Welcome to Interior Design

Welcome to Interior Design
Room 113 – Mrs. Badour
“A house is much more than just a roof over our heads. Our places of
dwelling have developed dramatically over the course of history. Homes today
have to be incredibly versatile buildings, often serving as a restaurant, kindergarten, hotel, office, library
and sanctuary. The places in which we live should be enjoyable, provide protection, respite, peace,
inspiration and warmth to all who enter.”
-The Color Scheme Bible
What is Interior Design?
-Design is the process of solving problems.
-Those good solutions have the power to make us feel positive and happy about our
surroundings and ourselves.
-We gather and analyze information, consider options, study and invent variations, make
selections and choices, and plan and build solutions to all kinds of problems.
-Interior Design is the means to making homes pleasant and functional.
1) Be Prepared
-All learning Materials (Including homework, worksheets, etc.)
*Have a folder in which to store all your worksheets, quizzes, etc. in!
-Ready to work & be creative!!!
2) Be Prompt
-Be on time, in your seat and ready to begin before the bell rings.
3) Be Polite
-Respect each other & the teacher
“Treat others as you would want to be treated!”
-Courteous of others work and spaces
-Clean up your mess & work area
*Help keep the art room clean and organized!
1) 1st Offense: Student will be warned verbally.
2) 2nd Offense: Student will be seated away from the class.
3) 3rd Offense: Students will be assigned detention that night with Mrs. Badour or in
the detention room.
4) 4th Offense: Student will be sent to the office and a referral written. Parents will
be notified.
Required Materials:
1) Pencil/Erasers
2) Folder (For Handouts/Worksheets, etc.)
3) 1-Hand Soap OR 1-Box of Tissues
- Daily Praise/Positive Progress Reports Sent Home
- Exploration of Creativity/Enjoyable Projects
- Opportunities for Extra Credit
- Participation in Art Contests/Art Awards/Recognition of Art Achievements
Elements of Art:
Line, Shape, Color, Texture, Space, Form, Value
Principles of Design:
Movement, Rhythm (Pattern), Contrast (Variety), Emphasis, Balance, Unity, Proportion
-Introduction to Style (What’s Your Style?)
-Review of Design Elements & Principles (Color, Pattern, Line, etc.)
-Lighting (Types of Lighting)
-Space Planning (Blue Prints)
-Furniture (Arrangement, Types)
-Periods of Styles (Country vs. Modern)
-Wall/Ceilings (Paint Styles, Techniques)
-The Design Process (Working with Clients? Creating a Plan)
Class Procedures:
1) Grading Policy: Homework/Worksheets 20%, Quizzes/Tests 30%, Projects 50%
= 100% You will have a Final Interior Design “Project”
2) Clean-Up: Our Projects will use a variety of different art materials. You are
expected to clean-up any and all messes that are made and keep the group work
area clean. This includes desks, counters, sinks and brushes! Sponges are located
on sink along with soap. Smocks are available for your use. No trash in desks!
3) Art Storage: You will be assigned a storage bin in the back room during the 1st
week of class. These bins are ideal for you to keep current art projects, art folder
and extra pencils (VERY GOOD IDEA)! This is your art space therefore all work
should be put away at the end of class. Please do not keep colored pencils,
markers and rulers of the art room in your storage bins. Other people may need
these materials! USE YOUR BINS NOT THE DESKS!!!
4) Website: The high school art website is a great resource to utilize. Here you can
find assignment handouts, due dates as well as a number of other resources
including links, vocabulary, project photos and more!
5) Project: Your project is your responsibility and to be taken care of at the end of
each class. All projects are to have a home, that means out of the classroom and
not in a trash can once finished, enjoy your hard work!!! Inappropriate disposal
of projects will affect your grade.