1 Revise A.1.1 as shown bold in italics. Correct A.8.1 and A.9 Editorially. AGENDA ITEM 650-557 A.1.1 This appendix provides requirements Sheet 1 of 3 Date: Sept.30, 2002 for field-erected tanks of relatively small capacity in which the stressed components have a maximum nominal thickness of 12.5 Title: Appendix-A, Flush Type Clean outs. Para. A.1.1, A.8.2 Conflict. mm (1/2 in.), including any corrosion allowance specified by the purchaser. The Source: B. Mistry’s letter of May 17, 2002 stressed components include the shell and Hello Bob and Phil, reinforcing plates, bottom and shell Recently, I had the need to study Flush Type reinforcing plates for flush-type cleanout clean out requirements in Appendix-A tank and fittings and flush-type connections, and I discovered some conflict in Para. A.1.1 and bottom plates that are welded to the shell. A.8.1, A.8.2. but the stressed components do not include, other bottom plates, covers, and Para. A.1.1 limits all stress components nozzle and manhole necks and their including components of flush type clean out assembly to 1/2". In other words, no flanges. Maximum nominal thickness of components in flush type clean out can exceed 12.5mm (1/2”) does not apply to bottom 1/2". Para. A.8.2 allows flush type cleat out plates not welded to the shell, bottom upto 5/8"thick without post weld treatment. It reinforcing plate of flush type clean outs means that, Appendix-A tank can have flush and flush type shell fittings, flanges and type clean out with 5/8" stress components without PWHT. This conflicts with 1/2" cover plate of flush type clean outs, nozzle thickness limitation in A.1.1. and manholes necks, their flanges and cover plates. A.8.1 The details and dimensions of flush-type cleanout fittings shall conform to 3.7.7, Figures 3-9 and 3-10, and Tables 3-11 3-9 through 3-13 3-11. A.8.2 The provisions for stress relief specified in 3.7.4 and are not required unless they are specified by the purchaser or unless any plate in the unit has a thickness greater than 16 mm (5/8 in.). A.9 Flush-Type Shell Connections The details and dimensions of flush-type shell connections shall conform to 3.7.8, Figure 311, and Table 3-11 3-12. A.9.1 The provisions for stress relief specified in 3.7.4 and are not required unless they are specified by the purchaser or unless any plate in the unit has a thickness greater than 16 mm (5/8 in.). D:\116108285.docPage 1 of 3 It is quite possible that allowing 5/8" thickness for flush type clean out was deliberate. In earlier edition of API-650, shell plate and reinforcing plate containing flush type clean out had to be at least 1/16" thicker but not to exceed 1/8". This requirement was eliminated not too long ago. In earlier edition, Appendix-A tank with 1/2" thick shell had to have shell and reinforcing plate, containing flush type clean out , thicker than .5". Reviewing Table 3-10 of API-650, 1/2" thickness limit on bottom reinforcing plate will limit clean out size to 24"x24" with shell height of 34' 0". This is quite restrictive. Allowing 5/8" thickness, one can have 24"x24" clean out in a tank upto 53' 0" high. I suggest that we revise Para. A.1.1 to allow 5/8" thick components in Flush Type clean outs in Appendix-A tanks. There is also Editorial correction required in A.8.1. Tables 3-11 through 3-13 should read Tables 3-9 through 3-11. In A.9, Table 3-14 should read Table 3-12. 2 AGENDA ITEM 650-557 Sheet 2 of 3 Date: Sept.30, 2002 Further research of past Edition revealed the following. Appendix-A (as we know) , included in recent Edition of API-650 did not exist prior to 7 th. Edition of API-650. What we call Appendix-A now was the Basic Tank Design, with stress values limited to 21000 psi. (1) API-650, 1964 Maximum size of clean out 48"x48". PWHT required if any component exceeds 5/8". (2) API-650, 1966, 1970,1973,1978 No change. (3) API-650, 1980- 1988, 7Th. Edition Appendix-A , as we know, is introduced . Stress Components were restricted to 1/2". Flush Type components were excluded from 1/2" limitations.. PWHT is required if components exceeded 5/8". (4)API-650 1988, 8Th. Edition. Appendix-A restricts 1/2" to all stress components including Flush Type Clean out, as in current edition. However, it permits 5/8" components in flush type components without PWHT. In other words, contradiction in AppendixA has been around since 8Th. Edition of API-650. Purpose: Correct and resolve conflict in para. A.1.1 and A.8.2. Permit components in Flush Type Clean outs over ½”. Clarify that flush type clean out with components not exceeding 5/8” can be used in Appendix-A tank without PWHT and over 5/8” thick can be used with PWHT. D:\116108285.docPage 2 of 3 3 AGENDA ITEM 650-557 Sheet 3 of 3 Contact: Bhana Mistry TIW Steel Platework Tel: 905-684-9421 Fax: 905-684-7310 Email: bmistry@tiwsteelplatework.ca Technical Justification: Same as stated in Purpose above. Cost Effects: None. D:\116108285.docPage 3 of 3