Hazard Identification

Table 2.1
Sacramento County’s 2004 LHMP Update: Mitigation Action Status
Not Yet
Project in
2011 Update
Countywide Actions
Seek improved site-specific, short-term (48 – 72 hours)
weather forecasts through NOAA by lending support and
sponsorship as appropriate for the American River Watershed.
Achieve “Storm-Ready” Certification
Implement the Water Forum Agreement.
Develop a seasonal multi-hazard public education campaign to
be implemented annually
Promote GIS-based information sharing between agencies
Continue to work to reconcile environmental concerns between
flood protection, water supply, natural resource and
recreational needs.
Pursue the installation of new warning systems and devices
that are available to minimize fog impacts upon transportation
flows and accidents.
Maximize use of available funding (Goal #3)
Sacramento County Actions
Lower Strong and Chicken Ranch Slough improvements by Cal
Expo. Pump Station D-05 Chicken and Strong Ranch Sloughs.
Laguna Creek Detention at Aggregate Pit
ALERT warning systems
Elevation and acquisitions project
Dry Creek Peak Flow at Placer County Line
Flood Insurance Rate Map Studies (FIS)
Interior Flooding Due to High Water in the American River.
Review necessary improvements to pump stations serving
interior drainage.
Mayhew Drain – Flood Control Project
Morrison Creek Detention Basin at Aggregate Pit
Coordinate with SAFCA on Proposed Flood Control projects on
Florin Creek in the Morrison Creek Streams Group
Channel/Detention Project on South Branch of Arcade Creek
upstream of Kenneth Avenue in the Fair Oaks community.
Hire a Consultant to Prepare a Condition Assessment report of
the County drainage system. Report must include list and cost
of needed repairs, pipe facility life expectancy, financial
analysis of costs, evaluation of several alternative methods to
fund repairs and maintenance of the drainage system.
Purchase Bucket Machine trucks - drainage pipe cleaning
Purchase emergency power generators for the storm drainage
pump stations
Sacramento County
Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan Update
February 2016
Coordinate with the City and State to create defensible space
to protect vital infrastructure located in the American River
Parkway from wildfires.
Television Inspection Truck for Drainage Pipeline Condition
Coordinate with SAFCA and the City of Sacramento on Public
Education and Outreach regarding the changing Flood
Insurance requirements related to the recertification of 100-yr.
protection on the American and Sacramento Rivers.
Coordinate with SAFCA,USACE, and Sacramento City on
Proposed Flood Control projects on Magpie Creek that may
impact the Rio Linda area.
Coordinate with the CALFED and the State Division of Water
Resources to implement flood mitigation projects in the Beach
Stone Lakes/Point Pleasant area.
Initiate a discussion with Sutter County Department of Water
Resources regarding their concerns over the AE flood zone
immediately to the north of RD 1000, and the potential impact
of their concerns on the goal of 200 year protection for the RD
1000 basin.
City of Citrus Heights
Rinconada Floodwall and Drainage Improvements
Appleby Way floodwall and drainage improvements
Participate with the development of a seasonal multi-hazard
public education campaign to be implemented annually
City of Elk Grove
Participate with the development of a seasonal multi-hazard
public education campaign to be implemented annually
Fully implement the Elk Grove General Plan Safety Element
policies # SA-5 and SA-6.
Participate with Sacramento County in achieving Storm-Ready
certification by the National Weather Service
Promote and support the purchase of flood insurance by the
owners of structures within the mapped 100-year floodplains.
Sponsor “Lenders” and “Agents” Flood Insurance Workshops if
City of Folsom
Encourage Defensible space practices
Develop Emergency Ingress/Egress Plans
Enforce subdivision regulations regarding the following:
Defensible space
Non-combustible materials
Investigate joining the California Fire alliance
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Not Yet
Project in
2011 Update
Participate with the development of a seasonal multi-hazard
public education campaign to be implemented annually
City of Galt
Apply for a LOMR for the south arm of Deadman’s Gulch, by
submitting the design and construction data that documents the
removal of the land from the mapped floodplain that was
formerly subject to flooding. Check past development in that
area to ascertain if elevation certificates will be required for
those structures built within the floodplain following the
channelization project but prior to this map change request.
Review the current Floodplain Management Ordinance to
ensure currency with federal minimum standards, e.g.,
substantial damage.
Participate with the development of a seasonal multi-hazard
public education campaign to be implemented annually.
City of Isleton
Participate with the development of a seasonal multi-hazard
public education campaign to be implemented annually
City of Rancho Cordova
Participate with the development of a seasonal multi-hazard
public education campaign to be implemented annually
City of Sacramento
Update the Repetitive Loss list
Repetitive Losses: Evaluate appropriate mitigation strategies
for each repetitive loss property
Complete Flood Erosion Protection Projects to achieve
recertification of 100-yr. protection on American River –
removing most of Sacramento City from the 100-yr. Flood Plain
Coordinate with SAFCA on Proposed Levee Improvements
Along Morrison Creek
Coordinate with SAFCA on completion of South Sacramento
Streams Group (includes Florin and Morrison Creeks) Projects
in 2005. Provide greater than 100-year protection by improving
conveyance and raising levees.
Coordinate with SAFCA, CA-DWR, USACE, and Sacramento
County on Proposed Flood Control projects on Magpie Creek
Coordinate with the County and State to Create defensible
space to protect vital infrastructure located in the American
River Parkway from wildfires
Integrate the critical facilities identified during this DMA
planning effort with the City’s GIS technical group to support
emergency management efforts.
Explore the use of Reverse 911 to warn residents about
impending hazards such as floods.
[Type text]
Not Yet
Project in
2011 Update
Coordinate with SAFCA on Public Education and Outreach
regarding the changing Flood Insurance requirements related
to the recertification of 100-yr. protection on the American and
Sacramento Rivers, and the remaining vulnerability to property
owners in the South Sacramento Streams Group, a small
portion of the American River floodplain and along
Chicken/Strong Ranch slough floodplain.
Implement the Public Information Program Strategy 3 Year
Plan outlined in the Public Information section of the Capability
Assessment-Section 6-2.
Delta Community
Delta - Dredge River
Special Districts
Los Rios Community College District
Protect critical facilities at the District Office at 1919 Spanos
Court and 2100 Northrop from flood damage.
Protect facility at 1410 Ethan Way from flood damages
Action Item for All Districts: Participate with the development of
a seasonal multi-hazard public education campaign to be
implemented annually
School Districts
Emergency Training/Planning for Sacramento City Unified
School District
Develop loss estimates
Coordinate with City/County Emergency Services
SAC School Unified, Natomas Unified and Elk Grove Unified
School Districts are interested in tornado and sever winds and
storm protection, particularly:
Glass Protection
Action Item for All Districts: Participate with the development of
a seasonal multi-hazard public education campaign to be
implemented annually
SAFCA Flood Control District
Complete Flood Erosion Protection Projects to achieve
recertification of 100-year flood protection from the American
River – removing most of the City of Sacramento from the 100yr. floodplain.
Coordinate with the City and County on Public Education and
Outreach regarding the changing Flood Insurance
requirements related to the recertification of 100-yr. protection
on the American and Sacramento Rivers.
Complete South Sacramento Streams (includes Florin and
Morrison Creeks) Group Projects in 2005. Provide greater than
100-year protection by improving conveyance and raising
Folsom Dam – enlarge outlets & increase flood storage
capacity by an additional 100,000 acre-feet.
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Not Yet
Project in
2011 Update
Stabilize Eroding Banks Along the Sacramento River South of
Forecast Based Operation of Folsom Reservoir
Coordinate with SAFCA, CA-DWR, USACE, and Sacramento
County on Proposed Flood Control projects on Magpie Creek
Action Item for All Districts: Participate with the development of
a seasonal multi-hazard public education campaign to be
implemented annually
Reclamation Districts
Dredge the lower reaches of the Sacramento River throughout
the Delta
RD800 (East of Hwy. 99) Levee Maintenance & Weir to resolve
repeated flooding. Construct overflow weirs on the Cosumnes
River within Reclamation District No. 800 jurisdiction and/or
rehabilitate existing levee system and construct new levees
where needed to provide agricultural protection from a one in
one hundred year flood event.
Action Item for All Districts: Participate with the development of
a seasonal multi-hazard public education campaign to be
implemented annually
Water Districts
San Juan Water District
Construction of (5) wells in Sacramento County
Public Information Water Conservation Campaigns
Irrigation System Controller Replacement and Rain Sensor
Action Item for All Districts: Participate with the development of
a seasonal multi-hazard public education campaign to be
implemented annually
Carmichael Water District
Coordination between SAFCA & Carmichael Water District to
protect erosion sites at facilities when releases exceed 100,000
CFS from Folsom Reservoir. The purpose is to reduce the
impact to the American River and specifically the District’s
Ranney Collectors in the event of high water.
Groundwater Recharge impacts: Presently there are
uncontained plumes of contamination from the Aerojet, and Mc
Donald Douglas properties. These plumes contain PCE, TCE,
Perchlorate, NDMA and potentially others. In the past,
groundwater recharge or groundwater reinjection has lead to
the migration of these plumes which in turn has impacted the
water supply for Sacramento County, Rancho Cordova and
most recently CWD. While groundwater recharge is a very
good idea, some locations within Sacramento County will lead
to increase migration groundwater contamination plumes
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Not Yet
Project in
2011 Update
Water Conservation: CWD has agreed and is currently
following the Water Forum’s Conservation Best Management
Practices (BMP). These BMPs are set to meet 2030 water
supply needs and call for a 26% water supply reduction. CWD
has reduced water consumption by 1500 AF/yr and is within
500 AF/yr of reaching the Water Forum agreement.
Conjunctive Use: Historically CWD is a conjunctive use
agency. We are presently using 75% surface water and 25%
groundwater. In times of drought or high water events the ratio
changes from 75 % surface and 25% groundwater to 40%
surface and 60% groundwater. Due to impacts from
groundwater contamination from Aerojet, it is unlikely that CWD
will be able to reduce surface water supply from 75% to 40%.
Regional watershed planning: CWD is currently involved with
the Sacramento Groundwater Authority and the Regional
Water Authority in development of a Regional Water Master
Action Item for All Districts: Participate with the development of
a seasonal multi-hazard public education campaign to be
implemented annually
Park and Recreation Districts
Action Item for All Districts: Participate with the development of
a seasonal multi-hazard public education campaign to be
implemented annually
Fire Protection Districts
Action Item for All Districts: Participate with the development of
a seasonal multi-hazard public education campaign to be
implemented annually
Utility Districts – Sacramento Municipal Utility District
(SMUD) and Sacramento Regional County Sanitation
District (SRCSD)
Action Item for All Districts: Participate with the development of
a seasonal multi-hazard public education campaign to be
implemented annually
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Not Yet
Project in
2011 Update