Welwyn & Hatfield 14-19 Consortium NOTES FOR STUDENTS 2015-16 Please read carefully and keep safe for reference throughout your time in the Sixth Form 15.16 Draft Page 1 Welcome to the Sixth Form! The purpose of these notes is to give you essential information regarding Consortium matters. Please keep this document for reference throughout the year. You can also find a copy of this document on our website: www.welwynhatfieldconsortium.org.uk ID Badges You MUST wear your ID badge at all times. For safe guarding reasons everyone on site must be easily identifiable at all times. If you forget your badge you MUST go to reception when you arrive in school and collect a temporary badge for that day. A temporary badge costs £1. Repeated failure to wear your ID badge will be dealt with by the Director of Sixth Form. STUDENT ATTENDANCE AND PUNCTUALITY We expect you to be punctual to all your lessons. If your morning lesson is at an establishment other than your own, you should go there directly where your attendance will be registered. On other mornings you should go to your own school for registration in the normal way. If you will be absent you must contact your home site. Holidays should not be taken in term time. The schools have activities during the academic year that may mean students requiring permission to be absent from a lesson. In such an event, students should inform their subject teachers at the earliest opportunity and request permission to be absent as well as asking for any work set so you can complete it. After any absence, you should check with subject staff and catch up on any missed work. All registers will be taken on the Consortium Progresso website which will allow parental access to check student attendance. STAFF ABSENCE If for any reason a teacher is unable to teach a class, work will be set. If a teacher has not arrived after 15 minutes and no work has been set, please check with the departmental or school office for further information. INITIAL VISIT On your initial visit to another school site this term, if you are unsure where you are being taught, please report to reception. PRIVATE STUDY Students will normally return to their home base for private study but, where appropriate, arrangements can be negotiated with your Head of Sixth Form for you to work elsewhere. EXAMINATIONS AND COURSEWORK Dates for exam entry forms to be completed at your home site are shown on the attached calendar. Entry forms must be signed and agreed by teachers for each of your subjects. Students are responsible for ensuring that their exam entry and coursework deadlines are met. Students have to pay for late entries and resits. Further information will be circulated by your school Exams Officer. D:\116108195.doc Page 2 MOBILE PHONES Mobile phones must be turned off during lessons and private study sessions. PAID EMPLOYMENT This can be problematic if a balance is not struck between the time devoted to study, recreation and a job. We advise spending no more than 12 hours per week in employment. BEHAVIOUR AND CONSIDERATION FOR OTHERS As a student who is being taught in the Consortium, you are expected to be committed to working hard and achieving as well as you can. On any other site, you will be treated as a guest and you are expected to conduct yourself as such. Any behaviour that disturbs teaching and learning or breaches the rules at any site will not be tolerated. You will be asked to sign a Learning Contract (see Appendix A.) Please also note the Actions & Consequences Document. DRESS CODE We expect you to dress professionally and appropriately at all times. As such, bare mid-riffs, visible underwear, hats worn inside and offensive logos/slogans are amongst those things not expected of students. If you are inappropriately dressed, you will be reported to your Head of Sixth Form. STUDENT CONCERNS If you have any concern in connection with your subject, you should initially discuss this with your subject teacher. If this concern is not resolved, you should refer to your Head of Sixth who may ask you to complete a Concern Form. Any other concerns you have should be referred to your personal tutor and/or Head of Sixth Form. STUDENT MONITORING AND REVIEW: Course changes If you wish to make a subject course amendment, a form must be filled in and approved by both your A Level Tutor and Head of Sixth. You will not be allowed to join any teaching group unless this has first been agreed by your own establishment and the Co-ordinator. A similar procedure must be followed if you propose to discontinue your studies in any subject. You must first speak to your Head of Sixth. STUDENT PROGRESSION (Appendix B) Your academic progress will be monitored by your home site. There is a programme of monitoring and review for all Post 16 students, which includes Progress Checks; Review Days; Parents’ Consultation Evenings and Reports. The overall responsibility for monitoring your progress rests with your Tutor and your Head of Sixth Form. If one of your teachers has concerns about your attitude, work or progress, they can complete a Concern Form or log it on Progresso, which will go to your Head of Sixth. Progression to Year 13 is not automatic, but dependent on your level of achievement as well as conforming to high standards of work, attendance and behaviour (see the attached criteria, Appendix B). Please read the progression requirements at the end of these notes. D:\116108195.doc Page 3 PLANNING Subject staff will supply you with information on what you will be taught during each term and what deadlines there are. You are responsible for recording and meeting all important work deadlines. If you are unsure what you will be doing through the year, ask your subject teacher. CONSORTIUM STUDENTS’ REPRESENTATIVE COMMITTEE This consists of two representatives from each year group in each establishment who are chosen in the Autumn Term to serve for five terms. The Committee meets with the Consortium Co-ordinator once every term. Its purpose is to represent students' interests and to exchange information about events in individual establishments. DRIVING TO OTHER SITES If you wish to take a car or motorcycle to another establishment, you may only do so after consultation with the Head of Sixth Form there, who will explain the regulations in force with regard to parking, registration etc. Where on-site parking is available, you will need to complete a Student Parking Notification form at each site you visit for teaching. TRANSPORT If you are travelling to another establishment you are expected to make your own way there first thing in the morning, and to make your own way home at the end of the day. At lunchtime, free transport will be provided. If you are travelling between Welwyn and Hatfield Schools, you will need to take the appropriate bus. See the routes below: ROUTE A 691 692 Onslow St Audrey’s School 12:40 Sir Frederic Osborn School 12:30 Bishop’s Hatfield Girls’ School 12:45 Monk’s Walk School 12:40 Stanborough School 12:55 Stanborough School 12:50 Monk’s Walk School 13:05 Bishop’s Hatfield Girls’ School 13:00 Sir Frederic Osborn School 13:15 Onslow St Audrey’s School 13:05 ROUTE B Any failure of normal service should be reported directly to the Duty Inspector at University Bus (Tel: 01707 255766) and the Consortium Co-ordinator notified. D:\116108195.doc Page 4 FIRE AND EVACUATION PROCEDURE 1. You must read the Fire and Evacuation Notice which is displayed in every Consortium classroom, laboratory, workshop or changing area. 2. You must follow the instructions for evacuating the building and assembling at the relevant assembly point. 3. You must remain with the member of staff who is teaching you and they will be responsible for registering you. 4. In respect of a fire alarm being sounded outside lesson time, students must follow points 1 & 2 above, but upon arriving at the assembly point register with the Head of Sixth. TEACHING TIMES The start of morning and afternoon sessions may vary from site to site. For your first few weeks aim to be at your morning teaching site at 8.30am and the afternoon site by 1.00pm. Individual teaching staff will confirm start and finish times with students. SCHOOLS MORNING AFTERNOON Bishop’s Hatfield Girls’ School 8.55 – 12.35 1.20 – 3.00 Monk’s Walk School 9.00 – 12.30 1.20 – 3.20 Onslow St Audrey’s School 9.00 – 12.30 1.10 – 3.00 Sir Frederic Osborn School 8.45 – 12.00 1.30 – 3.30 Stanborough School 8.40 – 12.00 2.00 – 3.30 DIRECTORY Name of Centre Telephone Member of Staff in Charge Bishop’s Hatfield Girls’ School 01707 275 331 Mrs E. James Monk's Walk School 01707 322 846 Mrs P. Furness Onslow St Audrey’s School 01707 264 228 Ms K. Llewellyn Sir Frederic Osborn School 01707 351 350 Ms S. Vaughan Stanborough School 01707 321 755 Mr W. Maidment Consortium Co-ordinator 0844 477 2515 Mr D. Pearce AND FINALLY ….. If you are finding things difficult or you have a concern, don’t wait. Talk to your Subject Teacher, Personal Tutor or Head of Sixth, whoever you feel is appropriate so that the problem can be solved and you can concentrate effectively on your studies. Good luck and have a successful and enjoyable year! D:\116108195.doc Page 5 WELWYN & HATFIELD 14-19 CONSORTIUM APPENDIX A Post 16 Learning Contract The Welwyn & Hatfield Consortium will provide: 1. 2. 3. 4. A learning programme that is appropriate to you and meets your needs Transport to consortium sites between lessons. A friendly, caring and supportive learning environment. A tutor team that provides pastoral support, monitors progress and sets appropriate targets with you. 5. Teaching and facilities appropriate to the courses offered. 6. On-going monitoring through Parents’ Evenings, written reports and interim assessments. 7. A full and varied enrichment programme. 8. Opportunities to develop interpersonal skills and hold positions of responsibility. 9. Information and support regarding progression routes Post-18. 10. Opportunities to feedback on Consortium provision and are instrumental in the ongoing development of our offer. As a Consortium student, I will: 1. Attend school on all days other than when absence is unavoidable through illness or other reason authorized (by Heads of Sixth Form): Notify my Head of Sixth Form regarding any known absence. (Please note driving lessons, dental appointments and doctor appointments should be made out of school time.). 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 11. Explain any unplanned absence by immediately contacting the school. Take responsibility for my own learning: Be punctual to all sessions. Meet all work deadlines. Use private study time in school and at home effectively. An absolute minimum of 5 hours per subject per week. Adhere to home school’s dress code. Wear my ID badge during school hours at all times. Pay for my exam entry if I do not attend the exam without a valid reason deemed acceptable by the Exams Officer. Take an active part in the life of the school in its widest sense by involving myself in Sixth Form activities, setting a good example to younger year groups and fundraising. Be respectful and polite to all members of each schools’ community. Treat the school environment with respect and maintain the Sixth Form area in a clean and presentable state. Signed: …………………………………………………………… Date: …………...................... Print name: …………………………………………………………………………………………… D:\116108195.doc Page 6 APPENDIX A (Continued) ACTIONS AND CONSEQUENCES Actions Attendance Consequences 2 lessons missed and/or 2 consecutive absences with no reason – staff must contact home and notify the Head of Sixth. 3+ lessons missed – subject staff contact Head of Sixth who will send a letter home. Punctuality Subject teacher to tackle lates in the first instance. Head of Sixth to look at students who have more than 5% lates every half term, contact home and students to attend supervised study sessions. Traffic lighted system on Registers to flag up 1st missed lesson, 2nd missed lesson and 3+ missed lessons. ID Badges/Dress Code If a member of staff deems what a student is wearing is inappropriate, then it is inappropriate. If possible, the student to be sent home to change or s/he will have to work away from the school community. ID badge: If student does not have an ID badge s/he will have to purchase a temporary replacement from Reception for £1. Lack of Classwork/ Provide a revised deadline (if work is still not forthcoming). Homework Student directed to complete work in supervised study. If work is still not forthcoming: Contact home If work is still not forthcoming: Student placed on report. Respect for school Any incidents should be reported directly to the Head of Sixth community who will deal with the incident using appropriate sanctions. Respect for the Any incidents should be reported directly to the Head of Sixth environment who will deal with the incident using appropriate sanctions. Electronic gadgetry Students should abide by the rules of the teaching site. Any disregard for the rules could result in the confiscation of the item until the end of that morning or afternoon session if a visiting student, or the end of the day, if a home student. D:\116108195.doc Page 7 APPENDIX B Progression to Year 13 (2015-2016) As you approach the end of your first year, hopefully you can look forward positively to next year. However, progression to Year 13 is not automatic and students will need to have demonstrated their commitment to a further year of study through a variety of criteria. The main criterion for progression within a subject area will be achievement. However other factors will be taken into account to determine whether a student continues in a particular subject or if there are any concerns over a student’s ability to cope with continued advanced level study. This is particularly important for AS and Linear A Level students who will be progressing to a higher level of study. If there is cause for concern regarding progression, each case will be treated individually by the School/Consortium. Criteria Measures Achieve Achievement Minimum of 2 Grade Ds Attendance Coursework/ homework Attitude Staff D:\116108195.doc To progress onto an A2 and/or continue with a Linear programme of study students will have to achieve a D in the subjects they wish to progress in and in a minimum of two subjects. In very special circumstances, schools may recommend a student to progress who has not met the criteria. Students will not progress in any subject where they achieve a U grade at AS. BTEC Level 3 Diploma – Students on Advanced Vocational programmes should average a pass grade (E) across all their modules. Three modules for single awards and six for double awards. A student’s attendance is a strong indicator of their commitment to a subject and their overall programme. An attendance of 95% in their first year would be expected of any student wishing to progress to Year 13. Punctuality will also be taken into account. The ability to meet deadlines for the completion of work is a vital attribute for students on advanced programmes. Any student progressing to Year 13 will need to have a record of meeting required deadlines. All students should expect to be able to benefit from a learning environment and all individuals should contribute to this. All students in the Consortium are expected to show commitment towards their studies and this is particularly true of students during their second year of study. Subject staff can raise concerns they may have about any student’s progression to Year 13. Heads of Sixth will consult with subject staff about students for whom they have concerns. Ave. pass grade of E across all modules Minimum 95% attendance Page 8 WELWYN & HATFIELD CONSORTIUM APPENDIX C STUDENT CALENDAR 2015-16 Autumn Term 2015 September 3 September 9 September 11 September 11 September 22 September 24 September 28 October 1 October 2 October 6 October 8 October 9 October 12 Oct. 26-30 November 5 November 12 November 20 November 26 November 27 December 18 Post 16 starts Period 2 in schools Induction Assignments Deadline Deadline for course changes Deadline for UCAS changes Oxbridge Headstart Day MWS SFO Open Evening: Close PM OSA Open Evening: Close PM STA Open Evening: Close PM Initial Review BHG Open Even: Close PM MWS Open Evening: close PM INSET DAY Oxbridge Evening 7-8pm BHGS Half Term Post 16 Evening all schools Consortium Information Evening Progress Checks to Parents Yrs 12 & 13 LRD BHGS, MWS, OSA Teaching at STA and SFO am only. Occasional Day End of term - No Post 16 teaching in schools CHRISTMAS HOLIDAYS Spring Term 2016 January 5 January 5-8 January 28 February 1 February 12 February 15-19 March 18 March 24 March 25 March 28 April 1 April 4-18 Post 16 Teaching Starts Years 12 and 13 January Exams Year 12 Parents’ Evening STA 5-8pm Year 13 Parents’ Evening OSA 5-8pm INSET DAY Half Term Progress Check 2 to Parents Yrs 12 & 13 LRD BHGS, MWS, OSA Teaching at STA and SFO am only. Good Friday Schools closed End of term Easter Monday School Closed End of term EASTER HOLIDAYS Summer Term 2016 April 18 April 22 April 26 May 2 May 13 May 4 May 16 May 27 May 30 – June 3 June 6 June 10 June 20-24 June 27-28 July 6 July 15 July 18-22 July 22 Post 16 Teaching Starts Years 12 & 13 Student Survey Yr 12 Post 18 Evening (BHG) 6:30pm to 7:30pm BANK HOLIDAY Year 12 Exam timetable Year 13 teaching ends AS exams start Year 13 teaching ends Half Term Start of A2 Exams AS exams finish Year 12 Linear exams Year 12 Conference June exam resits Post 16 teaching ends Extended Learning Week Schools End of Term December 19 D:\116108195.doc Page 9