Dersu Uzala

Prof. Katia Perea
Dersu Uzala
In this society, many conditions of social life force us to change our behaviors and
acts. Industrialization world, for example, is an important part of the change of the premodern world into modern world. Human beings are transformed from a pre-industrial to
an industrial state. In addition, there is a transformation of humans’ behaviors. This
social and economics change us along with the technological innovation. The
transformation of human world has effected the situation of where human beings have to
be aware of the significant consequences.
Anomie, which has a meaning of lack of regulation or breakdown of norms,
brings people to get involved into it because of the condition of social life and norms that
are confused and unclear. When the lack of rules dominates the society, it is possible for
people to be led to deviant behavior. When this happens among people, there will be
serious effect on the goals of individuals. Human beings no longer have limits of their
desires. The modern world has created the industrial revolution that totally made an
advanced progress. This progress in society leads people into uncontrollable customs and
behaviors toward society. When the pre-modern world had stable rules that urge people
to follow and had taught people to control their desires and goals, modern industrial
societies separate people and reduce the social relation because of the division of labor
and other complexity. In Dersu Uzala movie, I catch the idea how the rules work. When
Dersu moves to the city, he does not know the regulation pretty well since he is a village
man. Dersu has to accept the reality that living in the modern world everything is guided
by the regulations and norms that will be punishable if someone breaks them. He cannot
use his rifle pretty much as he uses when he was on the hills. He got caught by the police
when he tried to fire the gun. We see this little conflict can be an extremely big trouble
caused by the transition of pre- modern world into modern world.
Everybody lives in a society because as a human being, people need interaction
one to another. People are social person that cannot live without someone else. Living in
society with various cultures and objects benefits us to exchange information and goods,
be helped by other people when we need something that we can’t handle it by ourselves,
and know other people’s characters that live surround us. People have their own skills
that others may not have. Therefore, the society will make us considering that we need
our neighbors to create one good thing that we need and we give them what we have.
Moreover, people need communication between relations. For instance, in Dersu Uzala
movie, we all know that even though they deal with pre-modern world, they still need
other people to help to go through their lives. Dersu is one of the examples who shows
that people have to care one another. He pays attention of what others’ needs and tries to
fulfill it. He takes a position as a leader because he knows everything very well.
Therefore, in this case, we all can see how society works. Interaction between people and
help each other are the most important things to live in a society.
Social actions are required for people to motivate others. Realizing that others
may need our hands and attentions, we should give them our actions that would comfort
them and show our sympathy. People have to get involved in social life in order to live
longer. We need someone to cheer us and to show their happiness as a symbol of
emotional actions. If we have bad situations, we need other people to understand and
encourage us to face the problem. In the movie, we see how Dersu encourages the
captain to survive when they are lost in the middle of the deserted forest. On the other
hand, the captain takes Dersu to live with him and family so that Dersu will get a better
life and food. Furthermore, the captain shows his emotional action when Dersu died. He
buried him and cried for him as a symbol of friendship they had.
The next term is solidarity. This social aspect is the way people can act together
and have something in common. People have their own specific task and their duties are
to complete other people’s shortage. Also, showing our respect is essential to create good
environment and convenient place to live. In Dersu Uzala movie, I can see so many
solidarity movements. Dersu always stands by the captain whether in good weather or
storm and he always tells the captain where they can get food to eat together. He gives
the captain shelter under the bunch of grass that they cut together to be their temporary
camp. He leads the captain in the wilderness even he will risk himself. These examples
are heart-touched that we can see the comparison between people in pre-modern world
have their realization to throw out their solidarity more than people who live in modern
world that are selfish tendency.
Value-rational action determined by the willing of people who want to achieve
their goals regardless the consequences. Sometimes, people really want to get something
but they ignore the risk of getting it. The goal has a value that is more important to be
considered than think about the consequences. For instance, after being brought to the
city, Dersu feels empty and tedious. He wants to go back to the hills where he can do
hunting and exploring. He does not care about what will happen next. All that he wants
is to be free and living in harmony with nature. Although he knows the dangerous
situation that may be there waiting for him, he patiently faces it. Even Dersu lost but he
lost after a hard fight against danger, nature, and the will of God. He suffered and
eventually died but with dignity.
In a nutshell, Dersu Uzala movie shows us every action and all terms in social life
that encourage people to follow. That movie represents the conflicts, and motivates us to
follow the way to struggle against the conflicts by taking valuable actions that will lead
people into right ways.