THE SCHOOL BOARD OF SARASOTA COUNTY, FLORIDA SUPPLEMENT SALARY SCHEDULE 2006-2007 SCHOOL YEAR School Board Approved: September 20, 2005 A. High School Coaches and VPA Directors Supplement Index 1. Athletic Supplements Athletic Director Athletic Trainer Football Basketball Baseball/Softball Track Tennis Golf 2. .069 .073 .057 .066 .084 .084 .059 .101 .086 .071 .074 Musical Technical Director Play Technical Director Dance Technical Director .086 .071 .074 High School Assistant Coaches/VPA Production Assistants Supplement Index 1. Athletic Supplements for High School Assistant Coaches Athletic Director Football Basketball Baseball/Softball Track Swimming 2. 3. Wrestling Weightlifting Volleyball Soccer Cheerleading – Fall Cheerleading - Winter/Spring .058 .044 .066 .068 .046 .079 .060 .060 .060 Musical Director Costumer .060 .060 Costumer .052 VPA Play Assistants Costumer 4. .104 .095 .090 .085 .067 .055 VPA Musical Assistants Vocal Director Accompanist Choreographer .050 VPA Dance Assistants Assistant Choreographer C. Swimming Wrestling Weightlifting Cross Country Volleyball Soccer Cheerleading – Fall Cheerleading - Winter/Spring VPA Supplements Musical Director Play Director Dance Director B. .147 .131 .133 .114 .108 .090 .078 .078 .052 High School Full-Year Supplements 1. All full supplements will be factored on a .08 index, using the following objective elements: a. b. c. Percentage of students involved in a supplement activity The weekly hours required to fulfill a supplement The number of publications, performances, events, etc. This figure is based on past supplement compensation, and increases some full year supplements by one percent (1%). All partial year supplements will be factored on a .04 index. 2. Dramatics is the only partial year supplements that has assistants. Dramatics also has two (2) degrees of difficulty in the types of productions produced, the musical and the play. The index factors are as follows: Musical Musical Assistant .050 .040 Play Play Assistant .040 .030 THE SCHOOL BOARD OF SARASOTA COUNTY, FLORIDA SUPPLEMENT SALARY SCHEDULE 2006-2007 SCHOOL YEAR School Board Approved: September 20, 2005 3. High School Full-Year Supplements Activity Coordinator Dramatics – Musical Dramatics – Play Forensics Newspaper Annual Band - Concert & Jazz Marching Chorus 4. .080 .050 .040 .080 .080 .080 .060 .110 .080 Stage Band Orchestra Academic Olympics Special Olympics Equipment Manager Band Aux (Pom Pom/Flags) Business Manager (Athletics) Other .060 .060 .080 .040 .080 .080 .080 .080 Department Chair/Team Leader The index is based on the existing formula with step increments added (.006 per teacher in his/her department, grade level, or team including him/herself). D. Pre-Season Coaching Supplements Head coaches and assistant coaches will be compensated on a daily basis for coaching days prior to the beginning of the regular school year. Head coaches will be paid $100.00 per day and assistant coaches will be paid $75.00 for each day of practice prior to the first regularly-scheduled teacher duty day. E. Middle School Head Coaches 1. Athletic Supplements for Middle School Head Coaches Athletic Director Golf Tennis Volleyball F. .096 .060 .060 .060 Basketball Track Intramurals .068 .066 .060 Middle School Assistant Coaches 1. Athletic Supplements for Middle School Assistant Coaches Basketball G. Track .050 .080 .080 .040 .060 Chorus Jazz Band Dramatics .060 .040 .060 Middle School Full-Year Supplements Annual Newspaper Orchestra Band H. .051 Elementary School Full-Year Supplements Newspaper .080 Flexible Supplements at each school determined by SDM Equal to a total value of I. Phoenix Academy Instructional Supplement $5,000.00 General Guidelines: See the Instructional Bargaining Unit Collective Bargaining Agreement. .032