AOI-22 design Introduction This report studies the design of AOI-22 function. It shows the De'morgan analysis, the truth table, schematic figure, the stick diagram, drawn layout using L-edit and the output signals simulated by A/D Pspice. The function The function to be analyzed is AOI-22 (and-or-invert) with two of two-input and gates Ored together with a Nor gate. The technology used is 0.5um (Lambda = 0.35um). Here is a gate schematic of the function: De'morgan Analysis F(x) = (A.B+C.D)' = (A.B)'.(C.D)' = (A'+B').(C'+D') The truth table A 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 B 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 C 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 D 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 F(x) 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 The transistor schematic figure The stick diagram AOI-22 layout The extraction file * Circuit Extracted by Tanner Research's L-Edit Version 8.30 / Extract Version 8.30 ; * TDB File: G:\AOI-22.tdb * Cell: Cell0 Version 1.03 * Extract Definition File: C:\Tanner\LEdit83\Samples\tech\mosis\mhp_n05.ext * Extract Date and Time: 12/17/2004 - 15:45 * NODE NAME ALIASES * 1 = VDD (20,53) * 3 = out (46.5,26.5) * 4 = VSS (20,13) * 8 = B (24.5,28.5) * 9 = C (32.5,29.5) * 10 = D (40.5,29.5) * 12 = A (16.5,29) M8 1 * M8 M7 2 * M7 M6 3 * M6 M5 2 * M5 M4 7 * M4 M3 4 * M3 M2 5 * M2 M1 3 * M1 12 2 11 PMOS L=2u W=5u AD=15p PD=11u AS=27.5p PS=21u DRAIN GATE SOURCE BULK (15.5 37 17.5 42) 10 3 11 PMOS L=2u W=5u AD=27.5p PD=21u AS=15p PS=11u DRAIN GATE SOURCE BULK (39.5 37 41.5 42) 9 2 11 PMOS L=2u W=5u AD=15p PD=11u AS=15p PS=11u DRAIN GATE SOURCE BULK (31.5 37 33.5 42) 8 1 11 PMOS L=2u W=5u AD=15p PD=11u AS=15p PS=11u DRAIN GATE SOURCE BULK (23.5 37 25.5 42) 12 4 6 NMOS L=2u W=5u AD=5p PD=7u AS=27.5p PS=21u DRAIN GATE SOURCE BULK (19.5 17 21.5 22) 10 5 6 NMOS L=2u W=5u AD=27.5p PD=21u AS=5p PS=7u DRAIN GATE SOURCE BULK (35.5 17 37.5 22) 9 3 6 NMOS L=2u W=5u AD=5p PD=7u AS=15p PS=11u DRAIN GATE SOURCE BULK (31.5 17 33.5 22) 8 7 6 NMOS L=2u W=5u AD=15p PD=11u AS=5p PS=7u DRAIN GATE SOURCE BULK (23.5 17 25.5 22) Vdd 1 0 dc 5 Vss 4 0 dc 0 Va 12 0 PULSE (0 5 0N 1N 1N 200N 400N) Vb 8 0 PULSE (0 5 0N 1N 1N 100N 200N) Vc 9 0 PULSE (0 5 0N 1N 1N 50N 100N) Vd 10 0 PULSE (0 5 0N 1N 1N 25N 50N) .MODEL PMOS pmos level=2 nsub=4e15 tox=50n .MODEL NMOS nmos level=2 nsub=4e15 tox=50n .TRAN 10N 500N .probe * Total Nodes: 12 * Total Elements: 8 * Total Number of Shorted Elements not written to the SPICE file: 0 * Extract Elapsed Time: 0 seconds .END Propagation delay At 50% of input, t = 126.5 ns At 50% of output, t = 126.7 ns Propagation delay = 126.7n – 126.5n = 0.2n sec Rise time At 90% (0.5 V), t = 226.448 ns At 10% (4.5 V), t = 226.961 ns Rise time, tr = 0.513 ns. Fall time At 10% (4.5 V), t = 300.537 ns At 90% (0.5 V), t = 300.984 ns Fall time, tf = 0.447 ns. Power dissipation From output file: VOLTAGE SOURCE CURRENTS NAME CURRENT Vdd Vss Va Vb Vc Vd -9.702E-12 9.702E-12 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 TOTAL POWER DISSIPATION 4.85E-11 WATTS