................................... 37 12.1.2getSubmissionStatus ................................................................................... 38 12.1.3getSupportedAttachmentTypes ...................................................................... 38 12.1.4uploadSubmission ....................................................................................... 39 12.1.5getSupportedSubmissionTypes ....................................................................... 39 12.1.6isSupportedSubmissionType .......................................................................... 39 12.1.7makeSubmission ........................................................................................ 39 12.1.8searchSubmission ....................................................................................... 40 12.2 EXCEPTION HANDLING ........................................................................................ 41 Page 4 Ministry of Forests Client Company 13. ESF MAP VISUALIZATION TOOLS ...................................................................................... 43 13.1 13.2 13.3 13.4 14. Electronic Submission Framework Infrastructure Design ESF SUBMISSION ITEM DOCUMENT ............................................................................ 43 IMF HANDLER ................................................................................................ 44 ATTRBIBUTE REPORT HANDLER ............................................................................... 44 SOE HANDLER ................................................................................................ 44 ATTACHMENT SUPPORT ............................................................................................... 45 14.1 ATTACHMENT TYPE DEFINITION............................................................................... 45 14.2 UPLOADING AN ATTACHMENT ................................................................................ 46 14.2.1Attachments Using Web Service ..................................................................... 46 14.2.2Virus Scanning File Uploads ........................................................................... 46 14.2.3Archiving Attachments ................................................................................. 46 14.2.4Business Agent Handling ............................................................................... 47 15. SECURITY MATRIX .................................................................................................... 48 Page 5 Ministry of Forests Electronic Submission Framework Detailed Design 1. SCOPE The scope of this document is to define the design of the base services of the Electronic Submission Framework and specifically the components required to fulfill those services. 1.1 REFERENCES This document is technical in nature and assumes the reader is familiar Java Messaging Service (JMS), Oracle PL/SQL, XML, XSLT, GML and Java J2EE. Specific documents referenced are: Message Queuing Investigation Requirements Document – Electronic Submission Framework Version 1.4 Page 6 Ministry of Forests Electronic Submission Framework Detailed Design 2. OVERVIEW The word “agent” is defined as: \A"gent\, n. 1. One who acts for, or in the place of, another, by authority from him; one entrusted with the business of another; a substitute; a deputy; a factor. In the realm of ESF, “Agents” are components that will provide communication between loosely coupled business processes throughout the life cycle of an electronic submission. In simpler terms, the Agent acts like a FedEx courier. Consider the following scenario: “Sally wishes to send a letter to John and needs to ensure that John receives the package. She calls FedEx and promptly a courier is standing at Sally’s door to accept the letter and deliver it to John on Sally’s behalf. The courier takes the letter from Sally, drops it into a FedEx envelope, places a FedEx tracking number on it and hands the number to Sally. The courier puts the FedEx envelope into his pack and leaves. Some time later, John’s doorbell rings and there is a FedEx courier standing there with a letter from Sally. John accepts the letter and acknowledges the receipt by signing the waybill and decides to send a return letter to Sally. He follows the same steps that Sally went through.” While this is a simple example, it does highlight some common attributes and services we rely on in a courier service that should be present in an ESF Agent and the services they provide. 2.1 ENSURED DELIVERY As in the letter scenario above, once Sally handed the letter to the courier, she no longer had to worry about how to get the letter to John; the courier took responsibility for the delivery of the letter into John’s hands. Within the ESF, a Queue Agent will accept a payload for delivery to a destination, whether it is a simple text message or a 100 MB FTA electronic submission and ensure the delivery to the responsible Agent. 2.2 HIDDEN DELIVERY METH OD The scenario above also highlights the fact that Sally does not know how the letter is going to be transferred to John. As long as the actual letter she sent arrives safe and sound in John’s hands, she is a happy customer. The letter could travel by truck, bus, plane or any combination of the three. These logistics are hidden from the client and is left to the discretion of FedEx. The same goes for a Queue Agent. The Queue Agent will choose the best delivery method for the payload and will ensure the payload is delivered in the exact form it was sent in. Version 1.4 Page 7 Ministry of Forests Electronic Submission Framework Detailed Design Also note from the scenario that the courier put the letter into a FedEx envelope. This will allow FedEx to transfer/track the letter through the FedEx delivery system from start to finish, as well as place the letter in a form that is familiar and compatible with the FedEx infrastructure. A Queue Agent will perform the exact same operation for the client, packaging up a payload within its own ESF delivery package and will deliver the payload to the receiving process in its original form. 2.3 AUTOMATED ACKNOWLEDG EMENT/ TRACKING Sally could have contacted FedEx to check on status of the delivery of her letter. She would present FedEx with the tracking number that was given to her by the courier that accepted the package, and they could tell her the exact day John signed for the letter. Similarly the Queue Agent needs to be able to file status reports automatically back into the tracking system, so that all transactions for a submission can be fully audited and traced. This document discusses the components necessary to provide a service to accept and reliably deliver electronic submissions for processing by another loosely coupled business process. Version 1.4 Page 8 Ministry of Forests Electronic Submission Framework Detailed Design 3. STORAGE DESIGN The ESF requirements for storage can be broken down into three main areas: Application Database, Messaging Queues and disk file store. It is estimated that we can expect approximately 30,000 transactions in a year for both the RESULTS and FTA projects. From this we will define an estimate of the storage requirements in each of the areas indicated. 3.1 APPLICATION DATABASE The application database will be a standard WebADE application style configuration with the one caveat that a submission may be stored in the database in a BLOB format. Whether a submission is defined to be stored or not is defined within the XML_SCHEMA entity. If the business area chooses to keep the original submission on record, they also must supply how long they would like to keep it online in the database. While there is no plan to do archiving at this time, the framework is in place to achieve this functionality. 3.2 MESSAGING QUEUES The queue storage is basically a temporary storage for the submissions during delivery of the messages. If the system were operating optimally, there would normally be one or two submissions waiting in the queue. However, should something go wrong and an Agent stopped processing, the queue infrastructure should be able to store many requests for an amount of time. This is one of the benefits of using asynchronous messaging; the infrastructure should accommodate this by providing ample space for the worst-case scenario. 3.3 FILE STORE The ESF website has a requirement to store files on a file system both permanently for schema related information as well as temporarily for submission processing. These parameters are defined in the web application’s WEB.XML file. 3.3.1 F ILE S TORE The ESF requires a location on the web server in order to publish the schemas and stylesheets used in the operation of ESF. Not only will ESF use this directly when processing submissions but the ESF also publishes the available schemas to the ESF users for their own use in client side applications for generating the data. There are two attributes that affect this operation: esf-file-store-location and esffile-store-url. The location is used for ESF internally to manage files in that location and the URL tells ESF how the files need to be accessed by outside users and applications. This URL will be a fully formed URL such as Version 1.4 Page 9 Ministry of Forests Electronic Submission Framework Detailed Design A schema configured for the ESF will be stored below this mount point, in a directory named after the schema name. The schema naming will adhere to the following format: http://<>/schema/<schema name>/<schema version>/<schema>.xsd Example: 3.3.2 SCRATCH DIRECTORY The ESF system requires temporary file space for the processing of incoming submissions. The ESF stores the file temporarily while initially verifying the correctness of the submission as well as possibly creating transformations of the original submission for placing on the queues. The location of the Scratch Directory is configured in the web application’s WEB.XML via the esf-scratchdirectory attribute. Version 1.4 Page 10 Ministry of Forests Electronic Submission Framework Detailed Design 4. QUEUING The core of the ESF infrastructure will be implemented using asynchronous message queuing. In particular, the implementation will leverage Oracle Advanced Queuing (OAQ) as delivered in the Enterprise Edition of the Oracle database. This section of the document will define the design of the queues for use by ESF. 4.1 QUEUE MANAGEMENT OAQ has the ability to be managed via Oracle Enterprise Manager as well as programmatically from various environments such as PL/SQL and Java. The initial release of ESF will employ the PL/SQL management scheme, leaving the complete queue management integration to be handled via Oracle Enterprise Manager or possibly extending the ESF Admin interface in the future. The queues to be used for the ESF will have the following properties: Setting Value Description PAYLOAD TYPE JMS_BYTES_MSG A stream of un-interpreted bytes. This message type is for literally encoding a body to match an existing message format. This format will also enable us to seamlessly break apart a single submission across multiple physical queue messages. MULTI-CONSUMER TRUE Allow multiple consumers to register and de-queue messages from a single queue. SORT LIST PRIORITY/ENQ_TIME Will allow the ESF to prioritize messages that should be processed ASAP such as a Ping Message. Also allows for future enhancements to API for application-defined prioritization. MESSAGE GROUPING TRANSACTIONAL Allows messages in a single queue to be grouped together in a single transaction. This ensures the same consumer in a single transaction consumes a group of messages. This feature will be used to enable a submission to exist across multiple physical messages within the queue. QUEUE VERSION 8.1 Queue mode to use. Version 1.4 Page 11 Ministry of Forests Electronic Submission Framework Detailed Design While some of the configuration for accepting submissions can be customized, generally there will be the following queue configuration: ESF Status Queue FTA Queue RESULTS Queue This queue will belong to the ESF and all Agents will have access to submit messages to the queue. Only the ESF Agent will have the ability to de-queue. Queue used for FTA submissions. De-queue ability to the FTA Agent service ID. Queue used for RESULTS submissions. De-queue ability to the RESULTS Agent service ID Below are some PL/SQL examples of some of the basic queue administration tasks. Please refer to the Oracle documentation for a more in-depth description of these commands and other queue management specifics. Version 1.4 Page 12 Ministry of Forests Electronic Submission Framework Detailed Design Creating Users # Create the user to administer the queues CREATE USER aq IDENTIFIED BY password PROFILE SYSTEM_MANAGER; GRANT CONNECT, RESOURCE TO aq; # Grant the AQ_ADMIN Role to the user. GRANT AQ_ADMINISTRATOR_ROLE TO aq; # Grant access to AQ admin functions. GRANT EXECUTE ON DBMS_AQADM TO aq; # Grant access to enqueue and de-queue. GRANT EXECUTE ON DBMS_AQ TO aq; # Grant access to Java use. GRANT EXECUTE ON DBMS_AQIN TO aq; GRANT EXECUTE ON DBMS_AQJMS TO aq; # Create a generic user of queues CREATE USER aq_user IDENTIFIED BY password PROFILE DEFAULT; GRANT CONNECT, RESOURCE TO aq_user; # AQ_USER role is no longer used. Simply grant access dbms_aq GRANT EXECUTE ON dbms_aq TO aq_user; # Grant access to Java use. GRANT EXECUTE ON DBMS_AQIN TO aq_user; GRANT EXECUTE ON DBMS_AQJMS TO aq_user; Creating a Queue Declare Begin DBMS_AQADM.CREATE_QUEUE_TABLE ( queue_table => 'aq.JMSBytes_q_inbox_table', multiple_consumers => TRUE, queue_payload_type => 'SYS.AQ$_JMS_BYTES_MSG', sort_list => ’PRIORITY,ENQ_TIME’, message_grouping => DBMS_AQADM.TRANSACTIONAL, compatible => '8.1', storage_clause => 'tablespace aq'); DBMS_AQADM.CREATE_QUEUE ( queue_name => 'JMSBytes_q_Inbox', queue_table => 'aq.JMSBytes_q_inbox_table'); DBMS_AQADM.START_QUEUE ( queue_name => 'JMSBytes_q_Inbox'); # Grant system wide de-queue to user DBMS_AQADM.GRANT_SYSTEM_PRIVILEGE( privilege => ’ENQUEUE_ANY’, grantee => ’aq_user’, admin_option => FALSE); # Grant specific rights for a user to a queue DBMS_AQADM.GRANT_QUEUE_PRIVILEGE ( privilege => 'DEQUEUE', queue_name => ' JMSBytes_q_Inbox ', grantee => 'aq_user', grant_option => FALSE); End; Version 1.4 Page 13 Ministry of Forests Electronic Submission Framework Detailed Design 5. MESSAGES In order to be able to track the flow of messages through ESF, a certain amount of meta data must be included with each message. As per the Electronic Submission Requirements document, the ESF requires the following types of messages: Payload Status Ping The ESF will provide various different message types for use in sending and receiving messages. While there are messages that have a special meaning such as “Status Message”, most are simply convenience classes for sending and receiving familiar objects such as a file or even a native Java object. All message used within the ESF will be based on a JMS_BYTES_MSG. The extended information about a message such as the submission id, will be encoded into the message using the message property methods provided in the JMS API. An example of this follows: bytes_msg = q_sess.createBytesMessage(); bytes_msg.setLongProperty(“submissionID”, in_msg.getSubmissionID() ); bytes_msg.setLongProperty(“sentTimeStamp”, new Date().getTime() ); bytes_msg.setStringProperty(“originatorAgentID”, in_msg.getOriginatorID() ); bytes_msg.setStringProperty(“submittedBy”, in_msg.getSubmittedBy() ); bytes_msg.setStringProperty(“messageType”, “StatusMessage”); Refer the Class diagram below for the currently supported message types: Version 1.4 Page 14 Ministry of Forests 5.1 Electronic Submission Framework Detailed Design TEXT MESSAGE This is a generic message for simply sending and receiving a text message. The text of the message will be converted to bytes and save as part of the payload. bytes_msg = q_sess.createBytesMessage(); bytes_msg.setLongProperty(“submissionID”, in_msg.getSubmissionID() ); bytes_msg.setLongProperty(“sentTimeStamp”, new Date().getTime() ); bytes_msg.setStringProperty(“originatorAgentID”, in_msg.getOriginatorID() ); bytes_msg.setStringProperty(“submittedBy”, in_msg.getSubmittedBy() ); // Now set the message type specific properties. bytes_msg.setStringProperty(“messageType”, “TextMessage”); // Now add the text as the payload bytes_msg.writeBytes(msg.getBytes()); 5.2 PING MESSAGE This message is used internally by the ESF system in order to test infrastructure availability. The message contains the destination Agent ID to enable directed Agent pinging should the queue in question be monitored by multiple Agents. The Version 1.4 Page 15 Ministry of Forests Electronic Submission Framework Detailed Design QueueAgent will automatically receive a Ping Message and reply with its own Ping Message back to the standard ESF Status Queue. This message will be implemented with a simple message with some attributes set on the header of the message to indicate its functionality. The Ping Message will be sent with a priority of nine, to ensure timely response to system queries. bytes_msg = q_sess.createBytesMessage(); bytes_msg.setLongProperty(“submissionID”, in_msg.getSubmissionID() ); bytes_msg.setLongProperty(“sentTimeStamp”, new Date().getTime() ); bytes_msg.setStringProperty(“originatorAgentID”, in_msg.getOriginatorID() ); bytes_msg.setStringProperty(“submittedBy”, in_msg.getSubmittedBy() ); // Now set the message type specific properties. bytes_msg.setStringProperty(“messageType”, “PingMessage”); 5.3 STATUS MESSAGE This message is used in order to relay messages back to the ESF system. All status messages sent back to the ESF must reference the original Submission ID that was assigned to the submission when it was first submitted by the user. These status messages will be viewable by the submitter using a web browser, so the content of the messages within the status may contain HTML tags such as formatting and hyperlinks to take the user to another web application. Any formatting should be kept simple so the style does not conflict with the one used within the ESF web application. A status message may also include an attribute to update the submission state. If this is included as part of the status message, the ESF Agent will also update the submission state as part of recording the rest of the status message. The notification indicator is used by the Agent responsible for processing the Status Messages to decide whether or not this message will be sent to the submitter via email. This indicator can be set to the following values: Indicator Value Description NOTIFYNOW 1 REGULAR 2 NONE 3 NOTIFYADMIN 4 This message and any other that may be waiting in the normal mail schedule queue will be sent immediately. This message will be delivered on the normal notification schedule defined for the submission schema. This message will not be emailed to the submitter and will only be viewable via the ESF website. This message will be emailed to the administrator responsible for the schema in question. The message is not recorded in ESF, only delivered to an administrator. Version 1.4 Page 16 Ministry of Forests Electronic Submission Framework Detailed Design bytes_msg = q_sess.createBytesMessage(); bytes_msg.setLongProperty(“submissionID”, in_msg.getSubmissionID() ); bytes_msg.setLongProperty(“sentTimeStamp”, new Date().getTime() ); bytes_msg.setStringProperty(“originatorAgentID”, in_msg.getOriginatorID() ); bytes_msg.setStringProperty(“submittedBy”, in_msg.getSubmittedBy() ); // Now set the message type specific properties. bytes_msg.setStringProperty(“messageType”, “StatusMessage”); bytes_msg.setIntProperty(“notificationIndidcator”,in_msg.getNotificationIndicator() ); bytes_msg.setStringProperty(“statusCode”, in_msg.getStatusCode() ); bytes_msg.setStringProperty(“submissionState”, in_msg.getSubmissionState() ); // Now add the text of the message as the payload bytes_msg.writeBytes(in_msg.getText().getBytes(), 0, in_msg.getText().length()); 5.4 FILE MESSAGE This message is used to send and receive files through the ESF system. The files will be read as un-interpreted bytes, so formats other than ASCII are acceptable. Theoretically, there are no maximum sizes to the file, however there are limits set by some of the infrastructure components used in the implementation. The ESF was designed and tested with a maximum 100-megabyte file size specification. bytes_msg = q_sess.createBytesMessage(); bytes_msg.setLongProperty(“submissionID”, in_msg.getSubmissionID() ); bytes_msg.setLongProperty(“sentTimeStamp”, new Date().getTime() ); bytes_msg.setStringProperty(“originatorAgentID”, in_msg.getOriginatorID() ); bytes_msg.setStringProperty(“submittedBy”, in_msg.getSubmittedBy() ); // Now set the message type specific properties. bytes_msg.setStringProperty(“messageType”, “FileMessage”); // Now add the file as a payload of the message. 5.4.1 S UBMISSION M ESSAGE This message is used to send and receive submissions to the Business Agents. Initially a File Message was used for this purpose but this was introduced as a counterpart to the Attachment Message. This will make the difference between them clear for a developer of a Custom Business Agent. bytes_msg = q_sess.createBytesMessage(); bytes_msg.setLongProperty(“submissionID”, in_msg.getSubmissionID() ); bytes_msg.setLongProperty(“sentTimeStamp”, new Date().getTime() ); bytes_msg.setStringProperty(“originatorAgentID”, in_msg.getOriginatorID() ); bytes_msg.setStringProperty(“submittedBy”, in_msg.getSubmittedBy() ); // Now set the message type specific properties. bytes_msg.setStringProperty(“messageType”, “SubmissionMessage”); Version 1.4 Page 17 Ministry of Forests Electronic Submission Framework Detailed Design // Now add the file as a payload of the message. 5.4.2 A TTACHMENT M ESSAGE The Attachment Message was introduced to allow a submitter provide additional information (binary data such as PDF’s or images) to augment their original XML based submission. bytes_msg = q_sess.createBytesMessage(); bytes_msg.setLongProperty(“submissionID”, in_msg.getSubmissionID() ); bytes_msg.setLongProperty(“sentTimeStamp”, new Date().getTime() ); bytes_msg.setStringProperty(“originatorAgentID”, in_msg.getOriginatorID() ); bytes_msg.setStringProperty(“submittedBy”, in_msg.getSubmittedBy() ); // Now set the message type specific properties. bytes_msg.setStringProperty(“messageType”, “AttachmentMessage”); bytes_msg.setStringProperty(“attachmentType”, “OpeningInfo”); bytes_msg.setStringProperty(“attachmentNote”, “Test from user”); // Now add the file as a payload of the message. 5.5 OBJECT MESSAGE This message is used to send and receive native Java objects through the ESF system. While the Object Message is constrained by the same size limits as the File Message, it can send any type of Java object as long as the object is serializable. The ESF QueueAgent will simply serialize the object to a file and send it via the queue in a byte format. The receiving side will deserialize the object and package it back up into an object message before handing it to the intended receiver of the message. bytes_msg = q_sess.createBytesMessage(); bytes_msg.setLongProperty(“submissionID”, in_msg.getSubmissionID() ); bytes_msg.setLongProperty(“sentTimeStamp”, new Date().getTime() ); bytes_msg.setStringProperty(“originatorAgentID”, in_msg.getOriginatorID() ); bytes_msg.setStringProperty(“submittedBy”, in_msg.getSubmittedBy() ); // Now set the message type specific properties. bytes_msg.setStringProperty(“messageType”, “ObjectMessage”); // Now add the file containing the serialized object as a payload of the message. 5.6 AUDIT MESSAGE This message is used to send informational messages back to the ESF for use in monitoring/troubleshooting the health of the distributed processing. Audit messages are not viewable by the submitter, so technical information regarding the processing of the information can be placed in these messages. bytes_msg = q_sess.createBytesMessage(); Version 1.4 Page 18 Ministry of Forests Electronic Submission Framework Detailed Design bytes_msg.setLongProperty(“submissionID”, in_msg.getSubmissionID() ); bytes_msg.setLongProperty(“sentTimeStamp”, new Date().getTime() ); bytes_msg.setStringProperty(“originatorAgentID”, in_msg.getOriginatorID() ); bytes_msg.setStringProperty(“submittedBy”, in_msg.getSubmittedBy() ); // Now set the message type specific properties. bytes_msg.setStringProperty(“messageType”, “AuditMessage”); // Now add the text of the message as the payload bytes_msg.writeBytes(in_msg.getText().getBytes(), 0, in_msg.getText().length()); Version 1.4 Page 19 Ministry of Forests Electronic Submission Framework Detailed Design 6. QUEUE AGENTS A Queue Agent is responsible for delivering and receiving all messages to and from the queues. The Queue Agent will be developed using Java and JMS. A Queue Agent will provide the following base services for communication within the ESF system: receive message, send message and send status. Along with the public services a Queue Agent will offer, we must also define the infrastructure and protocol that must be in place in order to ensure reliable and convenient operation. 6.1 PAYLOAD Transfer of payloads in an un-interpreted byte format will allow us to transfer the payload to the destination in the exact format it was sent in. This feature will also allow us to perform other operations such as splitting a payload across multiple messages, should the size of the payload deem this necessary. The byte format will also give us the option to send a non-text payload, should the need arise. Should the need arise to split the message payload across multiple queue messages, the message grouping feature will be used in order to ensure the same Agent dequeues all messages belonging to the single submission. The underlying queuing system has some limitations on the size of message that can be put onto a queue. An optimal size will be defined and any submissions that exceed that threshold, will be split across multiple queue messages and reconstructed by the receiving agent. 6.2 TRANSPORT IMPLEMEN TA TION The underlying transport will be implemented using Oracle Advanced Queuing and the Java JMS API; however, none of this implementation is to be unveiled to the clients of a Queue Agent. The JMS API and asynchronous messaging can be complicated and only needs to be implemented once. The API needs to be as simple as copying a file so there is no chance of misuse of the queues by a developer. The Queue Agent will be used by applications and possibly sub-classed in order to create Business Agents to process submissions made to the ESF. 6.2.1 Q UEUE P OLLING As many issues have arisen due to the instable nature of the callback implementation in the 8i OAQ API, ESF has been implemented using polling to retrieve messages. Essentially, each agent will routinely check its queues to look for messages waiting. Although this means that message retrieval is not as immediate as notification, it is much more reliable with the current technology. This can be reviewed at a later time, should the underlying database be upgraded to 9i. Version 1.4 Page 20 Ministry of Forests 6.2.2 Electronic Submission Framework Detailed Design E XCEPTION Q UEUES By default, the Oracle Advanced Queues supplies one exception queue per queue table. All messages for queues defined in this queue table will end up on this one queue when the retry count has expired. ESF and the ESF Base Agent now will supply the ability for the Agents to send messages, specifying a different exception queue. Generally it is good practice to create an exception queue for each queue so that it is easily identifiable as to the source queue of the exception message. The specification of the exception queue to be used is done at the time of sending the message. The base agent will allow the specification of this queue via an optional attribute in the JMSConfig.xml file in order to ensure backwards compatability. 6.3 AUTOMATED AUDITING The Queue Agent will provide some automated auditing to track certain Audit Events during the normal operation of dequeueing a message from the queue. These Audit Messages will be returned automatically to the ESF Status Queue without any developer interaction. Depending on some of the physical implementation details of the Agents, it may make sense to supply these notifications via HTTP, should there be any firewall implementations 6.3.1 A UDIT E VENTS Audit Events are events that occur within the ESF system in the normal operation of the asynchronous queuing system. Because of the complexity of asynchronous messaging, it is important to keep very verbose log information about the flow of messages through the system. This logging helps in the troubleshooting of possible errors in the processing as well as providing valuable information when it comes to tuning and maintenance. Below is a list of the possible Audit Messages that are used to describe events within the ESF system: ID Message 1 Submission XML verified. 2 Submission GML verified. 3 Submission queued. 4 Agent has attempted to de-queue submission. 5 Agent has successfully de-queued submission. 6 Agent has sent message. 7 Received submission status update. 8 Received submission state change request. 9 Agent has successfully processed the submission. 10 Agent has failed while processing the submission. Version 1.4 Page 21 Ministry of Forests 6.4 Electronic Submission Framework Detailed Design AGENT INITIALIZATION The queue configuration for the Agents will be done via an XML configuration file in the first release. A client of a queue will be able reference a queue simply by name if it has been configured in the XML file. A future release may add the ability to use a networked configuration service for this connection information. An example of this functionality is as follows: // Create the agent SimpleAgent sAgent = new SimpleAgent(“FTA Agent”); // Send a message to a queue already defined in the XML config file sAgent.sendMessage(“FTA Spatial Queue”, new TextMessage(“This is a test.”) ); Each Agent will have a requirement for a temporary disk space location in order to stream message off the queues and reassemble the submission for delivery to the Agent logic. This location will be configured in the XML configuration file. A file is needed in order to be able to support large objects that may not be able to fit into memory, such as a 100MB submission file. 6.5 TRANSACTIONS The QueueAgent supplies the method (commitMessage(submissionID)) for finally removing a message from the queue once the message processing is complete. This is to be called after the Agent has successfully processed the message contents. Calling this method removes the submission from the queue so that it will not be processed again. As you can imagine, it may make sense to leave it on the queue for processing at a later time if there was a failure in the post-processing. The trick is to decide when to leave it on the queuing system. A good rule of thumb for this decision is to determine if the error encountered during the processing is an error that may correct itself (i.e. poor network connectivity or database down) if the processing was retried at a later time. If the message has a basic error in the composition of it and it will never be processed correctly, it is better to commit the message and handle the error appropriately. Below is some sample code of how it might be used in a typical scenario: import*; import*; public class FTAAgent extends QueueAgent { public FTAAgent() { } public void receiveMessage(ESFMessage msg) { if( msg instanceof TextMessage ) { TextMessage tmsg = (TextMessage)msg; Version 1.4 Page 22 Ministry of Forests Electronic Submission Framework Detailed Design System.out.println( tmsg.getMessageText() ); // Do some more good stuff with the message… // Now commit the message in order to remove it from the queues if( SUCCESS ) { this.commitMessage( msg.getSubmissionID() ); //Send status message this.sendStatus(msg.getSubmissionID(), StatusMessage.ACCEPTED, "Cut Permit Accepted", "The submission has been accepted."); } } } } Behind the scenes, the QueueAgent code will perform the following logic when dequeuing and committing the message. 1. The QueueAgent receives a message on behalf of the client. The QueueAgent locks the message on the queue. 2. The QueueAgent de-queues the message and recreates the message as the original ESFMessage type. 3. The QueueAgent passes the new ESFMessage to the client code by calling the receiveMessage(ESFMessage) method, which was implemented by the client. 4. The QueueAgent keeps the lock on the message until the client calls the commitMessage() method or the receiveMesssage() call returns. The QueueAgent deletes the message from the queue. Version 1.4 Page 23 Ministry of Forests Electronic Submission Framework Detailed Design Below is the definition of a Queue Agent as well as the implementing components: 6.6 AGENT MANAGEMENT As of ESF 2.0, agents will be manageable in the ESF web application through a remote interface. This interface will enable ESF to discover all agents hosted at a particular location, and then expose a set of tools to the ESF administrator. These tools will allow them to view the current status of each agent, as well as issue start and stop commands to these agents. The architecture is detailed below using FTA Services as an example for remote agent management: Version 1.4 Page 24 Ministry of Forests Electronic Submission Framework Detailed Design Web Interface Web Interface FTA Agent ESF JMX Agent ESF Agent Render Agent JMX Server JMS/AQ JMX/RMI JMX Server JMX/RMI ESF Map Report Agent Spatial Agent JMS/AQ FTA Services Syncronous Monitor/Manage Asyncronous Submissions 6.6.1 Oracle AQ Asyncronous Notifications JMX AS A M ANAGEMENT F RAMEWORK The key to allowing ESF to access the agents assigned to a particular submission schema is to use a general management API that exposes access to an application’s internal objects in a controlled manner. The framework to be used for ESF is the Java Management Extensions (JMX). JMX is a standard framework that allows Java objects to be accessed locally and remotely with little or no change to the existing code base. This API also abstracts the method of communication between the managing code and the objects to be managed. This allows virtually any underlying communications protocol to be used, including RMI, HTTP, or Web Services. ESF’s agent management implementation will use RMI as the underlying transport protocol. 6.6.2 R EMOTE M ANAGEMENT The remote connectivity within JMX has been defined by a separate standard: Java Management Extensions (JMX) Remote API 1.0 (JSR-160). This defines a standard for remote connectivity but does not actually specify a single protocol and in-fact recommends a couple alternatives for underlying transports such as RMI and JMXRMP. For the initial configuration, an RMI solution will be used due to the fact that this is the only mandatory transport of the specification. For this reason, this will be the most well-supported of the choices among other JMX products. The other aspect of Remote Management is the ability lookup a JMX service in order to obtain the bindings to the service at runtime rather than hard-coded locations. For this problem space, various standard technologies exist for perform these types of service Version 1.4 Page 25 Ministry of Forests Electronic Submission Framework Detailed Design lookups: JNDI, JINI and SLP are among some of the choices. chosen JNDI. 6.6.3 For this release, we have S CHEDULING OF T ASKS In the previous release of the ESF Base Agent code, the Base Agent contained its own scheduling logic for polling the queue. With this release, the scheduling component will be factored out of the Agent and moved into a general purpose Scheduling system based on JMX. JMX supplies much of the functionality of a scheduled task in the form of Timers. This is standard JMX functionality and easily applied as a generic Task Scheduler. The configuration of the tasks and schedules will be driven from an XML file. This will be read at initialization and all schedules will be created automatically by the scheduler. At this time, there is no requirement for runtime scheduling but this may be required in future releases. The Scheduler will be realised as a WebADE extension. Below is a diagram illustrating how the Agent scheduling will be accomplished. Admin Schedule (JMX Timer) Notification Scheduled Task (ESF Agent) Initialize JMX Server Scheduler Configuration JMX Management Connector JMX Control WebADE Scheduler Extension 6.6.4 A UTHENTICATION AND A UTHORIZATION Authentication of JMX MBean requests sent to agents will conform to the JMX standard, allowing username/password credentials to be passed in the request. Agents will authenticate the credentials against the appropriate Active Directory, refusing the user’s request if they fail authentication. An optional authentication is also proposed to allow for a signed user request. If the request to the agent originates from a trusted web application, instead of the user directly, the web application may not have access to the user’s password. Prompting the user for their password can be tedious for the user and also brings up various security issues. Alternatively, the application can create a signed request on behalf of the user. The agents will store the public key to decrypt the signed message, trusting that the user has been authenticated by the referring application that signed the request. Version 1.4 Page 26 Ministry of Forests Electronic Submission Framework Detailed Design In addition to authentication of the user’s credentials, agents can also perform a validation against the user’s roles in WebADE. If the user is not a member of the expected role, the agent can also refuse to perform the action. 6.6.5 C USTOM B USINESS A GENT I NTEGRATION Minimal changes will be required by Agent developers. A framework will be provided to Agent developers to initialize the Agents, provide queue polling automation, and initialize the Agent in a JMX server. This will provide further enable Agent developers to focus on business requirements and not underlying infrastructure. The Agent Developer Best Practices document will outline the use of this framework. The ESF will have the ability to register for Notification coming from the Business Agents regarding events such as “Attempt to Dequeue”. This means that the Agent may be having troubles processing messages. The ESF will indicate this on the System Overview page by rendering the Agent in a yellow colour. From the Agent Status screen, the last events received from the Agent will be visible. Version 1.4 Page 27 Ministry of Forests Electronic Submission Framework Detailed Design 7. SUBMISSION BROKER The Submission Broker is responsible for delivering the submissions made via the ESF website to the queuing infrastructure. This section describes the processing required in order to deliver a submission to the proper queue. 1.The form parameters from the submission form will provide the following information: frm_XML_SCHEMA_VERSION: Which version of the schema to use. frm_XML_SCHEMA_ID: Which schema to validate against frm_SUBMISSION_FILE: The actual file they submitted. frm_USER_REFERENCE: A ref code supplied by the user for their internal use. 2.The WebADE API will provide the following information: ade_USER: The currently logged in user id (“idir\jsmith”) ade_ORG: The Organisation the current user belongs to. ade_ORG_SOURCE: The location the information was retrieved from (e.g. IDir or BCeID). ade_EMAIL: The email address of the current user. 3.Retrieve a sequence from the SubmissionID sequence: seq_SubmissionID 4.Save the submission to a temporary file using the retrieved sequence as part of the name in order to avoid collisions (e.g. submission4321.xml): fil_SUBMISSION. 5.Retrieve the following information from the ESF database using frm_XML_SCHEMA_VERSION and frm_XML_SCHEMA_ID in the “where” clause: XML_SCHEMA_VERSION.SCHEMA_URL XML_SCHEMA_VERSION.SUBMISSION_SUMMARY_XSLT_URL XML_SCHEMA_VERSION.VALIDATE_SPATIAL_IND XML_SCHEMA_VERSION.COORDINATE_SYSTEM_CODE?? XML_SCHEMA.SUBMISSION_ARCHIVE_IND XML_SCHEMA.SUBMISSION_ARCHIVE_DURATION ESF_SCHEMA_QUEUE_XREF.XSLT_URL ESF_DISTRIBUTION_QUEUE.QUEUE_NAME ESF_DISTRIBUTION_QUEUE.QUEUE_JDBC_URL ESF_DISTRIBUTION_QUEUE.DB_SCHEMA 6.Parse the XML in the submission, verifying its correctness against the schema defined (XML_SCHEMA_VERSION.SCHEMA_URL). If it fails, display error to user and delete temp file. 7.If the VALIDATE_SPATIAL_IND is defined as 'Y', then validate GML within submission using the COORDINATE_SYSTEM_CODE. if COORDINATE_SYSTEM_CODE is not defined for this submission type, continue with the GML validation with no re-projection. If it fails, display error to user and delete temp file. 8.Now the submission is considered correct. Start a transaction with the ESF database. Insert submission information into the ESF database. If the SUBMISSION_ARCHIVE_IND is 'Y', then store the temp submission file in with the other submission information. 9.Insert an audit message into the ESF_SUBMISSION_AUDIT, recording this event. 10.For each queue defined to receive the submission, perform the following steps: Version 1.4 Page 28 Ministry of Forests Electronic Submission Framework Detailed Design 1.If the XSLT_URL is NOT NULL, process the temp submission file against the ESF_SCHEMA_QUEUE_XREF.XSLT_URL and save results to another temp file: Submission_4321_Transformed.xml 2.Create a Submission Message containing the information about the submission. If the queue defined the submission to be transformed use the transformed file from the step above, otherwise use the original submission document as the file in this command: SubmissionMessage fm = new SubmissionMessage( seq_SUBMISSSION_ID, new File( submission_file ) ); fm.setOriginatorAgentID( “Submission Broker” ); fm.setSentTimeStamp( new Date() ); 3.Send message to the queue defined by the following: ESF_DISTRIBUTION_QUEUE.QUEUE_NAME ESF_DISTRIBUTION_QUEUE.QUEUE_JDBC_URL ESF_DISTRIBUTION_QUEUE.DB_SCHEMA 4.Insert an audit message into the ESF_SUBMISSION_AUDIT, recording this event. 5.Upon success, delete the transformed file, if one was created, and repeat the process on the next queue, if another is defined. 11.Set the ESF_STATUS_CODE of the submission to 'SUB' for submitted. 12.Commit the submission information insert to the ESF database. 13.If a summary XSLT is defined for this submission type, process the temp submission file against the SUBMISSION_SUMMARY_XSLT and display result to the user. 14.Delete the temp submission file. Version 1.4 Page 29 Ministry of Forests Electronic Submission Framework Detailed Design 8. STATUS AGENT This Agent implementation will simplify the task of sending back a status to the ESF system, without having to have in-depth knowledge of the workings of the ESF system or queuing. Other than the usual Java class plumbing (i.e. constructor and setters and getters), the only public method will be sendStatus. Behind the scenes, the Agent will package up the status in an ESF Status Message and send it on the ESF Status Queue. Refer to the class diagram for more information. Below is a sample code of how the StatusAgent will be used in a typical scenario: StatusAgent sa = new StatusAgent(“FTA Business Agent”); // Pass in an Agent ID sa.sendStatus(1234, StatusMessage.ACCEPTED, "Received Submission", "FTA has received your submission."); sa.close(); // Close the Agent in order to cleanly close any queue sessions. Version 1.4 Page 30 Ministry of Forests Electronic Submission Framework Detailed Design 9. SIMPLE BUSINESS AGENT The Simple Business Agent (SBA) is designed with primarily sending messages in mind, however the ability to receive messages with this agent is also possible. As with the StatusAgent, the SBA keeps most of the details of the underlying implementation hidden from the developer. This makes this Agent a very attractive solution should the requirements of the business be simple. The SBA will provide the same functionality in regards to updating the status of an ESF submission but also adds other functionality such as sending and receiving messages. This implementation requires a more in-depth knowledge of the messaging system however it is still kept as simple as possible to the developer. Sending messages with the Simple Business Agent is accomplished by simply creating an ESFMessage and calling the sendMessage() method on the Simple Business Agent. Receiving a message is accomplished by registering as an event listener on the SimpleBusinessAgent. The developer will provide a MessageReceived event handler to process the new message, which will be passed in as part of the event object. Below is some sample code of how it might be used in a typical scenario: public class FTAAgent implements ESFMessageListener { public FTAAgent() { } public void init() { // Create the agent SimpleAgent sAgent = new SimpleAgent(“FTA Agent”); // Register this class as a ESF Message Listener sAgent.addMessageListener(this); sAgent.listenQueue(qCtx); public void messageReceived(NewMessageEvent e) { // Do good business stuff here… // Send Status message back to ESF sAgent.sendStatus(e.getNewMessage().getSubmissionID(), StatusMessage.ACCEPTED, "Cut Permit Accepted", "The submission has been accepted."); } public void sendFTAMessage() { // Create message to send TextMessage tmsg = new TextMessage(“This is a test.”); // Send message to Queue sAgent.sendMessage(qCtx, tmsg); } } } Version 1.4 Page 31 Ministry of Forests 10. Electronic Submission Framework Detailed Design ESF AGENT The ESF Agent is responsible for handling all messages that arrive in the ESF Status Queue. The queue can contain any of the following message types: Status Message: An Agent wishes to update the status or state of a submission that is “In Progress”. This message also gives the Agent control over the client notification scheme. Refer to the Status Message section for more information on the notification indicator usage. Audit Message: An internal ESF message sent automatically by an Agent indicating a submission audit event has fired. Ping Message: An Agent has responded to a “Ping” message sent by the ESF. Each of these messages must be applied to the ESF database in order to track progress of a submission as it travels through the ESF infrastructure. Below is a more in-depth explanation of the processing required when each of these messages arrive in the “ESF Status Queue”. The ESF Agent should respond to ALL message types as this Agent provides the ESF with the first line of troubleshooting and system verification. The following messages fall into this category: File Message: Process the file message and place an Audit message (with Extended Audit) and Status Message on the Status Queue. Submission Message: Same as above. Attachment Message: Process attachment and place Status Message on the Status Queue. It should be noted that we might need an alternate solution for receiving status messages from the Agents. The physical implementation of the Agents could be realized with a very distributed model, so access to the ESF Status Queue may not possible. It would be possible to offer this status interface as a “Web Service” implementation, once the infrastructure was available to offer these types of services. 10.1 RECEIVING A STATUS M ESSAGE When a status message arrives in the queue, it is the ESF Agent's responsibility to update the status to the ESF database. A status message may contain information for both ESF_SUBMISSION_MESSAGE as well as possibly change the state of a submission. 1.Insert an audit message into the ESF_SUBMISSION_AUDIT, recording this event. 2.If the StatusMessage.getStatusCode() method returns a value, update the code within the ELECTRONIC_SUBMISSION table, identified by StatusMessage.getSubmissionId() method. 3.If the StatusMessage.getMessageText() method returns a value, insert a new ESF_SUBMISSION_MESSAGE for the submission identified by StatusMessage.getSubmissionId() method. Version 1.4 Page 32 Ministry of Forests Electronic Submission Framework Detailed Design 4.If the notification indicator = SENDNOW then find scheduled mail job for the submission, add new message to it and send it now. 5.If the notification indicator = REGULAR then find scheduled mail job for the submission, add new message to it. 6.If the notification indicator = NONE or is not set, do nothing. 7.If the notification indicator = NOTIFYADMIN, create an email message with the text of the message and send it to the administrator defined for the submission type of the original message. 10.2 RECEIVING AN AUDIT M ESSAGE An Audit Message is an internal ESF message sent from an Agent, updating the ESF of certain events that fire while an Agent processes a message. Refer to the Audit Events section for more information regarding the types of events that may occur. Below is the processing required when an Audit Message arrives in the ESF Status Queue: 1.Insert an audit message into the ESF_SUBMISSION_AUDIT, recording this event. 2.Insert the Audit into the ESF_SUBMISSION_AUDIT table, identifying the AUDIT_SOURCE as AuditMessage.getOriginatorAgentID() and the AUDIT_MESSAGE_ID as AuditMessage.getAuditMessageID(). 10.3 RECEIVING A PING MES SAGE A Ping Message is sent to the ESF Status Queue by an Agent in response to it receiving a Ping Message on a queue it is listening on. The ESF Agent simply needs to record the fact that a ping was returned by the Agent identified by the PingMessage.getOriginatorAgentID() method. Below is the processing required when an Ping Message arrives in the ESF Status Queue: 1.Update the ESF_QUEUE_AGENT.LAST_PING_SUCCESS attribute with the current time for the Agent identified by the PingMessage.getOriginatorAgentID() method. Version 1.4 Page 33 Ministry of Forests 11. Electronic Submission Framework Detailed Design SECURITY The security design of the ESF website must institute a secure and reliable mechanism for receiving electronic submissions from industry. The design should also take a simple approach to ensure the system can accommodate an expanded client group in the near future, as there is a possibility of multiple projects and ministries leveraging the ESF. 11.1 AUTHENTICATION Authentication will be implemented by the system provided by IIS to challenge a user for a username password pair. The bulk of the target ESF users will be long to BCeID, so their workstations will not be logged into any domain, so IIS needs to be able to fall back from “Challenge/Response” (NTLM) to “Basic Authentication”. Due to this default functionality, the channel between the user and the web server should be encrypted to ensure the user id’s and passwords do not travel “in the clear” across the Internet. 11.2 AUTHORIZATION The authorization scheme for ESF has purposely been left simplistic. The need to provide cross Ministry support as well as public access has prompted a design of a simple yet effective scheme. 11.3 DEFINED ROLES As defined the in ESF Requirement document, there are three roles that have been identified. A fourth role has been identified (“Queue Administrator”) in order to separate off the queue administration. This was done in order to hide some of the sensitive information regarding the queue configuration such as database passwords. Submitter – A user of the ESF application that will submit a submission. ESF Administrator – A person responsible for configuring agents and uploading new schemas to the ESF system. The navigation for the Queue Administration will not be available. ESF Support – A person responsible for supporting a submission type such as FTA. This will get them extended information on the administration side of ESF but with Read Only access only. Queue Administrator – A person responsible for configuring queues within the ESF system. Only navigation for the Queue Administration will not be available within the admin section. Submission Browser – A user of the ESF application with extended rights when it comes to the Submission Search screen. Version 1.4 Page 34 Ministry of Forests Electronic Submission Framework Detailed Design 11.4 SUBMISSION QUERY RES TRICTIONS While all roles defined in the ESF will have access to the search screen (ESF006), the results will be filtered depending on who is currently logged into the system. The access is defined as the following: Submitter – Able to query personal submissions and submissions made by his company/organisation. Administrator, Support & Browser – Able to query all submissions. 11.5 SUBMISSION DETAIL RESTRICTIO NS When viewing the details of a submission (ESF008), the screen will display status messages of the processing of the submission after it was queued to the system for processing by the business agent. Submitter & Browser - The system will display only the business messages returned by the business agent during the processing of the message (ESF_SUBMISSION_MESSAGE). Administrator & Support – The system will display the business processing information as above as well as the ESF audit information (ESF_SUBMISSION_AUDIT & ESF AUDIT_MESSAGE). 11.6 ADMINISTRATION RESTR ICTIONS The ESF Support Role will have similar access to the administration side of ESF however a person in this role will not have any access to affect changes. They will be able to view all information regarding schemas and schema versions. 11.7 ENCRYPTION The ESF application could possibly be accessed via public network paths. Because the authentication will be relying on basic authentication and the fact that some submission could contain private and confidential information, it is recommended the ESF application implements strong encryption with the use of SSL. An alternative to running the site under SSL, the Ministry could insist the application be accessed via the BC Government VPN. This would ensure the information travelling over the public network is secure. 11.8 TRACKING USER AND OR GANIZATION OWNERSHIP In order to ensure user and organization data integrity within ESF, the User and Org GUID will be stored within the ESF system. This follows standard practices within the Ministry today. Version 1.4 Page 35 Ministry of Forests 12. Electronic Submission Framework Detailed Design SUBMISSIONS WEB SERV ICE The ESF Submissions Web Service will allow clients of the ESF to connect directly to the ESF programmatically rather than using the web HTML interface. This will allow external agencies with high volumes of submissions to streamline their process by connecting their own information systems to ESF, bypassing the manual submission upload process. The Submissions Web Service will follow current accepted standards within the industry for Web Service delivery. The model chosen for implementation closely follows the WS-I 1.0 Basic Profile. The service will be based on SOAP 1.1 using HTTP for the transport and WSDL 1.1 for the description of the service. At this time there is no standard government service to provide UDDI support so this feature will not be implemented. Apache Axis Framework will be used in the implementation of the service due to its industry acceptance and stability. For detailed information about the design of Axis, please refer to the Axis Architecture Guide on the Apache site. The following diagram illustrates the highlevel architecture of the Submissions Web Service and also shows how the integration is done with the existing ESF functionality. ESF Web User ESF Submissions Web Service User IIS (Provides Authentication) JRun Server (esf.war) AXIS Servlet ESF Action Servlet Submissions Web Service ESF Application Logic Figure 1: Proposed Web Service Architecture 12.1 INTERFACE DESIGN The Submissions Web Service will expose all of the public functionality of the ESF. An RPC-based model will be used and the following interface will be implemented: Version 1.4 Page 36 Ministry of Forests 12.1.1 Electronic Submission Framework Detailed Design ADD A TTACHMENT An existing Submission ID will be passed into this service along with other metadata about the attachment. The attachment will be implemented using Soap with Attachments specification, which is supported by Axis. Parameter submissionId Type long attachmentType String attachmentNote String originalFileName String returns AttachmentResult Description An existing ESF Submission ID in which this attachment will be “attached” to. The attachment type as defined by the schema definition within ESF. Each Business Area will support different attachment types. A note from the submitter to augment this attachment. The name of the file used in the attachment AN object that contains the result of the attempted attachment submission. NOTE: There is no attachmentFile parameter. The service expects one and only one file in the attachment payload of the service request, not as a parameter. The attachment data is not passed in as a string (as in makeSubmission or uploadSubmission) but rather as an actual SOAP attachment and therefore is not a parameter. Version 1.4 Page 37 Ministry of Forests 12.1.2 Electronic Submission Framework Detailed Design GET S UBMISSION S TATUS Given an ESF Submission ID, this method will return the details about the submission including all status messages returned from the processing Business Agents. The Status Messages will also contain Audit messages if the calling user has the appropriate authority. The result will be returned in SubmissionStatus complex type as detailed below: 12.1.3 GET S UPPORTED A TTACHMENT T YPES Given a submissionType, returns all supported attachment types. Will return a null array if the submissionType exists but does not support attachments. An exception will be thrown if the submissionType could not be found. Parameter submissionType Type String returns AttachmentType[] Description The submission type in which to query for supported attachment types. An array containing a complex type specifying the supported attachment types as defined by the installed ESF schema. Version 1.4 Page 38 Ministry of Forests 12.1.4 Electronic Submission Framework Detailed Design UPLOAD S UBMISSION This method is identical to makeSubmission with additional parameters. newly developed Web Service clients should make use of this method. All New parameters are originalFileName (allows caller to name and identify the file that the submissionData is created from) and useCurrentUserEmail (allows caller to specify which email address the status messages are delivered to, the address in the submissionData or the current User’s email address). 12.1.5 GET S UPPORTED S UBMISSION T YPES Returns a list of all supported submissions types available within the ESF. A submission type may have multiple version of the submission available and supported at any one time. The result will be returned in a SubmissionTypes complex type as detailed below; Parameter returns 12.1.6 Type SubmissionTypes[] Description An array containing a complex type specifying the supported submission types. IS S UPPORTED S UBMISSION T YPE Return a boolean result indicating whether a particular submission type and version is currently supported. It is prudent for a client to call this before attempting to perform the makeSubmission method to ensure the submission to be submitted is still supported. 12.1.7 MAKE S UBMISSION This method is used to upload, validate, and finalize a new submission. The Submissions service will only accept XML documents. ZIP files are not supported. The XML file is passed in as a string (submissionData parameter) thus clients are Version 1.4 Page 39 Ministry of Forests Electronic Submission Framework Detailed Design responsible for converting the XML file to a string. Limitations on file size will be machine dependant as memory heaps will affect how large a string can be created. The SubmissionResult will inform the client if the submission has succeeded. If SubmissionResult.finalized is true, the submission was uploaded, validated and finalized and the SubmissionResult.submissionId will have a non-zero value indicating the submission id. If the submission was not finalized, SubmissionResult.lastSuccessfulStage will indicate if the submission was uploaded, or validated, or finalized. The SubmissionResult.errors array will contain any validation error messages if the file was uploaded but not validated. The following complex type is returned to notify the calling client of the result of the submission upload: 12.1.8 SEARCH S UBMISSION This method is used to return a listing of known submissions that matches the search criteria. Results are returned in pages; page number and the size of pages are passed in as parameters. The default for pageNumber is 1, the default for pageSize is 20. All parameters can be left blank. The SubmissionDetails complex object is returned by the call with the results of the search criteria. Version 1.4 Page 40 Ministry of Forests Electronic Submission Framework Detailed Design 12.2 EXCEPTION HANDLING There are three stages to each service request: initialize an ESF session, perform security check on user/method, and the method call itself. Exceptions can be thrown at any of the three stages. The exceptions can be mapped directly to a SOAPException. Each request goes through a session initialization handler to ensure that ESF is available and ready to accept the requests. Each request then falls to a security handler to ensure that the caller has the privileges to request that method. An AxisFault can be thrown at either of these stages if the session fails to initialize or the user does not have the required security. AxisFault maps directly to a SOAPException. Each of the methods will throw a SubmissionsFault if any known exception is raised during the execution of the method (i.e. unexpected parameter, data access error, SQL error). SubmissionsFault maps to a SOAPException, but some clients will be able to identify these specific exceptions from other SOAPExceptions. AxisFault and SubmissionsFault map to SOAPException. Depending on how the client is generated will depend on what exceptions are recognized. AXIS generated clients will recognize AxisFault and SubmissionFault and can view the details in faultString. Other clients may only recognize their own variant of SOAPException but should provide some access to the details. Version 1.4 Page 41 Ministry of Forests Electronic Submission Framework Detailed Design Version 1.4 Page 42 Ministry of Forests 13. Electronic Submission Framework Detailed Design ESF MAP VISUALIZATIO N TOOLS Initially, a system named Tenure Map Service (TMS) was created in order to assist the Licensee’s in creating high quality Electronic Submissions. The design for this application was done in a way so that it could be integrated as part of the ESF at a later date should the tool be found useful. This section covers the design and integration of TMS into ESF. IMF 3) Initialize IMF 4) IMF Framework 4) ESF Tools Submitter (Business Submission Document) 1) Submit 3) Return Attribute Report IMF Handler Transformation Services 2) Transform ESF Submission Item Document Attribute Report Handler 5) Return Land Use Report SOE Handler 3) Request Report Spatial Overlay Engine 4) Return Report ESF 13.1 ESF SUBMISSION ITEM DOCUMENT In order for the functionality of TMS to be obtained in a general fashion, an intermediate document format is defined in order for the tools within TMS to handle submissions in a generalized spatially focused format. This generalized format has been defined in the following schema document. Version 1.4 Page 43 Ministry of Forests Electronic Submission Framework Detailed Design Once the intermediate document is generated, the Tools can perform their operation on a know document structure. Without this, the Tools would need to know about the structure of each supported document type. Each business area that wants to use the Tools will be required to create an XML Style Sheet transformation document to create a document as specified by the submission-item.xsd. This will need to be done for every version of the document as there may be changes to the business submission structure. 13.2 IMF HANDLER The Map Visualization Tool is used to graphically display the submission item on a map with other features that will be of interest to the business area. This will allow the submitter to verify the submissions contents. The Map Visualization Tool is an IMF based application. Once the business submission document has been transformed into the ESF Submission Item Document, the features for a given submission item will be drawn on the map using the “Acetate Layer” functionality of IMF. This will allow the submitter to see the features on the map without the said features required to be in the spatial database. The IMF initialization process will be as follows: 1. Pop a new window to display the IMF framework. 2. Zoom the Map window to the size and location for the selected submission item. This is calculated from sum of all the map features included in the submission item. 3. Add the features to the acetate layer. 4. Display the ESF Map Visualization Tools page in the “Tools” frame of the IMF Framework. 13.3 ATTRBIBUTE REPORT HA NDLER This report simply shows the attributes of the submission as they are related to the spatial features displayed on the map. The attributes are iterated over and placed in a formatted report for viewing by the submitter. 13.4 SOE HANDLER This tool will allow a submitter to view a Land Use Report for the spatial features included in the Submission Item. The Tool will leverage a service provided by MSRM called Spatial Overlay Engine (SOE). The features are transferred to SOE using HTTP and GML and a fully formatted report is returned to ESF. The report is simply marshalled to the submitter as formatted by SOE. Version 1.4 Page 44 Ministry of Forests 14. Electronic Submission Framework Detailed Design ATTACHMENT SUPPORT A growing need by many business areas is the ability to augment their XML submission with information other than well-formed XML. Data in PDF, DOC and JPG is a common requirement for the various business areas. The ESF Attachment feature will address this requirement. 14.1 ATTACHMENT TYPE DEFI NITION On a schema version basis, this business area will be required to define the types of attachments they want to accept. This is a business definition of the attachment type rather than a technical specification such as MIME Type. The Business Area will provide an XML document (as defined by ESF) which outlines the types of attachments that can be submitted with each version of schema. The following sample XML document will define the attachment types for a given system: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <esfattach:Attachments xmlns:esfattach="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=" ESFAttachmentTypes.xsd "> <attachment> <attachmentName>Business Attachment 1</attachmentName> <description>Description of the attachment use.</description> <enabled>true</enabled> </attachment> <attachment> <attachmentName>Business Attachment 2</attachmentName> <description>Description of the attachment use.</description> <enabled>true</enabled> </attachment> <attachment> <attachmentName>Business Attachment 3</attachmentName> <description>Example of a disabled attachment</description> <enabled>false</enabled> </attachment> </esfattach:Attachments> The following is the schema definition for the document above: Version 1.4 Page 45 Ministry of Forests Electronic Submission Framework Detailed Design The XML document specifying the accepted XML attachments can be defined as follows: Defined when adding a new schema on “ESF105: Add New Schema” Defined when adding a new schema version on “ESF104: Add Schema Version” Added to an existing schema version via the “ESF103: Edit Schema Version” 14.2 UPLOADING AN ATTACHM ENT Uploading an Attachment to augment an XML submission is performed via the “ESF105: Submission Details” screen or via new Web Service endpoints. Once the standard XML portion of an ESF submission has been made (validated and placed on the queue for the Business Agent), the user may upload attachments related to the submission. The user may continue to upload attachments while the submission remains “Submitted” or “In Progress”. Once the submission is completed (as defined by the Business Agent by submitting a status message that changes the submission state to “Completed”, “Rejected” or “Partial”) the option to upload attachments will be removed from the page. The attachment will be placed on the queue defined for the Schema Version using an ESF AttachmentMessage. It is up for the Agent to check for this message type and handle the attachment appropriately. 14.2.1 A TTACHMENTS U SING W EB S ERVICE New endpoints will be added to the existing ESF Web Services in order to provide Attachment support. The endpoint will use the “Soap with Attachments” specification for encoding the file in the Web Service call. 14.2.2 V IRUS S CANNING F ILE U PLOADS Because ESF is accepting binary files from the general public, effort is required to ensure the file does not contain harmful contents such as viruses. The following scheme will be used in order to help ensure the safety of the incoming binary data. The Ministry will ensure “real-time” virus scanning is configured on the server and the virus scan definitions are kept up-to-date. 1. Accept the file from the user or web service. 2. Write the file to a temporary location on the server’s file system. 3. Attempt to re-read the file from the file system after a period of time. If the file is still available, it has not been quarantined and will be considered “safe” to process. The process will also be repeated for files being removed from the database. They will first be written to the temp file space to enable a second pass of virus scanning. 14.2.3 A RCHIVING A TTACHMENTS During the submission process, ESF will hold a copy of the attachments as well provide download ability similar to downloading the “Original Submission”. The attachments will be archived for the duration of the submission process. Once the Business Agent completes Version 1.4 Page 46 Ministry of Forests Electronic Submission Framework Detailed Design the process by finalizing the ESF state, the attachments will be purged from ESF. This will be enforced by the ESF Agent as it processes incoming status messages. 14.2.4 B USINESS A GENT H ANDLING Each Business Area requiring Attachments will require enhancements to their Custom Business Agent in order to handle the new message type. ESF will deliver the attachment to the Agent within an ESF AttachmentMessage. The message will have the same submission ID as the original XML Submission. It is up to the Agent to correlate these results. The message is defined in section “5 Messages”. Version 1.4 Page 47 Ministry of Forests SUPPORT ESF ADMIN BROWSER SUBMITTER ESF001 ESF002 ESF003 ESF004 ESF005 ESF006 ESF007 ESF008 ESF009 ESF010 ESF011 ESF012 ESF100 ESF101 ESF102 ESF103 ESF104 ESF105 ESF200 ESF201 ESF202 ESF203 ESF204 ESF300 ESF301 ESF302 ESF303 QUEUE ADMIN SECURITY MATRIX SCREEN 15. Electronic Submission Framework Detailed Design X X X X X X* X X** X X X X X*** X*** X*** X*** X*** X*** X X X X X X* X X** X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X* X X** X X X X X X X X X X* X X** X X X X X*** X*** X*** X*** X X X X X X X X X * Refer to section 11.4 for special handling ** Refer to section 11.5 for special handling *** Refer to section 11.6 for special handling Version 1.4 Page 48