BIOGRAPHIC SKETCH - Georgetown University

February 13, 2016
Carolyn Katovich Hurley
Professor of Oncology
Business Address:
E404 Research Building
Georgetown University School of Medicine
3970 Reservoir Rd., NW
Washington D.C. 20057
Business Phone: 202-687-2157/Fax 202-687-6440
Home Address:
10320 St. Albans Dr.
Bethesda MD 20814
Phone: 301-530-3586
Place/Date of Birth:
Ames, Iowa
14 June 1950
Marital Status:
University of Texas Health Science Center
at Dallas, Department of Microbiology,
5323 Harry Hines Blvd., Dallas TX
75235; Advisor: J. Donald Capra, M.D.
University of Wisconsin-Madison,
Laboratory of Genetics, Henry Mall,
Madison WI 53706; Advisor: Oliver
Smithies, D. Phil.
University of Wisconsin-Madison,
Madison WI 53706; Advisor: William
Reznikoff, Ph.D., Department of
Postdoctoral fellow, Immunogenetics
Ph.D., Genetics
B.S. with distinction, Zoology
Diplomate, American Board of Histocompatibility and Immunogenetics
Histocompatibility Consultant (unpaid) for the CW Bill Young Cell Transplantation Program Bone
Marrow and Cord Blood Coordinating Centers, National Marrow Donor Program
Professor, Department of Oncology (primary) and Department of Microbiology and Immunology
(secondary), Georgetown University Medical Center, Washington, DC
Professor of Microbiology and Immunology and Department of Pediatrics, Georgetown University
School of Medicine, Washington, DC
Director of Lombardi Cancer Shared Resources, Lombardi Cancer Center, Georgetown University
Medical Center, Washington, DC
February 13, 2016
Scientific Director (1992-present) and HLA Clinical Laboratory Director (2007-present), CW Bill
Young Marrow Donor Research and Recruitment Program, Georgetown University-Naval Medical
Research Center
Associate Professor, Department of Microbiology and Immunology and Department of Pediatrics,
Georgetown University School of Medicine, Washington, DC
Assistant Professor, Departments of Microbiology and Pediatrics, Georgetown University School of
Medicine, Washington, DC
Assistant Professor, Departments of Pediatrics and Microbiology, Georgetown University School of
Medicine, Washington, DC
Member, Lombardi Cancer Research Center, Georgetown University School of Medicine, Washington,
Research Instructor, Department of Microbiology, University of Texas Health Science Center at Dallas,
Dallas, TX
2002 – present
Nominated Magis Society for teaching
Nominated M2 Golden Apple Award for enhancement of medical education
Georgetown University Dahlgren Library READ poster
International Councillor, International Histocompatibility Workshop
Best graduate teacher of the year, Georgetown University Medical Center Graduate Student
Soroptomist Visiting Fellow, Australian Red Cross/Australian Bone Marrow Registry, Adelaide,
Australia, Host: Dr. James McCluskey
Mrs. F. O. Day Award, National Kidney Foundation of the National Capital Area
Young Investigators Award, American Society for Histocompatibility and Immunogenetics
Phi Beta Kappa
Worldwide Network for Blood and Marrow Transplantation
Society of Natural Immunity
European Federation of Immunogenetics
American Society for Blood and Marrow Transplantation
World Marrow Donor Association
American Association of Immunologists
American Society for Histocompatibility and Immunogenetics
Grant/Journal Review:
Ad Hoc Grant Review: NIH NHLBI R24
Ad Hoc Grant Review: NIH NHLBI R24
NMDP: Contracts registry typing
National Marrow Donor Program: Fellowship grant reviews
LCCC ACS Young Investigation Award reviews
1999, 2001
Chair, Special review of NCI Shared Resources for Scientists Outside Cancer Centers proposals
Ad hoc reviewer, Fondation pour La Recherche Medicale, Paris, France
Grant Review: University of Washington Diabetes Endocrinology Research Center fellowship award
1994, 1996, 1998,
Grant Review/Site Visit: Cancer Center Support Grant, NCI; NIH
1999, 2001
Grant Review: ad hoc NHLBI
1994, 1995
North Carolina Biotechnology Center grant review
Grant Review/Site Visit: Cancer Center Support Grant, National Cancer Institute
Ad Hoc Grant Review: Agency for International Development Research Grants Program with
Historically Black Colleges and Universities
National Science Foundation Biological Instrumentation and Resources Study Section
Ad Hoc Grant Review: American Red Cross
Ad Hoc Grant Review: Canadian Arthritis Society
February 13, 2016
Ad Hoc Grant Review: American Red Cross
Ad Hoc Grant Review: National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases
Ad Hoc Grant Review: National Institute of General Medical Sciences
Ad Hoc Grant Review: National Cancer Institute
Ad Hoc Grant Review: United States Department of Agriculture Animal Molecular Biology Study
Ad Hoc Grant Review: National Cancer Institute
Reviewer: Human Immunology, Tissue Antigens, Journal of Immunology, European Journal of
Editorial Boards:
Editorial board, Tissue Antigens
Editorial board, Human Immunology
Professional Organizations/Societies:
Member, Worldwide Network for Blood and Marrow Transplantation standing committee on
accreditation (Alliance for Harmonization of Cellular Therapy Accreditation (AHCTA))
Member, National Marrow Donor Program Cord Blood Advisory Group
Chair, World Marrow Donor Association Accreditation Committee
CoChair, Center for International Blood and Marrow Transplant Research (CIBMTR) Immunobiology
Working Group
Vice Chair, World Marrow Donor Association Accreditation Committee
Member, University of Maryland – Greenebaum Cancer Center External Scientific Advisory
Center for International Blood and Marrow Transplant Research (CIBMTR) Advisory Committee
Member, World Health Organization Nomenclature Committee for Factors of the HLA System
Chair, Histocompatibility Committee, National Marrow Donor Program
Member, Research and Publications Committee, National Marrow Donor Program
Vice-President of the Americas, World Marrow Donor Association
Member, Registry Size and Composition Advisory Panel, National Marrow Donor Program
Chair, DNA-based testing component, and member of Organizing Committee, 13th International
Histocompatibility Workshop
Consultant, IBMTR/ABMTR
Member, International Scientific Committee, France Greffe de Moelle (Jean Dausset, MD, Chair)
CoChair, Registry Size and Composition, National Policy Forum on Marrow Donation and
Transplantation, Health Resources and Services Administration, Washington DC, June 4, 1997
CoChair/Vice-Chair, Quality Assurance Working Group, World Marrow Donor Association
Board member, World Marrow Donor Association
Member, Cord Blood Advisory Committee, National Marrow Donor Program
Public representative on board, American Board of Histocompatibility and Immunogenetics (ABHI)
Project Officer, National Marrow Donor Program DNA Typing Projects
Vice-Chair, Histocompatibility Committee, National Marrow Donor Program
Histocompatibility Committee/Advisory Group, National Marrow Donor Program
Joint NMDP/ASHI Advisory Committee, National Marrow Donor Program
Councillor-at-large, American Society for Histocompatibility and Immunogenetics
Committees of the American Society for Histocompatibility and Immunogenetics: Cell Repository
Regional Education Liaison, DNA Standards
Science and Math Project, DC Public Schools
Continuing Education for Health Care Professionals:
Introduction to Molecular Biology. DNA-Based HLA Typing. Quality Assurance and Quality Control for DNA-Based Typing.
Advanced HLA Typing. HLA Informatics. Bone Marrow Transplantation. South-Eastern Organ Procurement
Foundation (American Foundation for Donation and Transplantation) Histocompatibility Specialists Course, Las
Vegas, June, 2012.
Friending HLA. National Marrow Donor Program Council meeting, Minneapolis, MN, November, 2012.
NMDP Matching Guidelines: What’s New? Georgetown University Current Topics in Histocompatibility and Transplantation
audio conference series, Washington, DC, March 20, 2012.
February 13, 2016
KIR: Can Anything Be More Complex Than HLA ? Clinical Research Professionals Data Management Conference at Bone
Marrow Transplantation Tandem meeting, San Diego, 2012
NMDP HLA Matching Guidelines for Unrelated Donors & Umbilical Cord Blood Units. National Marrow Donor Program
Council meeting, Minneapolis, MN, November, 2011.
HLA overview. Health Resource Services Administration, Health and Human Services, Rockville MD, April 2011
The Yin and Yang of HLA: This Barrier to Transplantation Protects Us From Infection and Malignancy, National Marrow
Donor Program Council meeting, Minneapolis, MN, October, 2010.
DNA Sequencing of HLA Genes, National Marrow Donor Program, Minneapolis, MN, October 2010.
An Overview of KIR Family of Natural Killer Cell Receptors, National Marrow Donor Program, Minneapolis, MN, October
Introduction to Molecular Biology. DNA-Based HLA Typing. Quality Assurance and Quality Control for DNA-Based Typing.
Advanced HLA Typing. HLA Informatics. Bone Marrow Transplantation. South-Eastern Organ Procurement
Foundation (American Foundation for Donation and Transplantation) Histocompatibility Specialists Course, New
Orleans, June, 2010.
An Overview of Cytokines. Georgetown University Current Topics in Histocompatibility and Transplantation audio conference
series, Washington, DC, 2010.
HLA from Start to Finish: How Genetic Information Specifies an Immune Response. National Marrow Donor Program, July,
HLA from Start to Finish: How Genetic Information Specifies an Immune Response. Georgetown University Current Topics
in Histocompatibility and Transplantation audio conference series, Washington, DC, May, 2008
Introduction to Molecular Biology. DNA-Based HLA Typing. Quality Assurance and Quality Control for DNA-Based Typing.
Advanced HLA Typing. HLA Informatics. Bone Marrow Transplantation. South-Eastern Organ Procurement
Foundation (American Foundation for Donation and Transplantation) Histocompatibility Specialists Course, Palm
Springs, CA, June, 2008.
DNA: Nature’s Elegant Response to the Challenge of Information Storage and Transmission; Applying Molecular Biology
Techniques to Understand HLA Diversity; Diving into DNA-Based Testing: A Wet Workshop. American Society for
Histocompatibility and Immunogenetics Regional Meetings, Pittsburgh PA, Seattle WA, San Antonio, TX, Spring
Getting to Know the T Cell and Its Receptor. Georgetown University Current Topics in Histocompatibility and
Transplantation audio conference series, Washington, DC, April, 2007
Enhancing Donor Selection: Building Blocks of the New Search Algorithm NIH Blood Bank, Bethesda MD, May 2006
HLA, an Overview. 3rd International Summer School on Immunogenetics. Bangkok, Thailand, November , 2006.
Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation. 3rd International Summer School on Immunogenetics. Bangkok, Thailand,
November, 2006.
Introduction to Molecular Biology. DNA-Based HLA Typing. Quality Assurance and Quality Control for DNA-Based Typing.
Advanced HLA Typing. HLA Informatics. South-Eastern Organ Procurement Foundation (American Foundation for
Donation and Transplantation) Histocompatibility Specialists Course, Tucson, AZ, June, 2006.
Immunology Overview. Georgetown University Current Topics in Histocompatibility and Transplantation audio conference
series, Washington, DC, March, 2006
Building Allele Match Predictions into the NMDP Search Algorithm and Immunogenetics: Clinical Applications in
Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation, Tandem Bone Marrow Transplant Meeting, Honolulu, Hawaii, February
Enhancing Donor Selection: Building Blocks of the New Search Algorithm, NMDP Council Meeting, Minneapolis, November,
Collaborative Islet Transplantation Registry – The ABC’s of HLA Typing and Types, Bethesda, MD, February, 2005
DoD Donor Center- What Takes Place When I Volunteer to Become a Marrow Donor, December, 2004.
Introduction to Molecular Biology. DNA-Based HLA Typing. Quality Assurance and Quality Control for DNA-Based Typing.
Advanced HLA Typing. HLA Informatics. South-Eastern Organ Procurement Foundation Histocompatibility
Specialists Course, Albuquerque, NM, June 2004.
Search Strategies—Naming HLA types and linking up assignments; NMDP matching recommendations. National Marrow
Donor Program Spring Meeting, New Orleans, LA, April, 2004.
Unrelated Donor Search and Selection Strategies: Search Strategies—Finding an HLA-Matched Donor. Tandem Bone Marrow
Transplant Meeting, Orlando, FL, February, 2004.
Natural Killer Cell Receptors – What Are They and What is Their Role in Transplantation? National Marrow Donor Program
Annual Council Meeting, Minneapolis, MN, November, 2003.
Navigating Your Way Through HLA and the Search Process, National Marrow Donor Program Annual Council Meeting,
Minneapolis, MN, November 2003.
Molecular Biology Techniques for Identification of HLA. Georgetown University Current Topics in Histocompatibility and
Transplantation audio conference series, Washington, DC, May, 2003.
February 13, 2016
Navigating Your Way Through HLA. National Marrow Donor Program Transplant Center Spring Meeting, San Diego, CA,
April, 2003.
Introduction to Molecular Biology. DNA-Based HLA Typing. Quality Assurance and Quality Control for DNA-Based Typing.
Advanced HLA Typing. 13th International Workshop. South-Eastern Organ Procurement Foundation
Histocompatibility Specialists Course, Las Vegas, Nevada, June, 2002.
Amplification of DNA. American Society for Histocompatibility and Immunogenetics regional meeting, Seattle, WA, May,
ABCDs of HLA Diversity. SEOPF HLA Course for Transplant Professionals, Raleigh, NC, April, 2001.
Interpreting HLA Testing Reports: Type or Typo? International Bone Marrow Transplant Registry, Keystone, CO, February,
What Constitutes a Good HLA Match: From Alleles to CREGs. ASHI/SEOPF Regional Workshop, Raleigh, NC, April, 2001.
HLA Diversity and Its Detection. Division of Blood Diseases and Resources, National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute,
Bethesda MD, December, 2000.
Importance of Molecular Techniques vs. Serology and Cellular Typing in Bone Marrow Transplantation. Potential Role of
Other Histocompatibility Molecules in Hematopoetic Stem Cell Transplantation. Relevance of Genetic Diversity of
Class I and II Genes in the Unrelated Bone Marrow Registries. Molecular Typing of Class I Genes. Mexican Society
for Histocompatibility and American Society for Histocompatibility and Immunogenetics XIX Theorical and Practical
Course on Histocompatibility, Mexico City, Mexico, August, 2000.
Coping with the Chaos of New Alleles in the HLA Typing Laboratory. SEOPF/ASHI Southeastern Regional Education
Workshop. Atlanta, GA, June, 2000.
Introduction to Molecular Biology. DNA-Based HLA Typing. Quality Assurance and Quality Control for DNA-Based Typing.
Advanced HLA Typing. South-Eastern Organ Procurement Foundation Histocompatibility Specialists Course,
Phoenix AZ, June, 2000.
Beyond HLA-A,-B, and -DR, Current Topics in Histocompatibility for Technologists, teleconference offered nationally,
January, 2000.
HLA Nomenclature--What’s In a Name? Current Topics in Histocompatibility for Technologists, teleconference offered
nationally, February, 1999.
Molecular Methods of Class I Typing. Mexican Society for Histocompatibility and American Society for Histocompatibility
and Immunogenetics XVIII Theorical and Practical Course on Histocompatibility, Mexico City, Mexico, August,
Importance of Molecular Techniques vs. Serology and Cellular Typing in Bone Marrow Transplantation. Mexican Society for
Histocompatibility and American Society for Histocompatibility and Immunogenetics XVIII Theorical and Practical
Course on Histocompatibility, Mexico City, Mexico, August, 1999.
Relevance of Genetic Diversity of Class I and II Genes in the Unrelated Bone Marrow Registries. Mexican Society for
Histocompatibility and American Society for Histocompatibility and Immunogenetics XVIII Theorical and Practical
Course on Histocompatibility, Mexico City, Mexico, August, 1999.
Molecular Typing of Class I and Class II Genes. Mexican Society for Histocompatibility and American Society for
Histocompatibility and Immunogenetics XVII Theorical and Practical Course on Histocompatibility, Mexico City,
Mexico, July, 1998.
Bone Marrow Registries: Organization and Strategies for Selection of Unrelated Donors. Mexican Society for
Histocompatibility and American Society for Histocompatibility and Immunogenetics XVII Theorical and Practical
Course on Histocompatibility, Mexico City, Mexico, July, 1998.
Genetic Diversity of HLA Class I and II Genes in Bone Marrow Donor Registries. Mexican Society for Histocompatibility and
American Society for Histocompatibility and Immunogenetics XVII Theorical and Practical Course on
Histocompatibility, Mexico City, Mexico, July, 1998.
It’s a Class (I and II) Act. National Marrow Donor Program Annual Council Meeting, Minneapolis, September, 1998.
Bone Marrow Transplantation. Current Topics in Histocompatibility for Technologists, teleconference offered nationally, June,
Introduction to Molecular Biology, DNA-Based HLA Typing, Quality Assurance and Quality Control for DNA-Based Typing,
HLA Nomenclature. South-Eastern Organ Procurement Foundation Histocompatibility Specialists Course, Aspen,
CO, April, 1998.
What’s in a Name: HLA Nomenclature. American Society for Histocompatibility and Immunogenetics Northeastern Regional
Meeting, Salem, MA, May, 1998.
DNA-Based HLA Typing. American Society for Histocompatibility and Immunogenetics Northeastern Regional Meeting,
Salem, MA, May, 1998.
Overview of Stem Cell Transplantation. American Society for Histocompatibility and Immunogenetics Western Regional
Meeting, Las Vegas, NV, May, 1998.
DNA-Based HLA Typing. American Society for Histocompatibility and Immunogenetics Western Regional Meeting, Las
Vegas, NV, May, 1998.
February 13, 2016
Unrelated Donors for Stem Cell Transplants. Pediatric Residents, Bethesda Naval Hospital, Bethesda, MD, May 1997.
DNA Symposium for Transplant Center Coordinators. National Marrow Donor Program Council Meeting, Minneapolis, MN,
September, 1997.
Introduction to Molecular Biology and DNA-Based HLA Typing. South-Eastern Organ Procurement Foundation
Histocompatibility Basic Histocompatibility Course, Vienna, VA, April, 1997.
Introduction to Bone Marrow Transplantation. South-Eastern Organ Procurement Foundation Histocompatibility Basic
Histocompatibility Course, Vienna, VA, April, 1997.
Current Concepts in Molecular Biology. One Lambda HLA Technical Workshop, Cancun, Mexico, February, 1997.
Introduction to Molecular Biology and DNA-Based HLA typing. South-Eastern Organ Procurement Foundation
Histocompatibility Specialists Course, Aspen, CO, April, 1996.
Bone Marrow Transplantation. American Society for Histocompatibility and Immunogenetics, Dallas, TX, October, 1995.
Molecular Genetics of HLA. South-Eastern Organ Procurement Foundation Basic Histocompatibility Course, Ashville NC,
May, 1995.
Structure and Function of HLA Antigens. One Lambda HLA Director's Review Course. Canoga Park, CA, September, 1994.
Introduction to Molecular Biology. DNA Methology. Histocompatibility Specialist Course, South-Eastern Organ Procurement
Foundation, Tucson, AZ, June, 1994.
Molecular Genetics and HLA. Basic Histocompatibility Course, South-Eastern Organ Procurement Foundation, Richmond,
VA, May, 1994.
How to Design and Optimize PCR Primers and Sequence Specific Oligonucleotide Probes for DNA Typing. American Society
for Histocompatibility and Immunogenetics, Phoenix, AZ, October, 1993.
Quality Control and Quality Assurance for Amplification Based HLA Typing. American Society for Histocompatibility and
Immunogenetics, Indianapolis, IN, June, 1993.
Basic DNA Biology/DNA Technology as Applied to the MHC. South-Eastern Organ Procurement Foundation Annual
Meeting, Norfolk, VA, May, 1993.
Molecular Genetics and HLA. South-Eastern Organ Procurement Foundation Basic-Level Histocompatibility Course, Norfolk,
VA, May, 1993.
Overview of New Computer System Features and Schedule. Use of DNA Nomenclature. National Marrow Donor Program
Council Meeting, St. Paul, MN, October, 1992.
DNA Methodology and HLA Typing. South-Eastern Organ Procurement Foundation Histocompatibility Specialists Course,
Las Vegas, NE, June, 1992.
Oligotyping Laboratory Setup and Techniques. Correlation of Molecular and Serologic Data. American Society for
Histocompatibility and Immunogenetics Regional Workshop, Cape Cod, MA, May, 1992.
How to Set Up a DNA Typing Laboratory. American Society of Histocompatibility and Immunogenetics, Washington, DC,
October, 1991.
Molecular Genetics and Nomenclature of the Human MHC. American Society of Histocompatibility and Immunogenetics
Regional Workshop, Nashville, TN, June, 1991.
Structure of HLA Molecules. American Society of Histocompatibility and Immunogenetics Regional Workshop, Wakefield,
MA, June, 1990.
Structure of HLA Molecules. American Society of Histocompatibility and Immunogenetics Regional Workshop, Washington,
DC, March, 1990.
Detection of the Proteins and Genes of the HLA Molecules. South-Eastern Organ Procurement Foundation Histocompatibility
Specialists Education Program, Ashville, NC, June, 1990.
Basic Techniques in DNA Typing. South-Eastern Organ Procurement Foundation Annual Histocompatibility Workshop,
Toledo, OH, May, 1990.
HLA Typing Methods for the Future. South-Eastern Organ Procurement Foundation Annual Histocompatibility Workshop,
Toledo, OH, May, 1990.
Correlation of Serologically Defined Epitopes and DNA Sequence. American Society of Histocompatibility and
Immunogenetics, Toronto, Canada, 1989.
Molecular Techniques of Histocompatibility Testing. American Society of Histocompatibility and Immunogenetics Regional
Workshop, Washington, DC, June, 1988.
A Review of Immunoglobulin and T Cell Receptor Genes and Proteins, American Society of Histocompatibility and
Immunogenetics, New Orleans, LA, 1986.
The Human Major Histocompatibility Complex: a Review of the Proteins and Genes of the HLA-A, -B, -C and -D Regions.
American Society of Histocompatibility and Immunogenetics Regional Workshops, San Francisco, New Orleans,
Boston, St. Louis, March-May, 1987.
Faculty Coordinator Planning and Evaluation, Lombardi Comprehensive Cancer Center
February 13, 2016
2002 - 2003
2000 - 2002
Lombardi Cancer Center junior faculty mentoring oversight
Member, GUMC Shared Resources Committee
Member, GUMC Scientific Advisory Committee for Enterprise Development
Tumor Biology Curriculum Review
Member, Medical Center EVP Search Committee
BGRD Department Restructuring Committee
University District Columbia/Lombardi Cancer Center U56 Steering, Program, Education Committees
LCCC ACS Young Investigator Award Reviews
Member, GUMC Biochemistry education review panel
Member, GUMC LCCC Financial Working group
Member, GUMC External Awards Review Committee
Member, Lombardi Cancer Center Search Committee, Head of Biostatistics Division
Member, Lombardi Cancer Center Search Committee, Informatics
Strategic Planning Group, Georgetown Medical Center
Scientific Coordinator, Lombardi NCI Cancer Center Support Grant competitive renewal
Member, Georgetown Medical Center Research Committee; Chair, Subcommittee in Core Facilities and
Shared Instrumentation
Member, Lombardi Cancer Center Director Search Committee
Member, Lombardi Cancer Center Biostatistics Director search committee
Member, Academic Planning Committee
Member, Medical Center Task Force on Finances
Member, Department of Microbiology and Immunology Executive Committee
Member, Task Force on Increased Research Funding
Member, Microbiology and Immunology Chair Search Committee
Member, Director of Genetics Institute Search Committee
Member, Georgetown University Research Council
Chair, LCME Report on Facilities at Georgetown Medical Center
Member, Lombardi Cancer Center Executive Committee
Member, Ad Hoc Committee on the Department of Microbiology
Member, M.D./Ph.D. Advisory Committee
Member, Ad Hoc Clinical and Molecular Genetics Committee
Member, Task Force for Research and Graduate Education
Member, Space Subcommittee
Director, Lombardi Cancer Center Shared Resources. As Director, I sat on the advisory committees of
all LCC Shared Resources (Animal Research, Transgenic Animal, Tissue Culture, Flow Cytometry, 2-D
Gel Electrophoresis (inactive 1998), Histopathology and Tissue, Microscopy and Imaging, Biostatistics,
Breast Cancer Serum Biomarker, Bioanalytical Center, Research Computing/Informatics, Molecular
Diagnostics, Cytogenetics, Clinical Economics Outcomes, Microarray)
Co-leader, Lombardi Cancer Center Bone Marrow Transplantation and Experimental Immunology
Member, M.D./Ph.D. Selection/Mentorship Committee
Member, Medical School Research Committee
Member, Radiation Control Committee
Member, Faculty Senate
Member, University Parking Committee
Member, Otolaryngology Chairman Search Committee
Georgetown University Medical School Interviews
Member, Animal Research Resources Committee
Lombardi Cancer Center Macromolecular Sequencing/Synthesis Facility Director
Course Organization:
2000, 2005
1985, 1988, 1990,
1992, 1995, 1997
Advanced Topics in Immunology (Carolyn Hurley, Ph.D., Armead Johnson, Ph.D.,and Diane Taylor,
Ph.D., course directors)
Immunogenetics (Carolyn Hurley, Ph.D., Armead Johnson, Ph.D., course directors)
February 13, 2016
1988, 1990
1985, 1986
Microbiology Student Seminar Series (Carolyn Hurley, Ph.D., director)
Microbiology Journal Club (Janos Luka, Ph.D. and Carolyn Hurley, Ph.D., directors)
Individual Lectures-Medical School/Graduate School:
Structure and Function of Immune Response Molecules; Antigen Receptors of the Immune System (2
lectures); Structural Molecular Biology BCHB-541 (graduate course)
Diagnostic Testing in the Histocompatibility Laboratory (1 lecture), Biotechnology-based Human
Diagnosis BCHB-529
Immunotherapy (1 lecture), Cancer Pharmacology TBio 535 (graduate course)
Genetics (graduate course)
Ig, TCR, MHC, overviews; toxins (7 lectures) Medical Microbiology and Immunology (medical school
course taught every fall); added cytokines 2008
Overview, MHC-TCR, transplantation, immunoglobulins (4 lectures); Physiology Special MastersMedical Immunology and Microbiology (course taught every fall)
Tumor Immunology (2 lectures), Tumor Biology Tbio 508 (graduate course)
Immunology, Undergraduate (M. Hickey, course director)
Interdisciplinary Research Survey Courses (L. Rosenthal, Ph.D.; R. Cihlar, Ph.D. course directors)
Concepts in Pathophysiology (Nursing 546, Nursing 516) (S. McLeskey, Ph.D., L. Zuccarelli, Ph.D.,
course directors)
Immunology-Infectious Diseases Core Curriculum. (Clinical training program in Division of
Rheumatology, Immunology, and Allergy) (program coordinated by J. Baraniuk, M.D.)
Medical Microbiology (Edward Katz, Ph.D., course director)
Advanced Immunology (Herbert Herskowitz, Ph.D., course director, taught every other year)
1986, 1988
Molecular Immunology/Immunochemistry (Carl-Wilhelm Vogel, M.D., course director)
1986, 1989-1991
Clinical Immunology, (Stephen Peters, Ph.D., course director)
Biotechnology (Chemistry 498) (David Yang, Ph.D., course director)
William Frazier, Tumor Biology, current
Tiernan Mulrooney, Tumor Biology, Ph.D., 2012
Brian Yokley, Tumor Biology,Ph.D. 2010
Garima Arora, Tumor Biology Masters Program, M.S. 2006
Christopher VandenBussche, Tumor Biology, Ph.D. 2007
Riddhish Shah, Tumor Biology, PhD, 2005
Christine Schammel, Department of Microbiology and Immunology, Ph.D., 2004
Nattiya Pimtanothai, Department of Microbiology and Immunology, Ph.D., 1999
Alice Hastings, Department of Microbiology and Immunology, M.D. Ph.D., 1997
Philip Posch, Department of Microbiology and Immunology, Ph.D., 1995
Philip Ehrenberg, M.S., Department of Microbiology, 1991
Kyung Wha Lee, Ph.D., Department of Microbiology, 1990
Susana Rodriguez Marino, M.D., Ph.D., postdoctoral fellow, 1989-1993
Nicholas Nguyen, High school student, summers 2008, 2009
David Ly, Senior Thesis, Biology Department, 2007-2008
Anna Kubit, Senior Thesis, Biology Department, 2006-2007
Molly Szsamowski, Senior Thesis, Biology Department, 2006-2007 (with Dr. P. Posch)
Christine Shulse, Senior Thesis, Biology Department, 2004-2006
Swati Sikaria, Senior Thesis, Biology Department, 2004-2006
Maung Hlaing, Senior Thesis, Biology Department, 2002-2004
John Fontanilla, Senior Thesis, Biology Department, 2001-2002 (with Dr. P. Posch)
Gabrielle Rizutto, Senior Thesis, Biology Department, 1999-2002
John McDonald, Senior Thesis, Biology Department, 2000
Philip Kim, High school student, summer 1999
February 13, 2016
Michelle Collins, Senior Thesis, Biology Department, 1998-1999
Eileen Hsu, Senior Thesis, Biology Department, 1997-1998
Robert Hoyer, Senior Thesis, Biology Department, 1995-1998
David Sintasath, Senior Thesis, Biology Department, 1994-1996
Jennifer Ellis, Senior Thesis, Biology Department, 1994 -1997
Michael Mullowney, Summer fellowship for medical students, 1994
Erin Maixner, Senior Thesis, Biology Department, 1993-1994
Valeria Tortorelli, Senior Thesis, Biology Department, 1989
John Hunter, Senior Thesis Biology Department, 1985
Teaching (Other):
Howard University, Immunogenetics, (Georgia Dunston, Ph.D., course director)
Hurley C.K., A . Woolfrey, T. Wang, M. Haagenson, J. Umejiego, M. Aljurf, M. Askar, M. Battiwalla, J. Dehn, J. Horan, M.
Oudshoorn, J. Pidala, W. Saber, V. Turner, S.J. Lee, S.R. Spellman. 2013. The impact of HLA unidirectional
mismatches on the outcome of myeloablative hematopoietic stem cell transplantation with unrelated donors. Blood,
6:121(23):4800-6. PMCID:PMC3674677.
Bochtler , W., M. Maiers, J.N.A. Bakker, D.M Baier, J.A. Hofmann, J. Pingel, H-G, Rist, M. Oudshoorn, S.G.E. Marsh, C.R.
Muller C.K. Hurley. 2013. An update to the HLA nomenclature guidelines of the World Marrow Donor Association.
Bone Marrow Transplantation, 48 (7):1-2.
Mulrooney, T.J., P.E. Posch, C. K. Hurley. DAP12 impacts trafficking and surface stability of killer immunoglobulin-like
receptors on natural killer cells. J Leukocyte Biology, 94(2): 301-313.
Frazier, W.R., N. Steiner, L. Hou, S. Dakshanamurthy, C.K. Hurley. 2013. Allelic variation in KIR2DL3 generates a KIR2DL2like receptor with increased binding to its HLA-C ligand. J Immunol, 190(12): 6198-6208.
Hollenbach J.A., C. Holcomb, C.K. Hurley, A. Mabdouly, M. Maiers, J.A. Noble, J. Robinson, A.H. Schmidt, L. Shi, V.
Turner, Y. Yao, S.J. Mack. 2013. 16(th) IHIW: immunogenomic data-management methods. report from the
immunogenomic data analysis working group (IDAWG). Int J Immunogenet 40 (I):46-53.
Mack S.J., P. Cano, J.A. Hollenbach, J. He, C.K. Hurley, D. Middleton, M.E. Moraes, S.E. Pereira, J.H. Kempenich, E.F. Reed,
M. Setterholm, A.G. Smith, M.G. Tilanus, M. Torres, M.D. Varney, C.E. Voorter, G.F. Fischer, K. Fleischhauer, D.
Goodridge, W. Klitz, A.M. Little, M. Maiers, S.G. Marsh, C.R. Muller, H. Noreen, E.H. Rozemuller, A. SancheMazas, D. Senitzer, E. Trachtenberg,M. Fernandez-Vina. 2013. Common and well-documented HLA alleles: 2012
update to the CWD catalogue. Tissue Antigens, 81(4):194-203. PMICID: PMC3634360.
Tu, B., N. Leahy, R. Yang, N. Cha, K. Kariyawasam, L. Hou, Y. Xiao, C. Masaberg, D. Pulse-Earle, M. Maiers, J. Ng, J.
Kurtzberg, C.K. Hurley. 2013. Extensive haplotype diversity in African American mothers and their cord blood units.
Tissue Antigens 81 (1): 28-34.
Tu, B., N. Cha, R. Yang, J. Ng, C.K. Hurley. 2013. A one-step DNA sequencing strategy to HLA type hematopoietic stem cell
donors at recruitment-rethinking typing strategies. Tissue Antigens 81:150-60.
Vierra-Green, C., D. Roe, L. Hou, C. K. Hurley, R. Rajalingam, E. Reed, T. Lebeveda, N. Yu, M. Stewart, H. Noreen, J. A.
Hollenbach, L. Guethlein, T. Wang, S. Spellman, M. Maiers. 2012. Allele-level haplotype frequencies and pairwise
linkage disequilibrium for 14 natural killer cell immunoglobulin-like receptor (KIR) loci in 506 European-American
individuals. PLoS ONE 7(11): e47491.
Horan, J., M. Haagenson, T. Wang, S. Spellman, C.K. Hurley, S. Lee, A. Woolfrey, J. Dehn, M Eapen, H. Frangoul, V. Gupta,
G. Hale, V. Reddy, P. Shaw, S. Marino, M. Oudshoorn. 2012. Evaluation of HLA matching in unrelated
hematopoietic stem cell transplantation for nonmalignant disorders. Blood 120:2918-2924.
Spellman, S., M. Eapen, B. Logan, C.H. Mueller, P. Rubinstein, M. Setterholm, A. Woolfrey, M. Horowitz, D. Confer, C. K.
Hurley. 2012. A perspective on the selection of unrelated donors and cord blood units for transplantation. Blood
120:259-65. PMCID: PMC3398760.
Lazaro, A.M., J. Henry, J. Ng, C.K. Hurley, P.E. Posch. 2012. Increased HLA class I and II diversity as 72 novel alleles are
identified in volunteers for the National Marrow Donor Program Registry in 2010. Tissue Antigens 79:50-7.
Spellman, S., J. Klein, M. Haagenson, M. Askar, L.A. Baxter-Lowe, J. He, S. Hsu, R. Blasczyk, C.K. Hurley. 2012. Scoring
HLA Class I Mismatches by HistoCheck Does Not Predict Clinical Outcome in Unrelated Hematopoietic Stem Cell
Transplantation. Biology of Blood and Marrow Transplantation 18:739-46. PMCID: PMC3270214.
Hou, L. M. Chen, J. Ng, C. Hurley. 2012. Conserved KIR allele-level haplotypes are altered by microvariation in individuals
with European ancestry. Genes and Immunity 13:47-58. PMCID: PMC3536055.
Nunes, E., Heslop, H., Fernandez-Vina, M., Taves, C., Wagenknecht, D.R., Eisenbrey, A.B., Fischer, G., Poulton, K., Wacker,
K., Hurley, C.K., Noreen, H., Sacchi, N. 2011. Definitions of histocompatibility typing terms. Blood 118 (23):e180-3.
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Nunes, E., H. Heslop, M. Fernandez-Vina, C. Taves, D.R. Wagenknecht, A.B. Eisenbrey, G. Fischer, K. Poulton, K. Wacker,
C.K. Hurley, H. Noreen, N. Sacchi. 2011. Definitions of histocompatibility typing terms: Harmonization of
Histocompatibility Typing Terms Working Group. Human Immunology 72(12):1214-6.
Lazaro A.M., Y. Xiao, C. Masaberg, W.Y.K. Hwang, A.E.J. Yeoh, Y. Weiyan, J. Ng, C.K. Hurley and P.E. Posch. 2011. Novel
HLA class I and II alleles identified during routine registry typing in 2010. Tissue Antigens 78:263-6.
Lazaro, A.M., Y. Xiao, J. Henry, J. Ng, C.K. Hurley, P.E. Posch. 2011. Ninety six novel HLA class I and II alleles identified in
volunteers for the National Marrow Donor Program Registry in 2009. Tissue Antigens 78:195-202.
Hou, L., B. Jiang, M. Chen, J. Ng, C.K. Hurley. 2011. The characteristics of allelic polymorphism in killer immunoglobulinlike receptor framework genes in African Americans. Immunogenetics 9:549-59. PMCID: PMC3476846.
Spellman, S., C.K. Hurley, C. Brady, L. Phillips-Johnson, R. Chow, M. Laughlin, J. McMannis, J. Reems, D. Regan, P.
Rubinstein, J. Kurtzberg. 2011. Guidelines for development and validation of new potency assays for the evaluation of
umbilical cord blood. Cytotherapy, 13:848-55.
Mack S.J., B. Tu , R. Yang, C. Masaberg, J. Ng, C.K. Hurley. 2011. HLA-A, -B, -C, -DRB1 allele and haplotype frequencies in
Americans originating from Southern Europe: Contrasting patterns of population differentiation between Italian and
Spanish Americans. Human Immunology 72:144-9. PMCID: PMC3045865.
Lazaro, A.M., Y. Xiao, C. Masaberg, B. Tu,, J. Ng, C.K. Hurley, P.E. Posch. 2011. Seventy-eight novel HLA class I and II
alleles identified during routine registry typing in 2008 and 2009. Tissue Antigens 77:54-61.
Marsh,S.G., E.D. Albert, W.F. Bodmer, R.E. Bontrop, B. Dupont, H.A. Erlich, M. Fernandez-Vina, D.E. Geraghty, R.
Holdsworth, C.K. Hurley, M. Lau, K.W. Lee, B. Mach, M. Maiers, W.R. Mayr, C.R. Muller, P. Parham, E.W.
Petersdorf, T. Sasazuki, J.L. Strominger, A. Svejgaard, P.I. Teraski, J.M. Tiercy, J. Trowsdale. 2010 .
Nomenclature for factors of the HLA system, Tissue Antigens 75:291-455.
Marsh,S.G., E.D. Albert, W.F. Bodmer, R.E. Bontrop, B. Dupont, H.A. Erlich, M. Fernandez-Vina, D.E. Geraghty, R.
Holdsworth, C.K. Hurley, M. Lau, K.W. Lee, B. Mach, M. Maiers, W.R. Mayr, C.R. Muller, P. Parham, E.W.
Petersdorf, T. Sasazuki, J.L. Strominger, A. Svejgaard, P.I. Teraski, J.M. Tiercy, J. Trowsdale. 2010 . An update to
HLA nomenclature, Bone Marrow Transplant 45:846-848.
Woolfrey A., J.P. Klein, M. Haagenson, S. Spellman, E. Petersdorf, M. Oudshoorn, J. Gajewski, G.A. Hale, J. Horan, M.
Battiwalla, S.R. Marino, M. Setterholm, O. Ringden, C.K. Hurley, N. Flomenberg, C. Anasetti, M. Fernandez-Vina,
S.J. Lee. 2011. HLA-C Antigen mismatches are associated with worse outcomes in unrelated donor peripheral blood
stem cell transplantation. Biology of Blood and Marrow Transplantation 17:885-92. PMCID: PMC3071866.
Lazaro, A.M., Y. Xiao, A. Regenscheid, J. Ng, C.K. Hurley, P.E. Posch. Sixty-five novel alleles at the HLA-A, -B, and –DRB1
loci identified from National Marrow Donor Program volunteer donors. 2010. Tissue Antigens 76:319-24.
Hou, L., M. Chen, B. Jiang, D.Y. Wu, J. Ng, C.K. Hurley. 2010. Thirty allele-level haplotypes centered around KIR2DL5 define
the diversity in an African American population. Immunogenetics 62: 491-8. PMCID: PMC3485642.
Bochtler, W., M. Maiers, J.N. Bakker, M. Oudshoorn, S.G. Marsh, D. Baier, C.K. Hurley, C.R. Mueller. 2010. World Marrow
Donor Association framework for the implementation of HLA matching programs in hematopoietic stem cell donor
registries and cord blood banks. Bone Marrow Transplant 45:839-42.
Jiang, B., Hou, L., Chen, M., Ng, J., C.K. Hurley. 2010. The profile of KIR3DL1 and KIR3DS1 alleles in an African American
population resembles that found in African populations. Tissue Antigens 76:64-6. PMCID: PMC3485638.
Hou, L., Chen, M., Jiang, B., Ng, J., C.K. Hurley. 2010. African Americans exhibit a predominant allele in the midst of
extensive KIR2DL1 allelic diversity. Tissue Antigens 76:31-34. PMCID: PMC3474317.
Klitz, W., L. Gragert, M. Maiers, B. Tu, A. Lazaro, R. Yang, Q. Xu, C. Masaberg, J. Ng, C.K. Hurley. 2009. Four Locus High
Resolution HLA typing in a sample of Mexican Americans. Tissue Antigens 74:508-13. PMCID: PMC3485641.
Baxter-Lowe, L.A., M. Maiers, S.R. Spellman, M.D. Haagenson, T. Wang, M. Fernandez-Vina, S.G. Marsh, M. Horowitz, C.K.
Hurley. 2009. HLA-A disparities illustrate challenges for ranking the impact of HLA mismatches on bone marrow
transplant outcomes in the United States. Biol. Blood Marrow Transplant 15:971-81. PMCID: PMC2747529.
Lazaro, A.M., Y. Xiao, A. Regenscheid, J. Ng, C.K. Hurley, P.E. Posch. 2009. Characterization of 104 novel alleles at the
HLA-A, -B, and –DRB1 loci from National Marrow Donor Program volunteer donors. Tissue Antigens 73:364-72.
Lazaro, A.M., Y. Xiao, C. Masaberg, L. Nichol, E. Ivaskova, R. Banwart, E. Field, J. Ng, C.K. Hurley, P.E. Posch. 2009.
Description of novel class I alleles encountered during routine registry typing in 2007. Tissue Antigens 74:238-40.
Shah, R., S.T. Selby, B. Yokley, R.S. Slack, C.K. Hurley, P.E. Posch. 2009. TNF, LTA and TGFB1 genotype distributions
among acute graft-vs-host disease subsets after HLA-matched unrelated hematopoietic stem cell transplantation: a pilot
study. Tissue Antigens 74:50-6. PMCID: PMC3215084.
Hou, L., M. Chen, B. Jiang, K. Kariyawasam, J. Ng, C.K. Hurley. 2009. In Contrast to Other Stimulatory Natural Killer Cell
Immunoglobulin-Like Receptor Loci, Several KIR2DS5 Alleles Predominate in African Americans. Human
Immunology 70:733-7. PMCID: PMC3476844.
Xiao, Y., A.M. Lazaro, C. Masaberg, M. Haagenson, C. Vierra-Green, S. Spellman, S. Dakshanamurthy, J. Ng, C.K. Hurley.
2009. Evaluating the Potential Impact of Mismatches Outside of the Antigen Recognition Site in Unrelated
Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation: HLA-DRB1*1454 and DRB1*140101. Tissue Antigens 73:595-8. PMCID:
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Arora,M., D.J. Weisdorf, S. Spellman, M. Haagenson, J.P. Klein, C.K. Hurley, G.B. Selby, J.H. Antin, N.A. Kernan, C.
Kollman, A. Nademanee, P. McGlave, M.M. Horowitz, E. Petersdorf. 2009. HLA-identical sibling versus 8/8 matched
and mismatched unrelated donor bone marrow transplant for chronic phase chronic myeloid leukemia. Journal Clinical
Oncology 27:1644-52. PMCID: PMC2668970.
VandenBussche, C.J., T.J. Mulrooney, W.R. Frazier, S. Dakshanamurthy, C.K. Hurley. 2009. Dramatically reduced surface
expression of NK cell receptor KIR2DS3 is attributed to multiple residues throughout the molecule. Genes Immunity
10:162-173. PMCID: PMC3487464.
Mack, S.J., B. Tu, A. Lazaro, R. Yang, A.K. Lancaster, K. Cao, J. Ng, C.K. Hurley. 2009. HLA-A, -B, -C, -DRB1 allele and
haplotype frequencies distinguish Eastern European Americans from the general European American population.
Tissue Antigens 73:17-32. PMCID: PMC3495166.
Holdsworth, R., C.K. Hurley, S.G.E. Marsh,, M. Lau, H.J. Noreen, J. Kempenich, M. Setterholm, M. Maiers. 2009. The HLA
Dictionary 2008: a summary of HLA-A, -B, -C, -DRB1/3/4/5, -DQB1 alleles and their association with serologically
defined HLA-A, -B, -C, -DR and -DQ antigens. Tissue Antigens 73:95-170.
Baxter-Lowe, L.A., and C.K. Hurley. Advancement and clinical implications of HLA typing in allogeneic hematopoietic stem
cell transplantation. in hematopoietic stem cell transplantation. Cancer Treat Res 144:1-24, 2009. PMID: 19779873.
Steiner, N.K., S. Dakshanamurthy, C.J. Vandenbussche, C.K. Hurley. 2008. Extracellular domain alterations impact surface
expression of stimulatory natural killer cell receptor KIR2DS5. Immunogenetics, 60:655-67.
Mulrooney, T.J., L. Hou, N.K. Steiner, M. Chen,I. Belle, J. Ng, C.K. Hurley. 2008. Promoter variants of KIR2DL5 add to
diversity and may impact gene expression. Immunogenetics 60:287-94.
Williams, T.M., T. Winden, M. Setterholm, C.A. Vierra-Green, S. Spellman, S. Flesch, Z. Awdeh, L.A. Baxter-Lowe, A.B.
Begovich, M. Fernandez-Vina, J. Hegland, C.K. Hurley, D. Johnson, H. Noreen, M. Salazar, B. Schmeckpeper, E.J.
Yunis. 2008. Strategies and technical challenges in allele level class II typing in 2578 bone marrow transplantation
donor-recipient pairs. Human Immunology 69:227-34.
Hou, L., N.K. Steiner, M. Chen, I. Belle, A.L. Kubit, J. Ng, C.K. Hurley. 2008. Limited allelic diversity of stimulatory two
domain killer immunoglobulin-like receptors. Human Immunology 69:174-178.
Sacchi, N., P. Costeas, L. Hartwell, C.K. Hurley, C. Raffoux, A. Rosenmayr, H. Greinix. 2008. Haematopoietic stem cell
donor registries: World Marrow Donor Association recommendations for evaluation of donor health. Bone Marrow
Transplant 42:9-14.
Belle, I., L. Hou, M. Chen, N.K. Steiner, J. Ng, C.K. Hurley. 2008. Investigation of killer cell immunoglobulin-like receptor
gene diversity in KIR3DL1 and KIR3DS1 in a transplant population. Tissue Antigens 71:434-9.
Lazaro, A.M., Y. Xiao, C. Masaberg, L. Lebeck, J. Ng, C.K. Hurley, P.E. Posch. 2008. Novel alleles at the HLA-DRB1 and –
DQB1 loci.. Tissue Antigens 72:72-4.
Shan, X., Y. Xiao, L. Wang, A.M. Lazaro, C.K. Hurley. 2008. Identification of 11 novel HLA alleles found during typing of
unrelated registry donors in China. Tissue Antigens 71:578-9.
Lazaro, A.M., Y. Xiao, K. Cao, C. Masaberg, L. Nichol, J. Ng, C.K. Hurley, P.E. Posch. 2008. Twenty-three novel alleles
increase diversity at the HLA-C locus. Tissue Antigens 71:560-3.
Lazaro, A.M., Y. Xiao, K. Cao, C. Masaberg, L. Nichol, J. Ng, C.K. Hurley, P.E. Posch. 2008. Expanding diversity at the
HLA-B locus; 28 novel HLA-B alleles. Tissue Antigens 71:471-4.
Kamani, N., S. Spellman, C. K. Hurley, J. N. Barker, F. O. Smith, M. Oudshoorn, R. Bray, A. Smith, T. M. Williams, B. Logan,
M. Eapen, C. Anasetti, M. Setterholm, D. L. Confer. 2008. State of the art review: HLA matching and outcome of
unrelated donor umbilical cord blood transplants. Biol. Blood Marrow Transplant 14:1-6.
Kollman, C., M. Maiers, L. Gragert, C. Müller, M. Setterholm, M. Oudshoorn, C.K. Hurley. 2007. Estimation of HLA-A, -B, DRB1 haplotype frequencies utilizing mixed resolution data from a national registry with selective retyping of
volunteers. Human Immunology 68:950-8.
Lazaro, A.M., Y. Xiao, K. Cao, C. Masaberg, L. Nichol, J. Ng, C. K. Hurley, P. E. Posch. 2007. Thirty two novel HLA-A
alleles identified during intermediate resolution testing. Tissue Antigens 71:165-8.
Zhang, B., A.M.Lazaro, P. Xing, S. Cheng, C.K. Hurley. 2008. Characterization of seven new HLA alleles from the Henan and
Gansu Provinces of China. Tissue Antigens 71:95-96.
Li, J., A.M. Lazaro, Y. Xiao, J. Ng, C.K. Hurley. 2007. Identification of two new HLA-B alleles, HLA-B *4069 and B*5409,
from the Liaoning province of China. Tissue Antigens 70:345-6.
Lee, S.J., J. Klein, M. Haagenson, L.A. Baxter-Lowe, D.L. Confer, M. Eapen, M. Fernandez-Vina, N. Flomenberg, M.
Horowitz, C.K. Hurley, 7 other authors, and C. Anasetti. 2007. High resolution donor-recipient HLA matching
contributes to the success of unrelated donor marrow transplantation. Blood 110:4576-83.
Hou, L., M. Chen, N.K. Steiner, I. Belle, C. Turino, J. Ng, and C.K. Hurley. 2007. Seventeen novel alleles add to the already
extensive KIR3DL3 diversity. Tissue Antigens 70:449-454.
Gedil, M.A., N.K. Steiner, and C.K. Hurley. 2007. KIR3DL2: Diversity in a hematopoietic stem cell transplant population.
Tissue Antigens 70:228-32.
Shulse, C., N. K. Steiner, C. K. Hurley. 2007. Allelic diversity in KIR2DL4 in a bone marrow transplant population:
description of three novel alleles. Tissue Antigens 70:157-9.
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Hurley, C.K., M. Maiers, S.G. Marsh, and M. Oudshoorn. 2007. Overview of registries, HLA typing and diversity, and search
algorithms. Tissue Antigens 69 (Suppl 1):3-5.
Bochtler, W., M. Maiers, M. Oudshoorn, S.G.E. Marsh, C. Raffoux, C. Mueller, and C.K. Hurley. 2007. World Marrow Donor
Association guidelines for use of HLA nomenclature and its validation in the data exchange among hematopoietic stem
cell donor registries and cord blood banks. Bone Marrow Transplantation 39:737-41.
Tang, T.F., L. Hou, M. Chen, I. Belle, S. Mack, A. Lancaster, G.Y.H. Ho, W.Y.K. Hwang, F. Alsagoff, J. Ng, and C. K. Hurley.
2007.. HLA haplotypes in Singapore: A study of mothers and their cord blood units. Human Immunology 68:430-8.
Hou, L., N. Steiner, M. Chen, I. Belle, J. Ng and C.K. Hurley. 2007. KIR2DL1 allelic diversity: Four new alleles characterized
in a bone marrow transplant population and three families. Tissue Antigens 69:250-254.
Wade, J., C.K. Hurley, S. Takemoto, J. Thompson, S. Davies, T. Fuller, G. Rodey, D. Confer, H. Noreen, M. Haagenson, G.
Kan, J. Klein, M. Eapen, S. Spellman and C. Kollman. 2007. HLA mismatching within or outside of cross reactive
groups (CREG) is associated with similar outcomes after unrelated hematopoietic stem cell transplant. Blood
Hurley, C.K., M. Fernandez-Vina, W. Hildebrand, H. Noreen, E. Trachtenberg, T. Williams, L. Baxter-Lowe, A. Begovich, E.
Petersdorf, A. Selvakumar, P. Stastny, J. Hegland, R. Hartzman, M. Carston, S. Gandham, C. Kollman, G. Nelson, S.
Spellman, and M. Setterholm. 2007. A high degree of HLA disparity arises from limited allelic diversity: analysis of
1775 unrelated bone marrow transplant donor-recipient pairs. Human Immunology 68:30-40.
Goodridge, J.P., L.J. Lathbury, N.K. Steiner, C.N. Shulse, P. Pullikotil, N.G. Seidah, C.K. Hurley, F.T. Christiansen, C.S.
Witt. 2007. Three common alleles of KIR2DL4 (CD158d) encode constitutively expressed, inducible and secreted
receptors in NK cells. Eur J Immunol 37:199-211.
Tang, T.F, L. Hou, B. Tu, W.Y.K Hwang, A.E. J. Yeoh, J. Ng, and C.K. Hurley. 2006. Identification of nine new HLA class I
alleles in volunteers from the Singapore stem cell donor registries. Tissue Antigens 68:518-520.
Lazaro, A., N. Steiner, K. Cao, R. Slack, D. Chen, Y. Xiao, E. Beduhn, J. Ng, R. Hartzman and C.K. Hurley. 2006. Searching
for HLA-DRB1*1206 in volunteer marrow donors in four U.S. population groups. Tissue Antigens 68: 439-41.
Tu, B., A. Lazaro, S. Mack, A. Lancaster, G. Thomson, K. Cao, M. Chen, G. Ling, C. Montemayor, J. Ng, R. Hartzman, C.K.
Hurley. 2006. HLA-A,-B,-C,-DRB1 allele and haplotype frequencies in an African American population. Tissue
Antigens 69:73-85.
Farag, S.,A. Bacigalupo, B. Velardi, B. Dupont, C.K. Hurley, C. Boudreau, D. Weisdorf, G. Nelson, Van Rood, M. Maiers, M.
Setterholm, P. Posch, S. Davies, M. Eapen, M. Caliqiuri, D. Confer, C. Anasetti, N. Kamani, J. Miller, M. Oudshoorn
2006. The effect of KIR ligand incompatibility on the outcome of unrelated donor transplants: A report from the center
for International Blood and Marrow Transplant research, the European Blood and Marrow Transplant Registry and the
Dutch Registry. Biology of Blood and Marrow Transplantation 12:876-84.
Lazaro, A., K. Cao, C. Masaberg, N. Steiner, Y. Xiao, B. Tu, V. Turner, P. Nickerson, S. Stoll, C. Schall, R. Valdez, J. Ng, R.
Hartzman, C.K. Hurley. 2006. Twenty three HLA-B alleles identified during intermediate resolution testing. Tissue
Antigens 68:245-248.
Vandenbussche, C., S. Dakshananmurthy, P. Posch, C.K. Hurley. 2006. A single polymorphism disrupts the killer Ig-like
receptor (KIR) 2DL2/2DL3 D1 domain. J. Immunol. 177:5347-57.
Shah, R., C.K. Hurley, P.E. Posch. 2006. A molecular mechanism for the differential regulation of TGF-beta1 expression due
to the common SNP -509C-T (c.-1347C>T). Human Genetics 120:461-9.
Steiner, N., C.K. Hurley. 2006. KIR3DL3 allelic diversity: Six new alleles exhibit both conservative and non-conservative
substitutions. Tissue Antigens 67:277-283.
Hou L, B. Tu, G. Ling, T. Tang, K. Cao, N.K. Steiner, A. Lazaro, J. Ng, R.J. Hartzman, C. K. Hurley. 2006. Strategies for
evaluating B*18 allelic diversity by sequence-based typing applied to studies of a population from Singapore and
African Americans. Tissue Antigens, 67:66-69.
Shah, R., B. Rahaman, C.K. Hurley, P.E. Posch. 2006. Allelic diversity in the TGFB1 regulatory region: characterization of
novel functional single nucleotide polymorphisms. Human Genetics, 119:61-74.
Lazaro, A. M., N. Steiner, M. E. Moraes, D. Bradshaw, M. Rizzo, J. Ng, R. Hartzman and C.K. Hurley. 2005. Ten novel HLADRB1 alleles and one novel DRB3 allele. Tissue Antigens 66:327-329.
Marsh, S. G., E. D. Albert, W. F. Bodmer, R. E. Bontrop, B. Dupont, H. A. Erlich, D. E. Geraghty, J. A. Hansen, C. K. Hurley,
B. Mach, W. R. Mayr, P. Parham, E. W. Petersdorf, T. Sasazuki, G. M. Schreuder, J. L. Strominger, A. Svejgaard, P.
I. Terasaki, and J. Trowsdale. 2005. Nomenclature for factors of the HLA system, 2004. Tissue Antigens 65:301-369.
Marsh, S. G., E. D. Albert, W. F. Bodmer, R. E. Bontrop, B. Dupont, H. A. Erlich, D. E. Geraghty, J. A. Hansen, C. K. Hurley,
B. Mach, W. R. Mayr, P. Parham, E. W. Petersdorf, T. Sasazuki, G. M. Schreuder, J. L. Strominger, A. Svejgaard, P.
I. Terasaki, and J. Trowsdale. 2005. Nomenclature for factors of the HLA system, 2004. Int J Immunogenet. 32:107159.
Schreuder, G. M., C. K. Hurley, S. G. Marsh, M. Lau, M. Fernandez-Vina, H. J. Noreen, M. Setterholm, and M. Maiers. 2005.
The HLA Dictionary 2004: a summary of HLA-A, -B, -C, -DRB1/3/4/5 and -DQB1 alleles and their association with
serologically defined HLA-A, -B, -C, -DR and -DQ antigens. Tissue Antigens 65:1-55.
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Schreuder, G. M., C. K. Hurley, S. G. Marsh, M. Lau, M. A. Fernandez-Vina, H. J. Noreen, M. Setterholm, and M. Maiers.
2005. HLA dictionary 2004: summary of HLA-A, -B, -C, -DRB1/3/4/5, -DQB1 alleles and their association with
serologically defined HLA-A, -B, -C, -DR, and -DQ antigens. Hum Immunol. 66:170-210.
Schreuder, G. M., C. K. Hurley, S. G. Marsh, M. Lau, M. Fernandez-Vina, H. J. Noreen, M. Setterholm, and M. Maiers. 2005.
The HLA Dictionary 2004: a summary of HLA-A, -B, -C, -DRB1/3/4/5 and -DQB1 alleles and their association with
serologically defined HLA-A, -B, -C, -DR and -DQ antigens. Int J Immunogenet. 32:19-69.
Gedil M.A., N.K. Steiner, C.K. Hurley. 2005. Genomic characterization of KIR2DL4 in families and unrelated individuals
reveals extensive diversity in exon and intron sequences including a common frameshift variation occurring in several
alleles. Tissue Antigens 65:402-418.
Flomenberg, N., L.A. Baxter-Lowe, D. Confer, M. Fernandez-Vina, A. Filipovich, M. Horowitz, C.K. Hurley, C. Kollman, C.
Anasetti, H. Noreen, A. Begovich, W. Hildebrand, E. Petersdorf, B. Schmeckpeper, M. Setterholm, E. Trachtenberg,
T. Williams, E. Yunis, D. Weisdorf. 2004. Impact of HLA class I and class II high resolution matching on outcomes
of unrelated donor bone marrow transplantation: HLA-C mismatching is associated with a strong adverse effect on
transplant outcome. Blood 104:1923-1930.
Weigand, T., C. Raffoux, C.K. Hurley, M. Kern, M. Oudshoorn, J. Raymond, S. Cleaver, E. Marry, C. Muller. 2004. A special
report: Suggested procedures for international unrelated donor search from the donor registries and quality assurance
working groups of the World Marrow Donor Association (WMDA). Bone Marrow Transplant 34:97-101.
Hurley, C.K., C. Raffoux on behalf of the World Marrow Donor Association. 2004. World Marrow Donor Association
international standards for unrelated hematopoietic stem cell registries. Bone Marrow Transplantation 34:103-110.
Kollman, C., A. Esteban, T. Baitty, P. Beatty, T. Chakraborty, C. Christiansen, R.J. Hartzman, C.K. Hurley, E. Milford, J.
Nyman, T. Smith, G. Switzer, R. Wada, M. Setterholm. 2004. Assessment of optimal size and composition of the U.S.
national registry of hematopoietic stem cell donors. Transplantation 78:89-95.
Hurley C.K., M. Setterholm, M. Lau, M.S. Pollack, H. Noreen, A. Howard, M. Fernandez-Vina, D. Kukuruga, C.R. Mller, M.
Venance, J.A. Wade, M. Oudshoorn, C. Raffoux, J. Enczmann, P. Wernet, M. Maiers. 2004. Hematopoietic stem cell
donor registry strategies for assigning search determinants and matching relationships. Joint project of the National
Marrow Donor Program, the World Marrow Donor Association and NETCORD. Bone Marrow Transplantation
Hurley, C., L.A. Baxter Lowe, B. Logan, C. Karanes, C. Anasetti, D. Weisdorf, and D.L. Confer. 2003. National Marrow
Donor Program HLA matching guidelines for unrelated marrow transplants. Biology of Blood and Marrow
Transplantation 9:610-615.
Steiner NK, M. Rizzo, D. Bradshaw, L. Baldassarre, P. Jones, R. Koester, J. Ng, R.J. Hartzman, and C.K. Hurley. 2003.
Seventeen novel HLA-A alleles. Tissue Antigens 62:256-258.
Steiner NK, C. Gans, L. Baldassarre, D. Bradshaw, M. Rizzo, S. Divekar, R. Koester, J. Ng, R.J. Hartzman and C.K. Hurley.
2003. Twenty-five novel HLA-B alleles. Tissue Antigens 62:263-266.
Maiers, M., Schreuder, G.M.T., Lau, M., Marsh, S.G.E., Fernandez-Vina, M., Noreen, H., Setterholm, M., Hurley, C.K. 2003.
Use of a neural network to assign serologic specificities to HLA-A, -B and -DRB1 allelic products. Tissue Antigens
Rizzuto, G., L. Li, N. Steiner, R. Slack, T. Tang, U. Heine, Y. Lin, J. Ng, R.J. Hartzman, C.K. Hurley. 2003. Diversity within
the DRB1*08 allele family in four populations from a United States hematopoietic stem cell donor database and
characterization of five novel DRB1*08 alleles. Human Immunology 64:607-613.
Baldassarre, L.A., N.K. Steiner, P. Jones, T. Tang, R. Slack, J. Ng, R.J. Hartzman, C.K. Hurley. 2003. Limited diversity of
HLA-DRB1*02 alleles and DRB1-DRB5 haplotype associations in four United States population groups. Tissue
Antigens 61:249-252.
Bradshaw, D., C. Schammel, P. Posch, N. Steiner, and C.K. Hurley. 2003. Development of informatics tools for complex gene
systems: Killer immunoglobulin-like receptor genes. Tissue Antigens 61:118-135.
Chen, D., T. Tang, H. Pulyaeva, R. Slack, B. Tu, D. Wagage, L. Li, L. Perlee, J. Ng, R.J. Hartzman, and C.K. Hurley. 2002.
Relative HLA-DRB1*04 allele frequencies in five United States populations found in a hematopoietic stem cell
volunteer donor registry and seven new DRB1*04 alleles. Human Immunology 63: 665-672.
Pimtanothai, N., P. Charoenwongse, A. Mutirangura, and C.K. Hurley. 2002. Distribution of HLA-B alleles in nasopharyngeal
carcinoma patients and normal controls in Thailand, Tissue Antigens 59:223-225.
Steiner, N.K., L. Baldassarre, R. Koester, J. Ng, R. J. Hartzman, and C. K. Hurley. 2002. Novel HLA-B alleles formed by an
inter-locus recombination with HLA-C: HLA-B*0713 and B*6702. Tissue Antigens 59:148-150.
Bradshaw D., C. P. Gans, P. Jones, G. Rizzuto, N. Steiner, W. Mitton, J. Ng, R. Koester, R. J. Hartzman and C. K. Hurley.
2002. Novel HLA-A locus alleles including A*01012, A*0306, A*0308, A*2616, A*2617, A*3009, A*3206,
A*3403, A*3602, and A*6604. Tissue Antigens59:325-327.
Gans, C. P., T. F.Tang, R. Slack, J. Ng, R. J. Hartzman, and C. K. Hurley. 2002. DRB1*14 diversity and DRB3 associations in
four major population groups in the United States. Tissue Antigens 59:364-369.
Tang, T.F., J. Wang, R. Slack, Y. S. Lin, L. Li, U. Heine, J. Ng, R. J. Hartzman, and C. K. Hurley. 2002. DRB1*03 diversity
and DRB3 associations in five major population groups in the United States, Human Immunology 63:221-228.
February 13, 2016
Gans, C. P., W. Mitton, J. Ng, R.J. Hartzman and C. K. Hurley. 2002. Seven new HLA-B alleles associated with antigens in
the B7 CREG. Tissue Antigens 59:229-231.
Gans, C. P., W. Mitton, J. Ng, R. J. Hartzman and C. K. Hurley. 2002. Description of six new HLA-B alleles in the 5C CREG
including a B*58 intron two sequence. Tissue Antigens 59:145-147.
Gans, C. P., D. M. Bradshaw, P. F. Jones, W. Mitton, R. Koester, J. Ng, R. J. Hartzman and C. K. Hurley. 2002. Eight new
HLA-A alleles associated with antigens in the A2 CREG. Tissue Antigens 59:133-135.
Tang, T.F., Y.S. Lin, F.M. Robbins, L. Li, D. Sintasath, G. Coquillard, A. Huang, U. Heine, J. Ng, R.J. Hartzman, and C. K.
Hurley. 2002. Description of fourteen new DRB alleles found in a stem cell donor registry. Tissue Antigens 59:6363.
Petersdorf, E.W., C. Kollman, C.K. Hurley, B. Dupont, A. Nademanee, A.B. Begovich, D. Weisdorf, and P. McGlave. 2001.
Effect of HLA class II gene disparity on clinical outcome in unrelated donor hematopoietic cell transplantation for
CML: The U.S. National Marrow Donor Program Experience. Blood 98:2922-2929.
Schreuder, G.M.Th., C.K. Hurley, S.G.E. Marsh, M. Lau, M. Maiers, C. Kollman, and H.J. Noreen. 2001. The HLA dictionary
2001: a summary of HLA-A, -B, -C, -DRB1/3/4/5, -DQB1 alleles and their association with serologically defined
HLA-A, -B, -C, -DR and -DQ antigens. Human Immunology 62:826-849. Tissue Antigens 58:109-140. Eur. J.
Immunogenetics 28:565-596.
Hurley, C.K., N. Steiner, C.P. Gans, C. Kosman, W. Mitton, R. Koester, P. Jones, S. Edson, G. Rizzuto, R.J. Hartzman, J. Ng,
and S.G. Rodriguez-Marino. 2001. Twelve novel HLA-B*15 alleles carrying previously observed sequence motifs
are placed into B*15 subgroups. Tissue Antigens 57:474-477.
Steiner, N.K., C. Kosman, P.F. Jones, C.P. Gans, S. G. Rodriguez-Marino, G. Rizzuto, L.A. Baldassarre, S. Edson, R.
Koester, D. Sese, W. Mitton, J. Ng, R.J. Hartzman, and C.K. Hurley. 2001. Twenty nine new HLA-B alleles
associated with antigens in the 5C CREG. Tissue Antigens 57:481-485.
Steiner, N., P. Jones, C. Kosman, S. Edson, G. Rizzuto, C.P. Gans, W. Mitton, R. Koester, S. G. Rodriguez-Marino, J. Ng, R.
Hartzman, and C.K. Hurley. 2001. Novel HLA-B alleles associated with antigens in the 7C CREG. Tissue Antigens
Pimtanothai, N., C. K. Hurley, R. Leke, W. Kiltz, A. H. Johnson. 2001. HLA-DR and DQ polymorphism in Cameroon. Tissue
Antigens 58:1-8.
Steiner, N., C. Gans, C. Kosman, D. Bradshaw, R. Koester, E. Menchaca, W. Mitton, J. Ng, R. Hartzman, and C.K. Hurley.
2001. New alleles in the B44 family including B*4424, B*44032, B*4411, B*4420, B*4421, B4424, and B*8301.
Tissue Antigens 57:376-379.
Steiner, N., C. Gans, C. Kosman, L.A. Baldassarre, S. Edson, P. Jones, G. Rizzuto, N. Pimtanothai, R. Koester, W. Mitton, J.
Ng. R. Hartzman, and C.K. Hurley. 2001. Novel HLA-B Alleles associated with antigens in the 8C CREG. Tissue
Antigens 57:373-375.
Ellis, E.M., R. J. Hoyer, C. N. Costello, R. N. Mshana, I. A. Quakyi, M. N. Mshana, B. Diaby, T. Traore, A. H. Johnson, and
C.K. Hurley. 2001. HLA-B allele frequencies in Cote d’Ivoire defined by direct DNA sequencing: identification of
HLA-B*1405, B*4410, and B*5302. Tissue Antigen 57:339-343.
Noreen, H., N. Yu, M. Setterholm, M. Ohashi, J. Baisch, R. Endres, M. Fernandez-Vina, U. Heine, S. Hsu, M. Kamoun, Y.
Mitsuishi, D. Monos, L. Perlee, S. Rodriguez-Marino, A. Smith, S.Y. Yang, K. Shipp, J. Hegland, and C. K. Hurley.
2001. Validation of DNA-based HLA-A and HLA-B testing of volunteers for a bone marrow registry through parallel
testing with serology. Tissue Antigens 57:221-229.
Steiner, N.K., S.M. Edson, W. Mitton, J. Ng, R.J. Hartzman, and C.K. Hurley. 2000. Seven novel HLA-A alleles carry
previously observed polymorphisms. Tissue Antigens 56:551-552.
Helmberg, W., J. Hegland, C.K. Hurley, M. Maiers, S.G.E. Marsh, C. Müller, and E.H. Rozemuller. 2000. Going back to the
roots: Effective utilisation of HLA typing information for bone marrow registries requires full knowledge of the DNA
sequences of the oligonucleotide reagents used in the testing. Tissue Antigens 56:99-102.
Pimtanothai, N., G.A. Rizzuto, R. Slack, N.K. Steiner, C.A. Kosman, P.F. Jones, R. Koester, J. Ng, R.J. Hartzman, and C.K.
Hurley. 2000. The diversity of alleles encoding HLA-B40: The relative frequencies in U.S. populations and
description of five novel alleles. Human Immunology 61:808-815.
Ellis, J.M., R.F.G. Leke, I. Quakyi, A.H. Johnson, R.S. Slack, and C.K. Hurley. 2000. Diversity is demonstrated in Class I
HLA-A and HLA-B alleles in Cameroon, Africa: Description of HLA-A*03012, *2612, *3006 and HLA-B*1403,
*4016, *4703. Tissue Antigens 56:291-302.
Tang, T.F., A.Y. Huang, A. Pappas, R. Slack, J. Ng, R.J. Hartzman, and C.K. Hurley. 2000. Relative frequencies of DRB1*11
alleles and their DRB3 associations in five major population groups in the United States. Human Immunology 61:
Pimtanothai, N., M. Parra, A.H. Johnson, C. S. David, and C.K. Hurley. 2000. Assessing the binding of four Plasmodium
falciparum T helper cell epitopes to HLA-DQ and induction of T cell responses in HLA-DQ transgenic mice.
Infection and Immunity 68:1366-1373.
Coquillard, G.J., T.F. Tang, N. Steiner, L. Perlee, J. Ng, R.J. Hartzman, and C.K. Hurley. 2000. DRB3 alleles with variations
in the annealing sites of amplification primers. Tissue Antigens 55:558-563.
February 13, 2016
Kosman, C., N. Steiner, H. Pulyaeva, W. Mitton, R. Slack, R.J. Hartzman, J. Ng, and C.K. Hurley. 2000. The relationship
between HLA-B45 and B*5002 in the five major U.S. population groups. Tissue Antigens 55:437-442.
Hurley, C.K., M. Maiers, J. Ng, D. Wagage, J. Hegland, J. Baisch, R. Endres, M. Fernandez-Vina, U. Heine, S. Hsu, M.
Kamoun, Y. Mitsuishi, D. Monos, H. Noreen, L. Perlee, S. Rodriguez-Marino, A. Smith, P. Stastny, M. Trucco, S. Y.
Yang, N. Yu, R. Holsten, R.J. Hartzman, and M. Setterholm. 2000. Large-scale DNA-based typing of HLA-A and
HLA-B at low resolution is highly accurate, specific, and reliable. Tissue Antigens 55:352-358.
Ellis, J., N. Steiner, C. Kossman, V. Henson, W. Mitton, R. Koester, J. Ng, R.J. Hartzman, and C.K. Hurley. 2000. Seventeen
more novel HLA-A locus alleles. Tissue Antigens 55:369-373.
Ellis, J.M., V. Henson, R. Slack, J. Ng, R.J. Hartzman, and C.K. Hurley. 2000. The frequencies of HLA-A2 alleles in five U.S.
population groups: Predominance of A*02011 and Identification of HLA-A*0231. Human Immunology 61:334-340.
Collins, M.M., T. Tang, R. Slack, D. Sintasath, R.J. Hartzman, J. Ng, and C.K. Hurley. 2000. The relative frequencies of
HLA-DRB1*01 alleles in the major U.S. populations. Tissue Antigens 55:48-52.
Lin, Y.S., R. J. Hoyer, T.F. Tang, J. Ng, R.J. Hartzman, and C.K. Hurley. 2000. Detection of four novel alleles: DRB1*1130,
DRB1*13072, DRB1*1315, and DRB1*1331. Tissue Antigens 55:92-96.
Hurley, C.K., L. A. Baxter-Lowe, A. B. Begovich, M. Fernandez-Vina, H. Noreen, B. Schmeckpeper, Z. Awdeh, M. Chopek,
M. Salazar, T. M. Williams, E. J. Yunis, D. Kitajima, K. Shipp, J. Splett, T. Winden, C. Kollman, D. Johnson, J. Ng,
R. J. Hartzman, and J. Hegland. 2000. The extent of HLA class II allele level disparity in unrelated bone marrow
transplantation: analysis of 1,259 national marrow donor program donor-recipient pairs. Bone Marrow Transplantation
Sintasath, D.M., T. Tang, R. Slack, E.E. Tilley, J. Ng, R.J. Hartzman, and C.K. Hurley. 1999. Relative HLA-DRB1*13 allele
frequencies and DRB3 associations of unrelated individuals from five U.S. populations. Human Immunology 60:10011010.
Schreuder, G.M.Th., C.K. Hurley, S.G.E. Marsh, M. Lau, M. Maiers, C. Kollman, and H. Noreen. 1999. The HLA dictionary
1999: A summary of HLA-A,-B,-C,-DRB1/3/4/5, -DQB1 alleles and their association with serologically defined
HLA-A,-B,-C, -DR and -DQ antigens. Tissue Antigens 54:409-437.
Schreuder, G.M.Th., C.K. Hurley, S.G.E. Marsh, M. Lau, M. Maiers, C. Kollman, and H. Noreen. 1999. The HLA dictionary
1999: A summary of HLA-A,-B,-C,-DRB1/3/4/5, -DQB1 alleles and their association with serologically defined
HLA-A,-B,-C, -DR and -DQ antigens. Human Immunology 60:1157-1181.
Lin, Y.S., T. Tang, J. Ng, R. Hartzman, and C.K. Hurley. 1999. Two DR2-associated novel alleles arose from the silent
mutation of codon 72: DRB1*16012, DRB5*01012. Tissue Antigens 54:405-408.
Bei, M., J. Ng, R. Slack, J. Ellis, R.J. Hartzman, and C.K. Hurley. 1999. The relative frequencies of HLA-A*10 alleles in five
major U.S. ethnic populations. Tissue Antigens 54:295-299.
Hurley, C.K., J.A. Wade, M. Oudshoorn, D. Middleton, D. Kukuruga, C. Navarrete, F. Christiansen, J. Hegland, E.C. Ren, I.
Andersen, S. A. Cleaver, C. Brautbar, and C. Raffoux. 1999. A special report: histocompatibility testing guidelines
for hematopoietic stem cell transplantation using volunteer donors. Human Immunology 60:347-360.
Hurley, C.K., J.A. Wade, M. Oudshoorn, D. Middleton, D. Kukuruga, C. Navarrete, F. Christiansen, J. Hegland, E.C. Ren, I.
Andersen, S. A. Cleaver, C. Brautbar, and C. Raffoux. 1999. A special report: histocompatibility testing guidelines
for hematopoietic stem cell transplantation using volunteer donors. Tissue Antigens 53:394-406.
Hurley, C.K., J.A. Wade, M. Oudshoorn, D. Middleton, D. Kukuruga, C. Navarrete, F. Christiansen, J. Hegland, E.C. Ren, I.
Andersen, S. A. Cleaver, C. Brautbar, and C. Raffoux. 1999. Histocompatibility testing guidelines for hematopoietic
stem cell transplantation using volunteer donors: report from The World Marrow Donor Association. Bone Marrow
Transplantation 24:119-121 .
Hsu, E., M. Bei, R. Slack, R. Hartzman, J. Ng, C.K. Hurley. 1999. HLA-A*28 allele frequencies in the five major U.S. ethnic
groups. Human Immunology 60:159-167.
Hurley, C.K., N. Steiner, C. Kosman, Walter Mitton, R. Koester, M. Bei, J. Bush, J. McCormack, A. Hahn, V. Henson, R.
Hoyer, J. A. Wade, R. J. Hartzman, and J. Ng. 1998. Novel HLA-A and -B alleles. Tissue Antigens 52:84-87.
Lee, K.W., N. Steiner, and C.K. Hurley. 1998. Clarification of HLA-B serologically ambiguous types by automated DNA
sequencing. Tissue Antigens 51:536-540.
Lee, K.W., N. Steiner, and C.K. Hurley. 1998. Sequence of an HLA-B56 variant (B*5604) identified in the Korean population.
Tissue Antigens 51: 210-212.
Lee, K.W., N. Steiner, and C.K. Hurley. 1997. Characterization of an HLA-B62 variant (B*1538) exhibiting an additional B52
serologic reactivity. Tissue Antigens 50: 662-664.
Cleaver, S.A., P. Warren, M. Kern, C.K. Hurley, C. Raffoux, J. Ketter et al. 1997. A special report: donor work-up and
transport of bone marrow - recommendations and requirements for a standardized practice throughout the world. Bone
Marrow Transplantation 20:621-629.
Steiner, N., J. Ng, J. Bush, R.J. Hartzman, L. Johnston-Dow, and C.K. Hurley. 1997. HLA-B alleles associated with the B15
serologically-defined antigens. Human Immunology 56:84-93.
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Hurley, C.K., G.M.T. Schreuder, S. Marsh, M. Lau, D. Middleton, and H. Noreen. 1997. The search for HLA-matched donors:
A summary of HLA-A*, -B*, -DRB1/3/4/5* alleles and their association with serologically defined HLA-A, -B, -DR
antigens. Tissue Antigens 50:401-418.
Hoyer, R.J., A. Bratlie, G.M.T. Schreuder, and C.K. Hurley. 1997. Characterization of a novel HLA-B allele, B*0804, in a
Norwegian family. Tissue Antigens 50:308-310.
Sintasath D.M., M. Bei, N. Steiner, J. Ng, S. Alosco, J.D. Hegland, and C. K. Hurley. 1997. Analysis of HLA-A and -B
serologic typing of bone marrow registry donors using PCR-SSOP and DNA sequencing. Tissue Antigens 50: 366371.
Ellis, J.M., F.M. Robbins, J. Wang, T. Tang, U. Heine, D. Sese, E. Milford, and C.K. Hurley. 1997. Identification of four new
DR52-associated DRB1 alleles: DRB1*1424, *1425, *1323, *1324. Tissue Antigens 50:42-46.
Robbins F.M., Hurley, C.K., Tang, T., Yao, H., Lin, Y.S., Wade, J., Goeken, N., Hartzman, R.J. 1997. Diversity associated
with the second expressed HLA-DRB locus in the human population. Immunogenetics 46:104-110.
Hurley, C.K. 1997. Acquisition and use of DNA-based HLA typing data in bone marrow registries. 1997. Tissue Antigens
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Rodriguez, S.G., C.L. Crevling, N. Steiner, and C.K. Hurley. 1996. Identification of a new allele, DRB1*1204, during routine
PCR-SSOP typing of National Marrow Donor Program volunteers. Tissue Antigens 48:221-223.
Inamdar, A., D. M. Sintasath, L. Husted, V. Henson, J. Ng, R.J. Hartzman, and C.K. Hurley. 1996. Typing the HLA-B locus by
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Hastings, A.E., C.K. Hurley, E.D. Robinson, K. Salerno, E. Hernandez, and J.R. Richert. 1996. Molecular interactions
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Posch, P.E., A.E. Hastings, S. Rosen-Bronson, J. Richert, and C.K. Hurley. 1996. The relative importance of individual DR
binding motif positions as defined by peptide anchor analysis of HA and MBP binding to several DR molecules:
Definition of a common extended DR binding motif. Eur. J. Immunol. 26:1884-1891.
Posch, P.E., C.K. Hurley, A. Geluk, and T.H.M. Ottenhoff. 1996. The impact of DR3 microvariation on peptide binding: the
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Ota, M., M.J. Geiger, S. Rosen-Bronson, C.K. Hurley, D.D. Eckels. 1996. Diverse usage of human T-cell receptor gene
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J. M. Mason, D. Monos, H. Noreen, G. Rosner, B. Schmeckpeper, B. Dupont, and R. J. Hartzman. 1996. Large-scale
DRB and DQB1 oligonucleotide typing for the NMDP registry: progress report from year 2. Tissue Antigens 47:2126.
Rodriguez, S.G., M. Bei, A. Inamdar, D. Stewart, A.H. Johnson, and C.K. Hurley. 1996. Molecular and serological
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Prilliman, K., N. Steiner, M. Ellexson, D. Stewart, M. Lau, P. Terasaki, C.K. Hurley, and W. Hildebrand. 1996. Description
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Richert, J.R., E.D. Robinson, K. Camphausen, R. Martin, R.R. Voskuhl, M.A. Faerber, H.F. McFarland, and C.K. Hurley. 1995.
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Rosenberg, S.M., T.F. Wollenzien, F.M. Robbins, C.K. Hurley, and N.E. Goeken. 1995. Yet another novel HLA DRB1 allele
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Robbins, F.M., T. Tang, H.L. Yao, J. Ng, R.J. Hartzman, and C.K. Hurley. 1995. Direct sequencing of SSP-PCR amplified
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Hurley, C.K. and N. Steiner. 1995. Differences in peptide binding of DR11 and DR13 microvariants demonstrate the power of
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Rosenberg, S.M., T.F. Wollenzien, M.M. Johnson, L. Eberly, C.K. Hurley, N.L. Reinsmoen, N. Steiner, and N.E. Goeken.
1995. A description of a new DR allele (DRB1*1113) and possible implications for BMT donor selection. Tissue
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Lester, S., S. Cassidy, I. Humphreys, G. Bennett, C.K. Hurley, B. Boettcher, and J. McCluskey. 1995. Microevolution in HLA
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Posch, P.E., H.A. Araujo, K. Cresswell, C. Praud, A.H. Johnson, and C.K. Hurley. 1995. Microvariation creates significant
functional differences in the DR3 molecules. Human Immunology 42:61-71.
Wagner, A.G., A.L. Hughes, M.L. Iandoli, D. Stewart, S. Herbert, D.I Watkins, C.K. Hurley, and S. Rosen-Bronson. 1993.
HLA-A*8001 is a member of a newly discovered ancient family of HLA-A alleles. Tissue Antigens 42:522-529.
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Schmeckpeper, S.Y. Yang, B. Dupont, and R.J. Hartzman. 1993. Large-scale oligonucleotide typing for HLADRB1/3/4 and HLA-DQB1 is highly accurate, specific, and reliable. Tissue Antigens 42:473-479.
Hurley, C.K. 1993. HLA diversity in African Americans. Transpl. Proc. 25:2399.
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Wade, J.A., C.K. Hurley, A. Hastings, P. Ehrenberg, A.H. Johnson, R.W. Martell, and E.D. du Toit. 1993. Combinatorial
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Hurley, C.K., N. Steiner, A. Wagner, M.J. Geiger, D.D. Eckels, and S. Rosen-Bronson. 1993. Nonrandom T cell receptor usage
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Lee, K.W., A.H. Johnson, T. Tang, W.Y. Yu, R.W. Karr, and C.K. Hurley. 1991. DRw11 haplotypes: Continuum of DRB1
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Johnson, A.H., T.F. Tang, V. Cowell, and C.K. Hurley. 1991. The impact of naturally occurring DR3 microvariants, DRw17
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Johnson, A.H., K.W. Lee, T.F. Tang,S. Rosen-Bronson, and C.K. Hurley. 1991. DRw11/w13: A structurally and functionally
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Hurley, C.K., K.W. Lee, E. Mickelson, S. Masewicz, and A.H. Johnson. 1991. DRw8 Microvariation: A new DRB1 allele
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Richert, J.R., E.D. Robinson, A.H. Johnson, C. A. Bergman, L.J. Dragovic, N.L. Reinsmoen, and C.K. Hurley. 1991.
Heterogeneity of the T cell receptor beta gene rearrangements generated in myelin basic protein-specific T cell clones
isolated from a patient with multiple sclerosis. Annals of Neurol. 29: 299-306.
Lee, K.W., A.H. Johnson, and C.K. Hurley. 1990. Two divergent routes of evolution gave rise to the DRw13 haplotypes. J.
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Sorrentino, R., C. Iannicola, S. Costanzi, G. Ratti, C. Hurley, R. Tosi, and N. Tanigaki. 1990. Arg74 in HLA-DRB1 and DRB3
controls a DR3-related epitope. Immunogenetics 32:8-12.
Lee, K.W., C.K. Hurley, R. Hartzman, and A.H. Johnson. 1990. The complexity of DRw6 and DR5 haplotypes in American
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Hurley, C.K. and N. Steiner. DQ polymorphism: An analysis of DQw4 alpha and beta membrane proximal regions. 1990.
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Hurley, C.K. HLA: A legacy of human evolution. 1989. Transpl. Proc.21:3876-3877.
Johnson, A.H., T. Tang, N. Steiner, P. Gregersen, J. Silver, and C.K. Hurley. 1989. Relationship of DR3 T cell recognition
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Hurley, C.K., P.K. Gregersen, J. Gorski, N. Steiner, F.M. Robbins, R. Hartzman, A.H. Johnson, and J. Silver. 1989. The
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Hurley, C.K., B.L. Ziff, N. Steiner, P.K. Gregersen, and J. Silver. 1988. DR and DQ beta cDNA sequences associated with a
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Hurley, C.K., B.L. Ziff, J. Silver, P.K. Gregersen, R. Hartzman, and A.H. Johnson. 1988. Polymorphism of the HLA-DR1
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Book Chapters and Other Invited Articles:
Lazaro, A., B. Tu, R. Yang, Y. Xiao, K. Kariyawasam, J. Ng, C. K. Hurley. 2012. Human Leukocyte Antigen (HLA) Typing by
DNA Sequencing in Methods in Molecular Biology—Transplantation Immunology, in press.
Hou, L., M. Chen, N. Steiner, K. Kariyawasam, J. Ng, C.K. Hurley. 2012. Killer Immunoglobulin-Like Receptor (KIR) By
DNA Sequencing in Methods in Molecular Biology—Immunogenetics 882:431-68. PMCID: 3478768.
Hurley, C.K., M. Oudshoorn, M. Setterholm. 2012. Donor Registries and Search Strategies in Methods in Molecular Biology—
Immunogenetics 882: 531-47.
Hurley, C.K., D. Confer, A. Woolfrey. 2011. Guidelines for selection of unrelated adult volunteer donors from hematopoietic
progenitor cell transplantation. ASHI Quarterly, First Quarter 2011.
Hurley, C.K., M. Oudshoorn, and J. Davis. 2010. Search support for unrelated donors/umbilical cord blood units—HLA and
donor selection, educational manual written for the National Marrow Donor Program.
Posch, P.E. and C.K. Hurley. 2011. Histocompatibility: HLA And Other Systems in Wickramasinghe’s Blood and Bone
Marrow Pathology, 2nd edition. Porwit, A., J. McCullough, and W.N. Erber, eds. Elsevier, Chapter 39.
Foeken, L.M., A. Green, A., C.K. Hurley, E. Marry, T. Wiegand, M. Oudshoorn. 2010. Monitoring the international use of
unrelated donors for transplantation: the WMDA annual reports. 2010. Bone Marrow Transplant 45:811-8.
Hurley, C.K., L. Foeken, M. Horowitz, B. Lindberg, M. McGregor, N. Sacchi on behalf of the WMDA Accreditation and
Regulatory Committees. Standards, regulations, and accreditation for registries involved in the worldwide exchange of
hematopoietic stem cell donors and products. 2010. Bone Marrow Transpl 45:819-24.
Baxter-Lowe, L.A., and C.K. Hurley. Advancement and clinical implications of HLA typing in allogeneic hematopoietic stem
cell transplantation. in hematopoietic stem cell transplantation. Bishop, M., ed. pp 71-94; Springer, NY, 2009.
Bray, R.A., C.K. Hurley, N.R. Kamani, A. Woolfrey, C. Mueller, S. Spellman, M. Setterholm, D.L. Confer. 2008. National
Marrow Donor Program HLA matching guidelines for unrelated adult donor hematopoietic cell transplants. Biol.
Blood Marrow Transplant 14 (Suppl 3):45-53.
Spellman, S., M. Setterholm, M. Maiers, H. Noreen, M. Oudshoorn, M. Fernandez-Vina, E. Petersdorf, R. Bray, R.J. Hartzman,
J. Ng, C.K. Hurley. 2008. Advances in the selection of HLA-compatible donors: Refinements in HLA typing and
matching over the first 20 years of the National Marrow Donor Program Registry. Biol. Blood Marrow Transplant 14
(Suppl 3):37-44.
Hurley, C.K. 2006. DNA based testing: Introduction. ASHI-U, in press.
Hurley, C.K. J.E. Wagner, M.I. Setterholm, and D. L. Confer. 2006. Advances in HLA: Practical implications for selecting
adult donors and cord blood units. Biology Blood and Marrow Transplant 12 (Suppl 1):28-33.
February 13, 2016
Hurley, C.K. Appendix F: HLA overview. In Cord Blood. Committee on Establishing a National Cord Blood Stem Cell Bank
Program, Institute of Medicine. Meyer, E.A., K. Hanna, and K. Gebbie, eds. The National Academies Press,
Washington DC, 2005.
Setterholm, M., M. Maiers, L. Coleman, U. Heine, S. Hsu, D. Kukaruga, H. Noreen, N. Yu, J. Ng, R. Hartzman, C. K. Hurley.
2005. HLA typing of volunteers for a hematopoietic stem cell donor registry: Ensuring and maintaining quality of the
NMDP registry. ASHI Quarterly 29:50-52.
Hurley, C.K., K. Cao, T. Tang, N. Steiner, A. Lazaro, A. Howard and J. Ng. 2004. Molecular methods: HLA alleles. In
Manual of Molecular and Clinical Laboratory Immunology, 7 th ed, ASM Press, Washington, DC, pp 1198-1214.
Hurley, C.K., M. Fernandez Vina, M. Setterholm. 2003. Maximizing optimal hematopoietic stem cell donor selection from
registries of unrelated adult volunteers. Tissue Antigens 61:415-424.
Hurley, C.K. and N. Steiner. 2003. 12 th IHWS Technology Joint Report. A5.1.2 Sequence-based typing for HLA-A: Class I
sequencing amplification of exons 2 and 3 based on Cereb. In Immunobiology of the Human MHC. Hansen, J.A. and
B. Dupont, eds. IHWG Press, Seattle, WA, pp 324-325.
Hurley, C.K. and N. Steiner. 2003. 12 th IHWS Technology Joint Report. A5.1.5 Sequence-based typing for HLA-B: Class I
sequencing amplification of exons 2 and 3 based on Cereb. In Immunobiology of the Human MHC. Hansen, J.A. and
B. Dupont, eds. IHWG Press, Seattle, WA, pp337-339.
Hurley, C.K. and M. Tilanus, Eds. 2003. HLA Typing Technology and Informatics. In HLA 2002: Immunobiology of the
Human MHC. Hansen, J.A. and B. Dupont, eds. IHWG Press, Seattle, WA.
Hurley, C.K. 2003. Challenges in Typing the HLA System. In HLA 2002: Immunobiology of the Human MHC. Hansen, J.A.
and B. Dupont, eds. IHWG Press, Seattle, WA.
Ng, J., K. Kariyawasam, C.K. Hurley. 2003. Quality Control Test Panels for Sequence-Specific Oligonucleotide Probes and
Sequence-Based Typing. In HLA 2002: Immunobiology of the Human MHC. Hansen, J.A. and B. Dupont, eds.
IHWG Press, Seattle, WA.
Hurley, C.K. 2003. Impact of HLA Nomenclature on Registry Informatics. In HLA 2002: Immunobiology of the Human
MHC. Hansen, J.A. and B. Dupont, eds. IHWG Press, Seattle, WA.
Hurley, C.K., J. Hegland, M. Fernandez-Vina, M. Maiers, A. Lazaro, R.J. Hartzman, K. Cao, J. Ng, M. Janzen, M. Setterholm.
2003. Designing a Typing System for a Hematopoietic Stem Cell Registry. In HLA 2002: Immunobiology of the
Human MHC. Hansen, J.A. and B. Dupont, eds. IHWG Press, Seattle, WA.
Hurley, C.K., M. Fernandez-Vina, X. Gao, D. Middleton, H. Noreen, E. Ren, A. Smith. 2003. Typing for Class I HLA-A with
Sequence Oligonucleotide Reagents. In HLA 2002: Immunobiology of the Human MHC. Hansen, J.A. and B.
Dupont, eds. IHWG Press, Seattle, WA.
Hurley, C.K, M. Fernandez-Vina, X. Gao, D. Middleton, H. Noreen, E. Ren, A. Smith. 2003. Typing for Class I HLA-B alleles
with Sequences Specific Oligonucleotide Reagents. In HLA 2002: Immunobiology of the Human MHC. Hansen, J.A.
and B. Dupont, eds. IHWG Press, Seattle, WA.
Hurley, C.K, M. Fernandez-Vina, X. Gao, D. Middleton, H. Noreen, E. Ren, A. Smith. 2003. Typing for Class I HLA-C
alleles with sequence specific oligonucleotide reagents. In HLA 2002: Immunobiology of the Human MHC. Hansen,
J.A. and B. Dupont, eds. IHWG Press, Seattle, WA.
Hurley, C.K, M. Fernandez-Vina, X. Gao, D. Middleton, H. Noreen, E. Ren, A. Smith, T. Tang. 2003. Class HLA-Typing
primers and probes. In HLA 2002: Immunobiology of the Human MHC. Hansen, J.A. and B. Dupont, eds. IHWG
Press, Seattle, WA.
Hurley, C.K. 2002. HLA Diversity: Detection and impact on unrelated hematopoietic stem cell donor characterization and
selection. International Journal of Hematology Supplement II, Seoul, Korea, pp. 152-154.
Maiers, M., C. K. Hurley, L. Perlee, M. Fernandez-Vina, J. Baisch, D. Cook, P. Fraser, U. Heine, S. Hsu, M. S. Leffell, D.
Mauer, H. Noreen, T. Tang, M. Trucco, S.Y. Yang, N. Yu, R. J. Hartzman, M. Setterholm, T. Winden, D. Shepherd,
and J. Hegland. 2000. Maintaining updated DNA-based HLA assignments in the National Marrow Donor Program
bone marrow registry. Reviews in Immunogenetics 2:449-460.
Posch, P.E., R.J. Hartzman and C.K.Hurley. 2002. Histocompatibility: HLA and other systems. In Blood and Bone Marrow
Pathology. Wickramasinghe, S.N. and J. McCullough, eds. Harcourt Brace, Edinburgh, pp 665-707.
Hurley, C.K., T. Tang, J. Ng, and R.J. Hartzman. 2002. HLA typing by molecular methods. In Manual of Clinical Laboratory
Immunology, 6th edition. Rose, N.R., R.G. Hamilton, and B. Detrick, eds. ASM Press, Washington, DC, pp. 11341152.
Tilanus, M. G. J., J.A. Hansen, and C.K. Hurley (eds). 2000. IHWG Technical Manual. Genomic analysis of the human MHC.
1HWG, Seattle, WA.
Johnson, A.H.,J.A. Wade, R. Hartzman, C.K. Hurley. 2000. HLA: MHC of man and transplantation immunology. In Clinical
Diagnosis and Management by Laboratory Methods. 20th edition. J.B. Henry, J.B. ed. W. B. Saunders Co.,
Philadelphia, PA.
Hurley, C.K. 1999. Identification of HLA types: Challenges of the changing technology. In The HLA System: Basic Biology
and Clinical Applications. Murphy, S. ed. AABB, Bethesda, MD, pp. 1-13.
February 13, 2016
Hurley, C.K., J. Ng, and J. Hegland. 1998. Histocompatibility: Interpretation and correlation of HLA typing with bone
marrow transplantation. On web site: http://
Hurley, C.K., T. Tang, J. Ng, and R.J. Hartzman. 1997. HLA typing by molecular methods. In Manual of Clinical Laboratory
Immunology. Rose, N.R., Conway de Macario, E., Folds, J.D., Lane, H.C., and Nakamura, R.M. eds. ASM Press,
Washington, DC, pp. 1098-1111.
Hurley, C.K. 1997. DNA-based typing of HLA for transplantation. In CRC Handbook of Human Immunology. Leffell, M.S.,
Donnenberg, A.D., and Rose, N. eds. CRC Press, Inc., Boca Raton, FL, pp. 521-565.
Johnson, A.H., C.K. Hurley, R. Hartzman. 1996. HLA: MHC of man and transplantation immunology. In Clinical Diagnosis
and Management by Laboratory Methods. Nineteenth edition. J.B. Henry, J.B. ed. W. B. Saunders Co., Philadelphia,
PA, pp. 958-979.
Hurley, C.K., J. Ng, and J. Hegland. 1994. Interpretation of DNA-based typing of HLA and correlation with serologic types for
bone marrow transplantation: A guide for transplant coordinators. Published in-house for distribution by the National
Marrow Donor Program.
Hurley, C.K and J. Ellis. 1994. DNA methods for HLA typing. A workbook for beginners. Published in-house for distribution
by the C.W. Bill Young Donor Recruitment and Research Program.
Hurley, C.K. and S.Y. Yang. 1994. Quality assurance and quality control for amplification-based typing. In American Society
for Histocompatibility and Immunogenetics Procedure Manual. A. Nikaein , ed. ASHI, Lenexa, KS. Pp. VI.13.1VI.13.20.
Husted, L., J. Ng, C. Hurley, and R. Hartzman. DNA typing program for HLA. Software program to support HLA typing
activities of the National Marrow Donor Program, 1993.
Hurley, C.K. and A.H. Johnson. 1993. HLA type of EBV-transformed human B cell lines. In Current Protocols in
Immunology, Supplement 5. J. Coligan et al., eds. Current Protocols, Brooklyn, NY.
Shaffer, A.L., J.A. Falk-Wade, V. Tortorelli, A. Cigan, C. Carter, K. Hassan, and C.K. Hurley. 1992. Chemiluminescent
detection of HLA class II DR antigens and alleles in the DRw52-associated family following PCR and oligonucleotide
hybridization. In HLA 1991., Vol. 2. K. Tsuji et al., eds. Oxford University Press, New York, NY. Pp. 304-306.
Falk-Wade J.A., C.K. Hurley, S. Rosen-Bronson, R.W. Martell, E.D. du Toit. 1992. DR2 polymorphism: DRB5 specific
amplification. In HLA 1991., Vol. 2. K. Tsuji et al., eds. Oxford University Press, New York, NY. Pp. 253-254.
Steiner, N., S. Rosen-Bronson, A.G. Wagner, D.D. Eckels, and C.K. Hurley. 1992. T cell receptors specific for microvariants of
DR1. In HLA 1991., Vol. 2. K. Tsuji et al., eds. Oxford University Press, New York, NY. Pp. 611-612.
Johnson, A.H., C.K. Hurley, R. Hartzman, E. Yunis, and C. Alper. The major histocompatibility complex of man. 1991. In
Clinical Diagnosis and Management. Eighteenth edition. J.B. Henry, ed. W. B. Saunders Co., Philadelphia, PA. Pp
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Hurley, C.K., N. Steiner, P. Gregersen, J. Silver, R. Hartzman, G. Nepom, and A.H. Johnson. 1989. Evolution of DQw2-related
haplotypes. In Immunobiology of HLA. B. Dupont, ed. Springer-Verlag, New York, NY. Pp. 283-285.
Ziff, B.L., C.K. Hurley, S. Rosen-Bronson, T. Tang, E. Robinson, D. Eckels, J. Richert, R. Hartzman, J. Silver, P. Gregersen,
and A.H. Johnson. 1989. Polymorphism of the DR1 haplotype--Structural and functional analysis. In Immunobiology
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C.K. Hurley. 1989. DR3 heterogeneity in American blacks. In Immunobiology of HLA. B. Dupont, ed. SpringerVerlag, New York, NY. Pp. 202-203.
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Frazier et al. KIR, Minnesota June, 2013.
Mulrooney, T.J., PE Posch, CK Hurley. DAP12 impacts trafficking and surface stability of killer immunoglobulin like receptors
on natural killer cells. American Association of Immunologists, Honolulu, Hawaii, May, 2013.
Tu, B., N. Cha, P. Posch, J. Ng, C. K. Hurley. A One-pass DNA sequencing strategy at recruitment of hematopoietic stem
cell donors—Rethinking typing requirements, American Society for Histocompatibility and Immunogenetics, 37 th
Annual Meeting, Puerto Rico, October 2012.
Tu, B., N. Leahy, R. Yang, N. Cha, K. Kariyawasam, E. Tvrdy, D. Pulse-Earle, M. Maiers, J. Ng, J. Kurtzberg, C. K. Hurley.
Genetic diversity within the U.S. population: 67% of haplotypes identified by segregation are singletons, American
Society for Histocompatibility and Immunogenetics, 37th Annual Meeting, Puerto Rico, October 2012.
Lazaro, A., J. Henry, Y. Xiao, J. Ng, C.K. Hurley, P.E.Posch. Novel alleles, far from the finish line. International
Histocompatibility and Immunogenetics Workshop, Liverpool, UK, May 2012.
Hurley, C. et al. Impact of HLA unidirectional mismatches on the outcome of unrelated donor hematopoietic stem cell
transplantation, 16th International Histocompatibility and Immunogenetics Workshop, Liverpool, UK, May 2012.
Hou, L. M. Chen, J. Ng, C. Hurley. Conservation of KIR allele level haplotypes in individuals with European ancestry. 2011
KIR Workshop, Tammsvik, Sweden, June 2011.
Vierra-Green, C., L. Hou, D. Roe, S. Spellman, T. Wang, J. Hollenbach, L. Guethlein, H. Noreen, M. Stewart, N. Yu, T.
Lebeveda, E. Reed, R. Rajalingam, C.K. Hurley. Refinement of KIR high-resolution haplotypes and patterns of
linkage disequilibrium in Caucasians. 2011 KIR Workshop, Tammsvik, Sweden, June 2011.
Hurley, C.K., J. Klein, S. Spellman, M. Haagenson, S. J. Lee, M. Askar, L.A. Baxter-Lowe, J. He, S. Hsu, R. Blasczyk.
Scoring HLA mismatches by HistoCheck does not predict clinical outcome in HCT. Tandem BMT, Honolulu, Hawaii,
February 2011.
Hou, L., M. Chen, K. Kariyawasam, J. Ng, C.K. Hurley. Physical linkage of genes adjacent to KIR2DL5 identifies thirty allelelevel haplotypes in an African American population. . American Society for Histocompatibility and Immunogenetics,
36th Annual Meeting, Hollywood, FL, September 2010.
Lazaro, A., Y. Xiao, C. Masaberg, B. Tu, J. Ng, C. K. Hurley. Haplotypes carrying “uncommon” alleles. American Society for
Histocompatibility and Immunogenetics, 36th Annual Meeting, Hollywood, FL, September 2010.
Steiner,N.K., N.D.K. Nguyen, C.K. Hurley. KIR2DS5 surface expression is impacted by allelic diversity. NK 2010, Society
for Natural Immunity, Cavtat-Dubrovnik Croatia, April 2010.
Mulrooney, T.J., P.E. Posch, and C.K. Hurley. The impact of DAP12 on activating KIR function goes beyond signaling. NK
2010, Society for Natural Immunity, Cavtat-Dubrovnik Croatia, April 2010.
Lazaro, A. M., Y. Xiao, C. Masaberg, T.F. Tang, W.Y.K. Hwang, A.E.J. Yeoh, J. Ng, C.K. Hurley. Evaluation of novel HLA
alleles discovered during typing for the Singapore Bone Registry and Singapore Cord Blood Bank. American Society
for Histocompatibility and Immunogenetics, 35th Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA, November 2009.
Masaberg, C., W. Yan, V. Degrassi, S. Johnson, M. Chen, A. Lazaro, Y. Xiao, J. Ng, C.K.Hurley. Exon amplification failure
identifies alleles potentially lacking primer annealing sites. American Society for Histocompatibility and
Immunogenetics, 35th Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA, November 2009.
Tu, B., R. Yang, L. Dsouza, C. Masaberg, J. Ng, C.K. Hurley, S.J. Mack. The HLA profile of US individuals with Southern
European Ancestry. American Society for Histocompatibility and Immunogenetics, 35 th Annual Meeting, San
Francisco, CA, November 2009.
Nunes, K., R. Francisco, C.K. Hurley, W. Kiltz, E.Santos, A. Ruiz-Linares, D. Meyer. HLA-B and MHC micosatellites
diversity in Amerindian populations. American Society for Histocompatibility and Immunogenetics, 35 th Annual
Meeting, San Francisco, CA, November 2009.
Maiers, M., C. Vierra-Green, D. Roe, S. Spellman, T. Wang, J.A. Hollenbach, L. A. Guethlein, C.K. Hurley, L. Hou, H.
Noreen, M. Stewart, N. Yu, T. Lebeveda, E. Reed, R. Rajalingam. Structural decomposition of KIR high-resolution
haplotypes reveals distinct patterns of linkage disequilibrium. KIR Polymorphism Workshop, Berkeley, CA,
September, 2009.
Hou, L., M. Chen, B. Jiang, J. Ng, C.K. Hurley. Investigation of killer cell immunoglobulin-like receptor allelic diversity in
100 random African Americans. KIR Polymorphisms Workshop, Berkeley, CA, September, 2009.
Hou, L., M. Chen, N. K. Steiner, I. Belle, J. Ng, C.K. Hurley. Highly homologous KIR genes require additional strategies to
obtain complete coding sequences of KIR2DL2/3 alleles from genomic DNA. International Histocompatibility
Workshop and Conference, Rio de Janiero, Brasil, September 2008.
Hou, L., M. Chen, I. Belle, N.K. Steiner, K. Kariyawasam, J. Ng, C.K. Hurley. Stimulatory KIR2DS loci in African Americans:
KIR2DS5 is quite polymorphic. International Histocompatibility Workshop and Conference, Rio de Janiero, Brasil,
September 2008.
February 13, 2016
Klitz, W., L. Gragert, M. Maiers, B. Tu, J. Ng, C. Hurley. High resolution reconstruction of HLA haplotypes in Native
Americans. International Histocompatibility Workshop and Conference, Rio de Janiero, Brasil, September 2008.
Lazaro, A.M., Y. Xiao, J. Ng, C.K. Hurley. Expanding the list of the common and well documented alleles. International
Histocompatibility Workshop and Conference, Rio de Janiero, Brasil, September 2008.
Spellman, S., A.M. Lazaro, M. Haagenson, C. Vierra-Green, Y. Xiao, C. Masaberg, J. Ng, C.K. Hurley. Frequency of
DRB1*1401 vs DRB1*1454 in four U.S. population groups and potential to evaluate the impact of mismatching on
unrelated donor hematopoietic stem cell transplantation. American Society for Histocompatibility and
Immunogenetics, Toronto, 2008.
Tu, B., R. Yang, J. Ng, C.K. Hurley. Frequencies of three CWD null alleles A*2409N, B*5111N and Cw*0409N, as defined
by SBT in African American, East European American and Mexican American populations. American Society for
Histocompatibility and Immunogenetics, Toronto, 2008.
Steiner, N.K., L. Hou, J. Ng, C. K. Hurley, C. Vandenbussche. Cell surface expression of KIR2DS5 may be absent for allele
*001. KIR Polymorphism Meeting, Dublin, Ireland, March 2008.
Baxter-Lowe, L.A., M. Haagenson, S. Spellman, M. Maiers, M. Fernandez-Vina, S.G.E. Marsh, C.K. Hurley. NMDP
Structure-Function Working Group, Tandem BMT, San Diego, February, 2008.
Mulrooney, T.J., W.R. Frazier, S. Dakshanamurthy, C.K. Hurley, C.J. VandenBussche. Multiple amino acids modulate
KIR2DS3 surface expression. Natural Killer and NKT Cell Biology, Keystone, Co, February, 2008.
VandenBussche, C.J., W. R. Frazier, T. J. Mulrooney, S. Dakshanamurthy, C. K. Hurley. KIR2DS1 and KIR2DS3: interlocus
variation and its effect upon plasma membrane surface expression. KIR Polymorphism Meeting, Dublin, Ireland,
March 2008.
Yokley, B.H., C.K. Hurley, P.E. Posch. Characterizing the region between the transcription and translation start sites of
lymphotoxin alpha and the impact of SNPs on expression levels. Regulatory Mechanisms Of Eukaryotic
Transcription. Keystone CO, February 2008.
Arora, M., S. Spellman, M. Haagenson, J. Klein, C.K. Hurley, G. Selby, J. Antin, N. Kernan, C. Kollman, A. Nandemanee, D.
Weisdorf, M.Horowitz, P. McGlave, E. Petersdorf On Behalf of the Writing Committee, Center for International Blood
and Marrow Transplant Research (CIBMTR). High resolution HLA matched unrelated donor versus HLA identical
sibling transplantation for chronic phase CML. American Society Hematology, Atlanta, GA, December 2007.
Lazaro, A.M., Y. Xiao, B. Tu, C. Masaberg, J. Ng, C.K. Hurley. Challenges in HLA assignments for SBT laboratories: cases
to aggravate the experts. American Society for Histocompatibility and Immunogenetics, Minneapolis, October 2007.
Hou, L., A. Kubit, M. Chen, I. Belle, N.K. Steiner, J. Ng, C.K. Hurley. Differences in the diversity of stimulatory 2D KIR in
hematopoietic stem cell donors and their recipients. American Society for Histocompatibility and Immunogenetics,
Minneapolis, October 2007.
Baxter-Lowe, L.A., M. Haagenson, S. Spellman, M. Maiers, M. Fernandez-Vina, S.G.E. Marsh, C.K. Hurley. Exploring the
relationship between HLA disparity and outcomes of blood and marrow transplants from the perspective of the
structural basis for allorerecognition. NMDP Structure-Function Working Group, One Lambda Meeting, Minneapolis,
MN, March 2007.
Schlaphoff, T., V. Borrill, S. Maart, C. Hurley, E.D. duToit. Comparison of HLA serological vs molecular techniques for HLA
typing of unrelated stem cell donor registry volunteers. Haematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation, 5th South African
Symposium, 2007.
VandenBussche, C.J., S. Dakshanamurthy, C.K. Hurley. A potential sheet folding motif may be disrupted in KIR2DS3.
American Association Cancer Research Tumor Immunity: An integrative perspective. Miami, November 2006.
Lee, S.J., J. Klein, M. Haagenson, L.A. Baxter-Lowe, D. Confer, M. Eapen, M. Fernandez-Vina, N. Flomenberg, M. Horowitz,
C. Hurley, H. Noreen, M. Oudshoorn, E. Petersdorf, M. Setterholm, S. Spellman, D. Weisdorf, T.M. Williams, C.
Anasetti. Single or multiple HLA-A,B,C or DRB1 mismatches limit success of unrelated donor bone marrow
transplantation. American Society for Hematology, 2006.
Hou, L., M. Chen, N. Steiner, I. Belle, J. Ng, C. K. Hurley. Investigation of killer cell immunoglobulin-like receptor gene
diversity--KIR2DL1. American Society for Histocompatibility and Immunogenetics, 2006.
Belle, I., L. Hou, M. Chen, N. Steiner, J. Ng, C. K. Hurley. Investigation of killer cell immunoglobulin-like receptor gene
diversity in KIR3DL1, American Society for Histocompatibility and Immunogenetics, 2006.
Steiner, N., L. Hou, I. Belle, M. Chen, C. Shulse, S. Sikaria, J. Ng, C. K. Hurley. Identifying and confirming KIR allelic
diversity continued. Düsseldorf, Germany, October 2006.
VandenBussche C., S. Dakshanamurthy, P. Posch, and C. K. Hurley. Critical amino acid residues in the KIR D1 domain.
Düsseldorf, Germany, October 2006.
Posch, P., S. Selby, B. Rahaman, C. K. Hurley and R. Shah. TGF-β1 regulatory region allelic and functional diversity:
implications in acute graft-versus-host disease. American Association for Cancer Research TGF-β in Cancer and
Other Diseases, February, 2006.
Shah, R., S. Selby, B. Rahaman, P. Posch and C. K Hurley. Importance of determining transforming growth factor β1 promoter
alleles to predict expression phenotype and its potential impact on bone marrow transplantation. Tandem BMT
meeting, February 2006.
February 13, 2016
Tang, T.F., L. Hou, M. Chen, I. Belle, W. Hwang, F. Alsagoff, J. Ng, C.K. Hurley. Identification of HLA haplotypes in
Singapore: A study of mothers and their cord blood units. Asia Pacific Donor Registry Conference, Hualien, Taiwan,
April 2006.
Tang T.F, L. Hou, B. Tu, A. Lancaster, S. Mack, G. Thomson, W. Yan, W. Hwang, A. Yeoh, J. Ng, C.K. Hurley. HLA
diversity in the Singapore Bone Marrow Donor Program Registry. Asia Pacific Donor Registry Conference, Hualien,
Taiwan, April 2006.
Lazaro, A., K. Cao, C. Masaberg, N. Steiner, B. Tu, J. Ng, R. Hartzman and C.K. Hurley. The discovery of new HLA alleles:
What kinds of variants are being detected today? American Society for Histocompatibility and Immunogenetics,
Washington, DC, October, 2005.
Tu, B., G. Ling, T.Tang, K.Cao, C. Montemayor, R. Hartzman, J. Ng, and C.K. Hurley. Using sequence based typing to define
HLA-A,B,C,DRB1 alleles in 564 African Americans. American Society for Histocompatibility and Immunogenetics,
Washington, DC, October, 2005.
VandenBussche, C., S. Dakshanamurthy, P. Posch, and C.K. Hurley. A single polymorphism in KIR2DL2*004 results in an
unexpected phenotype. KIR Polymorphism Workshop, Cambridge, UK, September, 2005.
Hurley, C.K., M. Setterholm, S. Spellman, E. Petersdorf, M. Oudshoorn, M. Haagenson, C. Anasetti, M. Horowitz. CIBMTR
and NMDP—Resources to support studies of KIR diversity and its role in hematopoietic stem cell transplantation. KIR
Polymorphism Workshop, Cambridge, UK, September, 2005.
Steiner, N., M. Gedil, C.K. Hurley. Identifying and confirming KIR allelic diversity. KIR Polymorphism Workshop,
Cambridge, UK, September, 2005.
Baxter-Lowe, L.A., M. Maiers, S. Spellman, M. Fenandez-Vina, M. Horowitz, M. Haagenson, and C.K. Hurley. Molecular
characterization of HLA-A mismatches for modeling outcomes analyses. Tandem BMT Meetings, Keystone, CO,
February 2005.
Baxter-Lowe, L.A., S. Spellman, M. Fernandez-Vina, C.K. Hurley, T. Williams, M. Haagenson, M. Maiers, M. Horowitz.
Determining immunogenicity of HLA disparities in unrelated hematopoietic stem cell transplants. American Society
for Histocompatibility and Immunogenetics, 2004.
Shah, R., P. Posch, and C.K.Hurley. Differential binding of nuclear factors to the common TGF beta-1 promoter region single
nucleotide polymorphisms –509 C to T and –800 G to A and their potential significance. American Association of
Immunologists, Washington, DC, April, 2004
Spellman, S., R. Cullen, M. Maiers, M. Fernandez-Vina, TM, Williams, L. Baxter-Lowe, and C.K. Hurley. HLA-class I
ambiguity resolution in the National Marrow Donor Program donor/recipient pair project: when is enough enough?
American Society for Histocompatibility and Immunogenetics, Miami, FL, October 2003
Gutierrez, M., H. Araujo, J. L. Stoddard, J. Ng, R. Hartzman, C. K. Hurley, and M. Fernandez-Vina. Serological assignment of
reported novel HLA-A and -B alleles. Nashville, TN, October, 2002.
Janzen, M., A. Howard, M. Maiers, J. Sorbie, M. Setterholm, and C.K. Hurley. Collection and analysis of HLA typing data
from multiple DNA-based technologies used to tissue type NMDP donors. American Society for Histocompatibility
and Immunogenetics. Nashville, TN, October, 2002.
Lazaro, A., M. Fernandez-Vina, C. Machan, L. Husted, J. Hegland, J. Ng, R. J, Hartzman, C. K. Hurley. Designing a DRB
registry typing strategy to optimize rapid identification of matched donors. World Marrow Donor Association
Meeting, Oslo, Norway, May, 2002.
Lazaro, A., C. Machan, L. Husted, J. Ng, R.J. Hartzman, C.K. Hurley, M. Fernandez-Vina. DRB resolution and diversity of
donors listed in bone marrow registries. 16th European Histocompatibility Conference, Strasbourg, France, March,
Burdett, L., D. Wagage, K. Smith, C. Huber, B. Tu, M. Setterholm, C. K. Hurley, J. Ng, R. J. Hartzman, M. Fernandez-Vina.
DRB-DQB1 diversity in the analysis of 1930 donors typed by sequence based typing (SBT), 16 th European
Histocompatibility Conference, Stasbourg, France, March, 2002.
Fickenscher, B., C.K. Hurley, P.E. Posch. Tumor Necrosis Factor Beta Polymorphisms and Alleles. American Society for
Histocompatibility and Immunogenetics, San Francisco, CA, October, 2001.
Medhekar, B, C.K. Hurley, and P.E. Posch. Typing and functional significance of tumor necrosis factor alpha and interleukin
10 polymorphisms. American Society for Histocompatibility and Immunogenetics, San Francisco, CA, October, 2001.
Maiers,M., M. Setterholm, and C.K. Hurley. Training a neural network to predict serologic specificity of DNA based HLA-A,B
alleles. American Society for Histocompatibility and Immunogenetics, San Francisco, CA, October, 2001.
Wade, J., C.K. Hurley, S. Takemoto, J. Thompson, T. Fuller, H. Noreen, S.M Wade, J., C.K. Hurley, S. Takemoto, J.
Thompson, T. Fuller, H. Noreen, S.M. Davies, C. Kollman. HLA mismatching for CrossREactive Groups (CREG) is
not a permissive mismatch for unrelated bone marrow transplantation (BMT). American Society for
Histocompatibility and Immunogenetics, San Francisco, CA, October, 2001.
Gans, C.P., T. Tang, and C.K. Hurley. The relative frequencies of DRB1*14 alleles in four United States populations.
American Society for Histocompatibility and Immunogenetics, San Francisco, CA, October, 2001.
Rizzuto,G., L. Li, N. Steiner, and C.K. Hurley. The relative frequencies of DRB1*08 alleles in four major United States
populations. American Society for Histocompatibility and Immunogenetics, San Francisco, CA, October, 2001.
February 13, 2016
Baldassarre, L., P. Jones, N. Steiner, and C.K. Hurley. HLA-DRB1*02 allelic frequencies in four United States populations.
American Society for Histocompatibility and Immunogenetics, San Francisco, CA, October, 2001.
Wade, J., S. Takemoto, J. Thompson, C. K. Hurley, T. Fuller, G. Rodney, H. Noreen, S. M Davies, D. L. Confer, C. Kollman.
No deleterious effect of HLA-mismatching outside cross reactive groups (CREG) compared to within CREG
mismatches for unrelated donor marrow transplant. American Society for Bone Marrow Transplantation, Keystone,
CO, February, 2001 [M.M. Bortin award].
Pei, J., B. Whitmire, M. Carrington, D. Geraghty, J. Ng, C. Hurley, E. Mickelson, and J. Hansen. The 13th International
Histocompatibility Workshop (IHWS) cell and gene bank: A comprehensive repository of reference reagents for
analysis of the human MHC. American Society for Histocompatibility and Immunogenetics, Orlando, FL, October,
Maiers, M., M. Setterholm, J. Hegland, J. Ng, D. Shepherd, and C.K. Hurley. Storage and reinterpretation of intermediate
resolution DNA-based HLA-A,B types in a bone marrow registry. American Society for Histocompatibility and
Immunogenetics, Orlando, FL, October, 2000.
Raffoux, C. and C.K. Hurley. World Marrow Donor Association (WMDA) working group and projects. Third International
Unrelated Donor Registries Conference, Ulm, Germany, May, 2000.
Raffoux, C. and C.K. Hurley. World Marrow Donor Association (WMDA) working group and projects. National Marrow
Donor Program Council meeting, October, 1999.
Ellis, J.M., J. Ng, R. Slack, R.J. Hartzman, and C.K. Hurley. The frequency of HLA-A2 alleles in 5 American population
groups. American Society for Histocompatibility and Immunogenetics, New Orleans, LA, October, 1999.
Ellis, J.M., R.J. Hoyer, C.N. Costello, I. Quakyi, A.H. Johnson, and C.K. Hurley. Diversity of class I HLA-B alleles in Cote
D’Ivoire. American Associations of Immunologists, Washington, D.C., April, 1999.
Pimtanothai, N., M. Parra, A.H. Johnson, D.W. Taylor, C.S. David, and C.K. Hurley. Plasmodium falciparum T cell epitopes
of ABRA, SERA, and MSP-1 antigens: in vitro binding to HLA-DQ molecules correlates with T cell responses in vivo.
American Associations of Immunologists, Washington, D.C., April, 1999.
Setterholm, M., R. Holsten, C.K. Hurley, J. Ng, L. Tull, R.J. Hartzman. The success of large volume molecular class I typing
for NMDP as determined by blind quality control. American Society for Histocompatibility and Immunogenetics,
Vancouver, Canada, October, 1998.
Hegland, J., T. Winden, R. Holsten, J. Ng, C.K. Hurley, R.J. Hartzman. Evaluation of quality of large scale HLA-DRB1 typing
of bone marrow donors: update of NMDP quality control program. American Society for Histocompatibility and
Immunogenetics, Vancouver, Canada, October, 1998.
Maiers, M., C.K. Hurley, K. Capp, T. Winden, J. Hegland, J. Ng, D. Shepherd, R.J. Hartzman. A system for periodic
reinterpretation of intermediate resolution DNA-based HLA types in a bone marrow registry. American Society for
Histocompatibility and Immunogenetics, Vancouver, Canada, October, 1998.
Winden, T., C.K. Hurley, M. Maiers, J. Hegland, J. Ng, R.J. Hartzman. Standardization of large scale SSOP typing of HLADRB1, DRB3, and DRB5 for unrelated bone marrow donor registries. American Society for Histocompatibility and
Immunogenetics, Vancouver, Canada, October, 1998.
Fernandez-Vina, M.A., H. Noreen, W. Hildebrand, E.W. Petersdorf, P. Stastny, E.A. Trachtenberg, L. Burdett, M. Setterholm,
J. Hegland, D. Kitajima, C.K. Hurley, R.J. Hartzman. Distribution and degree of disparity of HLA class I alleles in
unrelated bone marrow recipients and donors: results of the NMDP study. American Society for Histocompatibility
and Immunogenetics, Vancouver, Canada, October, 1998.
Winden, T., J. Hegland, C.K. Hurley, J. Ng, R.J. Hartzman, L.A. Baxter-Lowe, A. Begovich, Z. Awdeh, M. Salazar, B.
Schmeckpeper, H. Noreen, T. Williams, E. Yunis. Allele level class II DNA typing of NMDP donor-recipient pairs: a
progress report American Society for Histocompatibility and Immunogenetics, Vancouver, Canada, October, 1998.
Noreen, H., C.K. Hurley, D. Kitajima, M. Setterholm, T. Winden, and J. Hegland.Allele-Level HLA Matching in 619 Unrelated
Donor-Recipient Pairs: Report of the U.S. NMDP Retrospective Study. American Society for Histocompatibility and
Immunogenetics, Vancouver, Canada, October, 1998.
Baxter-Lowe, L.A., C. Kollman, Z. Awdeh, P. Beatty, A. Begovich, D. Confer, M. Fernandez-Vina, N. Flomenberg, D.
Kitajima, H. Noreen, M. Salazar, B. Schmeckpeper, T. Williams, E. Yunis, C.K. Hurley. Predictive value of high
resolution class II HLA typing in bone marrow transplantation using unrelated donors. American Society for
Histocompatibility and Immunogenetics, Vancouver, Canada, October, 1998.
Setterholm, M., J. Hegland, C.K. Hurley, J. Ng, R.J. Hartzman. High resolution class I DNA typing of NMDP donor and
recipient pairs: a progress report. American Society for Histocompatibility and Immunogenetics, Vancouver, Canada,
October, 1998.
Pimtanothai, N., A.H. Johnson, C.Y. Ginseng, M.E. O’Brien, and C.K. Hurley. HLA-DQ polymorphism in Cameroon and the
association with malaria. American Society for Histocompatibility and Immunogenetics, Vancouver, Canada, October,
Sintasath, D.M., T.F. Tang, R. Slack, R.J. Hartzman, and C.K. Hurley. HLA-DRB1*13 allele frequencies of Department of
Defense (DOD) bone marrow registry volunteers. American Society for Histocompatibility and Immunogenetics,
Vancouver, Canada, October, 1998.
February 13, 2016
Hsu, E., S. Mowry, R.J. Hartzman, J. Ng, and C.K. Hurley. HLA-A*28 allele frequency in the five major U.S. ethnic groups.
American Society for Histocompatibility and Immunogenetics, Vancouver, Canada, October, 1998.
Bei, M., S. Mowry, R.J. Hartzman, and C.K. Hurley. HLA-A10 allelic frequencies in five United States ethnic groups.
American Society for Histocompatibility and Immunogenetics, Vancouver, Canada, October, 1998.
Kosman, C.A., N. Steiner, H. Pulyaeva, W. Mitton, R. Slack, R.J. Hartzman, J. Ng, and C.K. Hurley. Discrepancy between
allelic relationships defined by serology and SBT revealed during a survey of B45/B*5002 positive individuals.
American Society for Histocompatibility and Immunogenetics, Vancouver, Canada, October, 1998.
Huang, A.Y., T.F. Tang, A. Pappas, J. Ng, R.J. Hartzman, and C.K. Hurley. Relative frequencies of DRB1*11 alleles within
the five major ethnic groups in the U.S.A. American Society for Histocompatibility and Immunogenetics,
Vancouver, Canada, October, 1998.
Coquillard, G., T.F. Tang, J. Ng, R. Hartzman, C.K. Hurley. Current HLA class II generic primer sets unable to identify three
new DRB3 alleles. American Society for Histocompatibility and Immunogenetics, Vancouver, Canada, October,
Lin, Y.S., G. Coquillard, T.F. Tang, J. Ng, R.J. Hartzman, C.K. Hurley. Detection of three novel alleles: DRB1*1130
DRB1*13072 and DRB1*1331. American Society for Histocompatibility and Immunogenetics, Vancouver, Canada,
October, 1998.
Lin, Y.S., L. Li, T.F. Tang, J. Ng, R. Hartzman, C.K. Hurley. Two novel alleles arose from the silent mutation of codon 72.
American Society for Histocompatibility and Immunogenetics, Vancouver, Canada, October, 1998.
Hurley, C.K., J. Hegland, D. Kitajima, M. Setterholm, T. Winden on behalf of the NMDP Class I and II high resolution DNA
testing laboratories. Allele-level HLA matching in 235 unrelated donor-recipient pairs: Report of the U.S. NMDP
retrospective study. European Group for Blood and Marrow Transplantation, Courmayeur, Italy, March, 1998.
Baxter-Lowe, L., P. Beatty, C. Kollman, N. Flomenberg, D. Confer, D. Kitajima, T. Williams, E. Yunis, M. Salazer, B.
Schmeckpeper, H. Noreen, M. Fernandez-Vina, A. Begovich, Z. Awdeh, and R. Hartzman, and C.K. Hurley. Use of
molecular HLA analysis to examine the relationship between class II HLA disparity and outcome of unrelated bone
marrow transplants. American Socienty of Hematology, San Diego, CA, December, 1997.
Hurley, C.K., J. Hegland, J. Ng, T. Winden, M. Maiers, and R.J. Hartzman. Novel way to record DNA-based HLA types in
bone marrow registries. American Society for Histocompatibility and Immunogenetics, Atlanta, GA, October, 1997.
Lee, K.W., N. Steiner, and C.K. Hurley. Clarification of HLA-B serologic ambiguous types by automated sequencing.
American Society for Histocompatibility and Immunogenetics, Atlanta, GA, October, 1997.
Lee, K.W., N. Steiner, and C.K. Hurley. Allele typing of HLA-A & -B serologic subgroups in the Korean population.
American Society for Histocompatibility and Immunogenetics, Atlanta, GA, October, 1997.
Bei, M., T.F. Tang, R. Bray, V. Esquenzai, J. McCormack, K. Muto, H. Siu, D. Stewart, and C.K. Hurley. HLA alleles and
haplotypes in African-Americans. American Society for Histocompatibility and Immunogenetics, Atlanta, GA,
October, 1997.
Hoyer, R.J., A.B. Hahn, M. Carrington, and C.K. Hurley. Identification of a null HLA-B allele in a caucasian family.
American Society for Histocompatibility and Immunogenetics, Atlanta, GA, October, 1997.
Mitton, W., J. Bush, M. Bei, R.J. Hartzman, C.K. Hurley, and J. Ng. A comparison of serologic versus molecular PCR-SSOP
method for HLA-B typing. American Society for Histocompatibility and Immunogenetics, Atlanta, GA, October,
Steiner, N., J. Bush, R.J. Hartzman, L.A. Johnston-Dow, J. Ng, and C.K. Hurley. B*15 alleles found in HLA-B63, B75, B77
positive individuals. American Society for Histocompatibility and Immunogenetics, Atlanta, GA, October, 1997.
Lazaro, A., J. Hunter, B. Dupont, M. Fernandez-Vina, R. Hartzman, J. Hegland, W.H. Hildebrand, C. Hurley, J. Ng, H. Noreen,
E. Petersdorf, and E. Trachtenberg. High resolution molecular typing of bone marrow recipients and donors.
American Society for Histocompatibility and Immunogenetics, Atlanta, GA, October, 1997.
Petersdorf, E.W., C. Kollman, C. Hurley, B. Dupont, A. Begovich, J. Hansen, R. Hartzman, A. Nademanee, and P. McGlave.
Analysis of 390 marrow transplants for the treatment of chronic myeloid leukemia from unrelated donors facilitated by
the U.S. National Marrow Donor Program (NMDP): Effect of HLA-DRB1 allele disparity on clinical outcome.
American Society for Histocompatibility and Immunogenetics, Atlanta, GA, October, 1997.
Bei, M., V. Henson, R.J. Hartzman, C.K. Hurley, and J. Ng. PCR-SSOP for HLA-A typing: Comparison to serology and
identification of new alleles. American Society for Histocompatibility and Immunogenetics, Atlanta, GA, October,
Ellis, J.M., R.F.G. Leke, I.A. Quakyi, A.H. Johnson, and C.K. Hurley. Diversity is demonstrated in class I HLA-A and HLA-B
alleles present in Cameroon, Africa. American Society for Histocompatibility and Immunogenetics, Atlanta, GA,
October, 1997.
Winden, T., J. Hegland, C. Hurley, J. Ng, M. Chopek, L. Baxter-Lowe, A. Begovich, Z. Awdeh, M. Salazar, B. Schmeckpeper,
H. Noreen, T. Williams, E. Yunis, and R.J. Hartzman. High resolution class II DNA typing of NMDP donor-recipient
pairs: A progress report. American Society for Histocompatibility and Immunogenetics, Atlanta, GA, October, 1997.
February 13, 2016
Setterholm, M., J. Hegland, J. Ng, C. Hurley, and R.J. Hartzman. The results of low resolution DNA-based HLA-A and -B
typing of fifty pre-test samples. American Society for Histocompatibility and Immunogenetics, Atlanta, GA, October,
Hegland, J., S. Alosco, N. Yu, J. Ng, C.K. Hurley, and R. Hartzman. Evaluation of quality of large-scale HLA-A, B typing of
bone marrow donors: Update of the NMDP HLA-A, B & DR pilot project. American Society for Histocompatibility
and Immunogenetics, Atlanta, GA, October, 1997.
Wang, S., E.D. Robinson, X.W. Wu, A.E. Hastings, C.K. Hurley, and J.R. Richert. Modeling of a myelin basic protein (MBP)specific human T cell receptor (TCR). The American Neurological Association, San Diego, CA, September, 1997.
Hegland, J., P. Coppo, X. Pinderhughes, R.J. Hartzman, C. Hurley, J. Ng, and C. Howe. Increasing the likelihood of identifying
an unrelated marrow donor for minority patients: A progress report of the NMDP. 6th Biennial Symposium on
Minorities, the Medically Underserved and Cancer. Washington, DC, April, 1997.
Hurley, C.K., J. Hegland, J. Ng, R.J. Hartzman, C.W.S. Howe, D. Confer, and the NMDP Laboratories. Impact of DNA-based
HLA typing projects on selection of compatible donors: Experience of the U.S. National Marrow Donor Program.
European Group for Blood and Marrow Transplantation. Aix-les-Bains, France, March, 1997.
Hurley, C.K., N. Steiner, J. Bush, R.J. Hartzman, L.A. Johnston-Dow, and J. Ng. B*15 alleles found in HLA-B75 positive
individuals. One Lambda HLA Clinical Histocompatibility Workshop, Cancun, Mexico, February, 1997.
Baxter-Lowe, L.A., C.K. Hurley, T. Williams, E. Yunis, M. Salazer, B. Schmeckpeper, H. Noreen, M. Chopek, A. Begovich, Z.
Awdeh, and R. Hartzman. Comprehensive high resolution molecular analysis of HLA Class II polymorphism in bone
marrow recipients and their unrelated donors. American Society of Hematology, Orlando, FL, December, 1996.
Petersdorf, E.W., C. Hurley, B. Dupont, A. Begovitch, J. Hansen, R. Hartzman, C. Kollman, A. Nademanee, and P. McGlave
for the U.S. NMDP. Analysis of 328 marrow transplants for the treatment of chronic myeloid leukemia from unrelated
odnors facilitated by the US National Marrow Donor Program (NMDP): Effect of HLA-DRB1 allele disparity on
clinical outcome. American Society of Hematology, Orlando, FL, December, 1996.
Robinson, E.D., A.E. Hastings, C.K. Hurley, and J.R. Richert. Recognition of myelin basic protein by mutated human T-cell
receptors. American Neurological Association, Miami, FL, October 1996.
Hegland, J., C.K. Hurley, J. Ng, R.J. Hartzman, C.W. Howe, D. Confer, and the NMDP Laboratories. Programs to increase the
likelihood of identifying an unrelated marrow donors: The experience of the National Marrow Donor Program.
American Society of Bone Marrow Transplantation, San Diego, CA, October, 1996.
Steiner, N.K., J. Ng, V.A. Henson, S.Y. Yang, R.J. Hartzman, and C.K. Hurley. Diversity of HLA-B alleles: Identification by
direct sequencing in a panel of individuals serologically typed as B15. American Society for Histocompatibility and
Immunogenetics, San Diego, CA, October, 1996.
Hurley, C.K., J. Hegland, J. Ng, M. Chopek, E. Peterdorf, E. Trachtenberg, A. Selvakumar, H. Noreen, W.H. Hildebrand, P.
Stastny, D. Johnson, B. Dupont, and R.J. Hartzman. High resolution class I DNA typing of NMDP donor-recipient
pairs: A progress report. American Society for Histocompatibility and Immunogenetics, San Diego, CA, October,
Hegland, J., C.K. Hurley, J. Ng, R.J. Hartzman, B. Dupont, and the NMDP Laboratories. Implementation of large scale DNAbased typing: The experience of the U.S. National Marrow Donor Program. American Society for Histocompatibility
and Immunogenetics, San Diego, CA, October, 1996.
Sintasath, D.M., J.D. Hegland, J. Ng, S. Alosco, and C.K. Hurley. Analysis of serologic discrepancies of NMDP’s pilot project
using PCR-SSOP and direct sequencing. American Society for Histocompatibility and Immunogenetics, San Diego,
CA, October, 1996.
Baxter-Lowe, L.A., Z. Awdeh, M. Chopek, C. Granja, J. Hegland, C. Hurley, D. Katajima, L. Morse, J. Ng, M. Salazer, B.
Schmeckpeper, T. Williams, and R. Hartzman. Analysis of HLA-DRB1 and -DQB1 disparity in unrelated donor bone
marrow transplants. American Society for Histocompatibility and Immunogenetics, San Diego, CA, October, 1996.
Hurley, C.K., J. Ng, J. Hegland, Z. Zwdeh, L.A. Baxter-Lowe, A. Begovich, M. Chopek, H. Noreen, M. Salazar, B.
Schmeckpeper, T.M. Williams, E. Yunis, D. Johnson, B. Dupont, and R. Hartzman. High resolution class II DNA
typing of NMDP donor-recipient pairs: A progress report. 12th International Histocompatibility Conference, Paris,
France, June, 1996.
Petersdorf, E.W., C. Hurley, B. Dupont, A. Begovitch, J. Hansen, R. Hartzman, C. Kollman, A. Nademanee, and P.
McGlave. Analysis of 595 marrow transplants for the treatment of chronic myeloid leukemia from unrelated donors
facilitated by the US National Marrow Donor Program (NMDP): Effect of HLA class II allele disparity on clinical
outcome. 12th International Histocompatibility Conference, Paris, France, June, 1996.
Baxter-Lowe, L.A., H. Noreen, M. Salazar, B. Schmeckpeper, T.M. Williams, C. Granja, Z. Awdeh, A. Begovich, D.
Kitajima, L. Morse, J. Hegland, J. Ng, R. Hartzman, C. Hurley, and M. Chopek. Molecular analysis of class II
HLA disparity in bone marrow transplants using unrelated donors. 12th International Histocompatibility Conference,
Paris, France, June, 1996.
Rodriguez, S.G., C.L. Crevling, N. Steiner, and C.K. Hurley. Identification of the first DR5 allele--DRB1*1204--during routine
PCR-SSOP typing of National Marrow Donor Program volunteers. 12th International Histocompatibility Conference,
Paris, France, June, 1996.
February 13, 2016
Inamdar A., D. Sintasath, and C.K. Hurley. Oligotyping of the HLA-B locus. American Society for Histocompatibility and
Immunogenetics, Dallas, TX, October, 1995.
Prilliman, K.R., N. Steiner, M. Ellexson, D. Stewart, M. Lau, P. Terasaki, C. Hurley, and W.H. Hildebrand. Description of
novel alleles B*7802 and B*51022: Evidence for convergent evolution in the HLA-B5 family. American Society for
Histocompatibility and Immunogenetics, Dallas, TX, October, 1995.
Hegland J, J. Ng, C.K. Hurley, S. Alosco, .J Figueroa, R. Belcher, and E. Milford. Discrepancy rates in large scale HLA-A, B
and DR typing of bone marrow donors. American Society for Histocompatibility and Immunogenetics, Dallas, TX,
October, 1995.
Ellis, J., N. Steiner, J. Wang, D. KuKuruga, T. Tang, and C.K. Hurley. Additional alleles in the DR52-associated DRB1
family--gene conversion creates additional variants. American Society for Histocompatibility and Immunogenetics,
Dallas, TX, October, 1995.
Lin Y.S., T.F. Tang, Y. Chen, J. Ng, R. Hartzman, and C.K. Hurley. Characterization of a deleterious mutation and a novel
DRB4 gene by SSOP and serological assay. American Society for Histocompatibility and Immunogenetics, Dallas,
TX, October, 1995.
Wang J., M. Ruffo, T.F. Tang, J. Ng, R. Hartzman, and C.K. Hurley. Four new DRB1*13 alleles defined by PCR/SSOP
method. American Society for Histocompatibility and Immunogenetics, Dallas, TX, October, 1995.
Lin Y.S., F. Robbins, T. Bergman, T.F. Tang, J. Ng, R. Hartzman,and C.K. Hurley. A new DRB3*02/03 hybrid and a
DRB5*01 variant add diversity to the DRB3*/*5 loci. American Society for Histocompatibility and Immunogenetics,
Dallas, TX, October, 1995.
Hastings, A.E., E.D. Robinson, C.K. Hurley, and J.R. Richert. Molecular interactions of HLA-DR, myelin basic protein (MBP)
and human TCR. Federation of Societies for Experimental Biology, Atlanta, GA, April, 1995.
Hastings, A.E., E.D. Robinson, C.K. Hurley, and J.R. Richert. Trans
protein (MBP)-specific T cell clone. Keystone Symposium on Immune Response, Taos, NM, March, 1995.
Hurley, C.K., A. Geluk, T.H.M. Ottenhoff, and P. Posch. Peptide/DR interactions differ for peptides that bind an individual DR
molecule. American Society for Histocompatibility and Immunogenetics, Pittsburgh, PA, October, 1994.
Steiner, N., A.H. Johnson, and C.K. Hurley. DR11/DR13 microvariation creates functional differences in peptide binding.
American Society for Histocompatibility and Immunogenetics, Pittsburgh, PA, October, 1994.
Rodriguez, S.G., M. Bei, A.H. Johnson, and C.K. Hurley. Molecular characterization of HLA-B71 in association with different
class I haplotypes or in different ethnic groups. American Society for Histocompatibility and Immunogenetics,
Pittsburgh, PA, October, 1994.
Ng, J., C.K. Hurley, C. Carter, J. Hegland, B. Dupont, R.J. Hartzman, etc. Large scale oligonucleotide typing for the NMDP
registry: Progress report from year 2. American Society for Histocompatibility and Immunogenetics, Pittsburgh, PA,
October, 1994.
Hastings, A.E., E.D. Robinson, C.K. Hurley, and J. Richert. Transfection of MBPReceptors in Autoimmune Disease. San Diego, CA, April, 1994.
Hurley, C.K., N. Steiner, H.A. Araujo, and A.H. Johnson. Functional differences in HLA-DR11 and -DR13 microvariants.
Keystone Symposium on Lymphocyte Activation, Keystone, CO, April, 1994.
Posch, P.E., A. Geluk, H.A. Araujo, A.H. Johnson, T. Ottenhoff, and C.K. Hurley. Peptides utilize different DR contact
residues for binding to the DR3 molecules. Keystone Symposium on Lymphocyte Activation, Keystone, CO, April,
Richert, J.R., E.D. Robinson, M.L. Cohn, and C.K. Hurley. Myelin basic protein-reactive human T cell clones: activation by
microbial antigens. American Academy of Neurology, Washington, DC, May, 1994.
Steiner, N., H.A. Araujo, A.H. Johnson, and C.K. Hurley. Functional motifs of HLA-DR13 microvariants. American Society
for Histocompatibility and Immunogenetics, Phoenix, AZ, October, 1993.
Rodriquez, S.G., H.A. Arauj
American Society for Histocompatibility and Immunogenetics, Phoenix, AZ, October, 1993.
Araujo, H.A., P.E. Posch, A.H. Johnson, and C.K. Hurley. The effect of HLA-DR3 microvariation on human immune
responses. American Society for Histocompatibility and Immunogenetics, Phoenix, AZ, October, 1993.
Rodriquez, S.G., M.L. Iandoli, A.G. Wagner, S. Rosen-Bronson, A.H. Johnson, and C.K. Hurley. The complexity of defining
class I alleles in African Americans. American Society for Histocompatibility and Immunogenetics, Phoenix, AZ,
October, 1993.
Posch, P.E, H. Araujo, A.H. Johnson, and C.K. Hurley. The effect of HLA-DR3 microvariation on human alloproliferative T
cell responses. American Association of Immunologists. Denver, CO, May, 1993.
(MBP)-specific human T cells. American Association of Immunologists. Denver, CO, May, 1993.
Rodriguez, S.G., H.A. Araujo, A.H. Johnson, and C.K. Hurley. Diversity of T cell receptor utilization by HLA identical
siblings. American Society for Histocompatibility and Immunogenetics, Kansas City, KS, October, 1992.
February 13, 2016
Rosen-Bronson, S., A.G. Wagner, D. Stewart, S. Herbert, and C.K. Hurley. DNA sequencing of a new HLA-A allele using
locus specific PCR amplification. American Society for Histocompatibility and Immunogenetics, Kansas City, KS,
October, 1992.
O'Malley, A.S., N. Berka, C. Hurley, A.H. Johnson, O.M. Rennert, and S.R. Mitchell. Familial systemic onset polyarticular
JRA. American College of Rheumatology, Atlanta, GA. October, 1992.
Richert, J.R., E. Robinson, M. Faerber, M. Halterman, B. Vasallo, and C. K. Hurley. Stimulation of myelin basic protein (BP)specific human T-cell clones by microbial antigens. Neurology, San Diego, CA. May, 1992.
Richert, J., E. Robinson, M. Faerber, A. Johnson, M. Cohn, A. Huger, and C. K. Hurley. Antigenic cross-reactivity and lack of
MHC-restriction by myelin basic protein (MDP)-reactive human T cell clones. American Association of
Immunologists-Federation of the Societies of Experimental Biology. Anaheim, CA. April, 1992.
Hurley, C.K., N. Steiner, A.G. Wagner, D.D. Eckels, and S. Rosen-Bronson. T cell receptors specific for microvariants of DR1.
11th International Histocompatibility Workshop. Yokahama, Japan. November, 1991.
Shaffer, A., J. Falk-Wade, V. Tortorelli, A. Cigan, C. Carter, K. Hassan, and C.K. Hurley. Chemiluminescent detection of HLA
class II DR antigens and alleles in the DRw52-associated family following PCR and oligonucleotide hybridization.
11th International Histocompatibility Workshop. Yokahama, Japan. November, 1991.
Falk-Wade, J.A., C.K. Hurley, R.W. Martell, and E.D. duToit. DR2 polymorphism: New association of alleles of DRB1 and
DRB5 loci. 11th International Histocompatibility Workshop. Yokahama, Japan. November, 1991.
Steiner, N., C.K. Hurley, A.G. Wagner, and S. Rosen-Bronson. The role of T cell receptor junctional diversity in recognition of
DR1 microvariation. American Society of Histocompatibility and Immunogenetics, Washington, DC. October, 1991.
Rodriguez, S.G., A.H. Johnson, B.L. Ziff, and C.K. Hurley. T cell receptor expression in HLA identical siblings. American
Society of Histocompatibility and Immunogenetics, Washington, DC. October, 1991.
Falk-Wade, J.A., C.K. Hurley, S. Rosen-Bronson, R.W. Martell, and E.D. duToit. DR2 polymorphism: New association of
alleles of DRB1 and DRB5 loci. American Society of Histocompatibility and Immunogenetics, Washington, DC,
October, 1991.
Shaffer, A.L., V. Tortorelli, A. Cigan, C. Carter, K. Hassan, and C.K. Hurley. Grouping alleles of the DRw52-associated
family into subsets using polymorphism-directed PCR primers. American Society of Histocompatibility and
Immunogenetics, Washington, DC. October, 1991.
Tortorelli, V. A. Cigan, A. Shaffer, J.A. Falk-Wade, C. Carter, K. Hassan, and C.K. Hurley. Chemiluminescent detection of
HLA-DR antigens following amplification by PCR and oligonucleotide hybridization. American Society of
Histocompatibility and Immunogenetics, Washington, DC. October, 1991.
Richert, J., E. Robinson, R. Martin, H. McFarland, L. Horky, H. Gill, and C. K. Hurley. Human
gene expression in the response to myelin basic protein (MBP). American Association of Immunologists-Federation of
the Societies of Experimental Biology. Atlanta, GA. April, 1991.
Richert, J., E. Robinson, R. Martin, H. McFarland, M. Faerber, M. Holterman, and C.K. Hurley. Restricted Tgene expression in the human response to myelin basic protein. American Neurological Association, Seattle, WA.
September, 1991.
Richert, J., E. Robinson, M. Faerber, M. Halterman, A. Johnson, and C.K. Hurley. Superantigen-like reactivity by myelin basic
protein (MBP)-reactive human T cell clones. Clinical Immunology Society. Arlington, VA. November, 1991.
Hurley, C.K., K.W. Lee, and A.H. Johnson. Two distinct evolutionary pathways have generated HLA-DRw13 alleles.
American Association of Immunologists-Federation of the Societies of Experimental Biology. New Orleans, LA. June,
Richert, J.R., E.D. Robinson, and C.K. Hurley. T cell receptor gene rearrangements in the human response to myelin basic
protein. New York Academy of Science. New York, NY, 1990.
Hurley, C.K., K.W. Lee, and A.H. Johnson. A new DQ molecule defined in an American black family. Fourth Annual Clinical
Histocompatibility Workshop. Kahuku, Hawaii. February, 1990.
Hurley, C.K., K.W. Lee, N. Steiner, B. Ziff, R. Karr, and A. Johnson. Polymorphism of the HLA-DR alleles in American
blacks. American Society of Histocompatibility and Immunogenetics, Toronto, Canada, September, 1989.
Hurley, C.K. and R. Karr. Correlation of serologically defined epitopes and DNA sequences. American Society of
Histocompatibility and Immunogenetics, Toronto, Canada, September, 1989.
Lee, K. W., A. Johnson, and C.K. Hurley. Extreme diversity of DRw13-related DRB1 alleles in American blacks. American
Society of Histocompatibility and Immunogenetics, Toronto, Canada, September, 1989.
Lee, K.W., A. Johnson, T. Tang, and C. K. Hurley. DRw6-related DQ genes in American blacks. American Society of
Histocompatibility and Immunogenetics, Toronto, Canada, September, 1989.
Tang, T., C.K. Hurley, P. Gregersen, S. Rosen-Bronson, K.W. Lee, and A. Johnson. The DRw11/W13 family: A continuum of
diversity. American Society of Histocompatibility and Immunogenetics, Toronto, Canada, September, 1989.
Richert, J., E. Robinson, C. Hurley, and B. Ziff. Heterogeneity of the human T cell receptor beta gene rearrangements utilized in
the anti-myelin basic protein immune response. American Neurological Association. 1989.
Johnson, A.H, S. Rosen-Bronson, Ting Tang, and Carolyn Hurley. Heterogeneity of the HLA-D region in American blacks.
The Second International Symposium on Renal Disease and Transplantation in Blacks. Arlington, VA, March, 1989.
February 13, 2016
Johnson, A.H., T.F. Tang, N. Steiner, P.K. Gregersen, J. Silver, and C.K. Hurley. Relationship of DR3 T cell recognition
determinants to protein sequence. American Society of Histocompatibility and Immunogenetics, San Francisco, CA,
October, 1988.
Johnson, A.H., T.F. Tang, N. Steiner, R. Hartzman, R. Karr, and C.K. Hurley. DRw11 heterogeneity defined by cellular,
serological and molecular techniques. American Society of Histocompatibility and Immunogenetics, San Francisco,
CA, October, 1988.
Carreno, B., C.K. Hurley, G. Pearson, and R. Hartzman. Functional analysis of DR3-associated class II molecules using gp350
specific human T-cell clones (TCCs). American Society of Histocompatibility and Immunogenetics, San Francisco,
CA, October, 1988.
Hurley, C.K., N. Steiner, P.K. Gregersen, and J. Silver. Evolution of DQ genes. American Society of Histocompatibility and
Immunogenetics, San Francisco, CA, October, 1988.
Johnson, A., T.F. Tang, G.M. Dunston, N. Steiner, and C.K. Hurley. Relationship of DR3 T cell recognition determinats to
DNA sequence. XII International Congress, Sydney, Australia, August, 1988.
Hurley, C.K., N. Steiner, P.K. Gregersen, and J. Silver. Evolution of DQ alpha genes. 6th HLA/H2 Cloning Workshop, Airlie,
VA, May, 1988.
Lee, K.W., A.H. Johnson, T. Tang, N. Steiner, F.M. Robbins, R. Hartzman, and C.K. Hurley. DRw6 polymorphism in
American blacks. 10th International Histocompatibility Workshop Meeting/American Society of Histocompatibility
and Immunogenetics, New York, NY, November, 1987.
Hurley, C.K., N. Steiner, P. Gregersen, J. Silver, R. Hartzman, G. Nepom, and A.H. Johnson. Evolution of DQw2-related
haplotypes. 10th International Histocompatibility Workshop Meeting/American Society of Histocompatibility and
Immunogenetics, New York, NY, November, 1987.
Johnson, A.H., T.F. Tang, F.M. Robbins, S. Rosen-Bronson, N. Steiner, R.J. Hartzman, P. Gregersen, J. Silver, B. Ziff, and
C.K. Hurley. DR3 heterogeneity in American blacks. 10th International Histocompatibility Workshop
Meeting/American Society of Histocompatibility and Immunogenetics, New York, NY, November, 1987.
Gregersen, P.K., H. Kao, C.K. Hurley, A. Nunez-Roldan, T. Takahashi, J. Tang, C. Wang, and J. Silver. Patterns of linkage
disequilibrium between DR and DQ can be explained by haplotype specific sites of recombination. 10th International
Histocompatibility Workshop Meeting/American Society of Histocompatibility and Immunogenetics, New York, NY,
November, 1987.
Nelson, K., S. Radka, B. Nepom, C. Hurley, A. Johnson, P. Mongan, C. Ulbright, T. Tang, N. Steiner. Monoclonal antibodies
identify class II epitopes whose association with serologic specificities varies with D type and ethnic origin. 10th
International Histocompatibility Workshop Meeting/American Society of Histocompatibility and Immunogenetics,
New York, NY, November, 1987.
both DQw1 and DQ blank haplotypes in caucasian, American black and oriental populations. 10th International
Histocompatibility Workshop Meeting/American Society of Histocompatibility and Immunogenetics, New York, NY,
November, 1987.
Johnson, A., T. Tang, N. Steiner, S. Rosen-Bronson, G. Dunston, R. Hartzman, and C.K. Hurley. Heterogeneity of the DR3
haplotype. American Association of Immunologists-Federation of the Societies of Experimental Biology, April, 1987.
Hurley, C.K., N. Steiner, S. Rosen-Bronson, D. Eckels, J. Bell, S. Radka, E. Mickelson, R. Hartzman, and A. Johnson.
Polymorphism of DR3-related haplotypes in the American black population, American Society of Histocompatibility
and Immunogenetics, New Orleans, September, 1986.
Johnson, A., G. Dunston, R. Hartzman, and C. K. Hurley. Polymorphism of the HLA-D region in American blacks. 3rd Asian
Oceanic Histocompatibility Workshop Conference, Sapporo, Japan, June, 1986.
Dunston, G., C. Hurley, R. Hartzman, and A. Johnson. Unique HLA D-region heterogeneity in American blacks. XI
International Congress of the Transplantation Society, Helsinki, Finland, 1986.
Hurley, C.K., N. Steiner, J. Bell, S. Radka, R. Hartzman, and A. Johnson. DQ polymorphism in the American black population.
American Association of Immunologists-Federation of the Societies of Experimental Biology, April, 1986.
Hurley, C.K., N. Steiner, J. Bell, S. Radka, R. Hartzman, and A. Johnson. DQ polymorphism in the American black population.
American Society of Histocompatibility and Immunogenetics, New Orleans, September, 1986.
Hurley, C.K., R. Giles, G. Nunez, R. DeMars, P. Stastny, and J. D. Capra. The HLA-D region specificities MT2 and MT3
reside primarily on DR molecules. American Association of Immunologists-Federation of the Societies of
Experimental Biology, St. Louis, MO, 1984.
Hurley, C.K., R. Giles, G. Nunez, R. DeMars, P. Stastny, and J. D. Capra. The HLA-D region specificities MT2 and MT3
reside primarily on DR molecules. American Society for Clinical Investigation. Washington, DC, May, 1984.
Stastny, P., J. Capra, C.K. Hurley, R. Giles, R. DeMars, G. Nunez, L. Myers, and E. Ball. The HLA-D Region: Serology,
structure, tissue distribution, and function of human class II molecules and their antigen determinants. Ninth
International Histocompatibility Workshop Conference, Vienna, Austria, May, 1984.
Hurley, C.K., S. Shaw and R. DeMars. A biochemical analysis of SB and DR homology. American Association for Clinical
Histocompatibility Testing, Miami, FL, November, 1984.
February 13, 2016
Invited Lecturer (see also educational lectures for organizations and societies):
NMDP HLA Matching Guidelines for Unrelated Donors and Umbilical Cord Blood Units, Children’s National Medical Center
, Washington, DC, October 4, 2012.
HLA Typing at Recruitment—Is It Time to Rethink Our Strategy? International Donor Registry Conference 2012, Sydney,
Australia, May 1-5, 2012
Natural Killer Cell Immunoglobulin-Like Receptors (KIR): Exploring the Impact of Genetic Diversity on the Immune
Response, Lombardi Cancer Center, Washington, DC, December 2010
Building a Strong HLA Foundation for the Registry, 2 nd Annual Meeting of the Chinese Marrow Donor Program, Beijing,
China, May 2009
Finding the Perfect Match: Optimizing Outcome for Hematopoietic Progenitor Cell Transplantation with Unrelated Donors,
Department of Oncology, Lombardi Cancer Center, Georgetown University Medical Center, Washington DC, July
Killer Immunoglobulin Like Receptors: Genetic Diversity and Immune Response. Department of Transfusion Medicine, NIH,
Bethesda MD, December, 2007.
The Search for a “Compatible” Hematopoetic Stem Cell Donor. Australasian and South East Asian Tissue Typing Association,
Chiangmai, Thailand, November, 2006.
14 International HLA & Immunogenetics Workshop: Bone Marrow Donor Registries Project Summary. 6th International
Donor Registry Conference. Capetown, South Africa, May 2006.
World Marrow Donor Association Accreditation – A Worldwide Quality Initiative. Asia Pacific Donor Registry Conference,
Hualien, Taiwan, April 2006.
Designing an HLA Typing System for Newly Recruited Volunteer Donors. Asia Pacific Donor Registry Conference, Hualien,
Taiwan, April 2006.
The Search Algorithm: Overcoming HLA Complexity to Find the Best Match. Asia Pacific Donor Registry Conference,
Hualien, Taiwan, April 2006.
World Marrow Donor Association Accreditation-A Worldwide Quality Initiative, German National Bone Marrow Registry
(ZKRD), Ulm, Germany, October, 2004.
Bone Marrow Registries. Sociedade Brasileira De Transplante De Medula Ossea. Ouro Preto, Minas Gerais, Brazil, October
HLA, an Overview. Sociedade Brasileira De Transplante De Medula Ossea. Ouro Preto, Minas Gerais, Brazil, October 2003.
Unrelated Donor Search Strategies. Sociedade Brasileira De Transplante De Medula Ossea. Ouro Preto, Minas Gerais, Brazil,
October 2003.
HLA Diversity: Detection and Impact on Unrelated Hematopoietic Stem Cell Donor Characterization and Selection. The 29th
World Congress of the International Society of Hematology conference. Seoul, Korea, August, 2002.
WMDA Accreditation Update. The 4th International Donor Registry Conference. Oslo, Norway, June, 2002.
Registry Typing and Donor Sorting Strategies. The 4 th International Donor Registry Conference. Oslo, Norway, June, 2002.
HLA Typing Technology, QC and Informatics: Overview of the HLA technology component for the 13 th workshop. 13th
International Histocompatibility Workshop. Victoria, British Columbia, Canada, May, 2002.
Impact of HLA Nomenclature on Registry Informatics. 13 th International Histocompatibility Workshop. Victoria, British
Columbia, Canada, May, 2002.
Designing a Typing System for a Hematopoietic Stem Cell Registry. 13th International Histocompatibility Workshop. Victoria,
British Columbia, Canada, May, 2002.
State of the Art: DNA Testing Methodologies for HLA. 13 th International Histocompatibility Workshop. Victoria, British
Columbia, Canada, May, 2002.
Technology and Informatics: Report from the 13 th International Histocompatibility Workshop, Seattle, WA, May, 2002.
Optimizing the Search for an HLA Matched Unrelated Donor. European Blood and Marrow Transplant Meeting. Montreux,
Switzerland, March, 2002.
Standards and Accreditation, an International Review. National Forum on Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation from
Unrelated Donors. Ottawa, Canada, November, 2000.
Network Contingency Planning. National Marrow Donor Program Council meeting, Minneapolis, MN, September, 2000.
HLA, Search Determinants, and Finding a Match. Forum on Allogeneic Unrelated Cord Blood Banking and Transplantation,
NHLBI, NIH, Bethesda, MD, August, 2000.
The Impact of Genetic Diversity on the Creation of Unrelated HSC Registries and the Search for a Matched Donor. National
Academy of Medicine, Mexico City, August, 2000.
DNA Typing to Detect HLA Diversity: The Increasing Role of DNA Sequencing in the HLA Laboratory. Incorporating
Quality Control and Quality Assurance into the DNA-Based HLA Typing Laboratory: Guidelines for All Approaches
Including Sequence and Informatics. The Role of Histocompatibility Molecules Other Than HLA-A,B and DRB1 in
February 13, 2016
Selecting a Stem Cell Donor. The Search for Unrelated Hematopoetic Stem Cell Donors: Coping with HLA Diversity.
4th Meeting on Bone Marrow Transplantation and Malignant Hemopathies. Curitiba, Brazil, July, 2000.
Beyond HLA-A,-B,-DR: The Role of Other Histocompatibility Molecules in Unrelated Hematopoietic Stem Cell
Transplantation. Institut für Immunologie, Universitätsklinikum Essen, Essen, Germany, May, 2000.
Linking serology and DNA HLA assignments: Strategies to maximize the use of all registry data. Third International Unrelated
Donor Registries Conference, Ulm, Germany, May, 2000.
Identification of HLA Types: Challenges of the Changing Technology. Emily Cooley Scientific Symposium, American
Association of Blood Banks annual meeting, San Francisco, CA, November, 1999.
Beyond HLA-A,-B,-DR. National Marrow Donor Program Annual Council Meeting, Minneapolis, October, 1999.
Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation: HLA Issues in the Selection of Unrelated Donors. Grand Rounds, U.S.H.H.S.
Human Resources and Services Administration, Division of Transplantation, Rockville, MD, August, 1999.
DNA Testing in the International Histocompatibility Workshop, Second Annual Donor Registries Meeting, Paris, France, July,
Strategies for Marrow Donor Typing: U.S. National Marrow Donor Program. Austrian Bone Marrow Donors, Klinische
Abteilung fur Blutgruppenserologie, Allgemeines Krankenhaus, Vienna, Austria, March, 1999.
Collection and Use of DNA-Based HLA Data. American Society for Histocompatibility and Immunogenetics, Vancouver,
Canada, 1998.
Relevance of Molecular Typing vs. Serology and Cellular Techniques for Transplant Outcome. Instituto Nacional De
Diagnostico Y Referencia Epidemiologicos, Mexico City, Mexico, July, 1998.
Theoretical and Clinical Aspects of the Selection of Unrelated Donors. Pediatric Hematology/Oncology, Walter Reed Army
Medical Center, Washington, DC, January, 1998.
Acquisition and Use of DNA Typing Data in Bone Marrow Registries. One Lambda HLA Clinical Histocompatibility
Workshop. Cancun, Mexico, February, 1997.
HLA Diversity: Effect on Immune Function. Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine-DC section, Bethesda, MD,
January, 1997.
Acquisition and Use of DNA Typing Data in Bone Marrow Registries. 12th International Histocompatibility Workshop, St.
Malo and Paris, France, June, 1996.
Standardization of HLA Typing Nomenclature in Unrelated Bone Marrow Transplantation. European Group for Blood and
Marrow Transplantation Congress, Vienna, Austria, March, 1996.
HLA Diversity and the Search for a Compatible Donor. Lombardi Cancer Center Seminar Series, Washington, DC, February,
Overview of HLA: Limitations and Clinical Correlations of Serologic Testing. American Society of Hematology (ASH),
Seattle, WA, December, 1995.
The Impact of HLA Diversity on Function. Cancer Center Conference, University of Minnesota Medical Center, Minneapolis
MN, May, 1995.
Update on Molecular Genetic Methods for HLA. South-Eastern Organ Procurement Foundation Annual Meeting, Ashville NC,
May, 1995.
HLA Diversity and Its Effect on Peptide Binding. Asthma and Allergy Center, Department of Medicine, Johns Hopkins,
Baltimore MD, December, 1994.
HLA Diversity: Implications for HLA Typing and HLA Function. Department of Transfusion Medicine, NIH, Bethesda MD,
November, 1994.
Strategies for HLA Typing. National Marrow Donor Program Council Meeting. Minneapolis MN, October, 1994.
Bone Marrow Transplantation. American Society for Histocompatibility and Immunogenetics, Pittsburgh, PA, October, 1994.
The Effect of DR3 Microvariation on the Human Immune Response. Flinders University, Adelaide, Australia, June, 1993.
Bone Marrow Registry--The United States Experience. Red Cross of Southern Australia, Adelaide, Australia, June, 1993.
HLA Diversity and Bone Marrow Transplantation. Royal Adelaide Hospital, Adelaide, Australia, June, 1993.
Basic DNA Biology/DNA Technology as Applied to the MHC. South-Eastern Organ Procurement Foundation Annual
Meeting, Norfolk, VA, May, 1993.
The Effect of HLA Diversity on the Human Immune Response. Department of Microbiology, Bowman Gray Medical Center,
Winston-Salem, NC, March, 1993.
DNA Technologies in HLA Typing. Department of Transfusion Medicine, NIH, Bethesda, MD, March, 1993.
HLA Diversity in African Americans. Third International Samuel L. Kountz Synmposium on Renal Diesase and
Transplantation in Blacks, Washington, DC, March, 1993.
The MHC Complex. Plenary lecture. American Society for Histocompatibility and Immunogenetics, Kansas City, KS,
October, 1992.
DNA Typing for the NMDP. American Society for Histocompatibility and Immunogenetics, Kansas City, KS, October, 1992.
The Future of HLA Typing: Use of DNA Technologies. 11th Annual Symposium Immunohematology and Blood Transfusion,
National Institutes of Health, Washington, DC, September, 1992.
February 13, 2016
Structural Studies of the T Cell Receptors Expressed by Alloreactive T Cell Clones Specific for Microvariants of HLA-DR1.
Lombardi Cancer Research Center, Georgetown University, Washington DC, May, 1992.
The Future of HLA Typing: Use of DNA Technologies. Mid-Atlantic Association of Blood Banks, Fredericksburg, VA, April,
Structural Studies of the T Cell Receptors Expressed by Alloreactive T Cell Clones Specific for Microvariants of HLA-DR1.
Southwestern Medical School, Dallas, TX, February, 1992.
The Effect of HLA-DR Microvariation on Immune Recognition. Department of Microbiology, Georgetown University,
Washington DC, February, 1992.
The Future of HLA Typing: Use of Molecular Biology Techniques. Division of Hematology, Department of Medicine,
Georgetown University, Washington, DC, January, 1992.
The Future of HLA Typing: Use of DNA Technologies. Transfusion Medicine 92 Workshop, American Association of Blood
Banks, Crystal City, VA, January, 1992.
HLA Diversity in Human Populations. Immunology International, First International Immunology Symposium, Hyonam
Kidney Laboratory, Soon Chun Hyang University, Seoul, Korea, November, 1991.
HLA Typing - Methods to Deal with Diversity in the Human Population. Department of Transfusion Medicine, NIH. Bethesda,
MD, February, 1991.
The Impact of Molecular Biology on the Future of HLA Typing. One Lambda Technical Workshop. Palm Springs, CA,
January, 1991.
HLA Diversity in the Human Population. Immunogenetics Section, National Cancer Institute. Frederick, MD. May, 1990.
HLA Diversity in the Human Population. American Red Cross. Rockville, MD, May 1990.
HLA Diversity in the Human Population. Plenary lecture. American Society for Histocompatibility and Immunogenetics, Los
Angeles, CA, November, 1990.
HLA Diversity in Human Populations. Blood Center of Southeastern Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI, December, 1990.
HLA Typing Methods for the Future. South-Eastern Organ Procurement Foundation Annual Histocompatibility Workshop,
Toledo, OH, May, 1990.
Reducing Transplant Rejection in Blacks. National Science Writers Briefing, New York, NY, March, 1990.
The Structure of Hla Molecules. Fourth Annual HLA Technical Workshop, Kahuku, Hawaii, February, 1990.
Histocompatibility Molecules in American Blacks. Evolution of Immune Response Genes. Department of Immunology, Walter
Reed Army Research Institute, Washington, DC, April, 1989.
Was Eve a DR5?--HLA: a Legacy of Human Evolution. The Second International Symposium on Renal Disease and
Transplantation in Blacks, Arlington, VA, March, 1989.
HLA Diversity in the Human Population. Department of Transfusion Medicine, NIH, Bethesda, MD, December, 1989.
Histocompatibility Antigens and Their Significance in Transplantation. Washington Hospital Center, Washington, DC,
November, 1988.
Histocompatibility Molecules in American Blacks. International Center for Interdisciplinary Studies of Immunology and the
Department of Laboratory Medicine, Georgetown University, November, 1988.
T Cell Receptors, Autoimmunity, and Transplantation. National Kidney Foundation of the National Capital Area, Washington,
DC, September, 1988.
Polymorphism of the HLA-D Region in the American Black Population. Department of Microbiology, University of Texas
Health Science Center at Dallas, May, 1987.
Polymorphism of the HLA-D Region in the American Black Population. Blood Center of Southeastern Wisconsin, Milwaukee,
WI, May, 1987.
Protein Sequencing and Studies on Human Histocompatibility Molecules. Naval Medical Research Institute, Washington, DC,
October, 1984.