PEMBINA TRAILS SCHOOL DIVISION READING CONTINUUM STUDENT: __________________________ PRECONVENTIONAL EMERGING Ages 3 - 5 Ages 4 - 6 Begins to choose reading materials Has favorites Shows interest in reading signs, labels and logos Recognizes own name in print Enjoys being read to Holds book and turns pages correctly Shows beginning/end of book or story Knows some letter names Listens and responds to literature Comments on illustrations in books Participates in group reading Participates in rhyming games Knows some pattern books and poems, by heart Begins to read signs, labels and logos Demonstrates eagerness to read Pretends to read Uses illustrations to help tell stories "Reads" top to bottom, and left to right Knows most letter names and connects some sounds with letters in words Recognizes some names and words in context Makes meaningful predictions with guidance Rhymes and plays with words Realizes that print carries a message Makes links to own experiences BRIDGING FLUENT Ages 8 - 11 Reads medium level chapter books Reads/finishes a variety of materials Reads aloud with expression Enjoys reading silently Uses reference materials to locate I information Begins to use information from graphs, charts, tables, and maps Uses context cues/ other reading strategies/ resources to develop vocabulary Demonstrates understanding of the difference between fact and opinion Uses multi-step written directions Responds to issues/ ideas in literature Begins to use reasons/ examples to support ideas and opinions Types of Texts and Oral Reading Highlighter Colours by Grade K Attitude 1 Ages 9 - 12 Reads challenging children's literature Selects, reads, and finishes a wide variety of genres Reads aloud with fluency and expression Reads silently for extended periods (30 - 40 minutes) Gathers information using the table of contents, captions, glossary, and index Uses all cueing systems to gain meaning Begins to use various resources to locate information and expand vocabulary Begins to gain deeper meaning by "reading between the lines" Generates thoughtful responses to literature Begins to set goals and identify strategies to improve reading Reading Strategies 2 3 4 Comprehension and Response 5 6 7 DEVELOPING Ages 5 - 7 Reads books with simple patterns Begins to read own writing Begins to read independently for short periods (5 - 10 minutes) Shares favorite reading materials Uses pictures and context to check meaning Uses finger-print-voice matching Knows most letter names and sounds Recognizes simple words Begins to make meaningful predictions Identifies titles and authors in literature Relies heavily on beginning sounds when reading unfamiliar text Retells main event or idea in literature Maps stories with some detail Sees self as reader Explains literature likes/dislikes PROFICIENT Ages 10 -13 Reads complex children's literature Reads and understands informational texts with guidance Uses resources to locate information Begins to integrate information from multiple sources to deepen understanding and vocabulary Identifies literary devices. Discusses literature with reference to theme, author's purpose, style, and craft Reads "between the lines" for deeper meaning Uses increasingly complex vocabulary in oral and written response to literature Uses reasons and examples to support ideas and conclusions Self-evaluation 8 S1 BEGINNING Ages 6 - 8 EXPANDING Ages 7 - 9 Reads early-reader books Reads simple chapter books Reads and follows simple written directions with guidance Uses basic punctuation when reading Reads independently (10-15 min) Learns information from reading Uses meaning and sentence cues Uses letter/sound cues and patterns Recognizes high frequency sight words Slows down when reading difficult text Begins to self-correct Retells beginning, middle, end Discusses characters, setting, events Identifies own reading behaviors with guidance CONNECTING Ages 11 - 14 Reads complex children's literature and young adult literature Selects, reads, and finishes a wide variety of genres independently Begins to choose challenging reading materials and projects Uses information from graphs, charts, tables and maps Integrates information from multiple sources to deepen understanding and vocabulary Sustains small group literature discussions Generates in-depth written responses Seeks recommendations and opinions about literature Begins to develop criteria for evaluating literature Sets reading challenges and goals Reads beginning chapter books Chooses, reads and finishes a variety of materials at appropriate level Silent reads for longer periods Uses word structure syllabication cues Begins to use meaning cues to increase vocabulary Self-corrects for meaning Follows written directions Identifies chapters/ table of contents Retells story events sequentially Makes personal connections in literature Compares/contrasts characters and story events Begins to "read between the lines" Identifies own reading strategies and sets goals with guidance INDEPENDENT Reads young adult and adult literature Chooses and comprehends a wide variety of sophisticated materials Reads and understands informational texts Reads challenging material for pleasure Reads challenging material for information and to solve problems Perseveres through complex reading tasks Gathers information from various sources independantly Analyzes literary devices, eg. metaphors, imagery, satire, irony etc. Evaluates, interprets and analyzes reading content critically Pursues a widening community of readers independently 2001 Assiniboine South School Division (adapted from Bonnie Campbell-Hill 2000 & Frontier School Division Continuums) independently Types of Texts and Oral Reading Highlighter Colours by Grade K Attitude 1 Reading Strategies 2 3 4 Comprehension and Response 5 6 7 Self-evaluation 8 S1 2001 Assiniboine South School Division (adapted from Bonnie Campbell-Hill 2000 & Frontier School Division Continuums)