Freddie Lewis Scott Associate Professor Department of Agricultural and Extension Education Graduate Faculty Yes Appointment Date 1990 I. Academic Degrees University of Arkansas, Fayetteville , Arkansas. 1985 - 1990. Doctorate in Education. Major in Vocational and Agricultural Education. Minor in Adult Education. University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, Arkansas. 1976 - 1979. Master Science in of Education. Major in Vocational Education. University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff, Pine Bluff, Arkansas. 1965 - 1970. Science. Major in Agricultural Education. II. Bachelors of Professional Experience 1990 - Present Assistant Professor, Department of Agricultural and Extension. Duties and responsibilities have included coordinator of minority recruitment and student teaching for the department; Advisor for all transitional students. 1985 - 1990 Instructor, Department of Agricultural and Extension Education. Duties and responsibilities included teaching Youth organization and Methods of teaching courses, advising academic deficient students, and recruiting of students. 1984 - 1985 On leave with Farmers Home Administration as an Agriculture Management Specialist. 1981 - 1983 University of Arkansas, Pine Bluff, Arkansas. Assistant professor, Department of Teacher Education. Duties and responsibilities included providing academic leadership for the teacher education department in agriculture, providing leadership in recruiting students, curriculum development and review. Establishing and monitoring student teacher centers, and preparing and submitting proposals for extramural funding. Teaching the block courses for agricultural education majors. 1976 - 1981 Marianna School District A, Marianna, Arkansas Vocational Supervisor. Duties and responsibilities included supervision of twenty - two vocational technical teachers. curriculum development, coordination of vocational in-service training, development and implementation of proposal relating to career education. 1970 - 1976 Marianna School District A, Agricultural Education Instructor. Duties and 1 responsibilities included teaching agriculture education and advising FFA. III. Faculty and/or Administrative Load (Fall, 1999 – Spring 2004) AEED AEED AGME AEED 5013 5031 2123 1031 Adv/Methods in Ag-Mech. 3 semester hrs. Ethics 1 semester hr. Fall Metals and Welding 3 semester hrs. Fall Early Field Experience 1 semester hr. Fall AEED AEED AEED AEED 4632 Issues in Multicultural Society 4012 Program Planning 5074 Program Management Practicum 3153 Leadership Development AEED AEED AGME AEED 5013 5031 2123 1031 2 semester hrs. 2 semester hrs. 4 semester hrs. 3 semester hrs. Adv/Methods in Ag-Mech. 3 semester hrs. Ethics 1 semester hr. Fall Metals and Welding 3 semester hrs. Fall Early Field Experience 1 semester hr. Fall Fall 2004 2004 2004 2004 Spring 2004 Spring 2004 Spring 2004 Spring 2004 Fall 2003 2003 2003 2003 AGME 2123 Metals and Welding 3 semester hrs. Spring 2003 AEED 4012 Program Planning 2 semester hrs. Spring 2003 AEED 5074 Program Management Practicum 4 semester hrs. Spring 2003 AEED 3153 Leadership Development 3 semester hrs. Spring 2003 AEED AEED AGME AEED 5013 5031 2123 1031 Adv/Methods in Ag-Mech. Ethics Metals and welding Early Field Experience 3 semester hrs. 1 semester hr. Fall 3 semester hrs. 1 semester hr. Fall Fall 2002 2002 Fall 2002 2002 AGME 2123 Metals and Welding 3 semester hrs. Spring 2002 AEED 4012 Program Planning 2 semester hrs. Spring 2002 AEED 5074 Program Management Practicum 4 semester hrs. Spring 2002 CIED 1001 Intro/Ed Practicum 1 semester hr. Spring 2002 AEED AEED CIED CIED AGME 5013 Adv/Methods in Ag-Mech. 3 semester hrs. 5031 Ethics 1 semester hr. Fall 1001 Intro/Ed Practicum 1 semester hr. Fall 1002 Intro/Ed 2 semester hrs. 2123 Metals and Welding 3 semester hrs. Fall AEED CIED CIED AEED 5074 Program Management Practicum 4 semester hrs. Spring 2001 1001 Intro/Ed Practicum 1 semester hr. Spring 2001 1002 Intro/Ed 2 semester hrs. Spring 2001 4012 Program Planning 2 semester hrs. Spring 2001 AEED 5013 Adv/Methods in Ag-Mech. 3 semester hrs. 2 Fall 2001 2001 2001 Fall 2001 2001 Fall 2000 IV. AEED CIED CIED AGME 5031 Ethics 1001 Intro/Ed Practicum 1002 Intro/Ed 2123 Metals and Welding 1 semester hr. Fall 1 semester hr. Fall 2 semester hrs. 3 semester hrs. Fall 2000 2000 AEED CIED CIED AEED 5074 Program Management Practicum 1001 Intro/Ed Practicum 1002 Intro/Ed 4012 Program Planning 4 semester hrs. Spring 2000 1 semester hr. Spring 2000 2 semester hrs. Spring 2000 2 semester hrs. Spring 2000 AEED AEED CIED CIED 5013 Adv/Methods in Ag-Mech. 5031 Ethics 1001 Intro/Ed Practicum 1002 Intro/Ed 3 semester hrs. 1 semester hr. Fall 1 semester hr. Fall 2 semester hrs. Fall 2000 2000 Fall 1999 1999 1999 Fall 1999 SERVICE ACTIVITIES A. PROFESSIONAL EDITORIAL AND PEER REVIEWS Serving as Southern Regional Editor, Journal of Agricultural Education, Serving as a Peer Review Editor , Journal of Agricultural Education, January Served as Review Editor for the Central States American Association of Agricultural Educators Research papers, for Regional Research Conference. COMMITTEES Served as member American Association of Agricultural Educator Constitution and By-Laws Committee. Served as member National FFA Organization Action Force on Curriculum Development in Animal Welfare. Served as of Chair Southern Region Agricultural Education Teacher Association Nominating Committee. Served as member Multicultural Task Force to Advance the Diversity and Multicultural Dimension of the National FFA Organization. 1999. Served as member of a Task Force to implement "Project Pals," a National FFA Mentoring Program for agriculture students who may normally not have many opportunities to participate in other school activities. Served as member National FFA Organization Committee for the development of a National Agricultural Education Strategic Plan "Vision 2000." Identification of agriculture alternative solutions and/or positions. Served as member National FFA Organization Task Force. Revision of the contest and awards program. Serving as member National FFA Organization Dairy Food Career Development Events. B. UNIVERSITY 3 Serving as member of Minority Graduate Recruitment and Support Services committee. 1999. Served as member of Scholarship Revision Committee for reviewing and recommending policies and guidelines for the administration, coordination, and awarding of scholarships. 1999. Served as member and chair of Student Aid Appeal Committee to deal with students who had failed to maintain the grade point or course requirements to receive financial aid. Served as member of search committee for Director of Affirmative Action. Served as member of Campus Council. Serving as member Faculty Grievance Panel. Served as member Distance Education Committee to study the feasibility of developing a program for the University of Arkansas. Served as member of University of Arkansas All Judicial Board which deals with student conduct on campus. Served as member of Summer Transition Committee to develop a transition program for beginning students with academic problems. C. COLLEGE Served as member Agriculture and Home Economics College Faculty Workshop (Retreat) on college teaching. Served as member of Agriculture and Home Economics College Research Council to develop a working paper on the research needs of the University of Arkansas. Served as member of the Agriculture and Home Economics college Evaluation Review committee. Served as member of the Agriculture and Home Economics College Curriculum Revision Committee. Served as Advisor Collegiate FFA with two monthly and two to three Officers’ meetings each month. Serving as coordinator of Academic Advisor for department's transitional students, providing assistance in planning and directing program of study for Agricultural and Extension Education. Served as Co-Advisor Alpha Tau Alpha, a National Professional Honorary Agricultural Education Fraternity. Served as coordinator for Beginning Scholars for the department. Serving as coordinator of recruitment for the department. V. PROFESSIONAL MEMBERSHIPS AND APPOINTMENTS American Association of Agricultural Education Constitution and By-laws committee Chairperson of Professional Development for Young Members Chairperson Southern Region Election committee Southern Region Journal Editor American Vocational Association National Vocational Agricultural Teachers Association Arkansas Agricultural Teachers Association Arkansas State FFA Alumni Association (Life Member) National FFA Alumni Association (Life Member) Arkansas State FFA Alumni Representative to National Conference 1999 4 National Animal Welfare Committee on Curriculum Development. (1999 – 2001) National FFA Multicultural Task Force. (1999 – 2002) National FFA Organizations Committee on Formulation Strategies to solve the teacher shortage. (2001 – 2003) National FFA Dairy Foods Career Development events.(2003) State FFA Career Development Events committee. (1999 -- 2004) VI. Service to Local, State, National and International Education Serving as assistant superintendent of the junior barrow show at Arkansas State Livestock Show (1999 – 2004) Serving as member of the National FFA Organizations Committee on Formulation Strategies Superintendent of the National FFA National Dairy Foods Career Development Events (1999 – 2004) Coordinator for the State FFA Career Development Events (1999 – 2004) Assistant superintendent of the junior barrow show at Arkansas State Livestock Show (1999 – 2004) Judge for the Public Speaking Career Development Events for the Ozark Federation. (2003) Judge for the Northwestern Federation Career Development Parliamentary Procedure (2001) VII. Collaboration with Local Schools and Educational Programs Served as judge for the Public Speaking and Parliamentary Procedure Career Development Events for the Ozark Federation ( 2001) Served as judge for the Northwestern FFA Federation Public Speaking Career Development Events, Springdale, AR (2000) Coordinator for the State FFA Career Development Events Fayetteville, AR. Assistant superintendent of the junior barrow show at Arkansas State Livestock Show Little Rock, AR. (1999 – 2004) Judge for the Public Speaking Career Development Events for the Ozark FFA Federation Ozark, AR Judge for the Northwestern FFA Federation Career Development Parliamentary Procedure Events, Prairie Grove, AR (2003) Guest lecturer for Vocational Education Orientation on the Future of Agricultural Education Marianna, AR (2002) Guest lecturer for Zeta Phi Beta National Leadership Conference on the use of Parliamentary Procedure Springdale, AR (1999) Served on the Department of Education Evaluation team at Eagle Height Elementary School, Harrison School District, Chair of the monitoring and assessment of student achievement Harrison, AR (2002) VIII. Scholarly Activity Reviewed for publishing companies Grossman, Herbert (1995). Classroom Behavior Management in a Diverse Society. Mountain View, California: Mayfield Publishing Company. 5 Johnson, A.J., Dufius,V.L., Musial, D., Hall,G.E., and Gollnick,D.M. (1991). Introduction to the Foundations of American Education. Boston: Allyn and Bacon. Reviewed journals articles Scott, Freddie L., "Evaluation of Effective Teaching." The Agricultural Education Magazine, Vol. 65, No. 3, September 1999, pp. 14 - 15. Scott, Freddie L.,"What Teaching is Really Like: A Roller Coaster Ride." The Agricultural Education Magazine, Vol 66, No. 3, September 1999, pp. 9 , 20. Scott, F.L., Camp, S., and Dormody, T., “An American Association for Agricultural Education Monograph: Establishing a Productive In-Service, Extension, and Public Service Program.” The American Association of Agricultural Education. (2000) Scott, F.L., Clayton, S.B., and Braker, C.R., Agricultural Education: "Responding to the Changing Workplace." The Agricultural Education Magazine. Vp;. 68, No. 1, July 1999, pp 20, 21. Refereed presentations Scott, F., Wardlow, G., and Graham, D., "Barriers to Professional Careers as Perceived by Minority Professionals in Agriculture from One Rural Mississippi Delta Community." Paper presented at the Southern Region Association Agricultural Teacher Educators. Wilmington, North Carolina, March 1995. Scott, F., Wardlow, G., and Graham, G., "Career Decision-Making Processes of Minority Youth in One Rural Mississippi Delta Community." Paper presented at the Southern Region Association Agricultural Teacher Education. Wilmington, North Carolina, March 1995. Scott, Freddie L., "Agriculture Literacy in Elementary Schools." Poster session Southern Region Annual Conference American Association for Agricultural Education Research Conference. Gatlinburg, TN, April 1999. "Barriers to Professional Careers as Perceived by Minority Professionals in Agriculture from One Rural Mississippi Delta Community." Denver, Colorado, December 1995. "Career Decision-Making Processes of Minority Youth in One Rural Mississippi Delta Community." Denver, Colorado, December 1995. Professional presentations "Agriculture Literacy in Elementary Schools." Poster Session. (Refereed) Southern Region Annual Conference of American Association for Agricultural Education. Gatlinburg, Tennessee , April 1993. "How to Become Productive in In-Service, Extension and Public Service for Young Members." The American Vocational Association Annual Convention, St. Louis, Missouri, December 1992. "How to Become Productive In-Service, Extension, and Public Service for Young Members." 6 Southern Region Annual Conference of American Association for Agricultural Education. Lexington, Kentucky, 1992. Committee. December 1992 - 1994. IX Awards and Honors Dale Bumpers College of Agricultural, Food and life Science Outstanding Advising Award. President of the Arkansas FFA Alumni association. Plaque for outstanding services to the Arkansas FFA Alumni association. Certificate of award from NVATA for support in educating people about the science of agriculture, leadership and teacher in-service. Arkansas representative to the National Alumni Association Summer Conference. Certificate of appreciation for dedicated service to New University of Arkansas Students and their Families from the office of New Student Programs Division of Student Services University of Arkansas. Certificate of award for support of ABSA State conference. HONORARY MEMBERSHIPS Gamma Sigma Delta Honorary FHA member. Presented by Arkansas State Association of FHA. Honorary State Farmer Degree. Presented by Arkansas State Association of FFA. Kappa Delta Pi Educational Honor Society 7