6th TO 7th GRADE PUPILS AND PRIMARY TEACHERS’ PERCEPTIONS REGARDING THE NATURE OF ANGLES AND THEIR MEASUREMENT UNITS Mitsoullis Christos Math Teacher-PhD Candidate, Ltee Lab, University of the Aegean Tzortzakakis Georgios Primary Teacher, Ltee Lab, University of the Aegean Sub-theme: Research on mathematical activity: Collaboration between teachers and researchers ABSTRACT This paper focuses on the presentation and analysis part of the findings from two questionnaires from 53 pupils (7th grade) and 35 primary teachers. These questionnaires aimed at making explicit the perceptions of both pupils and teachers regarding the nature of the angle and its measurement units (degrees) before our teaching experiment on the angles. The interpretation of the results is based on a historical, epistemological and phenomenological analysis of the angles and was also correlated with an analysis of textbooks as well as teacher materials from the Greek Department of Education. After the discussion of the analysis we realised that our basic hypothesis of confusion among a number of teachers and pupils regarding the nature of the angles and their measurement units was confirmed. This affirmation is strongly correlated to instructional materials, curricula and textbooks. INTRODUCTION Many researchers realize that the angle is a multifaceted concept that appears in diverse contexts. The existing definitions seem to cover only a small part of its phenomenological approaches and interpretations. Thus, one understands that pupils’ understanding of angles is not easy and that pupils often meet various levels of difficulty in learning about angles. Many of the difficulties that pupils meet seem to be connected to a static interpretation of the angles, which is mainly rooted in Euclidean Geometry. Thus, a stereotype and confusion seems to be created among pupils regarding the nature of the angles and their measurement units. Teachers themselves seem also uneasy towards such multifaceted concepts. They tend to simplify angle teaching despite their complexity. But this is an issue for the curricula and school textbooks as well, which tend to treat various meanings of the angle isolating one from another, in time difference among them, and in ways that do not make visible the multiple contexts where angles and their inherent meaning appear. It seems that school curricula and textbooks in Greece do not promote efficiently the integration of the different meanings of angles. This study is part of a broader action research-where teacher and researcher is the same person-in the form of an instructional experiment of a middle duration. The teacher researcher, taught with the help of concrete materials-when it was possible and useful- the nine chapters of the Maths textbook in regard to angle in a 7th grade class of a Greek high school (12-13 years old) in Rhodes, Greece. The aim of this study is to identify the pupils’ conceptions in regard to the concept of the angles and their measurement, before the teaching experiment, so that it would be useful in the design and the makeup of the hypothetical learning trajectory. More specifically, we tried to identify the phenomenological way pupils approach angles and to detect if there was any confusion regarding the nature of the angles and their measurement units. Afterwards, we tried to interpret the pupils’ results. This process was correlated with the evaluation of the pupils’ answers from various teachers of the primary Education and also the instructions to the teachers on how they should teach the angles. THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK Angle is a multilateral concept which can be found in a lot and different contexts and in many meanings. Freudenthal (1983, p.323), claims that: «I introduced angle concepts in the plural, because there are indeed several ones; various phenomenological approaches lead to various concepts though they may be closely connected. Even in practice one single version does not suffice». Douek, (1998 p. 264) underlines: “the multiplicity of the angle concept: the multiplicity of embodiments and reference situations, multiple relationships between dynamic and static aspects … ». As far as the definitions of angles are concerned, Euclid defines the plane angle as “ the mutual bent of two lines in the same level”, without defining anywhere in the elements the meaning of mutual bent or simply the bent which is used as a determinant of the angle concept. Mitchelmore &White (2000a, p. 209) claim that «Three particular classes of angle definitions occur repeatedly: an amount of turning about a point between two lines; a pair of rays with a common end- point; and the region formed by the intersection of two halfplanes». Henderson & Taimina (2005, p.38) consider that: «… It seems likely that no formal definition can capture all aspects of our experience of what an angle is. There are at least three different perspectives from which we can define ‘angle’, as follows: a dynamic notion of angle-angle as movement; angle as measure; and, angle as a geometric shape. A dynamic notion of angle involves an action: a rotation, a turning point or a change in direction between two lines. Angle as a measure may be thought of as the length of a circular arc or the ratio between areas of circular sectors. If considered a geometric shape, an angle may be seen as the delineation of space by two intersecting lines….Note that we sometimes talk about directed angles or angles with direction». As far as the difficulties with the angles, many researchers mention that are linked to the integration of the different perspectives of definition or the different angle aspects or angle concepts. Clements &Battista (1992, p.451) refer that there is a line of research which indicates that students hold many different schema regarding not only angle concept but also angle measure.Freudenthal (1983p.359-360), points out that “…Nevertheless, it is a fact in teaching practice that the mastery of trigonometrical functions and the ability to use their tables does not necessarily include any insight into what an angle is and how it is measured”. In primary and secondary school the dominant mathematical framework is that of the Euclidian Geometry and especially one that includes drawings of plane closed convex polygons. What many researchers claim (Mitchelmore και White 2000, Vadcard 2002) and our research also shows, is that this unilateral orientation is responsible for the creation of stereotypes in regard to angle concepts and, as a result, many pupils recognize angles mainly as angle-sectors (corners), that is, angles as parts of a polygon. Pupils recognize less frequent, angles as pairs of half-lines and hardly angles as turns. Vadcard, (2002 p.79) claims that the most common mistake made by pupils is that when measuring an angle they tend to overconsider the length of its parts and more generally the spatial characteristics of the design that represents the angle.Vadcard, cites Close (1982), who points out the various behavioral responses of the pupils that are generated by the confusion between the mathematical concept and its representation. She also refers to Balacheff (1988, p. 371) who claims that «…this conception of the angle derives directly from identifying with the shape that represents it». Clements &Battista (1992, p. 451) report that third graders frequently relate the size of an angle to the length of line segments that form its sides, the tilt of the top line segment, the area enclosed by the triangular region defined by the drawn sides, the length between the sides (from points sometimes, but nor always equidistant from the vertex), the proximity of the two sides, or the turn at the vertex (in logo experiences). They also refer that intermediate grade students often possess one of two schemas (especially in logo experiences). In ‘45-90 schema’, slanted lines are associated with 45ο turns while horizontal and vertical lines with 90ο turns. In the ‘protractor schema’ inputs to turns are based on usage of a protractor in ‘standard’ position even if it is necessary to change position. Besides, an issue that creates confusion among pupils (and even among teachers) is the determination of the nature of angles and their measurement units. Α.Bouvier, M.George & F. Le Lionnais (1996) in ‘Dictionnaire des Mathematiques’, under vocabulary entry of ‘angle’ suggest that for decades (within the mathematical community) this word has designated at the same time: an angular sector, a measure of an angular sector and a non oriented angle This confusion has made vague the concept of adding angles (because two measures of angular sectors do not give always as sum of their addition the measure of another angular sector) not allowing the determination of the angle of a rotation in a simple way. Baruk (1992) notes that this confusion between the angle as a shape and the angle as a magnitude is not new, but rather has old roots. She considers that in regard to secondary education we must distance ourselves from the old/ancient definition of the angle that is persistent in everyday thinking. Baruk (1992) underlines that in maths the angle is no more considered (and is not) a schema. She claims that in order for the curricula to simplify things they signify a shape, thus making things even more difficult. She also reminds us that this change of meaning which took place-in accordance with the change of meaning of a figure and thus of the equality of figures -, at first, in France and elsewhere with the arrival of the so called modern mathematics, during the seventies, was difficult to be accepted like other changes were, since the curricula maintained the older tradition, which was ambiguous and created confusion. But what does an angle seem to be for the pupils when entering the high school level and for their teachers in primary education? Is it a schema, like a segment or a magnitude, like the size of the segment? Or is it both? What is the role of the context as this is expressed through the teaching textbooks and the teaching-learning process, in the meaning making of what an angle is in primary and the first classes of high school? THE METHOD OF THE STUDY At the initial stage what we did was to do an epistemological and historical analysis of the angle concept. Afterwards, we analyzed teacher materials in relation with the curricula. Finally, we studied and analyzed the answers from two questionnaires, given by pupils (12-13 years) and teachers of primary education. The results refer to an analysis of the questionnaires and an attempt to interpret them in the light of what instructional materials and curricula suggest for the teaching of the angle. The first questionnaire was answered by 53 pupils of the 7th grade, where the teacher-researcher taught during 2004-2005. The pupils’ answers were analyzed and categorized. The categories of pupils’ answers of four out of ten questions were given for evaluation to 35 teachers of the primary education during the school year 2005-2006. The teachers that taught in the schools, where the vast majority of the pupils that answered the questionnaire attended, were between the 35 teachers that evaluated the categorized answers of the pupils. The four questions which pupils addressed were: Can you name objects, situations or phenomena where the angle concept appears? How could you define (say) what an angle is to someone who does not know? What do you think an angle is? A schema? Like, for example, a segment? Or a magnitude, like for example, the length of the segment? How could you define (say) to someone who does not know, a) what a degree is? b) How much this degree is? Teachers were asked to evaluate which of the categories of answers that the pupils gave in the first question were closer to their teaching practice. In regard to the pupils’ answers in the rest 3 questions, teachers were asked to characterize them in a scale of: inadequate, adequate, and correct (the wrong answers were also included in the category: inadequate). Of the 35 questionnaires we excluded seven (7) which answered only a few questions. From the rest, fourteen (14) out of twenty (28) teachers were women. Six (6) of the teachers were less than 30 years old, seventeen (17) of them were between 30- 45 and five (5) were between 45- 65. Twelve (12) had a teaching experience of less than 10 years, another twelve (12) had between 10-20 years and four (4) teachers had over 20 years teaching experience. Our main hypothesis was that: First, pupils’ static aspect about angles is dominant to their phenomenological approach of the angles and there is confusion about the nature of the angles and their measurement units (especially the degrees). Second, pupils’ conceptions about angles, as estimated by the teachers’ evaluation, is correlated to the teachers’ beliefs and instructional practices as they try, to use the textbooks and to apply the instructions in order to implement the curriculum as suggested by the Pedagogical Institute. PRELIMINARY FINDINGS AND EXPECTED CONCLUSIONS Our main hypothesis seems to be validated from preliminary findings. This is consistent with other studies in the field of Mathematics Education (e.g. Baruk, 1992, Freudenthal, 1973) which claim that among certain pupils and teachers there are stereotypes relative to the angle concept and confusion relative to the nature of the angles and their measurement units. The role of the teaching textbooks’ content in the primary education and its structure is crucial in the meaning making of pupils and teachers of what an angle is. A percentage of 80% of the pupils’ answers, in the first question, referred to reference contexts where the angle considered as a plane angular sector, a 55% of the pupils referred to reference contexts where the angle considered as two lines that are connected or branched, a 3% to contexts where the angle considered as an inclination from the horizontal or vertical line, a 30% referred to contexts where angles considered as a spread of lines or surfaces connected to a joint that allows movement, an about 20% referred to contexts where angles considered as a point an about 10% to contexts where angles considered as a kind of movement. Two first categories were also considered by teachers as being closer to their instructional practices. Furthermore, during the primary education and the first grades of the high school the empirical basis of the pupils in relation to angles suggested by the textbooks is severely limited so one should not expect more from them. After categorizing the answers of the second question, we realized that the perception of the angle as angular sector is prevalent to other perceptions, closely followed by the perception of the angle as two lines that intersect each other. What followed was conception of the angle as a point (a sharp). We also realized that in this question – in contrary to the first question-the answers of the pupils referred almost completely to static meanings of the angles, whereas dynamic approaches were almost absent (opening-closing, turns). At last it was obvious that very few pupils described the angle as a magnitude. The evaluation of the answers by the teachers revealed a similar tendency between the teachers themselves. The large majority of them seemed to consider valid and adequate the static notions of angles and only 1/3 of them considered valid the dynamic notions that were expressed by few pupils. Besides, the study of the teaching textbooks revealed that there is a one - sided orientation throughout primary school towards, contextualized only through plane convex polygons angles-sectors (corners) or de-contextualized angles-pairs of half lines. Other concepts of the angle are missing thus contributing severely to the creation of stereotypes among pupils’ (we believe and among some teachers’) conceptions relative to angles. This stereotypical way of thinking increases the conception of angles as shapes. The answers of the pupils in the third question reveal that some of the pupils conceptualize the angle only as a shape because we can draw it, while others conceptualize it as a magnitude because we can measure it. Some other pupils consider the angle both ways: as a magnitude because we can measure it with degrees and as a shape because we can draw it. A small number of pupils answered that they do consider it neither magnitude nor shape. We think that the confusion is obvious. Similar seems to be the confusion among teachers. Indeed, 18 out of 28 consider pupils responses about the angle as shape, adequate (7 teachers), or correct (11 teachers), 15 teachers consider those answers that consider the angle as magnitude, as adequate (9 teachers) or correct (6 teachers), 19 evaluate those answers that view the angle as both shape and magnitude as adequate (4), or correct (15). Finally four (4) teachers consider the answers that view angles neither as shape nor as magnitude as adequate (1) or correct (3). The study of the teaching textbooks has also revealed an approach which define angles as figures that we can measure it, a fact which seems to us that is strongly correlated with the creation of misconceptions about the nature of the angles. The fourth question included two sub questions: What a degree is and how much is a degree. For the vast majority of pupils it seems that degrees are mere numbers on the protractor and only 20% of the pupils realize the nature (as an angle) and the quantity (as 1/90 of the right angle) of a degree and have also an intuitive perception about it. The evaluation of the teachers was positive - 25 out of 28 for the nature (as an angle) of the degree and 22 out of 28 for the quantity (as 1/90 of the right angle) of the degree-. At the same time the teachers evaluated positively those answers that defined, just generally the degree as either an angle measurement unit or more specifically as a number (the measure of the measurement of a magnitude) as well as the quantity of one degree through its subdivision (60΄, 3600΄΄). School textbooks tend on the one hand, correctly to emphasize a procedural approach of the degree through the use of the protractor in the measurement process. On the other hand they unduly neglect for a long time the conceptual approach (the nature of the degree as an angle and its quantity). The above findings seem to put in place a broader speculation regarding the effectiveness of the approaches of angles from curricula, school textbooks and teachers. More specifically it appears reasonable that the design of the above materials and the design of teaching trajectories should consider the following: 1. The multifaceted empirical approach (through objects, situations and phenomena) at an early stage, of the different concepts of the angle (Freudenthal 1983, Mitchelmore & White 2000α). 2. The explicit distinction between the concepts of the angles and their representations(Close 1982, Balacheff 1988) 3. The explicit clarification of the nature of the angles and their measurement units (Baruk, 1992). 4. The careful distinction in proper timing of the different meanings of the angles in the various contexts, the appropriate bridging between them and their progressive integration (Freudenthal 1983, Baruk, 1992). REFERENCES 1. Balacheff, N. (1988). Une étude des processus de preuve en mathématiques chez les 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. élèves de Collège. Grenoble : Université Joseph Fourier et Institut National Polytechnique. Baruk, S. (1992). Dictionnaire de Mathématiques Elementaires. Editions du Seuil Bouvier, A. Lionnais G M. F (1979). Dictionnaire des Mathématiques. Presses Universitaires de France. Clements, D. &Battista, M. ‘Geometry and Spatial reasoning’, Chapter 18 in Douglas A. Grouws (Ed.) Handbook of Research on Mathematics Teaching and Learning, p.p. 420-65, Macmillan, New York,1992. Close, G. S. (1982). Children’s understanding of angle at the primary/secondary transfer stage. London: Polytechnic of the South Bank. Douek, N. 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